Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1) (8 page)

Samantha smiled back and hugged him, “Thanks…”

“No problem… Text me if you need me, and feel better…”  He said before walking away.

Forty minutes later the nurse had called Melody and had Samantha dismissed from school.  She went right out to her car and just sat there for a few moments.  She sighed, turned her car on and drove straight to Jaden’s house.  She parked right in front and stared at the house for a moment.  She wasn’t quite sure why she had even shown up there and she sighed.  Her hands shook as she got out of the car and went up to the front door.  She knocked once then folded her hands behind her back, trying to control her breathing as she waited.

Samuel opened the door and stared at Samantha for a moment, “…Samantha…” He practically gasped.

“Hi…  Jaden had said that you wanted to talk to me…”  She said softly, her voice almost trembling.

“Yes…  Yes, come on in…”  Samuel said as he stepped aside.

Samantha stepped inside and looked around quickly, “What did you want to talk to me about…?”

Samuel just shut the front door and stood quietly for a moment, “Nothing…” He finally said, “I just wanted to see you.”  He tucked her hair behind her ear, caressing her cheek, “You’re beautiful… Just like your mother…”

Samantha looked up at him, “Can you just tell me what happened between you two…?  And why you never came around…?”  Samantha pressed, clearly uncomfortable.

Samuel was shocked, “Well…  I met your mother a few months after my wife Abigail passed away giving birth to Jaden…  I fell in love with her immediately.  I offered for her to come to my pack, but she didn’t want to, so I left my pack to be with her…  I thought she was going to leave her husband…  But when she found out she was pregnant with you she called it off,” Samuel sighed, “Then Colin banished me and demoted Elizabeth to scout for cheating on her husband…”

“Your alpha was just going to let you leave the pack…?”

Samuel was silent for a moment, playing with a ring on his finger that Samantha had yet to notice.  She took a step closer to him to get a better look at the ring.  It was big, like a man’s high school class ring, with a huge wolf head adorning it; an alpha’s ring.

“That’s the thing…  I
the alpha…  I denounced my alpha-ship and passed it down to my second in command…”

“Oh…  And my mom…  What was she demoted from?”

“She was a beta…  Nobody ever told you?”

Samantha shook her head.  The silence that followed hung heavy in the room.  Samantha shifted uncomfortably before finally speaking.

“So…  Why did it take so long for you to attempt to be a part of my life…?”

Samuel sighed and shifted his weight as well, “Colin ban me from speaking to both you and Elizabeth.  I was just too cowardly to do anything about it.”

Samantha frowned and looked towards the ground; that wasn’t exactly what she had hoped to hear, “…Well, I have to go…”

“So soon…?” Samuel furrowed his brow.

“I’m sorry, but yes.  I’m supposed to be meeting with someone…”

“Then we will just have to catch up another time.  Perhaps over dinner?  You can come and bring your boyfriend, Jaden tells me you’re with Riley McLaughlin, and Jaden and Olivia can come as well.  How does that sound?”

Samantha forced a smile, she wasn’t sure about how she felt about the situation, “That sounds nice…” She mumbled.

“Well, goodbye then…” Samuel said as he walked Samantha out.

She nodded slowly, “Yeah, goodbye…”  She walked down the front steps, not glancing back at Samuel.  She got into her car and sped towards Kedar’s house, buckling her seatbelt as she drove.  After about fifteen minutes she was pulling up the dirt road.  He was outside, closing the hood of his truck.  Samantha parked behind him, took a deep breath, and then stepped out of the car.

Kedar walked over to her, “Shouldn’t you be in school?”  He asked with a smirk on his face as he wiped his hands on a cloth which had been tucked into his pocket.

“I left early…  Today has been…  Stressful,” She explained as she stepped close to him, opening her arms for a hug.

“I’ve been working on my car, I’m pretty dirty,” Kedar objected as he stepped back.

“Do I look like I care…?”  She asked as she looked up at him, tears brimming her eyes.

