Breakout (A Dallas Demons Hockey Romance) (12 page)

“What are you thinking of?” I say, furrowing my brow. “Remember, this isn’t an episode of
Gossip Girl,
” I say, referring to one of our guilty Netflix pleasures.

“Two can play this game,” Kenley declares, swiping her phone off the coffee table.

“Who are you calling?”

“The one expert we have in our back pocket for hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” Kenley says devilishly. “We have CiCi on our team.”


Kenley puts out her hand to silence me. “Mom? Hi . . . Very good, but Lexi and I need your help . . .”

I stare in shock as Kenley fills her mother in on the latest developments between me and Niko, and then she passes the phone to me.

“Mom wants to talk to you.”

I put the phone to my ear. “Hi, CiCi.”

“Darling Lexi,” CiCi says soothingly, “don’t you worry. We’re going to get his attention on Saturday night. I’m on it. The Greek One will realize he’s screwed up, as most men except for
Nate and Ryan
are prone to do, and he’ll be
to speak with you, mark my words.”

“CiCi, I don’t know. I said some horri—”

“Listen to me,” CiCi interrupts. “
That Bimbo With the Ridiculous Implants
—I pulled up that slut’s account on Connectivity while Kenley was talking—doesn’t stand a
when we take action. And neither will The Greek One.”

Then she hangs up.

I put Kenley’s phone down on the sofa. At this point I probably don’t have a choice but to put all my cards in CiCi’s hands for Saturday.

And I pray she can somehow come up with a royal flush on Casino Night.

Chapter 16

The One Online Dating Service Profile Question:
Do you have a jealous streak?

My write-in answer:
When it involves a genetically blessed woman with surgical enhancements who could be a Victoria’s Secret model, then yes. YES I DO.

I stand outside the Grand Ballroom at the ultra-chic Jourdin Dallas Hotel. I draw a nervous breath of air and fight the nausea that is attacking my stomach.

It’s Casino Night.

And Operation
The Greek One
is about to get underway.

I pace for a bit before making my entrance. The fringe of my black cocktail dress sways back and forth as I move. I catch a glimpse of myself in the glass window of the ballroom, and I hardly believe it’s me I’m looking at. I’m wearing this gorgeous fringe dress which makes me feel sexy. I have on glittery high-heeled Jimmy Choo sandals, ones my mother bought me last year and that I swore I’d never go anyplace where I could actually wear them. My auburn hair is swept back into a loose chignon, and my lips are matte red.

I open my matching Jimmy Choo sparkle clutch and retrieve my cell phone. I message everyone with a WhatsApp group text that I’m outside the ballroom and wait for instructions. If so much weren’t riding on this I’d laugh at the absurdity of what I’m about to do. But since Niko hasn’t responded to my text, and didn’t even come into the office Friday like he always does, I had no choice but to put myself into CiCi’s hands.

And attempt to make him see what he’s missing.


I glance down and see that Holly has messaged me:

Go to the back of the ballroom. Niko is at a craps table. He looks miserable. Heads up, Kimberlee is at his side.

Oh God. Did Niko really ask her to be his date? I thought he said that out of anger. Is that why he didn’t reply to my text? Tears prick my eyes at the thought.


Now CiCi has replied:

That Booby Bimbo doesn’t stand a chance. Make your entrance, Darling

Before I can respond, another text drops in, this time, from Amanda:

If he asked her he’s an idiot.


Now Kenley has responded:

He didn’t. No way. I’m with CiCi at the blackjack table where Nate is dealing.

I take a moment to compose myself. I blink any form of tears away and draw a breath of air. This is it. If I’m going to get Niko’s attention and get him to talk to me, now is the time to do it.

Determination fills me. I draw myself up tall in my gorgeous shoes. Okay, so I did make a mistake in thinking what I did.

But I also deserve a chance to explain myself.

And right now I’m going to get it.

I stride into the ballroom, which has a sexy vibe to it thanks to the backlit blue lighting and amazing crystal chandeliers lighting the massive room. All around me I see women in gorgeous dresses and men in sharp suits, milling around gaming tables or selecting items from the elaborate buffets. Laughter, conversation, and music fill the air. I check in at the reception table, and a woman cheerfully puts a wristband on my left wrist and explains what is going on, from games to the silent auction, but I barely comprehend what she’s saying. I politely nod, thank her for the information, and head toward the gaming area.

