Bare Instincts: A BBW Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance (13 page)

He increased the pressure on her tits as he nudged into her. The exquisite pain made her clamp down on his cock.

“Tasha, baby, please,” he grunted. “You can’t keep doing that, not if you want me to last.”

With effort, she relaxed her grip on his dick. His every touch caused sparks to skitter across her body, and as he twisted and plucked her nipples, he slid in deeper. When he lightly bit her shoulder, she thought every part of her would come unraveled. Lowering her head, she inhaled deeply for some control, and the kisses that followed traveled from her shoulder to her neck. It was his insistent tongue that took her higher and higher until her pussy convulsed again around his cock.

Burke must have understood she was close to the edge because he lowered his hands to her waist and drove into her hard. Electric sparks sizzled up her spine, causing her nipples to turn to hard points.

She couldn’t wait any longer and pressed her hips back, wanting every inch of him. His growl almost scared her in its intensity, but she was unable to stop her climax from claiming her. Her world spun as total joy bubbled in her veins, and the ripples of pure ecstasy crested into waves.

As Burke thrust into her again and again, he let out a feral yell. When his cock exploded, heat seared her insides. As soon as the gushing stopped, he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. Eventually, he withdrew, nabbed the clean dishtowel from the counter, and wiped her dry.

She faced him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and collapsed against him. “I’m not sure how much more I can take of this intense lovemaking. I’m used to blah sex.”

Burke laughed. “If you’re looking for blah, you’re with the wrong man.”

“You can say that again.”

“You up for some dinner?”

“I’m starving.” That wasn’t new. “What did you bring?”

“Spaghetti and meatballs. The place was so busy that I just took the special.”

“It smells divine.” She bet that wasn’t something he ate very often.

“If you pour the wine, I’ll put out the food.”

She laughed. “Naked?” Tasha snapped her bra in place and grabbed her panties.


They both dressed then dished out the food. Throughout dinner, Tasha couldn’t help but wonder if he’d spend the night. Sure, he was staying at his parents’ house and probably didn’t want to upset them, but if they were going to have any chance at being together, perhaps he’d consider getting a place of his own for the next few months, or even moving into her place. Then again, he might rush back to Pennsylvania.

Shit. It was too soon to broach that subject, but maybe in a few weeks, if all went well, she’d ask him.

Chapter Twelve

ou didn’t spend
the night?” Wade asked. He hefted his beer and tossed it back.

“No. I wasn’t going to show up at work the next day in my good clothes. Everyone would guess where I’d been.” Besides, Burke didn’t need to give his folks even more to worry about.

“Is that what you told Tasha?”

“Yes.” He looked around the bar to see if any of her friends were there then spotted Chey and Storm sitting close and smiling. Neither acted as if they’d seem him come in. Good.

The Cove Bar band struck up a song and Wade leaned forward. “She understood, I take it?” The pursed lips and raised brows screamed of disapproval.

“She did.”

Wade leaned back, a smirk on his face. “Have you called her since she left for her conference?”

Burke couldn’t figure out why Wade was pushing him so hard. “She only flew out yesterday morning. I didn’t want to bug her since she said she’d be busy.”

“Uh-huh. So, how’s it really going between you two?”

Wade was the only one he could confide in. “Good and not so good. The sex is beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. As soon as I’m around her, I have to have her. I can’t count the number of times I have the urge to shift. My sex drive is out of control.”

Wade chuckled. “I trust that’s the good part?”

“I guess, but what kind of image am I presenting?”

At this, Wade cracked up. “Since when have you been interested in image? Hell, your image is being a playboy.”

“It used to be, but I’ve changed. Ever since Tom’s death, I’ve wanted more than that. Life is short, and believe it or not, I haven’t had the urge to party. I’d rather just be with Tasha. I feel more alive when I’m with her.”

Wade turned serious. “Then what’s the problem?”

“I can’t be sure she’ll want to be with me for much longer. I can’t say I blame her since she doesn’t like to ride motorcycles or watch sports—not that I’ve broached that topic.”

“And she might grow tired of having sex with you all the time.”

Burke laughed. “There is that, which means I need to change. I want to share my interests with her and do more of the things she likes, but I don’t know what those are. We went fishing—which is what she likes—but before I could even get my pole in the water, my other pole was stiff.”

Wade shook his head. “You do have a problem. What does Tasha like to do?”

“Hang out with her girlfriends.”

“What else?”


Wade polished off his beer and waved for another one. “Why not pick some classics to read? Then you can discuss it with her.”

Burke lowered his chin. “I could, but that would be a one-time deal. I don’t want to fake my interests.”

Wade shrugged. “My parents read to each other a few times a week, and they seem to like it.”

“I never knew that.”

“It’s a new thing. Dad doesn’t publicize it much, but he says he likes it. Apparently, it brings them closer. They each pick a book, one that they will enjoy, and read it to the other person.”

That had merit. “What would I pick? A biography on the guy who invented the printing press?”

Wade rolled his eyes. “Dude, get one of those hot books the women like to read.”

“I wouldn’t have a clue how to go about finding one.”

The bartender walked over with another beer for Wade and placed it in front of him. “Thanks.” Wade picked up his drink and faced Burke. “You can either go to a bookstore and ask for a hot romance, or I can call Holly and ask her.”

“Your sister reads slutty books?”

