BITTER SWEET CRAVINGS (The Kingsmen MC Book 6) (13 page)

“We should go back to your place,” I suggest, offering the only viable option to continue this further.

He shakes his head, a shadow of something wicked flashing over his eyes.

“No time, Cupcake.”

I gulp hard and all of my attention focuses on the hard bulge pressing against the thin lining of my panties.

My eyes widen as I register the size of the large mass beneath the denim, and I swallow hard.

“Please, tell me you have a condom with you.”

I bite my lip and pray he does. The only thing that could fuck this up right now would be if we had to stop.

He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his wallet with a devilish grin. I roll my eyes jokingly at him as he holds the foil-wrapped square up in victory before tearing the package open in fervor with his teeth.

My fingers go to work quickly on the button and metal zipper before reaching in to help alleviate the strain the confinement must have had on him when I gasp in shock.

“Holy crap…”

My fingers are barely able to touch around the mass as I try to coax the shaft towards me. I feel it pulsating through the paper-thin skin stretched over the throbbing vein that swirls down the length.

I feel myself growing lightheaded with just the idea of the girth let alone the length of this new part of him with which I’m becoming acquainted with. My fingers continue to explore, mesmerized, having always thought things like this were nothing more than romance novel myth.

A drop of cool liquid pools on my finger as he brings the latex covering down over the entirety of it. He grabs himself with one hand, lining up as the other pushes aside the sopping mess of cotton from blocking his entry before sliding to my lower back and pushing me closer to him.

My body jerks from the sudden inertia of the movement and I lock my arms around his neck to brace myself, closing my eyes to savor every little move we make.

He kisses one closed eye, with my lash flittering from the sweetness of it, before he kisses the other.

“Look at me,” he asks.

I lift my lids like a heavy curtain to find him staring at me, his eyes soft and sensual, drawing me in.

I feel the smallest amount of pressure and I hiss as he begins to fill the void that’s been waiting for him.

“Shh. Just relax and look at me.”

I take a deep breath and try my best to push away the fear, doing what he’s asked and concentrating on his eyes. They hypnotize me and lock me in a trance only penetrated by the softness of his words.

“I knew you were something special from the moment I saw you, baby. Something I knew that could ruin me in the best way possible if I let it. Something I thought would be too much for me, more than I deserved.”

I cry out as he’s filled as much as my body will allow for now, forcing me to drop forward, resting on his shoulders as he kisses my neck.

“Oh God, T.J. Too big.”

He pushes one more time, soliciting a whimper as I’ve reached the first threshold. His thumb swipes my cheek and he uses his soft soothing voice to calm me once more.

“Slow, and steady, baby, that’s all. We’ve got all the time in the world.”

His lips find mine once more and I revel in the depths of his kiss, concentrating on that as I feel the stretching, terrified it’ll be too much. His free hand slides up my thigh under the loosely-folded cotton of my skirt and traces the delicate flesh around the entrance he’s claimed until he finds the tightest part, the small point that houses the essence of the fragments of pleasure I feel through the exquisite pain.

His fingers knead and work the area like a talented musician becoming one with the instrument. His movements join together to work all the different parts of me to reach the ultimate goal.

His lips take mine deep, captivating me with the vigorous need they have for me. His hand massages my apex, steadily moving me closer and closer to what… I’m not sure. But every second that passes makes me more and more convinced I’m almost there. Most of all, though, his huge, solid, cock steadily works to conquer me.

My breathing hitches, my back tenses, and I feel a surge of need like I’ve never felt before in my life come barreling down on me like an avalanche as the floodgates open and I cry out in orgasmic pleasure. The abrupt explosion causes intense muscle fatigue at every level, finally giving T.J. the moment he’s waited for.

Surprisingly, I feel no pain, I feel no fear. I feel nothing but a surge of warmth as we’ve made it this far together. I wrap my ankles around him and smile as we’re as connected as two people can be, every inch of him cradled and caressed within me.

“See?” He kisses the tip of my nose. “Like I said, cupcake. Slow and steady.”

I laugh as the stress of it all has washed away, seeming silly now that we’re on the other side of it.

“Now, move with me, baby,” He holds my hips and urges them to roll.

“I can take it from here,” I offer confidently.

He arches an eyebrow in question, and I wink at him before popping my hip quickly to one side before grinding against him in a perfect pattern.

He breathes in deeply and I watch in smug satisfaction as his eyes roll back.

I laugh lightly, offering him the same instruction he provided me.

“Shh… keep your eyes on me, baby. Slow and steady.”

And then I make sure to show him just how naughty this good girl can be.





“You didn’t have to follow me home, but thanks.”

I leave my bike parked by the mailbox and follow her up the walkway. Dana’s self-conscious with me behind her, constantly looking over her shoulder and fidgeting with her hands, probably worried I’m staring at her ass.

She’s right. I am.

How could I not? The more I look at it, even in the loose skirt, I convince myself that it’s the finest ass I’ve ever laid eyes on. It’s fuckin’ perfect.
fuckin’ perfect.

The perfect eyes, the perfect ass, the perfect skin… the perfect pussy.

