Read Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology Online

Authors: Kasey Millstead,Abigail Lee,Shantel Tessier,Vicki Green,Rebecca Brooke,Nina Levine,Morgan Jane Mitchell,Casey Peeler,Dee Avila

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Collections & Anthologies

Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology (30 page)


Sixteen months later….

“You know I love you, babe, but if you don’t stop jostling him around he’s gonna spit up on you,” Kallie giggles as she watches me bouncing Brock up over my head. She can’t contain her laughter when Brock proceeds to spit up all over my face. “Oh, my God! You’re killing me here, Steele!”
I turn my head and give her my best smirk and sit up. Brock laughs at me, and I hand him to her. She laughs and smiles at him and then watches me stand and go into the kitchen to clean up. “Daddy’s so funny, isn’t he little man?” She’s still laughing when I walk back in, squat down beside them and wipe off Brock’s cute little face.

“Yeah, well, you didn’t think it was so funny when he cried through our entire wedding.” Her laughter stops and her eyebrow raises, and she gives me that adorable smirk of hers. I look at our son and pride swells in me. I rub my hand over his head, his hair so blonde it doesn’t look like he has any and smile. “But that’s okay, little man. We love you anyway.” He giggles at me and blows bubbles with his little spit, and I chuckle.

Kallie’s phone goes off on the coffee table, and I reach over and grab it then hand it to her. “Come on, Brock, let’s go get a bath.” I take Brock into my hands, lean over and kiss my girl on her pouty lips and take him to his bathroom. After filling some water in the tub, I turn off the faucet and lay him in his seat. I love how he smiles at me while I wash him and still can’t believe I’m a daddy. This boy will not want for love. He will get all that Kallie and I can give him. We both know how it feels not to be loved, and so we will make sure he will never be without it.

“Oh, my God! Steele!” Kallie’s voice gets louder and then she almost falls running into the bathroom doorway. “You’re never gonna believe this!” My eyes look up at the other love of my life and see her holding her phone to her heaving chest as she tries to catch her breath.

“Slow down, baby. You almost fell. Get some air in those lungs,” I smile and laugh.

She walks in and kneels down by my side. “My book! I’ve been asked to have it made into a movie.” She’s still breathing heavy in her excitement.

I raise my hand, sliding it underneath her long, silky hair and grasp the back of her neck and under her ear, my thumb rubbing against the faint scar on her face. “What are you talking about? Which book? It’s not like you don’t have several out now.” She rolls her eyes at me, but the smile remains on her face.

I feel the softness of her hand as she lays it on top of my arm and look into her sparkling eyes. “Our book ‘Steele’. They said the loved the story and they love the cover of the book so much that they asked me who the models are on the cover.”

Smiling, I take Brock out of his bath seat and lay him down beside us on his towel and get him good and dry. “Did you tell them?” I make goofy faces, watching him smile, as I put his diaper on and get him in his sleeper.

I look up as Kallie sits down on the floor watching us. “No, I made you a promise I’d never tell anyone that it’s us in those pictures, you know that. Besides, you can kind of tell it’s you, if someone saw you, but me? I’m in the shadows so no one would know it’s me.”

I pick Brock up from the floor and hold him up against my chest, then reach down and take Kallie’s hand pulling her up. We walk into Brock’s room, and I lay him in bed. Kallie covers him up with his favorite blanket. Then I put my arm around my love’s waist, pulling her into me and feel her arm around me, and we just stand there looking at our son.

Finally, I take my girl to our bedroom, help her undress and when I look at her beauty, I still can’t believe she’s mine. I watch her lay down on the bed, her long hair fanning out on the pillow around her and crawl up in between her already opened legs. She’s always responded to my touch, my feel and my love so easily. She moans out my name as my cock enters her. My hand paying attention to her ample breast and her hips meet mine with every thrust. We’ve always been in tune with each other. We’ve always felt so deeply, so passionately, always loved each other since we first met. Even though we’ve had our arguments, disagreements or just plain getting on each other’s nerves, on occasion, we’ve always made up, never gone to bed mad or let anything come between our
love for each other. As many times before, we both climaxed at the same time, holding each other as we ride out our bliss together, kissing and saying how much we love each other and then snuggle together.