Kedar frowned slightly, “I guess not.”  He wrapped his arms around her, pulling Samantha into a tight embrace as he buried his face in her thick curls, “Do you want to talk about it?”  He rubbed her back slowly as he waited for a response.

Samantha buried her face in his chest for a moment, and didn’t respond immediately.  After a long pause she stepped back and shook her head quickly, “No.  Not right now.  Let’s just go and get you a cell phone.”

Kedar smiled, “Actually, I already got it.  My boss heard me talking about it with a customer so he went and picked one out for me.  It’s inside, come on…”

Samantha followed him inside and into the kitchen.  On the table was a big black flip phone.  He picked it up and tossed it at her, and to her relief she was able to catch it.

“I’m going to get cleaned up, you can play around with it and add your number.  I’ve already got it figured out for the most part.”  Kedar prompted before leaving the room.

Samantha sat down and turned the phone over in her hands.  It was big and heavy, good for a hard-working and rugged man like Kedar.  She assumed that by its size it was probably a “life-proof” phone.  After a minute of playing around with it she created a new contact and punched her number in, with a smiley face next to her contact name.  After another couple of minutes Kedar came back into the room.

“So, anything special you want to do now?”  He asked as he took his phone from her.

“I just want to relax…”  Samantha sighed, sounding defeated.

“I’d like that,” He responded as he smiled.  He led her into the living room and sat down on the couch, giving her plenty of space to choose just how close she sat to him.  She sat down beside him, resting her head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer.  He turned on the news for background noise, and Samantha closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.  They sat together in comfortable silence for what felt like a very long time, eventually moving so that they were laying down together, Samantha’s head rested comfortably on Kedar’s chest. Finally Samantha sat straight up and looked at him.

“Can I talk to you about something?  It’s been bothering me all day…”

Kedar propped himself up and looked up at Samantha, “Sure…  What is it?”

Samantha reached out and touched his face gently.  She quickly pulled her hand away, unsure of how he was going to react, “Um…  Do you know a girl named Heather Armstrong?”  Samantha asked, her voice shaky.

Kedar froze, “Why?”  He growled as his whole body tensed up.

Samantha took his unsettled expression for a yes, “Are you sleeping with her?”  Samantha’s voice was barely a whisper and she looked away from him, sensing his anger.

“What?”  Kedar snapped, instantaneously angry, his eyes glossy, “Like it’s any of your business…”  He snarled, shoving Samantha and getting up off the couch.

“Well, excuse me.  I’ll just be on my way.”  Samantha responded, standing as well, aggravation clear in her tone of voice, “But just to let you know, if you are sleeping with Heather, she goes around saying that you’re a skank who can’t keep his dick to himself.  So I’d reconsider my relationship with her, if I were you.  And reevaluate the types of women you’re dating.”

“Oh, because you know so much about that.  What about your boyfriend, the one you don’t spend time with?  Where is he?  You used to do nothing but talk about him, we’re has he been lately?  Hm?  Where is he when you have stressful days?  Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty positive you were just on
couch with me, laying
head on
chest.”  Kedar shoved Samantha again.  The room was heavy with tension.  Samantha was frightened, as she had never seen Kedar angry.  She turned away and headed towards the door without saying a word.  “As for Heather,” Kedar continued, “I don’t give a fuck what she says.”

Samantha grabbed her shoes and pulled them on, but before she could storm outside, Kedar was already peeling out of the driveway, maneuvering his truck around her car.  Samantha slowly rubbed her temples before looking up at the sky.  The sun was slowly sinking below the horizon.  Samantha snuck into the forest and phased, going for her first run alone in a very long time.





Several days passed.  Samantha hadn’t spoken to Riley or Kedar and instead locked herself away in her studio every chance that she got, working on costumes for the upcoming Halloween party that Alex was throwing.

