Read Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 Online

Authors: Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Around the World in 80 Men

Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 (69 page)

did my clothes get in the way?” She giggled, and still tried to

Gil stood, allowing his naked body to be taken in slowly as he walked
across the room, “you woke up. For a little while, anyway.”
He smiled at Morgan's confusion, and walked into the bathroom, and
out of sight.


He shouted his answer from the other room, then Morgan heard the
shower start.

you sure? Because I don't rememb...”

She smiled as she tossed the blanket from her legs. She was happy
that she didn't care either way, and the fun of just living in the
moment was a beautiful feeling.

walked into the bathroom, and stepped into the shower with Gil.
“Then, how about we try again. And this time,” she stood
on her toes and kissed his neck, pulling his warm salty skin between
her lips for several seconds, “I'll try to remember.”

remember every moment with me, Morgan. I'll make sure of it.”
Morgan didn't correct him in stating that she already did just that,
the night prior, because she was far too busy enjoying his hands
roaming her bare back.

lifted her gently and placed her back against the tiled shower wall,
then pulled her legs around his waist. He entered her slowly, and
Morgan's head fell back against the wall as she felt his every move.
He held her thighs tightly, using the leverage to move her as he
needed. Morgan moaned loudly each time his thrusts filled her
completely. Her walls clenched tightly around him, and it drove him
wild in an instant.

moved one hand up, until his fingers cupped her narrow neck. He
kissed her hard, his mouth taking her lips into his with each
torturous thrust. The perfect movement drove her wild and she
squirmed his arms for more. “Fuck, Morgan.” His
breathless call for mercy ended when he withdrew and stepped back
enough to turn her around.

placed her hands flat on the wall then grabbed her hips again. He
lifted her ass and entered her, causing Morgan to cry out in sheer
pleasure. “Are you going to remember this?” Morgan
nodded, never moving her cheek from the tile. He pushed harder.
Faster. His own sounds filled the air between them, and their shared
passion echoed through his vast shower.

me you're going to come, Morgan. Say it.” Morgan moaned again,
allowing the pressure of her needed release to build quickly. “Tell

my god, Gil. Fuck.” He grabbed her hips tightly, his fingers
pushed deep into her skin as he plunged deep inside of her. “Yes!

what, baby?”

going to come! Now!” Morgan's orgasm surrounded his sensitive
cock, and pulsed with a delicious rhythm that milked his own desire

body fell against her back and his hands slapped against the tiled
wall as he tried to hold himself up. Gil's legs shook as he filled
her, as their shared pleasure coursed through their bodies.

Gil spoke through shattered breath.

know.” Morgan's hand reached up to his face, bringing his lips
to hers and she kissed him with a smile.


my time with you starts tomorrow... but I want you to stay.”
Morgan sipped her coffee and smiled at the man. She had no reason to
stay in the hotel, and she enjoyed Gil and Sasha much more than the
quiet room that she would return to.

love to.” Gil nodded, and his deep dimple appeared with the
large smile that spread across his wickedly handsome face.

I'll have your things brought here this morning.” Morgan leaned
back in her chair and thanked him. “No need for thanks, Morgan.
I'm grateful for having this time with you.” Sasha cleared her
throat to remind them both that she was returning to the kitchen to
finish breakfast, and Morgan stopped herself from getting up from her
chair and sitting on Gil's lap.

pancakes, bacon, and hash browns. Sound good?” Morgan nodded
quickly, as did Gil, and Sasha only assumed what had worked up their
appetites so early in the morning.

the time breakfast was cooked and shared between the three of them,
Morgan's belongings had arrived to Gil's house. “Breakfast was
wonderful, thank you! If you'll excuse me,” Morgan almost
laughed as she stifled her words,
a bitch needs a cosmetic.
need to do something with this hair.”

got up from the table as well, and walked with Morgan to the bedroom.
“How are you feeling?”

good, actually.” He was expecting her to have a hefty hangover,
but she felt fine.

then I'll show you around the city, if you'd like.” Morgan told
him she loved that idea, but changed it just a little. Instead, she
asked if he would show her what he did for a living. She loved boats,
and any chance to get on one wasn't passed up.

my vacation and you want me to go to work?” Morgan giggled as
she pulled her brush out of her bag and nodded enthusiastically.
“Fine.” Gil laughed at how innocent Morgan looked with
her wide grin. “But, we're doing it my way.”

didn't know exactly what that meant, but she knew just enough about
Gil to know
way didn't sound so bad. Nearly two hours
later, after getting ready, packing lunches and driving to the docks,
Morgan was finally let in on the plan.

Gil climbed out of the vehicle, “looks like Todd might have
taken it out.” Morgan asked what he was talking about and Gil
explained that normally, a yacht was sitting in that spot. “Hop
in,” Gil pointed back to the car. “There's only fishing
boats here, and you don't really strike me as a fisherman...”
Gil laughed and began walking to the driver's side. “We have to
go to the other docks.”

me.” Morgan put her hands on her hips. “I can out fish
you any day.”

threw his head back in laughter and turned around before speaking.
“What do you want to bet on it?” Morgan didn't hesitate,
she knew exactly what she wanted.

