Read Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 Online

Authors: Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Around the World in 80 Men

Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 (50 page)

just cooked, I 'aven't had time to clean the stove as of yet.”
Burke grabbed a washcloth and ran it across the back of the stove.

stop being mean. Burke is a sweetheart.” She was about to take
the pan from Angel, when he spoke again.

a sweetheart? How sweet is he if he says that he doesn't like gay
men? Huh? Yeah, you didn't know that about the sweet old man, did
you?” Morgan looked to Burke and watched his cheeks turn bright
red as he spoke.

never said such a thing. I said I didna like men who scream like wee


no' the same!”

it is!”

grandson is gay! I doona care who's gay!”

he cute?” Angel stopped gripping the pan and tilted his head to
the side to wait.

be ootside!” Burke stormed past Angel and Morgan, and slammed
the door behind him.

Be nice!” Morgan slapped his shoulder then returned to her
chair. It was that moment when she realized that Finlay was no longer
in the kitchen. “I guess we know how to clear a room.”
She thought of getting back up to look for him, but instantly decided
against it. It wasn't her fault that Angel was there, so she wasn't
going to try and apologize to the man. If she were being completely
honest, she had grown tired of apologizing for everything to
The whole world is not my responsibility.
But just
as quickly as that thought filled her mind, she felt bad for
disappointing Finlay.

Her love for Fin won in the end, and she got up to look for him.
“I'll be back.” Angel didn't turn around, he simply waved
with one hand as he cracked eggs into the pan with the other.

went upstairs, but didn't find Finlay anywhere. She checked every
room, and then walked to the bay window in his bedroom. She ran her
fingers down the soft burgundy curtain and leaned her head against
the window frame. Her eyes roamed the property and rested on the
fountain that held some of her favorite memories. “Oh Fin.
We'll have our time together. I promise.”

have our time now, Love.” Morgan turned around to come face to
chest with the man. She didn't hear him approach and she held her
hand to her chest to calm down.

were you? I looked everywhere.” She reached up and hugged him,
letting him know that even though Angel was there, her focus was on
him. Finlay didn't need reassurance, he had spent the prior ten
minutes on the new balcony sorting his thoughts.

came up here because I was mad.” He actually should have said
that he was jealous. “But I realized that I was being selfish.
I love ye, Morgan.” He held her face in his hands and nudged
her nose with his gently. “And the truth is, I love seeing your
heart shine... like it does when you're around people you care about.
I wouldn't miss this chance to spend time with you and your wee
friend for anything.” That was his realization when he stood on
the balcony and thought about the situation. Morgan's tears
threatened to fall as Finlay continued. “Now, let's go doon and
show Angel a good time, aye?”

Morgan stood on her toes and kissed him hard, and she squeezed him
tightly while he lifted her from the ground.

few moments later, they were back with Angel who was already enjoying
his self-made breakfast. “About damn time.” Morgan and
Finlay joined him at the table, and Burke finally returned as well.

called. The lad is home and said thank ye for letting 'im stay.”
Finlay nodded and reached for his phone. He wouldn't make Burke
handle his calls any longer. “I need to wash the hoonds, they
smell of dirty feet and used arse.” Morgan giggled, as did the
rest of the table. Angel shoved the last bit of egg into his mouth
and wiped his lips quickly.

help you. You probably bathe dogs as well as you clean kitchens.”
Angel started to walk outside when Burke spoke up.

clean kitchens verra well, thank ye. And I doona need help.”
Burke walked past him and opened the back door.

I can see that. Do you use lavender oil in the shampoo?” Angel
caught up with Burke and the old man turned and shook his head.
“Well, if you don't want critters on them, and you don't like
how they smell.... never mind... let me do this.”

oil, ye say?” Burke's interest was enough to send Angel into a
whirlwind of ideas on how to improve the basic dog bath. Burke turned
quickly as he let Angel walk ahead of him to the yard.

wee friend'll be the death of me.”

get that a lot.” Morgan giggled and waved as both men left the

the next few hours, Angel schooled Burke on the best way to do just
about everything, from bathing hounds, all the way to the
way to fold undergarments.

doona need help folding!”

Burkey, your grumpy ass is lucky you don't have to iron his stank ass
panties, so you at least need to know to fold them right.”
Angel helped Burke carry a pile of laundry upstairs, and Burke was
pleasantly surprised to learn Angel's method not only was faster, but
it looked better in a drawer and took up less space. Not just the
underclothes, but the shirts and jeans as well, were all organized
nicely in Finlay's drawers before an hour was over.

ye were right. It's better.” Burke sat down at Finlay's desk
and took a deep breath. “Everything is better.” Angel had
taught him an easier way to bathe dogs, and clean up their
landmines, as well as folding, mopping and how to get tough grease
stains out of clothing.

you, Burkey Boo. Let's go grab a drink. You did good.” Burke
shook his head back and forth.

barely two o'clock!” He looked at his watch to confirm, and he
was correct.

your point? Let's go.” Angel quickly left the room, knowing
Burke would follow. When it was all said and done, Burke and Angel
sat in the back yard and each enjoyed a glass of Moscato.

wee lad may have been unlike any person Burke had ever met, but Angel
gave the old man something he craved...friendship. Burke appreciated
all the help and the company, even if he'd never admit it.


you came to Scotland to clean Finlay's kitchen?” Morgan rolled
over to her stomach as Angel joined her in Finlay's bed. It was early
evening and the two had finally left the other men to have a little
time together. Angel grabbed Morgan's phone from her pocket and
casually scrolled through her pictures.