On Halloween morning there was a meeting at Malcolm’s home.  Melody and Samantha drove there in silence, Samantha staring out her window at the colorful autumn leaves.  Melody turned onto Pine Manor Drive, heading towards Malcolm’s house, but it was lined with cars, no parking spaces in sight.  After driving around for fifteen minutes looking for a spot Melody finally decided to park and the end of the road, forcing her and Samantha to walk up to the Manor.

Waiting at the door was the young girl who had greeted the pack the last time they had visited.  She smiled sweetly and stood, shaking Melody’s hand.

“Father is in the back, all four packs are already here.  I would hurry, so you don’t miss anything.”  She encouraged with a toothy smile.

“You won’t be present at the meeting, Constance?”  Melody raised her eyebrow in confusion.  Samantha was always amazed that her aunt seemed to know everyone’s name.

Constance shook her head, “Only Dylan and Amelia are allowed to attend.  Father says the others and I are too young for this sort of business.”

“Understandable.  Well, thank you, dearie.”  Melody says, nodding her head in thanks and leading Samantha around to the back yard.

In the back was a faux courtyard.  Plastic folding chairs had been set up, but not nearly enough for the whole group of wolves that had come to the meeting.  Samantha and Melody did not see any open seats as they quickly scanned the yard, so they stood off to the side.  Malcolm stood behind a podium that he had set up on his back porch.  He seemed nervous as he kept wiping his brow and rubbing the palms of his hands on his pants.  He glanced back at his wife, who simply nodded with a slight smile.  He stepped up to the podium and cleared his throat.

“Good morning, everyone,” He started, “I am sure many of you are wondering why I asked that all four packs come and meet together.  As some of you are already aware, we may have a potential crisis on our hands.  The Goldenborough Brood, as I hope you all know, have not given any trouble in about thirty-two years or so.  Unfortunately, their brood master and his mate have been murdered, and it is suspected that the brood has been taken over by a female vampire and her daughter.  I am not sure, however, what kinds of problems that this may cause.  I suggest that everyone stay on guard.  I am putting strict curfews into place for the time being.  After ten o’clock at night, only pack members between the ages of sixteen and fifty will be permitted to be out alone.  Any members not in that age group need to travel in groups.  The curfew will last until six o’clock in the morning.  If anyone happens to spot a vampire, at any time, you must report to your superior and I must be informed immediately.  The sooner we determine whether or not we are in danger the better for everyone.  If you have any questions, you are more than welcome to stay so that I can address them, otherwise, you are all free to go.”  He stepped back from the podium, rubbing the back of his neck.  He may have been in charge of the packs in the immediate area, but he was not one for public speaking.

Samantha, along with many others, started to disperse, while others stayed behind.  On her way back to her aunt’s car she noticed Kedar and she walked up to him.

“Hey…”  She said hesitantly, not making eye contact with him.

“What’s up?”  He responded, shoving his hands into his pockets.

“I wanted to apologize for the other day.  I was way out of line…”  She began as she scuffed her foot on the ground, continuing to avoid making eye contact.

“It’s okay…”  Kedar’s voice was soft, apologetic.  He reached out and brushed her hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.

Samantha looked up at him at him, a smile spreading across her face, “There’s a Halloween party tonight would you like to come with me?  As my plus one?”  She asked, her eyes lighting up.

Kedar smiled back at her, his handsome crooked smile making her feel weak as usual.  “That would be nice.  What time is the party at?”

“It’s at seven o’clock, and it’s at Riley’s house…”  Samantha admitted.

Kedar tensed for a moment, but he nodded slowly, “So, I’ll pick you up around quarter of seven then?”

Samantha nodded excitedly, “That’s perfect!”

Kedar smiled more, “Great, I’ll see you then…”

Samantha turned to walk away, but Kedar grabbed her arm and pulled her into a tight embrace, burying his face in her hair like he always did.  He wrapped his arms around her waist tightly and held her as close as he could.  She smiled warmly and wrapped her arms around him as well, hugging him back just as tightly.

