Read Beautiful to Me. Online

Authors: G. V. Steitz

Beautiful to Me. (13 page)

After getting dressed again, we picked everything up, and began our long walk back to Dom’s car. By this time it was late afternoon and we both decided to nap at home because by the time we woke up here if we fell asleep, we probably would be locked in the forest preserve because it would be dark.

Finally getting into the car, we both felt a little burst of engry, giving us enough fuel to make it home without accident. Thank God.

Dom took me back to his place. My mom was fully aware of my relationship, had met Dominic as well as his family. Everyone was pleased with our new found love we felt and everyone got along.

Dragging ourselves into Dominic’s house, I was worried to see his mom and her to see or worse, smell the sex we just ripped ourselves through four times in a row.

Quickly, Dom got us in the house, and up to his room. We quickly cleaned up a little and fell into his bed atop the blankets. My back to his chest, Dom’s arm possessively wrapped around my waist, we both fell asleep quickly.

Our week off of school flew by. My mom and I were invited over to the Cavalier’s for Easter Sunday. I made Dominic an Easter basket. He was so cute, his eyes lit up like he was five years old. Stood there looking at me in shock for a minute before running up to his room to hide it from his brothers who were not happy they didn’t get one. However, I did surprise the rest of the boys with chocolate bunnies. So I was quickly back in their good grace’s.

Dominic and I have been frolicking around like to wild rabbits. I feel our relationship has only grown stronger. Both of us seem to not get enough of each other.

Summer soon came and Dominic and I couldn’t of been more thrilled. Granted a huge chunk of the name calling and relentless ribbing tapered down immensely, but still didn’t sit right with my biggest problem. Lena.

I for the most part, kept the name calling and ribbing out of my discussions with Dominic. Lord knows he would go through the roof if he heard about them.

Dominic and I have been running together every morning for months. We both enjoy getting together before school and now with summer, we still run, usually but not every morning. Sometimes he tells his mother we are going running and all he does is run his ass over to my place in his car and plows through to get me back into my bed. Luckily my mother works full time and really, what can she say? We are both approaching 18. I mean enough is enough. On the other hand, Mrs. C is hysterical. I think she has Masses said for me to get pregnant. She has named our first two children already as well as worked out our schedules and her baby sitting for us also. At least she is prepared for us.

Dominic and I have began to discuss college and what next after high school. I personally think he will be granted a full ride scholarship to some big State University. Whatever it is, he expects me to be right next to him. It makes me thrilled inside, but I worry I might be holding him back some how.

“Dominic, what do you think you are doing?” I ask him as he comes sneaking in my bedroom window in the middle of the night.

“Shhhh. I had to see you. I haven’t been inside you in two days and I am going out of my mind.” He explains like this makes perfect sense.

I roll my eyes and chuckle.             

Dominic peels his shirt off, and rips off his gym shorts he wears to play basket ball with his friends. Or as Dominic calls them, his fans or Posse. Whatever.

“Scoot over woman.” He tells me as he climbs in bed with me, wiggling his fingers for me to make room for him.             

“Ah…” Dominic sighs as he lays his head back on the pillow and folds his hands behind his head.

I look over at him after he finally gets himself situated, finding a comfy spot and finally settles down. “Are you done now?” I ask him.

“Yep.” He says. “However, I am horny.”

“You’re a guy. You are always horny. Your nearly 18 and a walking testosterone hormone. The rate we have going I can’t believe that extra limb you lug around hasn’t fallen off.” I offer up sarcastically.

“I didn’t hear you complaining the last time. In fact, I believe your exact words were, “God, God, Oh God, don’t stop. Harder, Faster…”             

I shove him. “All right, you made your point, pipe down will you.”

Dominic pulls himself on to his side, facing me, leans up on his elbow, resting his head on his hand. “What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours sweetness.” He says to me quietly, as he outlines my face with his finger, tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear. I turn to face him, mirroring the same pose as he is.

I try to find the right words to explain my worries and frustrations. Dominic patiently waits, watching me and my body language.

“I’ve been really obsessing a lot about cutting again.” I admit in nearly a whisper.             

Dominic sits up, pushes himself up against the headboard, and pulls me over to straddle his legs facing him to talk to me, without any thought, I comply.

Sitting on top of Dominic, tracing circles on his chest, not waiting to disappoint him I don’t know what to say. Dominic quietly tilts my head up to face him with his finger under my chin. I keep my eyes closed, feeling bad that I let him down.             

“Ivy, can you please look at me baby.” He asks.

I shake my head no, not wanting to face him.

“Look at me baby.” He commands this time, which immediately got my attention.             

“I’m so proud of you for telling me. Did you do anything to hurt yourself yet?” He asks.

“No, just been thinking about it a great deal is all.” I say shrugging my shoulder like it isn’t an issue.             

