Read Boss Me Online

Authors: Lacey Black

Boss Me (14 page)

“I want you, too.”

And that’s all it takes.

Will’s hands dive for the button and little metal hook clasps of my grey slacks while my hands are pulling at his belt. Freeing him from the confines of his pants is the only thing I can think about right now. The hurried tugging of our clothes only seems to heighten the anticipation. The need. It’s coursing through the room full force and unstoppable like a freight train open full throttle.

It takes only seconds before both of our pants are falling to our knees. I kick off one black ankle boot so I can remove a single pant leg. Time is critical and removing the other is just unnecessary at the moment. Will grabs his wallet from the back of his pants and pulls out a condom. I grab the bottom of his boxers and give them a quick tug, freeing his length and sending it bouncing in invitation.

My fingers slide along his length as my mouth waters, but apparently Will has other ideas.

“Turn around,” he demands as he sheaths himself in the protection.

I do as I’m told and turn around so I’m facing my desk. Will slides my panties down to my ankles where my slacks sit.

“Lean forward and place your hands on your desk, Carmen.”

Again, I comply, pushing the order forms and vacation requests forward and out of my way. I feel Will pulsing at my entrance as he aligns himself up, sliding oh so slowly inside of me. It’s a welcomed invasion, and I can’t help but push back against him, taking him deeper.

Will grips my hips, slowing my progress. “Not so fast,” he says breathlessly as he holds me still. “God, you’re so fucking tight like this,” he breathes against the side of my face. I turn and look over my shoulder and catch a glimpse of him. His face is tight with pleasure like he’s struggling to remain composed. Well, I don’t want him composed. Will undone is who I crave.

“Don’t hold back,” I tell him, our eyes locking in the most erotic, intense way. His eyes bleed his desire like an open wound.

His primal growl is his only response before his hips pull back and slam into me.  Will instantly sets an intense, hard pace as he takes me from behind against my desk. With each thrust, I feel myself pushed closer and closer to the edge. My body is singing and Will is playing it perfectly like a finely tuned instrument.

I start to tighten around him as he continues to drive me towards ecstasy. His fingers grip my hips firmly in a bruising way, though it’s not painful. Nothing is painful when we’re together like this. This is magic.

I grind back against him as his hands finally move. One drops down and grabs the swollen flesh of my center while the other moves upward and grabs a breast. He pulls me firmly back against him in some sort of erotic hug. A very dirty hug.

Moments later, I’m shattering around him. I feel him pulsing as he slams into me once more, grinding his body against mine one last time. I bite my lower lip to keep the scream at bay while Will sucks my earlobe into his mouth to control his own release. Our breathing is erratic, as we hold on tight, riding out the waves of the joint orgasm.

“Well,” I say, finally finding enough strength to speak.

“Yeah,” he says and kisses the side of my face.

The ringing phone interrupts the moment as reality slams into place. I make a quick grab for the phone on my desk, buried underneath scattered papers, as Will quickly pulls out of me.

“Hello?” I answer all breathy and shaky.

“Carmen, can you come down to my office for a moment?” my boss, Mr. Peterman, says into the phone.

“Yes, of course, sir. I’ll be right there,” I respond before hanging up.

Will is already pulling up his pants when I turn around. Images of what we just did slam into me, hard. I can’t believe I just had sex…in my office…with an employee.

Oh. My. God.

“Hey, don’t go there,” he says as he takes the two steps towards me. He pulls me up against his hard chest and places a kiss on my cheek.

“We just had sex in my office, William. At the hospital. While I’m on the clock.”  I practically choke on the air as I inhale.

Will places both hands on the sides of my face, holding me and gazing deep into my eyes. “Forget all of that. We did it. There’s nothing we can do about that now. We are both so fucking attracted to each other that sometimes, things happen. I’ll do everything in my power to keep it from happening again - here - at work. But, I can’t promise you anything, Carmen. My need and want for you is greater than my willpower,” he says before placing a quick kiss on my lips. “I’m fucking helpless when it comes to you.”

