Arielle Immortal Struggle (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 7) (2 page)

Sebastian groaned. “This has turned out to be a horrible nightmare. Some nights, I stay awake suffocating in my own thoughts.” He winced once again at the elusive gist of his words. Troy was motionless with incredulity while leaning into the car, resting his elbows at the windowsill.

“Well,” he said calmly with a shake of his head. “I think you’ve got this whole thing terribly wrong.”

Sebastian raised his gaze to Troy. “How so?”

Troy snorted. “I don’t think that Arielle could or would have gotten over you that easy. Gabrielle told me that when she came back from St. Jean last year, she was a mess. She thought that you just didn’t care. You had smashed her heart into a million shards and had spread them all over St. Jean. That’s not a girl that would just forget about you. You are more than a guy she met on the beach, Sebastian. She’s in love with you, man.”

“I hope you’re right, because right now, I’m having a hard time forgiving myself.”

Troy scoffed. “Arielle told me a while ago that she was ready to take on any crazy immortal who tried to get between you and her.”

Sebastian couldn’t help grin at Troy’s words. “She’s kind of feisty, isn’t she?” he asked, joy in his voice.

“Yes, she is.” Troy laughed, delighted. “Go home, man. Take her in your arms, and be thankful for having her in your life. I know I’m thrilled to have Gabrielle in mine. I had been sure that I would never find true love. Don’t you hate the thought of moving through eternity searching for, but never finding, what we now have with Arielle and Gabrielle?”

Sebastian made a face. “You’re right, you’re right. I guess I just feel sorry for myself,” he said stiffly.

Sebastian shifted uncomfortably, still smoldering, in deep thought. Minutes passed and Troy wished that his friend would get his head straight before he drove home. He pulled away from the window and, straightening up, he tapped lightly on the roof of the car. “Go home,” he called out.

Sebastian snapped out of his murkiness. He looked up and nodded in response. “Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said quietly.

Troy stepped away from the car and stood in the driveway, staring blindly as Sebastian pulled away. The worry on his best friend’s face, the urgency in his eyes, sent unease flooding through him. For a long moment, he remained quiet and unmoved. A magnificent mixture of colors burnished the clear sky to orange as the sun chased the horizon. Suddenly, Troy’s head ached, and he gazed into the distance, blinking away the sun’s glare. He was concerned about Sebastian. He was more like a brother to him than a friend. He knew the battle Sebastian was waging against the Mafia and Annabel while trying to protect his company from ruin and keep Arielle safe. With a minor shake of his head, the immortal decided to go inside. Turning around, his eyes fell on Gabrielle. She stood at the door watching him, dressed in a pair of shorts and a sexy tank top. She was a vision of beauty, lovelier than anything he could remember. He smiled appreciatively, his lungs locked, and his eyes burned with hunger. She hesitated for a moment before she ran, fell into his arms and buried her face against his muscled chest.

“I miss…” she started to say, but Troy interrupted her. His arms came about her, and pulling her hard against his body, he bent down and crashed her lips beneath his, leaving her breathless.

“God! I missed you,” he murmured against her mouth. Something inside of him tugged at his senses, and he held her tighter. The warmth of her body and the sweetness of her lips sent a scorching sensation over him and left him breathless.

Gabrielle gazed into his eyes and saw beyond the passion to the deep concern etched inside. “What’s wrong, baby? Did something happen in Brussels?”

Troy nuzzled her hair, and clasping her hand, he pulled her toward the house. “Nothing for you to worry about, love. Let’s go in. We need to make up for lost time.” He saw the satisfied grin on her face and her blissful giggle washed over him like summer breeze. He pushed the door shut, and his hands skimmed her thighs as he leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss on her lips. She scrabbled for an intelligible thought, but all she could do was moan with need. Troy draped his arms around her thighs and threw her over his shoulder, making her squeak with delight.

“What are you doing?” she asked, giggling.

