Read Axel's Pup Online

Authors: Kim Dare

Axel's Pup (36 page)

“Getting you off is my right and my responsibility. And if my read on you is off, that’s my mistake. I won’t be angry with you. I don’t expect you to read my mind. If you get the opportunity to come, take it—because you never know how long it will be before the next chance.”

Bayden nodded that he’d heard. He didn’t seem entirely convinced, but that would come over time, as he gained proof that Axel would be as good as his word.

Axel let silence descend while he continued to toy with Bayden’s erection. His own cock was still painfully hard, but he’d been patient for months while he waited for this night, he could be patient a little longer while he made his point.

He watched Bayden, taking in every detail as Bayden fought to hand over control, to relax and simply let what Axel wanted take over his universe. It was an imperfect process, but Bayden was trying. Axel had no doubt about that. Bayden wasn’t just paying lip service to the idea, he was struggling like hell to do what Axel wanted—even though it was the complete opposite to his own preference.

If Bayden in bondage was gorgeous, Bayden in submission was exquisite.

Axel couldn’t resist taking him closer to the edge, speeding up his strokes until Bayden lost himself in his approaching pleasure. Bayden’s lips shaped the beginning of a howl and—

* * * * *

Bayden gasped. He kicked out against the mattress, frantically trying to pull his cock away from Axel’s hand. It was impossible to escape. Axel’s grip closed painfully tight around the base of his shaft, jolting him from his pleasure and pulling him roughly back from the edge of his orgasm.

“My choice,” Axel reminded him. “I could have got you off, but I decided to let you last a little longer.”

Bayden swallowed a whimper, but control of his mouth seemed to have slipped away from him along with everything else. The sound was clearly audible, although even Bayden wasn’t sure if it was spawned by frustration or gratitude.

Axel stroked his cheek. “Good boy.”

Bayden took a deep breath. The air was full of scent. Their combined arousal stole all the oxygen from the room, leaving him breathless.

Axel stood up and stepped away from the bed. Obviously, Axel had the right to go wherever he liked, whenever the mood struck him, but he’d said that he wanted to have sex. He’d said Bayden was good.

Bayden managed not to fidget and pull at his restraints, but he couldn’t hold back another whimper. He hoped that the sound might be too high for a human to hear, but Axel chuckled in response to the needy little noise.

Axel pulled his T-shirt over his head and tossed it aside. The rest of his clothes quickly followed, until the only things he wore were his nipple rings and his tattoos.

Bayden licked his lips at the memory of them. Axel ran his thumb over Bayden’s mouth and chuckled. “Another time, pup. I have other plans for you tonight.”

He opened the drawer in the bedside cabinet and pulled out a tube of lube. The memory of Axel’s slicked fingers rushed to the front of Bayden’s mind. Being prepared but not actually screwed. Just being toyed with; it had been torture.

Bayden wriggled, but kept his movements as small as possible, waiting for a clear instruction from Axel before he risked doing anything that could be interpreted as an offer.

Axel didn’t wait around for an invitation. He pushed Bayden’s legs apart—completely confident in Bayden’s desire to follow his lead. Bayden stared up at him in awe.

Axel didn’t tease this time. In seconds, he had two fingers buried deep in Bayden’s arse. He crooked them, making Bayden’s mind spin with pleasure.

Unable to hold back without breaking his word, he found himself responding to the slightest twitch of Axel’s fingers. His erection throbbed as every movement against his prostate rushed straight to his cock.

Years passed. Bayden wasn’t sure what Axel was waiting for. Did he want to make him come like this? It was his choice. If it was what Axel wanted, then it could only be a good thing. Or was there any other reason?

When another possibility occurred to Bayden, he didn’t waste time second guessing it. “Sir, do I need to say?”

“Say?” Axel twisted his fingers. Pre-cum dripped more rapidly onto Bayden’s stomach as a fresh wave of pleasure rolled through him.

“Say that I’m ready, sir?” Was that what Axel was waiting for?

Axel thought about it, but he didn’t still his fingers. “You can always tell me if you’re worried I’m rushing you, but no, you can’t tell me to hurry the hell up.”

Bayden groaned his disapproval.

Axel grinned, obviously enjoying his control of the situation.

Bayden peered up at him. His mind was spiralling. He wasn’t sure if he should hope Axel would let him come, or if he should hope Axel would allow him to last a little longer.