I win, you have to make me another dinner.. of my choice.” Gil,
still smiling, crossed his arms over his wide chest and leaned
against a weathered pole of the dock. He pretended to think over his
options before responding.

enough,” he nodded. “And when I win, you'll cook for me.”
Morgan laughed loudly and shook her head until her hair completely
covered her face. With a quick swipe of her hand, she pushed it back
and let out a long sigh.

the point of a bet is to win something that you want. Trust me, you
don't want me to cook anything. Oh! Unless you like mores!” Gil
laughed as his arm came out and landed on Morgan's shoulder. He led
them off that dock and down a few rows until he saw the

friend owns her, let me give him a call and see if we can take her
out for the day.” Gil immediately took out his phone and
motioned with one finger for Morgan to wait. Morgan, given the few
minutes alone, caught up with a few people as well.

quick text to Angel, informing him that she would be out on the water
that day, and another to Julianne informing her of the same, were the
only two things she had to do. She didn't normally tell her boss
every move she made, but since Julianne had hounded her for details
about her time in Belize, it was obvious that she was worried about
Morgan. “There, now no one needs to worry about me.” Her
smile faded for a few seconds, but returned when her inner voice
reminded her that sadness or worry only happened if she allowed it.
. Also, it was wonderful to be loved, even if that meant
that a few people in her life would hover on occasion, then she'll
happily deal with it along the way.

aboard, milady, your vessel awaits.” Gil took Morgan's hand and
helped her navigate through the ropes on the dock. They stepped on to
Pretty Lady
and in only a few moments, they were heading
straight into the open sea.


stood at his kitchen window, staring at a lone sheep that had been
left behind by his mom. The little ceramic guy was pointed toward the
yard, on purpose, and was seemingly helping Sean decide what to do
with the information that he'd received.

John one last time to check on Morgan's well being after the crash
had been a last minute decision. He had only wanted to keep her safe,
but when he heard from Finlay that she had crashed, he had to know if
she was alright. He had to find out if she needed him, or anyone else
for that matter. It was out of that concern that he'd called his
private investigator.

dead, and she watched him die.” Those were the final words that
John had spoken, but it was clear that both Sean and John were happy
with the outcome. The only concern that was left was the knowledge
that Morgan had to find a way to live with that decision. It was
tearing him apart, not knowing if she were alright, and he knew that
he had to do something. He spoke the words again, and that time, they
convinced him to take action.

Holland. Ye'll kill me for having you followed again. I did it for
your safety.” But he knew, even speaking the words in his
otherwise empty kitchen, she would be furious for hiring John again.
And to find out that his hired man had been standing outside her room
that night, checking to see what injuries she may have, could push
Morgan completely away from him.

had arrived only moments before the incident with Ernesto, and left
shortly thereafter. However, the fifteen minutes that he'd actually
been outside the house had been enough. Morgan wasn't badly injured,
and the last of Carlos' reach had been terminated.

Okay! I'm off to Belize in the 'morn.” Sean informed the little
sheep of his decision, but the little guy didn't appear to care as he
continued to stare out to the yard.


number seven, baby! I can already taste my steak!” Morgan had
the large sailfish to the side of the boat, and was doing a little
dance as she tried to pull it aboard. She had officially passed Gil's
five fish up to that point, and was going strong. Gil laughed and
began to help her. “Oh my god! What? What is that!?” A
large shark approached the boat and bumped Morgan's fish. “It's
a fucking hammerhead!”

Morgan!” The large fish thrashed as she tried to pull it up,
and that made the shark even more interested. “Pull!” Gil
tried to reach the gaff and hook it, but it was just out of grasp.
Just as he was about to tell Morgan to use her foot to push it in his
direction, the shark took the meal.

sailfish struggled and his large body beat against the side of the
boat as the eleven foot hammerhead easily pulled it from Morgan's
line. Her largest fish, in seconds, was taken back to the sea.

you've got to be kidding me!” Morgan set her pole down as she
tried to catch her breath. She was bent over, hands on her knees,
still looking over the side of the boat for any sign of her sailfish.
“Well, I still caught more than you.” She finally stood
and gave Gil a pat on the shoulder as she walked past him.

were bigger, I won.” He reached into the cooler and grabbed a
bottle of water, confident in his words. “Shit, look.” A
few gray clouds had begun to roll in, nothing that the regular person
would have thought twice about. Gil lost his father from a storm at
sea though, and it was nothing he ever messed with. “We're
going back in. I'll think about what I want for dinner.” Gil
was already turning the boat around before Morgan could speak.

caught more! I still won!” Morgan reeled in their poles and
hung them neatly in their places on the wall of the boat. All the way
to shore, they argued as to who had won the fishing competition and
when they reached land, it was decided who won. “If I would
have landed my sailfish, it would have been bigger too!”

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