Read Build a Love (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Online

Authors: Suzy Shearer

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Build a Love (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (11 page)

We went to dinners, out for picnics. Went to the movies. Stayed in and watched DVDs. My past life was gone, it held no more fears for me. It no longer had any power over me.

Today, I’d finished another illustration which would make Vince a happy man. Dinner was a quick cheese and tomato omelette, I’m not much of a cook. I cleaned the house a little and then watched an hour or so of TV.

Changing into my nightie, decided I would lie in bed and read. I wandered out to have a look at the studio, trying to visualise how it would look when it was finished. There wasn’t that much left to do.

I was just about to jump into bed when the phone rang.


“Hello, beautiful.” “Hi, babe!”

Two sexy male voices greeted me.

“Hi. I didn’t expect to hear from you two.”

“We’re just lying here relaxing and deciding to annoy you.”

I got all excited and gave myself a little hug. I put the phone on speaker and climbed into bed.

“What are you doing?”

“Well, Marco is watching TV and I’m working because he’s too lazy.”

“Don’t believe him! I offered to help,” Marco shouted.

“Working? Gee that’s tough.”

“Finished now. What are you doing?”

“In bed, I was about to read.”

“What are you reading, babe? Something sexy?”

I laughed. “Guess so, it’s just a bodice ripper.”

I heard Bryan snort.


“They are so corny. What are you up to, is it a sex scene?”

I am sure they could feel me blushing through the phone.


“Read it.”


“Please, babe.” Marco sounded like a little boy pleading with me.


Bryan started laughing. “Chicken.”

“I’m not.”

“Well, read it.”

“Okay I will.”

Determined to prove them wrong, I took a deep breath and opened the book. I flicked through till I found a sex scene. I cleared my throat.

“‘Antonio De Chenzo…’”

There was a sputter of laughter down the phone from them both.

“Antonio? Oh, please!”

“Do you want me to read this or not?”

“Sorry, please. We’re all ears.”

“‘Antonio pulled aside the thin fabric with his hands. She swooned as his fingers brushed against her swollen points.’”

“You’re joking?” Marco could barely contain his laughter. “That’s supposed to be exciting?”

“Oh and I supposed you could do better.”

“Not me, but Bryan could.”

“Okay, I’m listening.”

I could hear Marco egging Bryan on. He coughed and then replied.

“Antonio’s large masculine hand gripped the filmy fabric and ripped it apart. Her full breasts spilt free and she swooned as his fingers pinched her hard nipples.”

“Hey, hon, that was good!”

I heard Marco give Bryan a kiss. Dammit, it was good, and I was wishing I could get a kiss, too. Bryan spoke again, but his voice was husky, more sexy.

“Are you wearing something filmy?”

Breathlessly I answered, “Yes.”

“Take it off.”

There was silence from the boy’s end. I thought about it, then figured, why not?


I heard a sigh.

“Get your little purple friend and then close your eyes.”

I rummaged in the drawer and found my rabbit.

“Lie back. Now run your fingers across your bottom lip.”

I remembered how it felt each time Bryan had done that. I did as he asked.

“I remember how you trembled under my fingers when I did that. Can you feel me press my lips to yours? Can you feel Marco? You’re lying against his naked chest.”

All I could do was whisper “yes.”

“As I kiss your lips, he is kissing your neck.”

“His hands are running up and down your arms, they brush your nipples as they pass.”


“Use your hand to run your finger across your nipples.”

I did as he asked. They got harder.

I hear Marco. “Let me feel them, let me rub them between my fingers.”

“And let me drop my mouth to one.” Bryan purred.

I bit my bottom lip.

“It’s beautiful. I love to suck and lick it.”

“I want to feel between your legs, babe, let me.”

Marco’s voice made me get so wet as he continued.

“Use your fingers and tell me, are you wet?”

I gasped. “Yes.”

“Push a finger between those wet silky lips while Bryan sucks your tits.”

I threw my head back, my hand between my legs. I heard heavy breathing down the phone.

“Tell me,” I whispered. “Tell me what you’re doing.”

“Bryan has my cock in his hand. He’s rubbing it up and down.”