My entire body relaxes into him. His lips are soft as they caress against mine. Fire starts to burn deep within my gut for a second time today.

“Get your pants up, babe. Your boss is waiting for you,” he adds with an ornery gleam in his eyes.

I don’t have to be told twice. I quickly reach down and pull up my panties and pants. I lean my butt against my desk as I slip back on my ankle boot. Making quick work of smoothing out the wrinkles that now appear on my pants, I turn towards Will who’s standing by the door watching.

“Next time we’re alone, I want you in those panties and boots. Nothing else,” he says with a wicked smile filled with the promise of something dirty.

I can’t stop the throaty laugh that erupts from my gut as I shake my head. “Go. I need to get to Gerald’s office,” I say as I grab a notepad and pen and head towards the door.

Before Will turns the lock, he kisses me gently one last time on the lips. “I’ll call you later,” he whispers before walking out the door.

I gather my dignity and my wits before proceeding down the hallway toward my boss’s office, praying that I don’t smell like sex. Unfortunately, the only thing I can’t seem to gather is my thoughts. Those are being held hostage by the shy smile and sparkling blue eyes of the man who just vacated my office.

The man that I hope I can see again later.


Chapter Seven



It’s been a week since our quick – yet insanely hot - little tryst in Carmen’s office. We’ve shared stolen glances in the halls, many late night phone calls and texts, but no more secret rendezvous. I volunteered to work on Wednesday - Christmas Day - since I don’t have any kids. My family gathers in the late afternoon anyway, so it’s no skin off of my back to work until two o’clock.

It’s Christmas Eve and I have a handful of last minute gifts to go buy this morning. Okay. Fine. I have all of my gifts to go buy. It won’t take me very long, though since I only have to get something for Mom and Dad, Bean, Ryder, and Grant. Oh, and maybe something girly for the twins even though they aren’t here yet.

I grab my keys and wallet, throw on my worn, yet comfortable coat, and head out to my car. When I slide into the driver’s seat, my phone rings.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Hey, it’s me. Are you busy?” Carmen says into the phone.

“Nope, getting ready to head out and finish my Christmas shopping,” I tell her with a smile.

“It’s Christmas Eve, William,” she reminds me.

“I know it is, Carmen. You get better prices when you wait until the last minute,” I say. Her laughter fills my ear and brings a smile to my face. “Is Zach with his dad?”

“No. Nick called again and he’s not going to get him until New Year’s Eve, now,” she says. The sorrow and hurt in her voice on her son’s behalf is evident.

“So, he’s just going to hang out at your place while you work today?” I ask.

“Yeah, I think he’s trying to put on a brave face, but I can tell he’s devastated. It’s Christmas Eve.”

“Why don’t I come by and grab him. He can go shopping with me today. You won’t have to worry about him being home alone, and he’ll be out of the house and will get his mind off of the disappointment.”

“Oh, you don’t have to do that. He’ll be fine by himself today,” she says but I can tell she’s not entirely convinced.

“Look, Carmen, I don’t mind. In fact, I’d love to have company today while I battle all of the other crazed last minute shoppers,” I say and then wait.

I’m pretty sure she’s going to let me down politely, so when she finally does respond, I’m a little shocked. “I guess it’ll be good for him to get out of the house. If you really don’t mind having a twelve-year-old tag along with you today, I’ll go see if he’s interested in going.”

“I really don’t mind,” I say, not at all surprised that I really don’t mind at all.

“Hold on,” she says into the phone. With the exception of a few muffled words, I can’t hear their exchange on the other end.



“Zach would love to go with you. He’s actually really excited,” she says with the hint of a smile.

“Great. I’ll be there in a bit. I was just getting ready to pull out of my garage,” I say just before we sign off.

I make quick, yet careful work of driving towards Carmen’s place. My car practically drives there itself with as many trips as I’ve made to this little house. My mind fills with memories of Avery and Bean living in the house. Of my evening visits to hang out with them. Of walking to the park to play. Of Avery running around with Maddox behind everyone’s back.