Their eyes met. He should hope that Axel would do whatever Axel wanted. And, for once, Axel seemed inclined to do that.

Bayden closed his eyes as everything Axel had said to him settled into place and connected up with everything he’d already known about respecting another wolf’s dominance. Submission was different, but it wasn’t that different.

Axel was more interested in whether or not Bayden came than a wolf would be, but only because being interested in it meant he could control it. Maybe the difference wasn’t because Axel was a human, but because he was an alpha. The possibility knotted hope and perfection together.

“Are you with me, pup?”

Bayden opened his eyes. “Yes, sir.”

Axel held his gaze for several seconds. Humans couldn’t read people’s body language the way a wolf could, but that didn’t feel relevant while Axel could stare straight into his soul.

Bayden swallowed rapidly, but couldn’t keep back a deep moan of pleasure as Axel crooked his fingers.

Axel took his hand away. Bayden twisted and pulled against his bondage as he gave in to the need to be closer to Axel—to try to get that, even when the bondage made it impossible. Axel took no notice as he moved to kneel on the bed between Bayden’s thighs.

Bayden straightened one leg and brushed the inside of his calf against Axel’s knee, but Axel’s attention was focused elsewhere. He caught hold of Bayden’s hips. His grip was strong as he pinned Bayden down.

Bayden was as ready as he could ever be. He’d been ready for a lifetime, but he needed Axel’s cock inside his arse so badly that he could barely breathe, let alone speak up and tell Axel that.

Words weren’t necessary. No questions, no orders. Axel moved Bayden into a position that pleased him and pushed forward, stretching Bayden’s hole wide open as he ploughed into him in one harsh movement.

Bayden jerked. He tugged at his bondage. Axel filled him completely, but he wasn’t moving. He remained perfectly still, staring down at Bayden.

Bayden couldn’t match his control. He writhed against the bed sheet. Axel’s grip on him tightened, maybe even hard enough to leave marks. Bayden hoped it would.

Finally, Axel moved. He pushed into Bayden with long, slow movements, making him feel every inch of his cock. Every thrust took Bayden closer to the edge. There was nothing he could do to make himself come or to stop himself. He was right on the verge when Axel moved one hand to his cock.

To finish him off, or pull him back. As Axel held him in the palm of his hand, it could have easily gone either way. Bayden held his breath until Axel chose his course of action. A squeeze just on the other side of painful stopped Bayden in his tracks. He met Axel’s gaze. Success shone in Axel’s expression.

No orgasm could have felt better than the wave of pleasure that rushed through Bayden on seeing his alpha so pleased with him.

Axel leaned forward. Releasing his grip on Bayden’s hips, he covered him with his body as he thrust deep inside him. His head was level with Bayden’s. His lips weren’t far away. It would be so easy for Axel to kiss him. Bayden wanted him to so badly.

He wasn’t sure if instinct or obedience made him lean up and make it clear how desperate he was for that kiss. Axel dipped his head, as if to grant the request, only to stop just short.

Bayden’s breath caught in his throat, but he refused to drop back to the blanket in defeat. Axel grinned before bringing their lips together in a fierce, possessive kiss that made no allowances for anything being any way other than exactly as Axel wanted.

His tongue sparred with Bayden’s, not inviting him to kiss him back, but ordering him to.

Axel’s thrusts sped up, he pushed into Bayden harder, rougher. The kiss kept pace with every movement of Axel’s cock inside him. Bayden fought to keep up as desire raced through him faster and faster.

His orgasm caught him entirely off guard. He tossed back his head, breaking the kiss. His instincts were too close to the surface and too strong to deny. He howled. Ecstasy ricocheted through him, seeming to reach every square inch of his skin before reverberating back deep inside his body.

Bayden was so lost in his own bliss he was only vaguely aware of Axel finding his own climax. The first thing Bayden really registered was Axel’s lips against his, leading him into a gentler, more lethargic kiss that lingered delightfully through the minutes.

Axel had time to soften completely before he pulled away and separated their bodies.

It was only the bondage that prevented Bayden from instantly giving in to his instincts, following Axel across the mattress and trying to wrap himself around Axel like an overly friendly python.

