Borrowed (Embracing Series) (12 page)

“It’s me, Audrey Ridge!”

“Audrey, how the hell are you, and what are you doing in New York City?” I asked hoping not to pry.

“I just moved here, I will be attending NYU, in the spring. Tatum, said that you and Zander both lived here along with another friend?”

“Yes, we do. We all three go to NYU, also.” I started looking around for Tatum. I didn’t see her anywhere, I would love to see her right now.

“Evan, if you are looking for Ta, she isn’t with me. It’s just me. I got a loft, off of Tenth St. and Central. I’m hoping to find a roommate soon. I wished Ta, would’ve came with me. She is worried about that dicktwat Thayer. You know how he treats her don’t you? I can’t believe she keeps taking him back.” She said, as she sat on the stool next to me.

“Yeah, I know all about him. I have asked her to leave him also. But she must really love him. Is she happier now? I haven’t seen her in months.” I asked hoping that she wouldn’t know about Tatum and me.

Hell, who was I kidding, she is her best friend. Chicks tell each other everything, they like to talk about which guy had the bigger cock, or when their aunt floe visits. The best one is how good a kiss is. Why the hell do they do that I wondered? I could never understand that. There is no way, I would want to know every intimate detail about Brody’s sex life or anything going on with his body. Some things you just keep to yourself.

“I don’t think she will ever be happy with anyone, well unless…umm... Any who, how is it here? I know it’s nothing like back home.” She said as she took a handful of peanuts from the bar.

“I just hope she is happy and he isn’t hurting. I wish her nothing but the best.” I said as I pulled at my beer label. She looked at me with an odd expression and a jaw full of peanuts.

“Holy fucking shit, dude you are so in love with her. I knew it. Omigosh, I knew it. She told me about y’all, but I just assumed your feelings wasn’t the same as hers. That little hoetart, she never told me that you loved her too. I know she wanted to bang the shit out of you and you turned her down. She said you gave her the best damn orgasm she ever had and the things you could do with your hands would have any girl begging for more. I’ve begged her to leave douchetwat for you.” She said as she took a swig of my beer.

What the hell, she doesn’t care what she says and she is drinking my damn beer. I ordered another one for myself while she finished my previous one off. I can’t believe Ta, told her about all that. I couldn’t be embarrassed, hell I think that was a compliment.

“Hell yeah, I care about her. Who the fuck wouldn’t? I would do anything for her, including beat the shit out of that jerk.” Thinking about him was pissing me off. I needed to go home.

“You okay to get home? I can give you a ride. I think we are in the same building.” I said, I hoped she didn’t talk as much all the way there.

“That would be great, I don’t like taking cabs. There are so many fucked up people out here. I tried to bring my guns with me and Pops wouldn’t let me. He said I was too dangerous with them, I do have a couple bottles of pepper spray and my knife in my purse. I will not be afraid to use them either. Not that I have to worry about anything living next to you and Zander. Now he is one fine man.” She said as she shoved more peanuts in her mouth.

“Okay, let’s go. I’m very tired.” I said dropping hints I did not want any company.

I drove to the loft and I went one way and Audrey went the other. I don’t know how much more I could take of her mouth. She talked a damn mile a minute. She cussed more than a dude. She was a very nice girl though. I wanted to call Tatum. I was sure she already knew about Audrey running into me. I decided to send a text to her, just to say hi.


Me: Hi, I just wanted to see how things, where going with you. I ran into a friend of yours tonight. It’s been a while since we talked. I miss you.


I waited for a few minutes, then figured she wouldn’t text back. I laid my phone on the counter and started heating up some Chinese food, I got a few days ago. It may be a bad idea to eat it this late, but what the hell. I will probably be up all night anyways.


Tatum: I think, it would be a good idea if you leave my fiancé alone. You had your chance years ago and ruined it. Now find your own woman. -Thayer


Who the fuck does he think he is, I threw my phone so hard it shattered everywhere. Just fucking great, it’s almost midnight and no one will be open this goddamn late. I threw my food away and headed off to find Audrey. She could call Tatum for me. I hoped that bastard doesn’t hurt her. Of course when Audrey calls, she tells her she is fine. So I texted her again from Audrey’s phone.


Audrey: Okay, he won! Have a nice life…Oh it’s Evan btw!



I woke up and realized Lila would be home, so I went and got a new phone and sent her a quick text. She was home and I wanted to see her. I stopped by the café and grabbed breakfast. I was excited to see her. I had been wanting to go ice skating, and hoped she would be up for it.

“Hey pretty lady, you look like shit!”

“Thanks Evan you are such a good friend.” She said as she punched my arm.

“Lila, I’m kidding you look fine.” I said as I hugged her, she did look a little unhappy. I wondered if it had to do with Army boy.

“Everything okay, darlin’?” I asked in hopes she would tell me what ever was bothering her.

“I’m fine, it’s just hard leaving Liam, not knowing when I will see him again.” She said as she wiped a tear from her face.

“Well, let’s eat then I have a surprise!” I said as I unpacked the food. I knew she would be hungry, this girl could eat some bacon. After we ate, I figured we would just go for a drive. I could tell she wasn’t in a good mood. This is the saddest I’d ever seen her look. Ahh hell, I was taking her ice skating.

“Lila, can you skate?” I asked as I raised my eyebrows looking at her.

“Yes, I can. Why?”

“You will see.” I said as I smiled and grabbed her hand.