I came here to see you. And..,” he dropped her phone in front
of him, “to get the hell away from that woman for a day.”
Morgan nodded, she knew exactly how Angel felt about Gio's fiance,
and it was probably for the best that he take a little time to calm
his nerves. Cleaning, as Morgan also knew, was the best medicine for
her best friend. That, and Moscato. She was just about to announce
her plan to go downstairs and grab a bottle when Angel's phone
sounded from his own pocket.

me on Sunday.. Thundercunt is actually calling my mothafuckin'
phone.” Morgan giggled and watched as he slammed his finger on
the green button. “What can I do for you, Princess?”
Morgan's head dropped to the comforter and she did her best to stifle
her giggles. “What? Now? How the mothafu...,” he took a
deep breath, and found new words to speak to the woman who tormented
him, “how did you manage to lose it? The suitcase that I
packed, carried to the airport, put on the plane, took off the plane,
carried to the taxi, and hauled to your room?” Angel was off
the bed when Gio grabbed the phone and told him to get back to Paris
immediately to take care of the situation. “Okay, I'll be there
in a few hours.” Angel tossed the phone towards Morgan and sat
back on the bed. “I have to go. I'm sorry, Stick.” Morgan
sat up as well and wrapped her arms around Angel.

hate that you have to go, but I'm so glad I got to see you!” As
Morgan let go of Angel, she saw a shadow move from Finlay's bedroom

smiled as he walked softly down the stairs and joined Finlay in the
den. Finlay looked up from his drink and eyed the old man. “I've
known ye for far too long, Burke. What's going on?” The old man
simply smiled and bid Finlay a good evening. His boss would never
know that he called his grandson who worked in Paris. He'd learned
enough from Angel that afternoon to know that a lost suitcase in a
hotel that employed his family would get the tiresome wee man out of
the house. He'd grown fond of Angel during the day, but he knew that
the Campbell needed time with Morgan.

Can I get a ride?” Angel ran down the stairs with his bag, and
Burke held his keys in the air.

I was jus' heading out.” Morgan hugged Angel again quickly, and
made him promise to call her when he got to Paris.

love you, my Angel.”

I love you, Sticky Buns.” The men left, and Morgan turned to
find Finlay right behind her once again.

going to get a little bell to put around your neck.” Finlay
laughed and was relieved that they were once again alone.

too late to take our wee drive, but would ye care to join me for
dinner?” Morgan stepped back and considered her options. She
tapped her chin and looked to be in deep thought when a smile took
control of her lips.

if we can get fixed up and have one of your fancy meals at a fancy
place.” She couldn't help but laugh, considering how far she'd
come and how much she used to avoid formal restaurants.

the best for you, Love.” Morgan didn't wait to continue their
flirting, and she was up the stairs and picking out her dress in less
than a minute.


checked into a cheap hotel with the very last of his pocket money.
He'd lost everything, yet gained his freedom to start over. He sat on
the edge of the twin bed and it squeaked loudly under his weight. His
life would never be the same, and he had no idea what his tomorrow
would look like. “But I'm free.” His tone was filled with
sadness, and he forced a smile toward the Universe to show
appreciation for what had been done for him. His stomach growled
loudly, but he still maintained a smile even though he didn't have
the means to feed himself. His only possession, the photo of his
parents, was placed on the nightstand next to the tiny bed. “I
miss you both. So very much.”


woke to an empty bed, but was happy to roll over and see William and
Wallace staring at her from their seated positions on the floor.
Their faces were inches from her own, and she giggled at their breath
tickling her cheek. “Okay, I guess your daddy didn't let you
boys out.” She wouldn't put up a fight about sleep when it came
to the big boys, and she was in her robe and down the stairs in no

looked around the back yard and hugged her body tightly when the cool
morning air swept across her arms. Burke was nowhere to be seen in
the back, and Finlay seemed to be gone as well. Morgan walked back
into the kitchen and made her way to the counter. “But there's
coffee.” The aroma lured her to the pot, and she quickly helped
herself to a cup. It was when she sat at the table that she saw a
note placed next to the sugar container.

had to meet a client this morning. I'll probably be home before you
wake, if not, enjoy the coffee and I'll see you soon.
Morgan smiled and took another sip. She knew that Finlay still had
work to do, but appreciated the fact that he tried to do it in a way
that didn't interrupt their time.

stared out to the yard and watched the dogs run across the grass.
“You two are so happy.” She smiled as she thought of
their names, and wanted to shout
through the back door. “Free.” her thoughts instantly
went to Mustafa, and wondered if enough time had passed for her to
call him. “I'm so happy for you.” She spoke her thoughts
aloud, but her heart was heavy with how much he'd gone through. “I'm
glad you can finally dream again, my friend.” She remembered
what he'd told her the last time they'd spoken. “I'd love to
see you dance.” Morgan smiled and took another sip before
running up the stairs. She needed her phone, and it didn't matter if
enough time had passed, she had to speak to him.

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