Trapped on his side of the bed, Bayden gingerly lowered his legs and stared up at the ceiling. His own cum was drying in ropes on his stomach and chest. As thoughts started to travel ponderously through his brain, Bayden tried to work out if that was a problem or not.

“You’ll have permission to go and clean yourself up later,” Axel said. “But I will always expect you to wait for permission to leave the bed.” He sounded sleepy and sated rather than angry.

Bayden risked a glance in his direction. If that was the only thing Axel thought when he saw his cum, then it stood to reason he’d made Bayden come on purpose. “Yes, sir.” His voice was rough.

Axel rolled onto his side facing him. “You howled.”

Bayden hesitated. “Yes, sir.”

Axel smiled. “I like that.” He reached out and lazily ran his hands over Bayden’s torso. He didn’t seem to be bothered by the way Bayden’s semen sometimes smeared under his touch.

There was something undeniably addictive about those idle caresses. Honesty—Axel had offered him that. “I like it when you do that, sir.”

Axel didn’t take his touch away. “Good.”

Bayden would never have admitted that to another man. Enjoying being stroked and petted like a dog was…

“Bayden?” Axel prompted.

Bayden hesitated. Questions were okay. “Is it something a human would like too, sir?”

Axel looked at his hand, as if he’d never considered the question before. “Yes,” he said. “Some humans at least—the best ones. It’s definitely a good thing to like.”

Bayden smiled. Axel smiled back. Bayden had never seen him look quite so satisfied with the world. It was obviously the expression that belonged on Axel’s face. Bayden was going to do his damnedest to keep it there.

Chapter Nineteen

Curses scrolled through Bayden’s mind as he rode into the car park in front of The Dragon’s Lair. The bikes were still there—including Axel’s modern Triumph. Axel hadn’t given up and started the club run without him.

Leaving his bike at the end of the row, Bayden jumped off it and rushed inside.

Axel looked at him, then at the clock. “Thirteen seconds to spare.”

Bayden remembered how to breathe.

“Everything okay at home?” Axel asked. He always asked. Every time Bayden visited, Axel asked.

Bayden nodded. “Everything’s fine. I’d have been back an hour ago, but they’re doing road works. Not even enough room to overtake on a bike. I was stuck behind a hundred cars.”

“Where does your family live?” Griz asked.

Bayden tensed. That was no one’s business.

“He wants to know what road the works are on,” Axel translated. “We don’t want to run into them on our ride.”

“They’re on the bypass—from the first junction all the way to the old docks, but everyone who’s trying to avoid them has backed up on the little roads too.”

Hale pulled out his smart phone. “He’s telling the truth. All the traffic reports say stay the hell away from that whole side of the city.”

“Why would I lie about it?” Bayden asked.

“Does a wolf need a reason?”

“Do you two want to bicker, or do you want to ride?” Axel cut in. “We can head east, skirt around the edge of the city, come back in, cut through the Holborn estate and stop off in the pub at the far end before circling back.”

“You want to ride through Holborn?” Bayden blurted out.

Axel raised an eyebrow at him.

“Sir,” Bayden added.

“What’s the problem with Holborn?”

I grew up there. They’ll recognise me. They’ll recognise my bike.
Bayden dropped his gaze. “It’s a rough area, sir.”

“Scared?” Hale asked.

Bayden ignored him. “It’s not the kind of place you want to ride through, sir.”

“We’ve ridden through there lots of times,” Axel said. “We’ve never had any trouble.”

Yes, but you’re not a wolf.
Bayden bit his tongue.

“I promise, your baby will be fine,” Axel said. “If you think the pub’s too rough, I’ll even let you stay outside and babysit it. But seriously, pup, there aren’t that many people who want to pick a fight with twenty men wearing leather.”

Bayden met his gaze for a moment. Pushing it any further would be tantamount to challenging his right to take the club wherever he wanted it to go. Bayden’s alpha had made his decision. Now, it was Bayden’s job to deal with it.

He nodded his acceptance and headed outside with all the others. As he straddled his bike, he took a deep breath. It would be fine. Of course it would. He’d survived nineteen years on that estate. A few more hours weren’t even going to be a challenge. It was four years since he’d left. Everyone had probably forgotten him, or had moved away themselves.

Axel led off. Bayden watched the other riders fall neatly into formation as they followed him. Bayden joined the back of the line.

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