“So, what did you tell these people who want to make your book into a movie?” I ask her as we lay in the moonlight, catching our breaths.

“Oh, I told them I would have to talk to my husband since he’s the brains in our family.” I look down at her smiling face and tickle her side. I love to hear her giggles, so I continue for a bit. When we finally settle down, her face rises and her eyes sparkle as she looks at me. My heart begins beating faster, and my cock twitches. Her finger starts outlining my lips, and I smile at her warm touch. “I’d like to say yes to them. How exciting would that be?” My eyebrows raise as I listen to her intently. “And I think with another child coming we could use the money and….”

She gasps as I grab her, rolling her over onto her back, my eyes search hers as I hold both sides of her beautiful face in my hands. “Another child? What? How?”

She leans up and kisses my lips and then lays her head back on the pillow and smiles. Her finger reaches up and starts rubbing my chest, but my eyes are still glued to hers. “Well, remember when my last book published and it hit the top of the charts in a matter of a few hours?” I nod slowly, still mesmerized. “Well, you had me on the floor after we both screamed and took off my clothes and….”

Smiling, I place my finger over her luscious lips, and she smiles against it. “I think you should take it. Sounds like we’re gonna need a house.” My mouth presses against hers and I pour all the love I feel into this moment. I raise my head and look into her loving eyes. “I fucking love you, Kallie.”

“I love you too, my sexy biker man.”

The End

About the Author

Vicki Green grew up in Overland Park, Kansas and currently resides in Olathe, Kansas. Along with her husband and two teenage boys, she shares her home with her cocker spaniel’s Shadow and Mocha. She has been working full time at the same Company for 35 years. Her life has been filled with the most loving and caring parents, who are both gone now but are still in her heart and mind daily.


Vicki enjoys reading Romance books which is what inspired her to begin writing this book. She has always admired Author’s dedication and hard work. She had a dream that played out for over a year, came home one day after work and decided to put it on a word document to see how it read and that became ‘My Savior Forever’, the beginning of her Forever Series, and that’s where it all began.


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Twitter:  @rileyks3
















































Rebecca Brooke























There was a time when I thought that moving from place to place every few months was the life. I never stayed anywhere for more than a few months. What was the point? I didn’t care about these people or their lives. Why should I? No one ever really gave a shit about me, or at least they hadn’t in years. When the people in whatever town I was currently staying got to know me too well, I knew it was time to get the hell out. I was good at being alone. Being the dependable guy everyone relied on was a role I would never play again. The minute my parents kicked me out of the house was the moment I stopped being the nice guy. At first, most of it was an act, but the longer I pretended to be the bad boy, the less of an imagination it took and the more real it became.















Chapter 1


This kind of shit always happened to me. Having to fix my bike so long on my own I knew exactly what the problem was, unfortunately it wasn’t something I could fix on the side of the road. From the signs a few miles back, the next town was probably six to seven miles ahead. I had a choice, either I could leave the bike and hope it was still there when I got back or I could push it all the way into town and find a place to fix it there.

The thought of leaving the only thing I cared about on the side of the road didn’t really sit well with me. Sighing, I pulled off the jacket I was wearing. It wasn’t hot on the bike with the breeze blowing, but walking with the sun beating down was an entirely different story. I stored the jacket in the saddlebag. With a groan I stood the bike up and started the long walk. 
Pushing the bike that far was not going to be easy. My original plan had been to go much farther west, closer to the city. For now this town was just going to have to do.

After about twenty minutes, the sweat was sliding down my face onto my neck.
The sun was much hotter than I thought it would be on the empty stretch of road. Traveling from place to place killed my desire to ride on the highways. People drove like assholes all of the time. It was especially bad when they were anywhere in the vicinity of a motorcycle. People always fell into two categories: the idiots who wanted to race you and the fools who slow down to a ridiculous speed, way below the speed limit in some stupid ass fear that you were going to drive dangerously and get yourself killed. The back roads, such as the one I was on, were usually the best bet. Not much traffic and the few people that you did see on the road ignored you. The only problem with the lack of highway was when shit like this happened, no one else for miles. My fucked up luck combined with the empty roadway had made for a pretty crappy day.