I move through the crowd with purpose, determined to find Niko. I locate Nate dealing at a table. CiCi has Kenley seated to her left, and on the right she’s next to Peter Deveraux, the famous hotel mogul and owner of the Dallas Demons. He’s talking to her, and CiCi throws her head back and laughs at what he’s said.

If I didn’t have my own drama going on, I’d be fixated on this. CiCi usually hates men, but since Kenley started dating Nate and she began seeing a life coach, she’s changed. And now—is she flirting with the owner of the
Once my own love life is straightened out, I need to find out more about that.

I glance at the next table, a roulette wheel, and Harrison Flynn is manning that game. He’s grinning and encouraging his players while Kylie, his wife, is sitting at the end of the table, waiting for her turn to play.

I keep searching and I finally locate the craps table. At first I see Kimberlee, who is dressed in a stupid-short Lycra dress, one that is completely unprofessional for someone working the event as a reporter. A stab of jealousy rips through me, because even though she’s dressed like an idiot, there’s no doubt her body is amazing. With her perfect breasts, long legs, and amazing mane of Keratin treated hair, she’s

And then my eyes fall upon Niko.

I stop dead in my tracks. Jealousy takes a backseat as I gaze at him from where I stand. My heart slams against my ribs in response. My throat goes dry. I can’t breathe properly.

Because Niko’s never looked hotter than he does at this very moment.

Niko’s dressed in a sharp black suit with a crisp white dress shirt. He has on a platinum tie but holy hell, Niko’s got on a
. He’s wearing a freaking three-piece-suit that makes him look sexy as hell.

He takes a sip of the cocktail he’s holding and turns his head in my direction.

And then his eyes meet mine.

My heart pounds rapidly. Niko’s gorgeous eyes widen the second he sees me. His lips part, like he’s drawn a sharp breath of air, and his eyes flicker over me. An electric feeling shoots down my spine in response. His gaze is intense, and his eyes are on no one but me.

Right now I know I’m the only woman in this ballroom to him.

I slowly move forward to the craps table, my eyes locked in on him. Niko’s gaze doesn’t waver, not for a second.

Holly has placed herself next to Niko, which is according to CiCi’s plan.

Now I find myself right in front of Niko. His Mediterranean Sea colored eyes still haven’t left me.

“Hey, Lexi, you finally made it,” Holly cries out happily, right according to her script. “It’s so good to see you again.”

Then she hugs me and whispers in my ear as I stare over her shoulder. “It’s go time.”

I nod and step back from the beautiful brunette, the one with Nate’s dark brown hair and eyes. “Glad you could come in from Northwestern,” I say, shifting my gaze to her.

“Me, too. And soon I graduate,” Holly says, her espresso-colored eyes sparkling at me.

“Congratulations,” I say.

Then I turn to Niko. “Hi,” I say softly.

Niko is silent for a moment. Fear grips me. Is he still not going to speak to me? My heart crashes into my stomach. Is what I’ve done so horrible that he will never forgive me?

He finally clears his throat. “You . . . you look gorgeous.”

“Wow, Lexi, I almost didn’t
you,” Kimberlee interrupts.

I stiffen. I resist the urge to grab Niko’s drink and dump it over her head.

“I mean, you’re so dressed up,” Kimberlee continues.

“Well, she’d look like an idiot if she dressed like this for an edit session,” Holly quips. “Of course, the guys at TATS would love it I’m sure.”

I mentally rock five with Holly. I can’t think right now, but thank God Holly can.

“Speaking of guys,” Holly says, tucking her arm through mine. “I have someone you have to meet tonight. My brother thinks JP is perfect for you.”

Niko stands straight up. His gaze darkens, and his brow furrows.

“JP?” he asks.

Kimberlee bursts out laughing. “JP Rochat? The player?”

Holly whips her head toward her. “How many JP Rochat’s do you know?”

Kimberlee stops mid-laugh. Apparently she isn’t used to girls like Holly.

Her face twists into one of annoyance. “I don’t think players are here to pick up girls.”

“Maybe not to pick up
” Holly says pointedly. “But my brother thinks JP and Lexi would hit it off.”

Kimberlee snorts. “And who’s your brother? Cupid?”

Holly flashes Kimberlee an evil grin. “No.
Nate Johansson
. Have you heard of him?”

Kimberlee looks like she wants to throw up.

“Nate?” Kimberlee squeaks. “Nate is your brother?”