We arrived at the rink, it wasn’t that full. I guess it isn’t normally busy this time of year. I rented our skates and we sat on the bench to put them on.

“Evan, thank you! You seem to always know how to make me smile.”

“Anytime darlin’, I enjoy seeing you smile.” I said with a wink.

We skated out on to the ice holding hands. It was so funny, Lila looked like a timid fawn learning how to stand. She was everywhere. I was doing pretty well, trying to skate and hold her up was the challenge.

“Evan, I’m going to hurt you if I fall again.” She laughed as she fell into me.

“Oh come on now, you look like a pro!” I threw my head back laughing. She looked absolutely breathtaking, as we skated I held her hand and just stared at the beautiful smile on her face. I knew that moment I would never be more than her friend, another man had her heart.

“Lila, you ready to see what else New York has to offer?” I said as we skated toward the benches.

“I would love to Evan, you have made this day great.” Lila said as she hugged me.

We drove around New York City, and then decided to take a tour bus. There was so much to see and I would rather take a tour than drive. Lila must have been really tired. She laid her head in my lap, and took a nap. She woke up in a panic, she literally freaked out because her head was in my lap.

“This is wrong, I have a boyfriend and I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t want you to get the wrong impression, I really love Liam. You and I are just friends.”

“Lila, its fine. I know, we are just friends and that you are in love with someone else. I won’t ruin what we have Lila.”

“Can we go get pizza? I’m starved.” She said

“Yes we can, I wasn’t ready to take you home anyways.” I said smiling

“Well you may just want to come home with me, Nikki is at your place with Brody. You know how the two of them are.” She said laughing

“Oh hell, your place it is!”

We stopped and got pizza, and a movie. Another chick flick, I assumed. My phone had been ringing, it was Alyssa. I don’t know what the hell she wanted.

“Evan, do you need to take that?” Asked Lila

“No, it’s okay. Just Alyssa. I don’t want to talk to her.”

“Did you get a new phone?” She asked with a puzzled look

“Uh, yeah long story.” I sighed

She grabbed my phone and turned it off and threw it on the counter. And she said, “Problem solved, now let’s eat.” I just laughed at her. We ate, laughed and talked of course. I wish I could have met Lila before she started seeing Liam. She has so much love for that man. When she talked about him you could see the love in her eyes.

“Evan, it is late. Why don’t you stay? You can have my room.”

“Okay, but where will you sleep?” I asked in hopes she would stay with me.

“The couch silly man. I will get everything ready for you.” She walked into the bedroom and came back out and said, “Okay it’s all yours.” I walked in and took my boots off and noticed a bra laying on the bed. Oh nice, I had to tease her about it.

“Missing something?” I said as I held the bra between my fingers.

“Omigosh, give me that. I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be its okay, it is your room.” I said as I turned around laughing. She closed the door and walked out. I laid there tossing and turning and I heard her open the door. “Evan are you still awake.”

“I am, everything okay?”

“Yes, can I stay in here with you? Just to talk. I can’t sleep.” She said as she walked in the room to the bed. Oh hell yeah, she wanted to sleep in the same bed with me. God I love it. Play it cool, I said to myself.

“Of course, it is your bed Lila.” I laughed and scooted over. She laid down next to me and started talking about classes. Then she talked about missing her family and Addison. I took her hand in mine and held it tightly. She did all the talking, as I laid there and listened. She was such a sweet and caring person.



I woke up to the sound of Nikki’s voice. She opened the door and backed back out of it. Lila jumped up and tried to explain our innocence but Nikki and Brody was laughing at her.

I walked out to see Brody smiling at me. “Good morning, bro.” I said as I grab some coffee.

“I’m sure it is a good morning for you.” Brody said with a wink.

“Nope, nothing like that. Just a good night’s sleep with a beautiful gal.” I said as I sipped my coffee.

We were all going out today and I needed to go home and shower. I loved spending time with everyone. It was awkward knowing that Lila had a boyfriend. I was happy being her friend. Yes I wanted more, but I knew that would never happen. I had all these mixed emotions and feelings for Tatum, who obviously would never feel the same way about me.

I spent the day with my three friends. Something was going on with Nikki and Lila wasn’t saying anything. I knew Brody could tell, but he hasn’t said anything either. We went to the movies and bowling. Then we had the brilliant idea of going grocery shopping so Lila could cook us dinner. She was making chili and cornbread. She is a good cook, I just hope she can make a good old fashioned pot of chili.

Dinner was great I have to give it to her, she pulled it off. When we got here, Audrey came looking for Zander. I wasn’t sure where he was but she seemed to get the wrong impression about Lila and me. She wants Tatum to be with me, but it has been over two years and she isn’t leaving that jerk. I was lost in thought thinking about everything and everyone. I didn’t notice Lila sitting next to me with her legs in my lap.

“Earth to Evan? You want to play some cards?” Brody said as he kicked my foot.

“Oh sure, whatever y’all want.” I said moving Lila’s legs to stand up. She made a pouty face and said she was comfortable. I just laughed as I walked in the kitchen to grab the cards.

“How about strip poker?” Brody said laughing. I was surprised but the girls agreed. It’s kind of crazy how Lila loves Liam so much but she wants to spend so much time with me. I knew she has to feel something for me. I was so confused, I thought moving here would change my life. But here it is, I was interested in two girls whom both are very in love with other men. Man I need a fucking wake up call.

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