Hunched over, pushing the bike was sending pains down my back. Unfortunately, I still had a long way to go and no other options. That’s when I heard the rumbling in the distance. It was definitely a truck of some kind, but with the loud popping coming from the transmission, it didn’t sound to be in that great of shape. When the old Chevy pickup passed me without even slowing down, I wasn’t really surprised. Not many people wanted to stop and help out a guy with a bike. Everyone was afraid of the big, bad biker. The stereotypical bullshit made me crazy. In my opinion, people watched a little too much TV.

The brake lights went on as the truck jerked to a stop about five hundred feet in front of me. When the reverse lights came on, I braced myself for whatever reaction came from the driver. Taking the bike out of the equation, the fact
that tattoos ran down both of my arms usually made people a little wary of me.

“Hey man, need a lift?” the driver asked, leaning across the cab of the truck to yell out the passenger window. He was covered in tats of his own. From the looks of him, he was probably about my size, a little over 6’2” when standing.

“I’d love one, but I don’t want to leave her on the side of the road.”

He smiled. “I don’t blame you, man. Come on, we’ll toss her in the back of the truck and take her to my shop in town. We can see if we can get her running again.”

That sounded like exactly what I needed after the day I had. “Sure man. Thanks.” If he wasn’t going to be intimidated by me, I wasn’t going to turn down a perfectly good offer of help.

The driver pulled up on the side of the road in front of me, jumping out, he came around the back and held his hand out to me. “I’m Kaden, by the way.” I took his hand.


Leaning up into the bed of the truck, he pulled out a few boards we could use as a ramp to push the bike up into the truck. He walked over and did a quick once over of my bike, before grabbing the handle bars. “Damn. This baby’s nice.”


With Kaden at the bars, while I pushed from the rear of the bike, we managed to get it into the back of the truck and tied down in no time. When we were both settled in the cab, he turned to me. “Do you know what might be wrong with it?”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure the fuel line is clogged.”

“I don’t usually carry a lot of bike parts in my shop, not a huge need for them around here, but if I don’t have it I can order it.”

Damn that was all I needed. I really didn’t feel like waiting for a part to come in. “Figures,” I mumbled under my breath. I might have been frustrated but I didn’t want to insult the guy who was offering to get what I needed “That would be awesome.”

Kaden faced forward and started towards the town. Silence filled the cab at first, which was fine with
me, I had no interest in making small talk. Not that it lasted. Apparently Kaden wasn’t someone who preferred silence, or at least that was my best guess. It wasn’t like I could ignore him, he was trying to help me out in a really shitty situation.

“Did you plan on staying in town, or were you just passing through?”

“I was supposed to be passing through, but I guess I’m might have to stay now. Is there a motel in town?”

“Yeah, not to bad a place either.”

“Well, if I have to, I’ll grab a room there.”

“Alright man. We’ll run by the shop first in case I do have the part. If not, I’ll drop you by the motel in town.”

“Thanks for the help.”

“No problem. It’s way too fucking hot to be pushing a bike that heavy.”

“You’re telling me,” I said with a chuckle.

The minute we drove into town, I could sense the small
town feel of the place. Not small in size, but a place where everyone knew everyone else, even if you wished they didn’t. These types of towns were never a good place to be, especially for a loner like myself. Trouble always seemed to find people like me in places like that. It’s easier to blend in when the people you dealt with didnt always remember you, or should I say care to. Pulling up in front of a small run down garage, I knew by the looks of the place, there was no way he was going to have the part I needed in stock. The ten or so car out front were a testament to who his normal clients were.

“Let’s get her in the garage and I’ll see what I have.”

Nodding, I stepped out of the cab and walked to the back of the truck. We rolled the bike down a ramp Kaden had grabbed from inside the garage and I pushed it into the now open door. It only took Kaden a few minutes to look through the parts he had in stock for motorcycles. Even from the insides it looked like this garage work on cars more than anything else.  Just like I figured, he didn’t have the right one.

“Sorry man, I can have it here in a few days.”