“Yeah, cool, huh?” Holly says smartly. “Anyway, I’m sure you have some players to interview, right? So we’ll let you go. Besides, I need to introduce Lexi to JP. And Lexi! You should totally bid on him in the date auction. Wouldn’t that be awesome if you won him? He’d be thrilled.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Niko says, setting his drink down on the edge of the craps table.

Holy shit, CiCi is a genius.
It’s working.
I see nothing but jealousy flashing in Niko’s eyes.

“No, it’s not good, it’s brilliant!” Holly declares. “Come on, Lex!”

“See you later, Niko,” I say.

And then I let Holly lead me away from the table.

As soon as we’re out of earshot, Holly leans in to me. “He is
jealous! There’s no one but you for him. Did you see the way Niko was
at you?”

I’m still shaking. I swear I can feel his eyes on my back as we head over to Nate’s table.

“Thank you for agreeing to do this,” I say to Holly.

Holly’s face lights up. “It was fun. Maybe I should consider acting, because lord knows being an author is going to put me into poverty.”

I smile. Holly is studying creative writing at Northwestern, and Kenley has told me she’s an aspiring author.

We reach the blackjack table, and Kenley turns and hugs me. “You look gorgeous. He’s dying. I can see right over your shoulder he is.”

“I hope so,” I say.

“Darling!” CiCi says happily, “I’m so glad you’re here.”

CiCi kisses my cheek. “Now, we need to get The Swiss One over here.”

Peter clears his throat. “I’m sorry, The Swiss One?”

“Yes,” CiCi says breezily. “That gorgeous Swiss hockey player. I need to introduce him to my girl Lexi. Lexi, this is Peter Devereax. He’s been entertaining me this evening.”

“Pleasure,” Peter says, extending his hand to me.

“An honor,” I say, shaking his hand. “What you’ve done with the Demons organization is truly amazing.”

“Thank you,” Peter says. “So you want to meet JP? I’ll get him over here for you.”

He turns over his shoulder and waves to a woman standing a few feet behind him. I quickly realize she’s one of his “people.”

“Please find JP Rochat and bring him over here,” he says.

“Of course,” the woman says, heading off to find JP.

Matt Rhinelander strides up to the table, to where Nate has finished another round. “I’m taking over this table now,” he says, grinning and clapping Nate on the back. “You’re due for fan pictures.”

“Gotcha,” Nate says.

Suddenly Matt stops. “Wow, Holly, you look fantastic,” he says, his blue eyes widening in surprise.

Holly tilts her head to one side. “You’re not used to seeing me without glasses,” she quips.

“No, I’m not. Or a Northwestern hoodie,” Matt teases.

“Well, thank you,” Holly says.

I watch as Nate and Matt change places.

CiCi then excuses herself.

“I’m going to talk to my girls for a moment,” she says smoothly.

Peter places his hand on her arm. “Are you coming back?”

Whoa. He’s looking at CiCi like a lost puppy. CiCi and the owner of the Dallas freaking Demons?

My life really is an episode of
Gossip Girl.

“I’ll meet you back here in fifteen minutes,” CiCi says, patting her platinum-blond hair.

Then she moves us over to one of the many table rounds set up in the room for people to use for eating and drinking.

“He’s still staring,” Kenley announces as she leans across the table.

I feel my face burn hot. “Yeah?”

“Yes!” Kenley and Holly shout at the same time.

CiCi takes a sip of her white wine. “Phase two. You’re going to meet with JP, smile up a storm at him, when he leaves you’ll go to the auction table to get your bidding number. That is when I expect The Greek One will snap and lose it.”

I swallow hard. “And if he doesn’t? If this leads to nothing?”

“Go out with The Swiss One,” CiCi says, as if switching men was as easy as picking a different colored crayon out of a box. “I’ll pay for your bidding.”

“Trust me, that’s not going to happen,” Holly says firmly. “I was right there. Lexi is the only woman in the world for Niko.”

“I agree,” Kenley says.

Amanda quickly walks up to the table. “Okay, I have to be fast or Ryan’s radar will be up on us. He already wants to know why Lexi and Niko aren’t together, and I’m stalling him on asking Niko about it. But how’s it going?”

“Perfectly,” Kenley says excitedly. “JP is due to be over here any second now.”

“Aaaaaaaaaaaah! So exciting!” Amanda says.

“I know, I love being an operative,” Holly adds.

“Next time we’ll work on you,” CiCi says pointedly. “But The Blond One likes you.”

Holly blinks. “Who?”

“Mark,” CiCi says.

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