My dick aches in the best way possible just thinking about how tight she was, gripping and squeezing every inch of life out of me. I laugh, more loudly than I’d planned thinking how I’ll never need a cock ring with her.

“What? Am I walking funny?” She turns, blushing.

Huh? Oh, the laugh.

I pull her close to me as we’ve reached the door. “Damn right you’re walkin’ funny… probably gonna be sore later, too. You sure you don’t want me to stay with you?”

I kiss her nose as she shakes her head no, even though I see in her eyes she’s debating the merits of the suggestion.

“I’ve got a lot of work to do tomorrow. Open a business account, call a contractor, a printer, and set up a supply company. Honestly, you’d be a fantastic yet horrible
all at the same time.”

Her eyes subconsciously dip between us down to my crotch.

I laugh again as she licks her top lip, unaware of how insanely cute and sexy it is at the same time.

“Well, get your shit done early, ‘cause I have a feeling we’ll both be looking for a
before long. And don’t worry about finding a contractor. We’ve got plenty of brothers who work in that area.”

She eyes me, “Really? That… would be such a help! Do they know what they’re doing?”

“Go by Sunny’s salon and take a look. Did everything ourselves to help save her a bunch of cash when she opened.” I hope she’ll listen to me and actually go pay a visit, get to know Sunny a little better, make it easier for her around the other women in the club.

“But why would they all go out of their way to help
?” Her eyes open wide before she’s even finished her thought. “Oh, because Charlie’s my sister?”

I shake my head, “No. Because you’re with me.”

“T.J… I--”

I quiet any objection she’s trying to voice with my lips on hers, convincing her of the reason I want to help. Her hands wrap around my waist, hanging low, relaxed, playing with the leather that still has a newness to it.

“You-you have something in your pocket--”

Curiosity getting the better of her as she feels some type of bulge in my pocket, she pulls the string of the stripper panties, freeing them from the hiding place I’d forgotten about.

At first I can see that she doesn’t register what they are, and I try unsuccessfully to take them back.

“What- is this? What I-”

I drop my head back, eyes able to stare up at the stars for a second before rolling and closing.


“It’s not what you think, babe.”

She drops the g-string on the ground as if it were contagious.

“It looks like a cheap pair of panties. It looks like a trophy. Let me guess, you gonna need a pair of mine, too? Add them to the collection?”

She pulls away from me, anger building.

“Whoa! First off, I don’t need a pair of your panties, cupcake. I’ve got a second by second account of it on permanent replay in my head, still not truly believing that it actually fucking happened. Second, the most important thing you need to know about me is my word. I say something? It’s true. Never have to second guess shit about that, Okay?”

“Oh? Everything you say will be the truth?” She’s setting me up, I can feel it.

I nod.

“Then where did they come from? Why are they in your pocket? And did you fuck her?” I’m amazed she’s calm enough to speak rationally, not used to a woman
taking the opportunity to fly off the goddamned handle.

“Came from a sleazy stripper tossing me a souvenir of the show, hoping I’d give her more than just a tip later. They’re in my pocket because I shoved ‘em in there to get them off my face so I could fucking see. And no… I didn’t fuck her. I didn’t touch her or say a word to her. Not because I didn’t have the opportunity to… because I couldn’t imagine touching anyone else. I kept finding myself comparing everyone else to you, realizing they didn’t even hold a candle. I’m not sure what the fuck you’re doin’ to me, cupcake. Some kind of pussy magic or some shit like that. For days now, all I do is remember little things about you that I didn’t even realize I’d learned. But I did, I fucking memorized every little thing about you without even knowin’ it.”

I can’t read her, can’t gauge whether she believes me or not.

“Get them off my sister’s porch.” She kicks them with the toe of her shoe. “They fucking reek.”

Then, she smiles, turns her back and closes the door softly as if nothing happened at all.

What the hell? No chewing me out? No screaming her fucking head off? No slapping me across the face? I’m godsmacked right now.

I bend to take the offensive object to toss in the trash when I see the base of the door open.

“Oh, babe?” she asks, sweet and demurely as if she’d forgotten to tell me something. “Remember how good it felt when you slid inside me? And remember how you panted my name, saying how it was even better than you imagined? Oh, and then there was that little moment when you broke out in a sweat and swore you were about to die happy. Remember all those?”

I feel my dick harden just thinking of it.

“Yeah, well, if I
find another pair of panties on you, on your bike, in your bed, in your house, or anywhere else… all you’re gonna have are those memories to think about as you cry yourself to sleep at night knowing you lost the best thing that ever happened to you. ‘Cause believe me… it
make you break down and sob every single time you think about the sweet, tight, little pussy you’ll never get to have again.”

She’s surprisingly upbeat.

“Have a nice day.”

I feel like I’ve been simultaneously kicked in the gut and had my cock swallowed by her sweet mouth as she leaves me with the well-articulated threat and a raging hard-on.






“Hey, Charlie! You workin’ an extra shift?”

Maude has become especially nice to me since our little shared ordeal in the emergency room a few days ago when I lost my shit after seeing Clink.

I smile, thankful I have her as an ally around here, no matter the reason why.