Troy groaned softly. He wanted her like he had never wanted another woman before. “It’s time for bed,” he answered, his voice filled with need.



Sebastian drove away, his head completely engulfed with heart-wrenching thoughts. Arielle was exposed to danger, and his selfishness put her in that situation. He felt a lump of nausea climbing up his throat, and a surge of anxiety coursed through his veins and spread like wild fire. He let the rage slither far into the deepest corner of his mind

All he craved was to spend every single moment of his life loving Arielle. He never knew ecstasy until he bathed in the blue waters of her sapphire eyes, submerged himself into the wonder of her vigorous existence, and experienced the feeling of her sensual body. He was sure the sun rose in the marvel of the endless sky only for her and that she was the one and only bright star in the center of his universe. The car hit a bump, shaking him brusquely and bringing his mind back to the present. His arms ached for her, and the thought of her body was so intoxicating his mouth lifted at the corners and his foot pressed the gas pedal harder. His single and most steadfast need right now was to get home.

They had spoken on the phone as soon as the plane landed and he knew that she was waiting for him at the beach. His mind unwittingly went to their last encounter on that beach and his lips curled up into a mischievous smile.

He pulled into the garage and jumped out of the car anxiously. He went through the house with his immortal speed and now he stood at the edge of the garden gazing down at the shore. He scanned the area and his eyes found her lying on a beach towel, soaking in the sun’s warmth. He descended the wooden steps to the ocean and, taking his shoes off, he smiled wide as soon as he felt the cool sand between his toes.

Several people walked along picking up shells and others were just sitting or sunbathing enjoying the day. He strolled slowly toward her and, reaching her side, he looked down at her. The sun reflected off her beautiful alabaster face, leaving him breathless.

Her eyes were closed, a small iPod on the beach towel, earbuds plugged into her ears. She was listening to a beautiful slow song and she looked peaceful. His gaze roamed her face carefully and moved down to the white column of her long neck, over the mounds of her breasts, her tiny waist, down across her flat stomach, her curvy hips, and finally over her long beautiful legs. His mouth went dry at the sight of her beautiful body, barely covered by a tiny, white bikini.

He dropped to his knees and, placing his hands on either side of her body, he bent down and pressed his lips against her sensuous mouth. She tensed for a short second, but the familiarity of the kiss made her heart pick up speed, and she lost herself in a great passion that took her breath away. He traced her bottom lip with the tip of his tongue and she parted her lips, giving him access to the sweetness of her mouth. He deepened the kiss, filled with eagerness and desire. Sebastian moaned blissfully, finally pulling back to glance down into a bluer than blue scorching gaze, a face that reflected clear hunger, and lips burning with lure. A smile tagged his lips and he dove right back into that kiss with vaster need. He decided to take her home. He pulled back reluctantly and, sitting back on his heels, he watched her carefully. Her eyes were closed again and a smile of contentment painted her face. Silence spread around him like the stormy rain on a dry field, He waited for a short moment and felt giddy at the sight of her. Arielle blinked and, opening her eyes slowly, she gazed into his flawless face, and bit down onto her lip.

“Hey,” her voice coded with want. He reached out and pulled the earbuds out of her ears.

“Hey, baby,” he replied, running his finger across her lip line. “What were you listening to?” His immortal hearing had already picked up what she was listening to, but he wanted to hear it from her lips.

“Oh,” she giggled, “it’s just an audio book I bought yesterday.”

“Love story?” He was grinning, fully aware of her reply.

“Of course, what else?”

He arched an eyebrow amusingly, and his eyes flashed. “And the book is?”

East of the Sun
,” she replied evenly.

Pleasure washed over him. He gazed out toward the ocean in thought. His mind flipped through copious information and, finally turning back, he gave her a thoughtful look. “I don’t think I’m familiar with the book.”

“It’s not new, but it’s really good. A great love story,” she said passionately.

“Indeed!” he replied gently and, leaning back down, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I love you, baby.”

Arielle smiled wide, “I love you, too.”

