Read BLAKE: Captive to the Dark Online

Authors: Alaska Angelini

BLAKE: Captive to the Dark (6 page)

“Wait.” She grew serious while she looked at him. “How much are we talking here?”

waved his hand. “Nothing you can’t afford. But don’t worry about it. Mickey will take care of it for you. You’re his number one girl.”

The narrowing of her eyes told me she didn’t like the sound of that.

“No. I’ll do it. Whatever the cost. I’ll figure out a way.”

“Good girl. That’s the Kaitlyn I know.” His hand gripped just above her knee and
mine tightened before I could stop myself from showing emotion. She looked up and I glanced off to the side. Fuck that, Pretty Boy. I hated he knew her on a level I didn’t. And, to warrant her with those words spoke of a closeness I couldn’t stomach.
Good girl.
I wanted to be the only one to say that to her.

“If you’re both okay, I think I’ll go get the food now.” The moment I turned to leave, Kaitlyn held on tightly, not letting me go. Was I missing something? “Of course, it can wait
,” I mumbled. My hand adjusted in hers and Preston narrowed his eyes at our entwined fingers. The look didn’t last long as he turned back to her. The moment he licked his lips, I could see his mind turning. The detective in me sprung forward, searching out every little movement. Maybe looking into Preston wouldn’t be such a bad idea.

“When are they releasing you, Kate?” His hand lifted from her knee, but he didn’t mind placing it over her legs to rest on it.

“I’m not sure.” The low volume of her voice was hard to hear.

turned to me. “Do you know?”

The side of my mouth lifted into a smile. “Maybe. What’s it to you?”

“Jesus, you’re a dick. I want to take care of my friend. Is that such a bad thing? She’s obviously been through hell.”

“Yeah, I know. I was there
,” I snapped.

Kaitlyn’s free hand flinched as
Preston picked it up. “Then you can understand how she needs to be taken care of.”

I kept my mouth shut, afraid I’d overstep my bounds. A few minutes of his blabbering mouth would tell me everything I needed to know. If he had some ulterior motives, I’d pick up on it.

“We used to be close, Kate. Real close. You have no one. We both know this.” He brushed his finger down her face. “You’ve pushed everyone out of your life. Don’t make that mistake right now. I’ll be in Texas for the next few days. I may be a few hours north, but I’m just a phone call away. You say the words when you’re ready and I’ll come. You don’t have to do this alone.”

Dark hair swept over her face as she lowered her head. Seeing his fingers lace through a part of what I felt was quickly becoming mine was about the last straw. 

“Maybe you haven’t seen me standing here, holding her hand, but she’s not alone. Kaitlyn has me. Unless she tells me otherwise, I’m going to be the one standing by her side. Not you.”

stood from the bed. “Who the fuck are you? I’m sorry, maybe we didn’t go over introductions well enough. Let me see. Preston Martin, friend of Kaitlyn Summers for five years. And, you are?”

“Blake Morgan, rescuer of Kaitlyn Summers. Oh, sorry.” I looked at my watch. “I’ve known her twenty hours and roughly…forty three minutes. Now, like I was saying, she has me. I’m taking her back to
California, where I’ll make sure she’s settled and in good hands. Then, if she wants to see you, she will contact you. Not the other way around.”

A laugh came from his mouth and he turned to Kaitlyn. “This guy is something else. Are you going along with this?”

The moment she met my eyes, I knew.

“Yes. I am.” Her thumb brushed down the length of mine. “I trust Blake. He’s taken good care of me
. And like he said, I’ll contact you if I need anything. I’m sure I’ll be fine, Preston. Thank you for coming to check on me. It means a lot. But, right now, I’m really tired and I need to rest.”

“Wow.” He shook his head. “Okay then. Call me if you need anything.”

As he wheeled around and walked out, I couldn’t help the excitement that rushed through me. Time. It was more than I could have asked for. I took a seat next to her and waited. Whether or not she’d tell me who the hell that guy was was up for debate, but I had a feeling she needed to say something.