I couldn’t explain it, but it excited me even more.

“Tell me,” I whispered.

Marco’s voice was filled with passion as he whispered in turn.

“Suck it, hon. Take it in your mouth.”

“I want to see. I want…I want to.”

Marco groaned. He was breathing faster. I could hear a faint whispers of Bryan breathing and sucking. I rubbed my clit with a finger.

“What are you doing?” Marco gasped.


“Your clit?”


I heard Marco whisper to Bryan. “Ah. Good.” Then he groaned to me. “Use your purple cock, turn it on and push it inside.”

I switched on my rabbit and began thrusting in and out my wet pussy. The ears of the bunny caressing my clit.

“Oh hon, yes, fuck yes.”

This was such a turn-on, I was close to coming just listening to them both and now feeling my rabbit inside me.

“Babe? Babe I’m going come in Bryan’s mouth. You fucking yourself?”

“Yes.” My pants were getting louder, in time with the boys.

“Fuck. Come with me!”

“I will, I am!” I shouted.

I heard Marco shout out Bryan’s name as he came. I just screamed. I lay back on the pillows. My breathing was so fast, I was trying to bring it down. There was panting from the other end of the phone.

“Oh, babe.” Marco gasped. “That, shit—that was amazing!”

I couldn’t find any words to express what I felt. I only know I have never been more excited in my life. Who would ever guess phone sex could be fun?

I heard someone moving. Then Bryan spoke.

“You’re amazing. I just wish we were there with you.”

Softly, I replied, “I do to.”

“We’ll be back late tomorrow, but can we see you on Thursday?”

“Yes. Yes I’d like that.” I took a breath. “Maybe you could come to dinner then. Mind you, my cooking isn’t up to Bryan’s as you both know.”

Bryan just laughed. “We’ll be there.”

“What do you want to eat?”

I heard Marco’s laughing “you.”

“We’ll discuss that when we see you. But if you’re asking about food, then you know we eat anything.”

I blushed.

“Get some sleep, babe. We’ll see you Thursday night.”

“Yes, sweet dreams sweetheart. See you Thursday.”

“Night. Behave yourselves.”

With their laughter ringing in my ears, I hung up the phone. I lay there. I felt, well, I felt good. For the first time in over twelve years, I felt relaxed and really happy. For the first time in my life, I felt so different. All feminine, giggly, warm, and smiling nonstop.

I had a feeling that this was what being in love feels like.

Chapter Ten


Over the next three months Marco, Bryan, and I got closer and closer. We fell into a routine—dinner on Friday nights with Andy and Vince, dinner out somewhere a few times a week. Outings on the weekends, if the boys had no work commitments. Sometimes they slept over but most of the time I slept there. My bed was a double and not meant for three, especially when Bryan was built like a weightlifter and tall as a tree. Their bed had been custom made and there was plenty of room for me to wriggle in between them.

It got to the point where I hated sleeping alone at home on the few occasions I did.

One Sunday we went to the zoo. I felt like a kid again. I had so much fun. Marco and I were running all over the zoo like maniacs, Bryan was more sedate. We kept taking lots of pictures of ourselves. Bryan kept photobombing ones with Marco and I.

Another time we went for a picnic.

The sun had been shining when we left and the boys drove me up into the mountains. We wandered along through bush tracks, found a tiny waterfall and had a great time. We settled down to eat when the clouds starting building up. We took no notice until an enormous clap of thunder sent us scurrying. By the time we got back to the car, we were all soaked but it didn’t matter. We played tag in the rain, laughing and falling over.

More wonderful memories were being built.

There was a large art gallery in the next city and we drove over and spent the day wandering through it. I was worried they may have been bored but soon discovered that they both had a great eye. They would drag me to one painting and we would stand and discuss it before heading off to another.

With every passing day, I knew I was falling in love deeper and deeper with these two wonderful men. My past fears were all behind me. I finally knew that was had happened was now only a bitter memory that I rarely recalled.

Vince and Andy both remarked they liked the “new” me. Vince said he was proud that I had taken a chance. I was happy. Not only because of meeting my two men but because the four of them were fast becoming great friends, too.