“I missed you…”  He whispered, his voice almost inaudible, “And I’m the one who should apologize…”

Samantha leaned her forehead on his chest, “I forgive you…  And I missed you too, a lot…”  She held onto him tighter, but he stepped away.

He touched her face lightly with his fingertips, “I’ll see you tonight…”  His fingers lingered on her skin as though he didn’t want to leave just yet.

“Wear a costume, everyone else will be.  I’ll see you later…”  Samantha said softly.  Kedar nodded, his eyes flicking down to her lips for just a second before turning and walking away.  He glanced back at her and waved, a small smile still on his face.

Samantha smiled as well and waived back.  She didn’t know what it was about him, but something made her feel like she was on cloud nine whenever he was around.  She turned and continued back to Melody’s car, where Melody was already waiting patiently.

“Did you get lost?”  She laughed as Samantha got into the passenger’s seat.

She shook her head, “No, auntie.  I didn’t.  I ran into Kit.  I invited him to the Halloween party, since I do get a plus one.”

“I thought you two had gotten into an argument?”  Melody raised her eyebrow and her voice sounded puzzled.

“Yeah, like…  Forever days ago.  We made up, it honestly wasn’t a big deal,” Samantha explained, fastening her seatbelt and looking at her aunt, smiling.

“Oh.  Well, that’s good then.  I don’t like it when you hide in your art studio for hours on end.”

Samantha laughed and shook her head as Melody made a U-turn and headed home.


Quarter of seven couldn’t come fast enough for Samantha.  She was in her bedroom, finalizing her make-up when she heard the roar of Kedar’s truck as he pulled up in front of her house.  She turned around to check her reflection in her mirror once more.  She was wearing a short black and red corset dress with a red cloak.  Her hair was pulled back into a half-ponytail, falling over her shoulders in cascading waves.  She quickly fixed her bright red lipstick and smacked her lips together before rushing down the stairs.  She stumbled down the stairs as she tried to pull her shoes on as she went. The doorbell rang and Samantha heard a chair move in the kitchen.

I’ll get it sweetie!”  Her aunt called.

“It’s just Kit!  Tell him to hold on!”  Samantha replied as she ducked into the bathroom right at the bottom of the stairs.  She adjusted her almost-too-short skirt and finished pulling on her heels.  She fidgeted with her thigh high nylons, looking herself over in the full length mirror.  She could hear Melody lecturing Kedar on keeping her safe.

“She’s always safe with me, Mel.  I would never let anything happen to Sam.  Ever.”  She heard Kedar say.

Samantha smiled softly at the thought.  It gave her butterflies in her stomach, which she just brushed off as her corset being too tight, so she loosened the laces.  She ran her hands over her stomach and the front of her skirt.  She wasn’t sure what Melody was going to think of the costume, she hadn’t seen it since Samantha had brought home the materials to make it.  Her chest tightened a bit and sweat began to form over her brow as her mouth grew dry.  Kedar had never seen Samantha in something so revealing.  She wondered what he would think; if he would notice the stretch marks that peaked over the top of her nylons or the scars across her chest from a play-fight gone bad with Alex a few years back.  She almost didn’t want to leave the bathroom as she became more and more self-conscious.

“Samantha?”  Melody called.

“Just a second!”  Samantha responded nervously.  She knew obsessing over how she looked wouldn’t help, but she went to the medicine cabinet and started looking for concealer.  She could at least cover up the scars on her chest.

“Samantha Mackenzie Carvalho!  You’re going to be late, what’s going on?”  Melody sounded aggravated.

“I’m not ready!  I-I don’t look good yet…”  Samantha found the concealer, and opened it.  To her dismay, the bottle was empty.

“Sam?”  Kedar’s voice reached her ears, “I’m sure you look lovely…”  He said softly.  Samantha could tell that he was right outside the bathroom.  She hesitantly opened the door, a sheepish smile on her face.  Kedar stood there in a tight muscle shirt and ripped jeans.  He pulled Samantha into a tight hug, then held her at an arm’s length away.