“Nah, just checking on a friend before visiting hours begin.” I click my fingernails along the keyboard as I type in Sable’s information. Room 202. “See ya tomorrow, Mo.”

She nods to me over a clipboard, entering in her daily med. checks.

The first-shift nurses are making their way in to relieve the overnight ones, like Maude. Other than the handing off of charts, reviewing OR and testing schedules, and catching up on the turn of shift gossip, it’s pretty quiet here this time of morning.

I knew Sable wouldn’t be moved to a private room until well after midnight last night so I thought it better to just scoot in here before visiting hours begin to check on her.

Clink had told me that Blue was practically arrested for trespassing when he refused to leave her side after visiting hours had closed yesterday. I don’t know Blue well compared to most of the other brothers, but I think it’s sweet he’s got a thing for her. Just goes to show you that there’s someone out there for everyone… even sick, perverted, deviant little fuckers like Blue.

Room 202 is on the far side of the east wing, but it doesn’t take me long to reach it. With the nurses preoccupied with the shift change back at the main nursing station, these distant halls are completely empty.

I turn the corner but stop short and slink back as I see a dark-haired man leaving her room. He’s moving quickly, confidently, down the hall away from me before scanning a card in front of the barcode reader of the security door to exit.

I take quick little steps to follow the tan-skinned man as he makes his way down the corridor for the back stairwell. The
stairwell, that required an
badge to get to.

I’m not an old-timer around here like Maude, but I certainly have never seen this guy in any professional capacity and judging by the looks of him, he seems more of a back-alley kind of creep than a medical professional.

However… he did seem to know Harris that morning at the Waffle house… and they both specifically went out of their way to hide that fact. Could he be hospital security, maybe?

Thank God I’ve worn my sneakers today, with the hopes of hitting the gym for the first time since surgery. The soft-rubberized soles help me covertly tail the murky-looking man as well as get enough traction to pick up some speed.

The loud clicking of the heavy, fireproof metal door can be heard before the swooshing of air being moved as it closes with a heavy thud. Thanks to the block-lettered painted B on the wall of the landing, I know we’re in the basement, the bottom parking level for the ambulances and higher-level administrators.

I sneak close, hiding, tempted to hit the bar handle to follow him further but know that will sure as shit get me caught. Instead, I slowly raise myself to peek through the square safety glass, through the crisscross of metal meshing embedded within.

The basement is dark with only the scattered artificial lights casting from yellow light bulbs. I see the man standing next to a dark sedan with heavily tinted windows talking animatedly with a taller, more slender man showing his back to me.

The second man has lighter hair, is clean-cut, and wears a long-sleeved baby-blue business shirt that looks fresh and recently ironed and light khakis. He couldn’t be more of a contradiction to the dark t-shirt wearing man in expensive looking jeans and a leather jacket.

The two of them continue to talk and I struggle to get a better view without blowing my cover. I contort myself into a perfect sitting chair position that my yoga instructor would be damn proud of but it isn’t enough.


And fuck this soundproof door! I can’t hear anything!

I garner the courage to stand a bit more, exposing nearly the top half of my head through the window, risking being seen but the payoff is immediate.

I see the dark-haired stranger point his finger accusingly at the clean-cut guy before handing over a thin lanyard with a small white card attached to it. An employee badge, just like the one I have. Just like the one every legitimate employee of this hospital has.

The taller white man takes it quickly and swoops his neck into it, before turning to leave his companion. The nearby wall-mounted low wattage light falls on him so I’m finally able to see his face, to see the identity of the employee who allowed the dangerous looking man to gain access to not only Sable, but a damn good escape as well.

My heart stops and my breathing pauses as I see the familiar jawline and clean-shaven profile.

It’s Harris.

I don’t know why I’m shocked as much as I am, but I quickly lose my balance and perfect yoga pose, stumbling to regain it only to fall against the cold, solid, metal door. I’m able to avoid the handle, to keep the door from opening with my impact, but the sound is unmistakable.

The noise crashes through the perfect echo-ready walls and I gasp deep before taking off in flight up the stairs. I don’t think, I don’t reason… I don’t do anything except run as fast as I can, literally for my life, as I hear the tell-tale signs of a chase behind me.

Shoes screeching, heavy panting, thudding echoes… and the clicking of a gun.

Holy fucking shit! This just hit a whole new level.

A powerful burst of adrenaline shoots through my veins, pushing me further, faster, up the stairs until I reach the third floor, slamming my body weight against the long rectangular handle bar of the door, giving my pursuers not only a strong clue as to my method of escape, but an exact location of where to go next.

The recently polished floors don’t help with traction, but I use every single muscle in my legs to propel me, not daring to look behind, instead listening for the inescapable sound of the stairwell door once more behind me as they barrel through it.

I hear the dreaded sound I’ve been waiting for just as I grab hold of a corner and round it, throwing myself into a small maintenance closet. I don’t dare turn the light on; instead, I feel my way through the dark, carefully, knowing that one more clumsy mistake like what I’ve made in the basement could cost me big time.

The round, generic metal doorknob has a lock, so I carefully depress it, until I hear the faint clicking. Only then can I breathe, only then can I finally release the air that’s been building in my lungs, begging for escape.

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