My extension was finished and the boys helped me move everything back in. When they cleared out the old map cabinet, they found a lot of old paintings that I had kept.

“These are wonderful, Harry. Why are they just shoved in here?”

“I always intended to frame them and hang them. I would’ve liked to add a gallery to the extension but money and space just didn’t allow it.”

“Certainly not enough space here. Shame.” Marco was sitting on the old cabinet and holding one of the paintings. “If you had the space and money, what would you do different?”

“Gee, now you’re asking. Well, I guess if money and space weren’t an object. That wall between these two rooms I would have as moveable. One room would be double the size. That way, if I wanted to, I could hold classes.”

I waved my arms around. “Would love a big storage room. Canvases, rolls of paper, paints and stuff take up so much room, as you can see.”

I grinned at them both. “Um…if I dreaming then I’d love a huge gallery. A couple of rooms where I could hang everything. Maybe have other artists’ work as well on exhibition at times.”

“You could still have a separate gallery somewhere.”

“True but I’d love it attached. More chance of commissions. Wouldn’t have to employ someone to look after it all the time, maybe just weekends. Plus I could work even while it was open.”

“That makes sense. Anything else?”

“Nice to have a dais in here. Lots of windows, good lightning.” I shook my head. “Still, this is a vast improvement over what I’ve been working in and I didn’t have to get into debt to do it.”

Bryan had been going through all the painting as I was trying to pack them in the new drawers. “I like this one.”

He held it up, it was a nude. I was surprised that he picked it, he had passed a number of different nudes of various people that I considered excellent. I blushed. I knew what he would see in the next half dozen or so. It was a series of self-nudes I had done.

True to my thoughts, he flipped over to the next one and looked at it. Standing, he spread them across the floor. There were eight of them, I realised. He looked at me.

“These are you.”

I could only nod. Marco got off the cabinet and stood alongside Bryan.

“Oh yeah, that’s our girl all right. Babe, these are…well, they’re beautiful like you.”

Marco came over and took my hand.

“Can we buy them please?”

“What on earth for?”


“Fine, you can have them. They were just something I was trying.”

I was embarrassed but at the same time, I was trying to be cavalier. I actually thought they were some of the best I’d done. Some were done with pastels and others with watercolours. For some inexplicable reason they just worked. I’d kept them private because I wondered if I would ever be able to paint something as good again.

Bryan searched my face.

“You put them in there because you knew how good they were, didn’t you? You wondered if you’d do it again.”

I gasped.

“How did you…?”

“I know you sweetheart. I’m learning how to read you. If you’d rather we didn’t take them, well, we understand.”

“No you can have them.”

“You do know we’re going to have them framed and hung in the bedroom.”

I started to laugh.

“I mean it, sweetie, these are amazing.”

I had a thought.

“So when can I paint you two?”

Marco grinned in delight. Bryan was more reserved.

“Go on, Bryan, if you can have nudes of me, then I can have nudes of you two.”

“Of course he will.”

I didn’t press the matter but I knew I would be painting them soon.

Marco found another painting he liked. It was a rather large still life, something I don’t normally paint but it was a very Italian-looking foodie thing with garlic bulbs, olives, cheese, and an old-fashioned olive oil bottle. It was all set on a wooden board. It looked rustic but warm and friendly. I liked it. I’d actually forgotten it was there. In fact, I thought I had sold it. I must have confused it with something else.

“Babe? Can I have this? I’ll pay for it, naturally.”

“You can have it. It’s just been sitting in the drawer for a few years.”

Bryan looked over his shoulder at it. He grinned at him and kissed his cheek.

“I know why you want it. It’s perfect.”

“Why do you want it?”

“It’s Mama’s birthday later in the year, it’s her sixty-fifth. We’ve been wracking our brains trying to think of something for her. This would be perfect. We can get it framed and it can hang in the kitchen. When you see her kitchen you’ll understand.”

I caught the nuance—it wasn’t if, it was when.

“Which reminds me, babe. We’re going there for lunch tomorrow. It’s the monthly get together.”

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