Read Beyond Doubt Online

Authors: Karice Bolton

Beyond Doubt (28 page)

“He did it before they picked him up.”

“When he was at my condo,” I mumbled.

“Yeah. He confessed.”

“Why would he do that? Confess, I mean.”

“I don’t know. I’m guessing a plea bargain. Your mom knows the details. Instead of attempted murder, attempted manslaughter, maybe?”

I nodded completely disinterested in the sandwich sitting in front of me.

“I can’t believe it, but I do. When I tried using the brakes absolutely nothing happened and then when the deer jumped out…” I shivered as the memories flashed through my mind.

“I didn’t want to upset you, but I knew you’d want to know.”

“You know me well.”

“They also found more code. The finale of sorts.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you know how he recreated the images of him lurking in your apartment?”

I nodded.

“The rest of the game was a chase,” Aaron’s eyes filled with anger.

A surge of fear pulsed through my veins.

“And you were the target.”

“So I guess I should be thankful that this is all that happened to me?”

“He’s a sick son-of-a-bitch.”

“I’m just glad they have him in custody. I don’t know what I’d do if he was still on the loose.”

“I don’t either.”

An uncomfortable silence filled the air between us as I thought about everything. I took a bite of the sandwich and Aaron was right. It wasn’t that bad.

“I’ve arranged for you to come back to my home once you’re released,” he began.


“I’ve got the best physical therapists lined up and two nurses who’ll help you with anything that’s needed. Your parents aren’t very happy about it. But I’m telling you right now, Brandy, I’m not having it any other way. They can’t take care of you like I can. They work during the day. This is the best option and it’s all squared away. I had a special bed delivered for the guestroom that’s on the main floor so stairs won’t be a problem and—”

“I can’t accept that.” I shook my head. I was torn between being horrified and being flattered. My parents were proud people, and I can’t imagine them taking a liking to anyone offering help. I let out a deep breath and closed my eyes.

“It’s not up for negotiation. It’s the best thing for your recovery.”

“Well, then, I guess a thank you is in order,” I said, smiling. “Has anyone heard how much longer I might be here? When I get to go home?”

“I’ve been talking with the doctors and because of the facilities I have arranged for you, I think we’re looking at really soon.” His eyes sparkled. “You know, I wanted to ask you to move in, but this wasn’t exactly what I was thinking.”

I started laughing and noticed my appetite crept back up.

“Everything you’re doing for me means so much. You don’t have to do this. You’re not responsible.”

“It has nothing to do with that. I’m doing this because I love you and I want the best for you. You mean everything to me.”

“For you to say that when I look the way I do…”

“You look gorgeous.”

“You’re not as hot of a liar as you think you are. Gabby showed me a picture of myself earlier today.”

“What’d she do that for?” he asked, his voice angry.

“Don’t be mad at her. I begged her and you know how I can be.”

Aaron calmed down and laughed. “True. You actually look a lot better than when you were first in here.”

“You don’t have to be that honest.”

He leaned over and gently kissed my cheek. “I’ll get it right one of these days.”




Voices arguing woke me up, and I slowly raised my head and opened my eyes to see my brothers and mom on one side of my bed and Aaron on the other.

“She’s not going to your house,” Mason said. “She’s going to mine.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Mason. I’m her mother. She’s staying with me,” my mother said, her eyes flashed to Aaron’s. “But she’s definitely not staying with you. You’re the one who got her into this mess. It’s your fault she’s in here.”

I glanced at Aaron, his jaw tightened. I could tell he was holding everything in.

“Excuse me,” I said, clearing my throat. “This isn’t exactly how I dreamed of waking up.”

“I’m sorry, dear,” my mom said, grabbing my hand. “We’ve got good news for you.”


“You get to go home today,” Ayden piped up.

“That hinges on where she’ll be recovering,” Aaron said, his voice steady and determined.

“Listen, man. You got her into this whole mess. She never would have touched a bike if it hadn’t been for you. Just because you’re feeling guilty doesn’t mean you should swoop in like a hero now.”

“Hold up,” I said, raising my free hand. “Don’t I have a say in this?”

My mom nodded at me and said, “Of course.”

She wasn’t going to like what I had to say.

Oh well!

“I want to stay at Aaron’s,” I began. My brothers began to shift uncomfortably, and their gazes dropped to the mattress. It was moments like these where it was quite apparent just how deep the twin thread ran. “You both work nonstop, and mom, you’re probably worse than both of them combined. Get your emotions out of the mix and really think about it. Do you have the time and resources to make sure I can wheel myself into the restroom or get taken to therapy appointments?”

None of them said anything.