“Did you miss me?” He angled into the question with extreme eagerness. He was surprised at the want in the tone of his voice.
Why am I so insecure? That’s not an immortal emotion. I shouldn’t feel that way.

“Yes,” she replied genuinely, but a bit startled with his question. It wasn’t so much the question, but the way he asked it. “Do you doubt that I missed you?” she asked, trying to suppress laughter.

“No,” he replied quickly through narrowed eyes, knowing that he got caught. She understood his insecurities, and she watched him closely. “I’m sorry, baby,” he muttered. “I just wanted to come home and be with you.”

She raised an eyebrow inquisitively and, taking a deep breath, she gave a tender smile. She sensed his uneasiness, but curiosity made her ask the next question. “Did something happen while you were away?”


“You sound different,” she said firmly.

He looked completely unnerved. “We don’t need to talk about this anymore, Arielle, do we?”

She remained silent, gazing into his eyes in surprise. “No, we don’t,” she muttered nonchalantly. She curled her fingers around the music player and rose to her feet slowly. Sebastian moved quickly and, taking the beach towel, he gave it a hard shake. He threw the towel over his left hand, and turning around, he faced her, giving her a stern gaze. He moved closer. Cupping her chin with his right hand, he tipped her head back, and his mouth came down on hers with unbelievable vigor.

“God!” Every time he took possession of her mouth she lost control of her senses. She melted against his hard body and surrendered to an in-depth and fierce kiss. The pleasure was shattering, the spark grew into an inferno in a matter of seconds, and her knees buckled. Sebastian felt her wobbling; he let go of her chin and wrapped his arm quickly around her waist, holding her steady against him. She sighed contently and he groaned, feeling every muscle in his body contract.

Even though he wanted to prolong the pleasure of the kiss, he stopped and pulled his lips a hairpin away. “Let’s go home,” he breathed against her lips. “I want you, but I don’t want to put us on display.” He gathered her in his arms and held her tightly, feeling the warmth of her body that made his blood rush wildly through his veins.

“I can’t sleep without you,” she murmured, resting her head on his shoulder. “I fell asleep at six o’clock this morning and I’m dead tired.”

“I’m sorry, love. It wasn’t easy for me, either.” He licked his lips, trying to preserve the sweetness of her mouth on his just a little longer, or at least until they got home. He smiled to himself.

“Did you finish your business in Brussels?” she asked quietly.

“Yes.” He was still smiling.

“Are you going away again?”

“No, not if I can help it,” he replied and gave her a soft squeeze. “I don’t want you to worry about that.”

“But I do.” Her voice was a soft whisper.

“I’m here right now.”

Arielle looked up and fixed her eyes on his beautiful face. The corners of his mouth lifted into that amazing smile that made her heart skip a beat.

“You don’t know how happy I am to be home,” he muttered.

She snuggled even closer. “Why don’t you tell me?”

Sebastian grinned like a small child, his voice tantalizing. “I would rather show you.”

“I think I would rather hear it right now,” she teased.

Sebastian couldn’t hold back laughter. “You’ll soon find out,” he breathed against her ear, his voice a husky whisper. Their gaze locked and Arielle’s breath held at her throat. The wolfish grin on Sebastian’s face made her stomach quiver, as if an army of butterflies surged through her body, and she felt suspended in time. She was lost in the passion that simmered out of his emerald eyes. She was delighted! And he was home!

He clasped her hand and thrill shot up his arm and slipped into his bones, leaving him breathless. He looked into those blue pools in her eyes and got lost. He shook his head and managed to say. “What are you doing to me?”

She looked up, a mirthful glint coating her eyes. “I have no idea what you mean?” Suddenly, she giggled outright, and jerking her hand away from his, she didn’t hesitate before running toward the house without as much as a glance back.

A shocked moment passed. Sebastian eyes opened wide and his brows arched as he watched for a short moment, and then he smiled lustfully.
So she wants to play. Game on, Arielle…


Chapter 2

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