“Ok, good. That’s a huge step right there baby. You said something first before acting on a thought. Can you tell me what triggered these feelings to resurface?” He asks me calmly.

I take a deep breath, letting it out in a long sigh. “I spoke with my father a few days ago. We sort of had a disagreement.” I offer up.


“About you and me Dominic. My father…” I start with and make an attempt that quickly failed with me trying to dismount Dominic.

“What about you and me? And you better not get off, I am comfortable with you just like we are. Spill it.” He tells me.

“My father seems to think that if we continue this relationship, I will possibly be holding you back, something about sowing your oats and getting your youth worked out of your system before getting serious with someone. He thinks that sooner or later, you will come to resent me and you have lost your chance to do what you want with you life. Like my mom did to him he told me.” I confessed the last sentence in a whisper.

Dominic looks back at me completely stunned. “Ivy, forgive me for saying this but, is your father smoking crack? What the hell does he know about me loving you? How can you even entertain this crazy thought your father planted in your head about our relationship? Look at me God Damn it!” He says louder.

I snap my eyes to lock on his. “Quiet please. My mother might hear you.” I tell him in a whisper.             

“Your mother could sleep through a nuclear siren going off in her room right next to her head for Christ sake.”

I laugh. Nodding. “True.”

“Ivy, I will not regret anything sweetness. Sowing my wild oats? I really don’t think it is for everyone. I don’t know what our future holds, but I do know, without a doubt in my body that you are in it, with me, every step of the way baby.” He tells me as he rubs my thighs, trying to soothe away any worry.

“I just don’t want to hold you back.” I explain.

“Alright, that is enough of this nonsense. Let me knock some sense into you with some hot no nonsense sex.” He says, dragging my night gown over my head, tossing it over onto the floor. “Come here.” Dominic says as he wraps his hand around the back of my neck, pulling me into him and we begin to kiss.

Slowly, I melt away any concerns I had about destroying Dominic’s life and found myself in a very heated crazy need to have him fill me with pure Dominic.

Grinding my groin into his, I pulled my hair around to one side and leaned into his palms that were gently kneading my aching breasts.

I reach down between us and reach into his boxers, and wrap my hand around his hard beautiful penis. My fingers don’t touch as I tighten my grip on him, causing Dominic to buck up into my groin, and quietly moans. I use both my hands to slowly work him up which never takes long before he goes all primal, caveman on me.

No sooner do I have that passing thought, I find myself flipped over so that Dominic is now on top of me, looking down at me. Dominic before his decent on my body. Kissing his way down. Paying extra attention to my very hard nipples, he so enjoys to torture me with his mouth, practically making me beg him to fill the empty void I have throbbing for him.

He looks down at my bikini cotton panties and looks back up at me with a smirk. “Cute, but no dice sweetness.” He tells me as he moves and quickly hauls my “No Trespassing” written boldly in the front of my crotch.

“We are so going to be trespassing sweetness.” He says climbing back over me with both our last bit of clothing off both of us. “There got rid of all these stupid clothes. I wish I can keep you naked all the time.” He says to me reaquaints his mouth to my nipples again.

Running his finger between my wet folds, Dominic moans into my breasts as he pops out one and moves over to the other.

“So wet for me already baby. I can’t wait sweetness, I need to be inside you now.” He informs me as he takes his hard as steel shaft in his hands and guides himself into me, causing us both to moan at the same time.

“Fuck, Ivy you feel so Damn good. I have missed you for two long painful days baby.” He groans.

Dominic then runs the palms of his hands down my body, and wraps his fingers around my hips, pulling me more into him making me whimper with delight.

“I can’t get enough of you.” He says as he starts to slam deeper into me.

I quickly grab his biceps and I hold on for dear life because I know this one isn’t going to be slow and loving. This is pure primal caveman mode.             

Raising my hips up to get into me deeper, Dominic kneels with his legs spread a bit, and he rests my ass on his thighs, so I am raised to the hilt for him to plow through me, hitting the back of my womb.

Dominic pulls my legs up on to his shoulders and bends over me. “Ah.. You want it like this don’t you baby.”

“Yes.” I says breathlessly.

“Nothing and no one will keep me from you Ivy. Do you understand?” He grunts. His balls slapping against my ass. “Answer me.” He orders.

“Yes.” I moan desperate for my quick moving orgasm ready to spill out over me. “Dominic, please… oh please…” I beg him for I don’t know what. More, less, faster, slower… I can’t think straight when Dominic gets like this with me.

“I know baby. Hold it Ivy.” He tells me.

“I can’t..” I pant.

“Yes. You. Can. Wait for me.” He orders

I feel myself just a thrust or two away from free falling and Dominic finally gives me permission.

“Now, Ivy. Come with me baby.” I grunt as we both shatter in each other’s arms together. Wave after wave, racing through our bodies together as I fill her with my seed is the best feeling in the world. We collapse together.             


Chapter 10.


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