Read Blake (Season One: The Ninth Inning #2) Online

Authors: Lindsay Paige,Mary Smith

Blake (Season One: The Ninth Inning #2) (10 page)

“I know. I heard him once. It was weird for me; I can only imagine how it was for you. Is anyone else not so pleasant to deal with?”

“No one. Tanner isn’t bad, only loud. It’s all been great since I’ve been there.”

“Good. It would suck to have a job you don’t like.”

“I like my job. I’ve met some nice people. You, for one, when you’re not being an ass, Blakey.” I smirk and then rip into another chicken wing.

“Yet you still think I’m nice. I’m more grumpy than nice, like 90/10 ratio. I really don’t know what you see in me.” I look up at him and I’m not sure if he wants me to answer him. It’s a mixed signal.

“You want the truth?” I wipe my fingers on the wet nap.

“Sure?” Even though it is clear he still isn’t sure he wants to know.

“I see a great guy. I see someone with a big heart who wants to protect the ones he loves. I see a guy who puts up a steel wall around him because he doesn’t want anyone to see the real him. You keep everyone at a distance and it’s because you’re scared of letting people in. I hope that someday, I can help you close the distance.” I tell him the truth because I think it’s what he needs to hear.

“There are two things that scare me and that’s not one of them,” he quickly tells me.

“What is then? What scares you?” I pray he’ll open up to me.

He doesn’t hesitate. “Snakes and spiders. What scares you, Sofia?”

He’s lying. He’s still hiding himself from me. I thought I’d made some headway, but not as much as I’d hoped. He wants to know what scares me? I’m going to tell him the truth. I take a deep breath.

“I’m scared I will fail my parents. They created this empire, of sorts, and I’m a massage therapist. Harmony is thriving in the business and even though everyone supports me, I don’t want to let them down. The second thing is,” I pause and look away from him. I stare at the almost empty basket of wings, “Heartache. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I don’t want to lose my heart to a man who doesn’t want it in return.” I shouldn’t have said anything. I need to learn to stop rambling.

“I don’t think it’s possible for you to let your parents down based on what you’ve said. You shouldn’t worry about that.” I glance up at him as he stops talking. “I wish you would’ve lied to me.”

“I’m not a very good liar,” I tell him. Now, it’s his turn. “And I don’t buy that bullshit line of snakes and spiders.”

He sighs, pushing away his empty plate. He’s struggling internally. “Fine. Don’t read anything into it, and I’m saying that because I know you will.”

“You have word. I won’t read anything into it.” My heart picks up speed thinking he’s actually going to tell me something personal.

“I’m scared of not being there for my mom and I’m scared of having
nightmare turn into a reality.”

I’d already figured the one about his mom, but I’m not sure what else he’s talking about. “What’s your nightmare?” I approach the topic carefully. I don’t want him to pull back.

“Jack. He is who he is and I’m his son. Like father, like son, Sofia.”

In my mind, I cheer. Not because of what he says, but simply for the fact that he opened up.

“Blakey, you’re tough, but not mean. I don’t believe that idea. Could you ever imagine yourself doing anything he’s done?” I quickly continue, answering for him. “You can’t; you recognize the difference between right and wrong; that’s what makes you different. You’re an honorable guy and any girl would be happy to be with you.”

“It wouldn’t worry if I didn’t know it’s possible. I—” He stops and sits back. “You don’t know everything about me, and I’m not crazy to think it. I know for a fact I’m not. So, don’t go there.”

There’s a touch of anger in his voice, and I don’t say anything right away. Blake is tough, but mainly on himself. There’s a lot of good in him. I can see it. He thinks he’s going to turn into his dad and I know that isn’t the truth. There’s no way.

“You don’t know everything about me. I could be a mass murderer trying to lure you into my lair.” I give him a soft evil cackle.

He’s fighting back a smile, but gives in. “Then you’re probably pretty happy with yourself right now since you’ve lured me in.”

“Ah, yes, I’ve been successful with my diabolical plan.” I pat myself on my back the best I can. “Now, to finish off my evil plan,” I lean in closer to him and push the paper bill over to him. “You have to pay for our meals.”

