Read Burmese Days Online

Authors: George Orwell

Tags: #Literary, #General, #Historical, #Fiction

Burmese Days (38 page)

Elizabeth accepted him gladly. He was rather old, perhaps, but a Deputy Commissioner is not to be despised--certainly he was a far better match than Flory. They are very happy. Mr Macgregor was always a good-hearted man, but he has grown more human and likeable since his marriage. His voice booms less, and he has given up his morning exercises. Elizabeth has grown mature surprisingly quickly, and a certain hardness of manner that always belonged to her has become accentuated. Her servants live in terror of her, though she speaks no Burmese. She has an exhaustive knowledge of the Civil List, gives charming little dinner-parties and knows how to put the wives of subordinate officials in their places--in short, she fills with complete success the position for which Nature had designed her from the first, that of a burra memsahib.

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