“I didn’t think so.” I reached for Aaron’s hand. “And blaming anyone for this accident besides the person who drained my brake fluid is absolutely asinine. If it wasn’t the bike the guy tampered with, I’m sure it would have been my car or who knows what. If it hadn’t been for Aaron, I probably wouldn’t be alive. I decided to ride bikes because I wanted to. End of story. And if I ever hear anything like this coming out of any of your mouths again, I won’t be speaking to you. Ever.”

My mom’s eyes filled with tears and she glanced at Aaron. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s come over me. You didn’t deserve that. We know it’s not your fault and I’m just awful for suggesting it.”

“We’ve all been under stress. Forget about it,” Aaron said. “If you guys would like to see the arrangements I have at the house for Brandy before she goes home, you’re more than welcome. She’ll be on the main floor. The physical therapists will be coming to the house, and I have two nurses who will help with anything else that may arise during her recovery.”

My dad wandered in with a cup of coffee and smiled. “Ready to come home?”

We all started laughing, and my dad just looked around the room, completely confused.

“Here we go again,” Mason whispered.

“Dad, I’m actually going to begin my recovery at Aaron’s house.”

“Over my—”

“Don’t bother,” I interrupted. “It’s already been decided.”

He let out a sigh and shook his head. “Story of my life.”

“So can someone tell me about law school? Is there a way I can catch up for the semester?”

Aaron traded looks with my mother and drew in a breath.

“You won’t be going back this semester,” Aaron said softly.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. I have waited my entire life. I can guarantee you that I can get caught up.”

“I know, babe. I tried to explain that to them, but they wouldn’t reconsider.”

Blood was rushing to my head. I was furious. As hard as I’d worked all through undergrad and then studying for the LSATs and finally getting admitted into law school, this was how I was going to be rewarded?

Aaron let out a deep breath. “I was able to get them to defer your enrollment until next semester. They wanted to drop you from the roll all together.” He shifted uncomfortably as my brothers stared at him. “I had to remind them who helped fund the new law library that opened last year and then they were more willing to listen.”

Typical of schools.

“So they’re letting me back in?” I asked, my voice hoarse.

He nodded and my eyes filled with tears.

“Thank you, Aaron.”

“We’ll leave you two alone,” my mom said, rounding up the males in my family.

I watched my family walk out of the hospital room and looked back at Aaron. “You’ve done so much for me. I don’t understand—”

“I love you, Brandy. I haven’t done anything that you wouldn’t have done.” He leaned over and gave me a soft, tender kiss.

“Honestly, I think this actually works better. You can focus on rehab and by the time the next semester rolls around you’ll be better than new.”

I laughed and glanced at the clock. It was ten minutes to nine o’clock.

“So when do I get some crutches to hobble out of here?”

His eyes focused on mine as he squeezed my hand. “They’ll be wheeling you out at around noon.”

“Wheeling me out?” My eyes widened.

Aaron nodded and slowly pulled down my blanket to reveal a brace encircling my waist…as if I needed reminding what was going on down there.

“How am I supposed to fit in a wheelchair like this?” I asked.

“You know? I have absolutely no idea,” he started laughing. “But I guess we’ll find out soon.”

I groaned as my head fell back to the pillow. “This is so not my idea of showing you a good time.”

“Showing me a good time, huh?” his eyes sparkled as I burst into laughter.

I heard a light tap on the door and looked over to see a nurse pushing in a large wheelchair. “Shower time.”

Thank God!

“Fun’s starting already,” Aaron murmured.

I rolled my eyes and giggled as the nurse came over to my bed.

“I’m going to take out your IV and your catheter.”

I looked over at Aaron, completely mortified. “I think that’s your cue to exit stage right.”

He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and headed out of the room as the nurse began preparing me for home.



Aaron was taking things very easy on our drive home, changing lanes like he was ninety years old and turning corners so slowly I swore I could’ve gotten out and pushed us faster.

But I appreciated it. I appreciated him.

I was sprawled out in the back of his Mercedes SUV. My right leg was anchored straight out in front of me, taking up the entire back seat. I was as close to feeling like a mummy as humanly possible. I watched the scenery go by at a snail’s pace and had to laugh.

“I promise I won’t shatter,” I teased.

“I just don’t want your leg to fall off...”

“The seat?”

“No, just off. You look like you’re barely pieced together.”

I started laughing. “Well, thank you for that.” We were only a couple of minutes away from Aaron’s home, and anxiety started to pulse through me as I thought about what was ahead for me, for us. I felt absolutely helpless and completely powerless. I wasn’t used to depending on anyone but myself, and here I was having my brand new boyfriend take care of me in a way that I wasn’t sure either of us would be able to handle.

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