“What if I forgot my wallet?” He mimics my pose.

“Then I guess you better get your ass into the kitchen and work it off.” I smile at him.

“I don’t like the sound of that. I’m glad I have my wallet. I have to say, you’re not such bad company, Sofia.” He flicks his eyes to my lips and I instinctively lick them.

“Is that because you watched me devour eight chicken wings and made you divulge your deepest secrets?” I tease him.

“A little bit of both.” He shakes his head side-to-side.

“Aw, I do like it when you give me compliments.” I lean back into my seat, grab my purse and stand. Blake throws a few bills on the table, and we head out the door toward the hotel.

I’m playing with fire. My head is screaming at me not to invite him into my room. I do wear my heart on my sleeve and I like Blake a lot. He’s a good person and I want to help him see it.

Is that really what I’m doing? Am I trying to save him instead of being there for him? No, I care for Blake. Hector is his only friend, and he needs others he can trust and lean on. I can do that for him.

We continue in silence onto the elevator and all the way to my room. This time, the card key is successful on the first try. I turn to Blake and take a leap of faith.

“Do you want to come in?” My hearts screams ‘yes’ as my head says ‘fool.’

Blake is going to break my heart. I don’t see wedding bells and white picket fences in either of our futures, but I’m going to risk it. Thinking about his lips on mine is making my stomach quiver.

He nods and there’s no turning back now. I close the door, walk over to the mini fridge, and pull out bottles of water for us.

“Do you really want to drink water right now?” The tone of his voice sends my hormones into overdrive. He wants this as much as I do. I shake my head. Blake removes the bottles from my hands and sits them on the small table in the room. “I didn’t think so.”

His lips are on mine before I can even blink. He picks me up in his strong arms, and I wrap my legs around his hips. Blake covers my body with his as he gently places me on the bed. My body had been prepared for the jolt of him tossing me down, not the slow, careful way he lowered me.

When he slides his tongue against mine, I lightly suck it, and Blake moans, pushing his hips down, pinning me to the mattress. God, he’s strong. Blake’s rough hands begin to tug on my shirt and sets my skin ablaze as he cups my breast. I grab the back of his neck as I try to devour him. I know I shouldn’t do this to me, but I want him. It’s not going to be easy on me and I don’t need to complicate our friendship, but right now, I want him.

But I can’t do this.

“Blake, we have to stop.” I pull away from him.

“Why?” He breathes heavily.

“Because we’re moving too fast. I care for you and I don’t want to rush you.”

He looks down at himself. “I think it’s my hand up your shirt and not yours down my pants.”

“Blakey, please. I want this, but not right now.”

He lays his forehead on mine. “Okay.” He kisses me softly, removing his hand, making me feel empty and cold. He cages me in with his arms, not letting me move. I know he wants to say something, but all he says is, “I should go.”



I DIDN’T SEE Blake for the rest of the road trip. The medical staff and I were pretty much stuck together the whole trip because we needed to do some additional state qualifications. It wasn’t for our lack of trying to see each other. We texted back and forth about the games, or Hector driving him crazy, but we never talked about the kiss, our confessions, or anything too personal.

When we arrive back in Memphis, Blake has to do a photo shoot for a magazine feature and I have to do laundry. I don’t have a single piece of clean clothing left. I run errands all day and finally collapse later tonight.

I hardly even speak to Harmony or Mom until the next day. The Angels have a day off, and I can’t be happier to spend the day with my family. We go shopping for the benefit and I am able to find a dress. It’s shorter than I normally wear, but I love it.

Mom takes us to a new restaurant that has opened up downtown. We barely sit down when Harmony begins to hammer me with questions about Blake.

“We’re friends,” I tell her, sipping my wine.

“Friends? Come on, give me some details,” Harmony continues.

“There’s nothing wrong with starting off slow,” Mom interjects.

“It’s not like that, Mom. I’m trying to be there for him,” I explain.

“You like him though, right?” Mom gets the gleam of hope in her eyes that maybe this can lead to a wedding and grandchildren.