“I’m sorry about stopping you from leaving. It was a chicken shit
move on my part.” Her shoulders sagged and she really did look exhausted. “Preston and I…we used to…”

“Fuck?” The word screamed jealousy. I clamped my jaw shut while she looked up at me.

“No. Never. Not that he didn’t want that. He’s tried on more than one occasion to be with me. Not just sexually. He’s a nice guy, just not the one for me.”

hank God
. My shoulders relaxed. I was so damn tense, my muscles were aching. Not to mention my mood was the worst when I got this hungry. I needed food. Fast. “You ready to eat? It won’t take me long to run down the road.”

“I’m so freaking starving.” She let out a laugh. “Blake
?” I spun back around to face her, barely realizing that I’d already been heading for the door.

“Yes, Kaitlyn?”

“I think I’m making it a habit, but thank you. For everything.”

Winking came so natural
, I threw her one and headed back for the door.

and Blake?”

“Yes?” The handle moved down under my weight. Shit, I was definitely going to run there. Possibly, sprint.
Maybe eat it on the way back. No, I’d get an extra one to hold me over until I was able to deliver her food. Then I could sit down and share the meal with her. She’d never know I cheated.

“No onions?” The uneasy smile had me nodding.

“Got it.” I tore out of there, almost colliding with Dominguez. “No one in that fucking room. Hold them up until I get back if that’s the case, but I want her left alone. She’s been through enough today.”

I didn’t stick around to wait for his answer. He’d obey.

My shoes beat against the floor as I jogged for the elevator. Leaving was killing me, but we both needed sustenance, even if it was fast food. The sooner I got there, the faster I could return.

As I got on the elevator, my mind began to wander. Where would these next few days take us? A part of me wanted to introduce Kaitlyn to
Texas. She’d probably been here before, but the need to show her my life. My place. Where I spent my time, and what I did. Somehow that seemed important. Was I trying to win her over? Make her want to choose my life? I winced. It sure felt like it. All for a woman I didn’t even know? That was extreme, even for me. Now, objects, yes. I knew immediately if I wanted something. Women had never satisfied me enough to pursue. I’d always held back and I didn’t like that. But Kaitlyn was different. She’d surpassed anything I’d ever wanted and shot right to the top of my priorities. What she held inside sank its hooks deep into my flesh, making me some sort of captive to
darkness. How was that possible? A part of me knew I was trapped in the enigma of Kaitlyn Summers, but that wasn’t the extent of my dilemma. It was quite possible that although she drew me in, the real me, inside, was the one instigating this.

The elevator dinged and I got off. My mind was so focused on my thoughts that my head whipped back at the bright flash that shot in front of me. Camera crews were everywhere in the distance
. The man who’d taken my picture was quickly pulled back by an officer. Shit. How’d I forget about this? Kaitlyn wasn’t just a random girl. She’d made mainstream media’s spotlight and they were out in droves. There was no way I could make it to the restaurant and back without getting hounded.

“Mr. Morgan!”
a reporter shouted in the distance. I turned and looked at the fast food place inside the hospital. Damn, I wasn’t really a fan of that one. But, hell, it did have its perks. I’d be back to Kaitlyn a lot faster. Plus, I’d get what I needed. A meal, albeit, a crappy one.

A groan came from my mouth as I turned and walked inside. Two people stood in front of me. The older man seemed oblivious to everything in his surroundings. Grief was etched deep in his wrinkles as he stared into space
, his salt and pepper hair disheveled. The T-shirt he wore had stains along the neckline and he looked like he’d hadn’t showered in a few days.

The other was a woman, possibly in her forties. She was rather attractive. Blonde hair, layered down past her shoulders. The curves she held would have been enticing for most men. Yet, my mind found its way back to Kaitlyn. Would she stay a few more days if I asked her? Shit. I really shouldn’t. The plan had been perfect. Drop her off, make sure she’s okay. Move on. Fucking piece of cake.