I’m doing almost the exact same thing that they did those few years ago. Except the difference is that I could lose my job. Avery just didn’t want to deal with her protective older brothers. I could lose everything I’ve worked the past eight years to achieve.

I pull in the driveway and Zach is already standing at the front door with a smile. “Hey,” he yells with the door wide open.

“Hey, Zach,” I say as I slip up the front steps. “Ready to go?”

“Yep! Let me grab my coat,” he says as he holds the door open for me to follow.

“Good morning,” Carmen says from the kitchen doorway. She’s wearing black dress pants and a shimmering pearl white shirt. Her chestnut brown hair is pulled up in a professional twist, which only accentuates her slim neck.

I want to bite it.

“Morning,” I respond as I step towards the kitchen.

“Thank you for doing this,” she says as she sips her coffee.

“No problem. I’m actually looking forward to it.”

“Ready!” Zach hollers from the front door.

“Well, I guess we had better get going,” I say with a wink.

Carmen walks into the living room and approaches Zach. She starts to tell him to be good and to listen so I hang back and give her a little privacy. She’s just doing what any mom would do.

A few minutes later, we are in my car, buckling up, and heading towards St. Charles. Zach wastes no time in jumping into a conversation surrounding basketball. We talk about his favorite players on the Missouri Belters, and what position he would play if he would decide to play ball. The kid definitely has the desire to play, and that’s half the battle. Even if his skills need work, having the drive and desire to play is a big part of all sports. I really hope he’ll consider playing ball in junior high, even if he isn’t the best player. The thirty-minute drive to St. Charles takes no time at all when your ear is being talked off by a pre-teen.

We decide to hit the big chain toy store first. Getting my niece and nephews crossed off the list is probably the biggest part of my shopping. Zach helps me pick out a new doll and tons of doll clothes for Bean and some soft teddy bears for the unborn twins, though he seems more than ready to head over to the boy toy section.

My nephews are still pretty young, so we choose some age appropriate battery operated trucks and cars - things that make plenty of noise. Their parents will appreciate it. We grab a few of the latest Disney movies for the kids and head towards the checkout.

Our next stop is to the home improvement store to get my dad crossed off the list. Anything tools or car related is right up his alley. Zach seems more interested in helping me pick out my dad’s gifts.

“My dad isn’t into any of this stuff,” he finally says as we make our way to the front of the store.


“No way. Dad calls someone to come fix anything that’s broken. He’s too busy with work, anyway.”

“What about basketball? Does he like to play basketball with you?”

Zach just shakes his head. “Not very much anymore. He’ll play for a few minutes, but his phone always rings and interrupts, and I usually end of playing by myself more than with him. He doesn’t understand video games either, so he never plays those with me. But he always buys me the newest ones when they come out.” You can see the disappointment roll off of him in waves, though he masks it with excitement about things his father buys for him. Just by listening to him talk, I can tell that father and son don’t have too much in common. I see exactly what Carmen was saying about a Disney Dad.

“What do you say we run to the mall so I can pick something out for my mom, and then we’ll go have lunch and to the rec center to play some basketball?” I offer to Zach.

“Really? Yeah, that would be awesome,” he replies excitedly. He practically bounces out the front door and to my car.

The mall proves to be busier than the home improvement store. Apparently, I’m not the only last minute shopper. What do you get for the woman who has everything? Mom buys everything she needs for the kitchen, and it’s always top of the line. That’s one place she never slacks off on keeping her gadgets and gizmos up to the latest and greatest since she spends more time in the kitchen than she does in the rest of the house. We used to tease her when we were younger that if we could fit a bed down there, she’d probably sleep there, too.

Dad keeps Mom happy with jewelry. Not big, flashy pieces, but things that represent her personality and taste. Small ruby earrings or a heart-shaped diamond pendant. Dad buys things that speak to him from some place within his heart, not by the carat size or the price tag.

I decide to check out one of Mom’s favorite bath product stores. It takes me no time to locate her favorite scent, Jasmine Nights, and grab a variety of products. As I start to make my way up to the front, I catch Zach over on the far wall, smelling a few of the sample bottles nestled within the shelves.

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