His friend laughed. “All women read slutty books—or want to—whether they admit it or not. If Holly personally doesn’t, she can ask one of her friends who does.”

“I bet Tasha doesn’t read that sort of thing.”

Wade shook his head. “Then this might be a good way to introduce her to it. Hell, it might improve your sex life.”

“Not possible, but I’ll give it a try. Let me know what Holly says.”

“Sure. Don’t look so down. It’s still early in the relationship. If you two are true mates, things will work out.” Wade glanced behind Burke. “Uh-oh. Trouble’s coming.”

Burke glanced over his shoulder and groaned. Dee Dee strutted over to him, a drink in her hand. “Hey, boys, mind if I join you?”

Instead of waiting for them to answer, she pulled out a chair and dropped down. She leaned forward, her breasts in full display. “Haven’t had a chance to see how you were doing, Burke, since we last talked.”

“Dee Dee, Wade and I are a little busy now. Perhaps we can talk later.” He wasn’t in the mood for her.

She shot him a fake-looking pout. “You’re still mad that I broke up with you to date Chip Hitchfield, aren’t you?”

“Who?” Maybe he’d had a bit too much to drink.

“Our football quarterback?”

“That was like eleven years ago, and no. I’m not mad.” Actually, he was happy she’d found someone else. It saved him from having to break up with her senior year. She flirted with everyone and had probably slept with half their graduating class.

She dragged a finger down his arm. The song the band was playing ended and Chey and Storm wove their way back to their table. When Chey caught sight of him, she glared. Oh, shit.

Burke pushed back his chair. “How about we take this outside?”

If Dee Dee believed it was because he wanted to make out with her, so be it. He planned to tell her he wasn’t interested then get on his cycle and ride home. Burke tossed a twenty on the table then faced Wade. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Sure thing, buddy. Be careful.”

Just then, Emmaline strolled in with another girl. His luck couldn’t get much worse. She looked over at Wade, smiled, and then made her way over to where Cheyenne and Storm were seated. At some point, he’d have to ask his best friend what that look was all about.

Burke pulled back Dee Dee’s chair and helped her up. While her glass was almost full, from the way she teetered, she’d been drinking long before she’d entered the bar. Burke motioned for her to lead the way. She placed her drink on the table then looped her arm through his. Not wanting to make more of a scene, he let it be. Once outside, he led her over to his ride, so he could leave quickly.

Burke faced her. “Dee Dee, you’re a nice girl, and we had lots of good times together in high school, but that was back then. I’m seeing someone now.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned close. “I’m so much better than Tasha. I’ll give you what you want.”

Burke’s jaw tensed and his grip around her waist increased. “Dee Dee, please.”

“Burke, you’re hurting me.”

“Just let it go.” Before he could step out of her grasp, she pulled down his head and planted a kiss on his lips. While her tongue tried to gain access, he firmly kept his mouth closed. Only then did he hear the shuffle of feet and the intakes of breath. Clasping his fingers around her wrists, Burke removed Dee Dee’s arms. “Don’t.”

Without turning around, or explaining to Cheyenne and Storm that what they’d seen wasn’t what it looked like, he hopped on his bike, slapped on his helmet, and fired up his hog.

He was so mad, his tires burned a patch of rubber on the asphalt. Of all the times for Tasha’s best friend to walk out of the Cove Bar, this was the worst. They probably had seen him escort Dee Dee outside and wanted to check it out.

All during his drive home, he tried to figure out what he was going to say to Tasha. He had no doubt Chey was probably dialing her right now. If Tasha had been in town, he would have gone over to her place, gotten on his knees, and begged her forgiveness. It didn’t matter that he’d done nothing wrong. He’d been around women long enough to know they didn’t forgive easily if they thought they’d been cheated on. His reputation as a womanizer wouldn’t help his cause, nor would the fact he and Dee Dee had dated over ten years ago.

*     *     *

When Chey had
called Emmaline on Friday and told her about Burke and Dee Dee kissing, Em had been livid. While she couldn’t be positive what happened, she wanted to find out from the bitch herself what she’d done. Em had dealt with a lot of clients for the law firm and sympathizing with them often got them to spill the beans. It was time to try that technique on Dee Dee.

The monthly gathering of the Clan was tonight, providing the perfect opportunity to get some dirt. Em had no doubt the kiss had been all Dee Dee’s doing, but she needed evidence. Once Tasha heard about the incident, she’d freak, thinking the worst of Burke, and her heart broke for her friend.

*     *     *

The last four
days had been more than hectic. Tasha’s mind had been going a thousand miles an hour with all the new things she could do to breathe life into the library system. The children of tomorrow seemed to be the key to the future of books. She’d found so many wonderful titles that she’d had to ship them home.

It wasn’t until Friday that she finally checked her phone to find out why Burke hadn’t called. The answer was clear—she had no cell service. Others had complained about the lack of Internet, but she never thought it might extend to her phone.

Once she dropped off her rental car at the airport, she dragged her suitcase into the terminal. After she checked in, she went to the gate and collapsed. This week had taken a toll on her stamina. Tasha had been on the go the whole time, meeting authors, and other librarians, but she wouldn’t trade it for anything. She’d learned a lot and made a ton of friends and new connections.

Finally able to listen to her messages, she located her cell. She’d heard them chime as soon as she was within cell tower range. The first one was from Chey and she smiled.

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