The woman walked away and it didn’t take the man long. Before I knew it, I was ordering three combo meals and heading back upstairs. Still, I fought with what I should do. One day at a time, I decided. Maybe after a few days I’d lose interest. Or better, accept reality. Kaitlyn would hate my bad side. She’d run at the first tiny glimpse, and if it got as far as me showing her, I wouldn’t let her leave. Hate would be all she’d have for me because I’d keep her, regardless. I’d make her want me as much as I wanted her.

“That was fast.” Dominguez stood from the chair.

“Here, got you something.” I took out his burger and fries, and handed him the drink from the cup holder.

“Thanks, Morgan.”

I gave him a nod and pushed open the door. Kaitlyn was sound asleep, already lying back and curled into the fetal position. My smile couldn’t have held anymore happiness. How long had I watched her sleep since I’d met her? Shit, more time than I’d spent with her being awake, probably.

It only took a few steps forward
before her eyes flew open and she gasped for air. The reaching out startled me. She looked ready to run. Damn nightmares. I’d already experienced her go through two of them on the plane. When she did sleep, it wasn’t for more than a few hours. Then, she was either screaming or silently looking to flee upon consciousness.

“Hey.” I kept my voice soft and calm. That wild looked filled her eyes. She blinked a few times and the
n settled on my face. “Good girl. Now, who’s here?”


“That’s right. And who’s taking care of you?”

She smiled and eased up. “You are, Blake.”

“Exactly. I told you I’d be here.” Luckily I was, this time. “Food.” I shook the bag. “It’s not the good stuff. Damn news crews are outside. Forgot who I was up here with.”

What sounded like a laugh mixed with sadness filled the room while I pulled up the chair next to her bed.

“Thank God you didn’t compare me to her. She doesn’t exist anymore. Will never exist again. I’m afraid this is the only person who’s left.” She instantly put her head down.

I took the food out of the bag and placed it on her lap. “Nope. You’re not going to start going downhill now. Push all that negativity away. I happen to like this Kaitlyn, very much, and the other one you speak of doesn’t even interest me. Now
, eat.”

While she studied me, I pretended not to notice. We ate in silence as the TV played the weather in the background
. Only when I finished, did I turn back to her. “What is that?” I pointed at the burger that was still three quarters of the way whole.

“I can’t eat another bite. I tried, but I’m already full. Truthfully, I’m not feeling so well. I ate too many fries.”

“Well, that’s not good. We’re going to have to get you something healthy and build you back up again. What do you say? You ready to start in the morning?”

At her nod
, I took her trash and moved it to the wastebasket at the far corner of the room. “Now, scoot over. I’m exhausted and I want to lay down by you. You okay with that?”
Was she okay?
Questions were not my cup of tea. If she were mine, I would have flat out told her. She would lay with me and let me hold her until I decided otherwise.

Kaitlyn took a drink of the soda and placed it on the table next to the bed. “I think I’d sleep better if you were here with me.”

“It’s agreed then.” I kicked off my shoes and grabbed the extra blanket folded just past her feet. The nurses weren’t going to enjoy working around me if they came in, but I wasn’t going anywhere. Come eight, when visiting hours were over and I didn’t leave, they’d just have to deal with it. Not that I thought they minded. Kaitlyn had been adamant that I stay from the beginning and they seemed to understand. It felt right being her protector. Yes. I liked that a lot.

“If you snore and wake me up, I’m kicking you off the bed.” She smiled as I turned off the light and climbed
in next to her.

The mattress was hard underneath me, but I was so tired I didn’t care. Hell, I’d slept outside more times than I could count. This was luxury. “If I snore, I’ll let you. But
, if you snore…” I smiled while she snuggled closer.

“You’ll do what?” Fascination tinted with sexuality had me pausing.
Why, yes, she was.

“Snore and you’ll see.”

She smiled and reached over me, hitting the button on the rail of the bed to turn off the TV. The softness of her breasts pushed against my chest and my eyes closed at the need to pull her into me and take her right there. The little tease. She had no idea what she was messing with.

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