“You look stunning…”  He whispered, squeezing her shoulders.

Samantha smiled warmly, “Thank you.  You look great too.  But, what are you supposed to be?”  She asked as she surveyed his muscular arms and chest.

“I am a werewolf, my dear lady,” Kedar’s response was smug, a big grin spreading across his face, “And you are Little Red Riding Hood, I assume?”

“Kind of.  I’m Naughty Red Riding Hood…”  Samantha explained, blushing a dark shade of red.

“Well then, we make the perfect pair…”  Kedar lightly put his hand on her waist, stepping closer to her.

Melody cleared her throat, pulling them back to reality.  Kedar jumped away and stood with his hands folded behind his back, facing Melody. “What time do you think that you’ll be home?”  She asked, aggravation written all over her face and clear in her voice.

“I might spend the night out,” Samantha responded without hesitation, tearing her eyes away from Kedar.

“Let me know,” Melody responded, gritting her teeth, “And don’t do anything that you’re going to regret.”  With that she turned and went back into the kitchen.

Samantha was about to say something, but before she got the chance to open her mouth, Kedar wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up, swinging her over his shoulder.  She squealed in delight and Kedar carried her out to his truck.  He opened the passenger side door and carefully set Samantha down, his hands sliding over her back and sides, sending chills down her spine.  She looked away from him as she fastened her seatbelt and he went around the truck to the driver’s side.  He slid into his seat and turned the key in the ignition, causing the truck to roar to life.

Samantha directed Kedar to Alex’s house, and in four short minutes Kedar was pulling up in front of the house.  Before Samantha could make a move Kedar was opening her door for her.  He helped her out and then went inside, Samantha’s arm linked around his.

The music deafening as they entered the front door.  Samantha grabbed Kedar’s hand and led him through the house.  As she pushed through the crowd she glanced around for the flaming red hair that could only belong to her boyfriend.  She didn’t see him and she frowned a bit.  They finally made it to the room that Samantha was heading towards.  It was too small to be a room, but too big to be considered an alcove.  There was a couch, a love seat and three chairs in the room.  The pack sat around, in various place, relaxing and talking.  A quick scan of the faced told Samantha that Riley wasn’t there, either.

“Hey!”  Alex exclaimed as she stood, “Who’s this?”  She asked as she hugged Samantha.

“This is Kedar, he’s a friend.”  Samantha responded, then she turned to Kedar, “This is Alex, Kyle, Olivia, Maia, Charlotte and my brother Jaden.”  She introduced her pack members and the two rogues.  Kedar shook everyone’s hands firmly, smiling.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all.  You can call me Kit,” He said.

“Well, since the gangs almost all here, I’m going to grab everyone snacks,” Charlotte said, “Does anyone want to come with me?”  Kyle and Maia both stood and they all walked into the crowd of people.

Samantha went to sit down, but Kedar grabbed her arm gently, “Would you like to dance with me?”

Samantha glanced at Alex who nodded ever so slightly, as if she needed permission to say yes, “Of course, I’d like that…”  She said, and she let Kedar lead her back out into the swarm of people.

He put his hands on her hips and spun her around, pulling her close.  They let their bodies move with the rhythm of the music, Kedar leaving his hands firm on her hips.  As the music began to quicken they began grinding slowly, Kedar moving one hand to Samantha’s stomach and the other to her thigh.  He buried his face in her neck, his hot breath on her skin.  He pulled her closer and dug his fingers into her skin.  He growled softly and Samantha closed her eyes, reaching up and putting her hand on the back of his head.

“Well, well.  Look what the mutt dragged in.”  Heather’s mocking voice came from behind.

Kedar jumped away from Samantha and she whipped around, a scowl forming on her face, “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that someone had forgotten to take the trash out…”  She growled.

“I thought I warned you about this dog,” Heather snarled, looking Kedar up and down with anger and jealousy in her eyes.

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