“Yes. Are you happy now? I like Blake. He’s a good person, but he has had a shitty life.”

“So, you friend-zoned him?” Harmony scoffs.

“No, I didn’t,” I hiss at her. “I told him that we’ll go slow.” Okay, those weren’t my exact words, but he knew what I’d meant.

“End this conversation right now,” Mom gasps softly. Harmony and I don’t know what what she’s talking about until she says, “Caroline, how are you?”

I look over my shoulder to see a slender woman with a dark bob coming over to our table. Mom stands and hugs Blake’s mother.

“I’m fantastic, Viv. How are you?” she coos, and when I catch a glance of her eyes, they are the same stunning shade of hazel as Blake’s.

“I’m the same. I’m enjoying an afternoon with my girls. Harmony, Sofia, this is Mrs. Caroline Foster.” Mom quirks an eyebrow at me and we stand to shake Mrs. Foster’s hand.

“I’m with Blake. He took me shopping and we’re enjoying a mother-son day. He’s parking the truck right now,” Caroline explains.

“Please, join us,” Mom insists.

“Oh, no, we don’t need to intrude on your time with the girls.” Caroline smiles brightly.

“No, please, join us. I’d love to know more about Blake. I mean,” she looks over at me, but doesn’t say anything. “It’ll be fun.”

Just then, I catch a glimpse of Blake coming through the dining hall. My mouth falls a bit. He’s in darks jeans and crisp green dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I think he stepped off a

Harmony leans over and whispers, “That’s the kind of man who needs to be dipped in chocolate and then you need to lick it off.”

I snort and cover it with a coughing sound. I hate to admit it, but she’s right. I’m a fool for not doing just that when we were in bed, but I’m going slowly.

“Blake, this is Mrs.Gardner and her daughters.”

Blake shakes my mother’s hand and nods at us both. I would have thought he’d told his mother about me.

“Oh, Blake, I’m so glad I finally get to meet you. Between your mother and Sofia, I feel like I know you already.”

Caroline looks at me with curiosity. “I work for the Angels,” I inform her. “Didn’t Mom tell you?”

“I never talk about careers, Sofia. Just that I’m proud of you,” Mom answers for her.

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Gardner,” he politely says to Mom.

“Blake, the Gardner’s want us to join them. Do you mind?” Caroline softly asks, but we all hear her.

He flicks his eyes to me, but I make no move to sway him. “Sure, Mom, whatever you want.”

Mom calls over the waiter for two more chairs and of course, she makes Blake sit by me. I scoot my chair closer to Harmony since this table isn’t built for five people. Blake doesn’t argue with my mother and takes his place to my right. His leg rubs up against mine, and I hold back a small ting of glee. I turn into a twelve-year-old girl who’s sitting next to her crush. I’m a fool of epic proportions.

Caroline turns the attention to me. “Sofia, what do you do for the Angels?”

“I’m their massage therapist,” I answer.

“Really?” She looks over at Blake, but he’s staring off into another direction. He does that when he’s uncomfortable. “That must be a fun job.”

“Oh, she loves it,” Harmony quips in. “She gets to have fun with all the guys, right, Sis?”

I narrow my gaze at her. “It’s a rewarding job.”

“I bet it is,” Harmony mumbles behind her wine glass and I swear I think Blake chuckles.

“Blake, my husband and I saw the game the other night. You did an amazing job with the last inning. It’s quite a distance from home plate to second base, right?” Mom asks.

“Thanks, Mrs. Gardner. It’s only a 127 feet, though.”

“I couldn’t throw that far.” Mom softly smiles at him. “Your mother tells me you’re single.” I cough and sputter into my wine and Harmony snorts. “Girls, are you okay?” Mom asks, but she knows exactly what she’s doing.

“I’m perfectly fine right now.” Harmony has a large smile on her face, knowing that Mom is pumping him for information, and it’s going to embarrass me.

“You could say that, but there’s someone in the picture.”

My heart slams into my chest and Harmony’s still trying not to laugh, but failing at it. Mom is about to saying something, but is cut off by Caroline.

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