“Not a problem. I’ll pay for it now.”

worry about it. We’ll deal with it when it comes in. Just give me a minute.” He typed away on his computer. “All right that should take care of it. Why don’t you give me your number?  That way I can get in touch with you when it gets here and then I’ll take you over to the motel in town.”

I wrote my number down on a sheet of paper. “Are you sure you don’t mind keeping the bike here?”

“Not at all. It’s actually easier than lugging it to and from the motel when the part comes in.”

I reached out to shake his hand. “Thanks man, I’d have been stuck today if you wouldn’t have stopped.”

“Not a problem. I’m glad I could help.”

“Let me just grab my stuff and I’ll be ready to head on over” I pulled the saddle bags off the back and looked around for Kaden.
The eat up Chevy was still sitting out front of the garage, but it was empty. The purring of sports car hit my ears, before the car pulled around the corner. It was a gorgeous 1969 Camaro, that looked completely rebuilt to the original specs.

“Holy shit man, this is a nice car.” My eyes flicked between the truck and the beautiful piece of machinery in front of me.

Afraid to touch the door, or any part of the car for that matter, I carefully lifted the handle and opened the door. Kaden laughed.

“You won’t hurt her, man. I drive her all the time. The Chevy is the piece of shit I used to haul crap out to the junkyard. If I drove that thing around no one would ever trust me to fix their cars.”

I laughed. “Good point.”

He put the car in gear and pulled out of the lot.

“What is there to do here?” I asked.

There’s a couple of good places to eat right near the motel, but I’d suggest Ryan’s. It’s within walking distance, about two blocks down the road.”

“They don’t happen to have a bar do they? I could use a drink or two after the day I’ve had.”

“There is a bar and great food.”

The drive to the motel was quick, less than five minutes. It looked a bit run down. Then again, based on the age of the rest of the town, it looked no worse for the wear and as long as it had clean sheets and a shower, that was all I really needed anyway. After a quick check-in, and a once over by the woman behind the counter, like I was going to destroy the place or steal every dollar in her register, I went up to the room to drop my bag. The sweat from earlier still stuck to my skin like an uncomfortable shirt. I needed a shower and food. Once that was taken care of, I could focus on what I was going to do when I finally reached the city.

Part of me was getting tired of the constant moving, but I couldn’t deny the desire to keep my privacy, something you didn’t get in the small towns I lived in so far. The only time having company was worth it was when you had a beautiful naked woman in your bed. If you didn’t, you were better off
on your own. It was the main reason I was heading for a larger city this time. Getting lost in the shuffle should be fairly easy and it should keep me from having to move again.

Being in a town like this wasn’t that unusual for me. Over the last few years, I stayed in my fair share of small towns. They were the ones I never stayed in long. Someone always wanted to whisper about the biker guy who kept to himself. Not that people’s opinion bother me, shit for all I cared they could shove their opinion right up their ass. No it wasn’t those
people, it was the morons who were brave enough to talk about the gossip to your face. That kinda crap always sent me over the edge. I ended up in more fights than I could count, over some small minded dipshit making comments about me that just weren’t true. Shaking my head, I tried to clear my thoughts. Dwelling on the past was not going to fix anything. If I was going to settle down in one place, I was going to have to get it together and stop letting the stupid shit bother me.

Maybe if it wasn’t for my temper, I’d have stayed with my parents. Going to college where they wanted me to and thanking my lucky stars that they paid the bill while I used my time to party. But there was no going back. It didn’t help that my father’s temper was as bad, if not worse, than mine. Things were said that could never be taken back. This was my life now and I was going to do my best to live it the way I wanted.
Thinking about that day always got me riled up. A shower. That’s what I needed. It would help me clear my mind and focus on the present. Standing up I rooted through my bag to grab what I needed and made my way into the bathroom.

Stepping into the warm shower, I washed all of the sweat from my body,
then stood under the spray until the water began to run cold. The frigid temperature of the water forced me from my sanctuary and out into the room to get dressed. With my mind relaxed and cleared I was able to focus on the next thing, which was food.

Kaden had mentioned a place called
as being one of the best in town. I figured what the hell. It couldn’t hurt to try and since they had beer on tap, it sounded like the perfect place for me. I threw on a pair of jeans, my boots,a t-shirt, and walked out the door.

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