Read Alex & Clayton Online

Authors: John Simpson

Tags: #General Fiction

Alex & Clayton (3 page)

“I forgot that we have one employee out sick today. Sorry, the assistant fills in for lunch and other breaks when that happens. I’ll be back in an hour also,” she said and left.

Now I guess for the next hour, this is my library
, Clayton thought with a smile.

Clayton did fine the rest of the day and for the rest of his time at the Merrimack Public Library. He got a chance to put his education into practice and quickly learned how to manage a library. He received top performance reviews, and when Miss Clark was transferred ten years later to another library within the system, Clayton Anderson was appointed head librarian. He had reached his first career goal, and he had never been more satisfied in his life.

His work life was happy, but now in his thirties, Clay still hadn’t dealt with the fact that he was gay. He repressed his sexual feelings for a couple of men that he had met through his job. Though he thought about acting on those feelings, Clay’s religious upbringing and society kept his urges in check. He refused to walk through that door knowing the pain and humiliation that were sure to follow.

His life consisted of working—sometimes ten hours a day—and living at home with his mother. He had a few professional friends but almost no personal friends who really knew Clay inside and out. He had a couple of female acquaintances he could count on to accompany him to weddings and other events where he’d be expected to show up with a date. The women eventually figured out that Clay was gay since he was a perfect gentleman who never made a move to kiss them, much less get them into bed. Finally one night, he was confronted on the issue by one of his “dates.”

“I want to ask you something. It’s personal, and I hope you’ll be honest with me,” Veronica said.

“What? Go ahead,” Clay responded.

“All the times we’ve been out to social events, you’ve never once tried to kiss me, let alone make love to me. You’re a very handsome man, and I don’t understand. What’s wrong with me? Don’t you find me attractive?” she asked.

Clayton was taken aback at being pinned down. He had a hard time getting used to women who spoke frankly about their sexual needs.

“Well, no, I can truly say there’s not one thing wrong with you, Veronica. You’re quite attractive, you’ve had a great upbringing, and you’re classy. I like you very much, as a friend.”

“And? The rest of my question, please, why haven’t you ever tried to even kiss me?”

This was it, there was no way out but to do what he had so often refused to do, admit it.

“It’s not you. It’s me. So stop worrying about it. Don’t we have a good time when we go out?”

“Yes, we do! That’s why I want to know if I’m wasting time with you. Do you like women at all?”

“Of course I like women, Veronica. As long as you’ve known me, surely you know I like your company,” he replied, in a last ditch try at not having to say the words.

“Clayton! That’s not what I mean. Are you gay? That’s what I want to know. Have you not made a move on me because you prefer men to women?” she asked with a look that told Clayton it was time to own up.

“Yes, I’m gay. But I don’t like to talk about it.”

“Finally! I’ve thought so for a couple of years, and I’m not getting any younger, and it’s time for me to find a husband and get married. Why haven’t you told me long before now?”

“Because it’s something that I’m ashamed of, and I’m not comfortable talking about it. I’m sorry if you wasted your time with me,” he said as he looked down at the floor.

“I date other men, but I was hoping that you might be the ‘one’ for me. I’ll always be your friend, and I don’t think you should hide in the closet. Be who you are!” 

Chapter Two


Clayton had chosen to go to college, Alexander Winston had chosen the military as a way to become a “man.” Alex joined the United States Marine Corps because of their promise to turn a guy into the best fighting machine in the world. He wanted the discipline and brotherhood the Marines promised. He fit in perfectly, and in uniform, turned heads everywhere he went.

When Alex graduated from Parris Island and received his Eagle, Globe, and Anchor insignia that designated him as a Marine, America was fully engaged in the Vietnam War. Alex soon learned that war was hell, and that the Marines had given him the basic training that he needed to survive in a hostile environment. He excelled and even did a second tour of duty in-country.

When he came home, he mustered out of the Marine Corps with a chest full of medals, having served his country honorably. The boy who had serviced his Boy Scout troop had served his country with pride while upholding the highest ideals of the Marine Corps.

As Alex celebrated his survival of Vietnam with his aging parents, he was already thinking about the next hard decision. What did he do now?

Some of his old high school buddies came over a few nights later to welcome him home from the Marines. One of them was Scott Michelson, who had some career advice for his old friend.

“Listen to me, Alex. I’m telling you, the way to go is federal law enforcement. You’re a Marine vet with combat experience. Almost every agency in Washington would fight to grab you as a member. I’ve worked for US Customs for two years now, over at the Philadelphia Port, and I’m telling you that the best benefit is that you get to retire after only twenty years with full benefits. That means you can be retired with a pension at age, what? Forty-two? Are you crazy? You gotta do it, buddy!” Scott urged with enthusiasm.

“Should I join Customs?” Alex asked.

“Nah, I chose Customs because the job is easy. I make a decent paycheck, and I don’t break my neck. A guy like you… you should go for DEA, FBI, something like that! You need to make the skills you learned in the Marines available for government use. I suggest you go to Washington, DC, for a week and do nothing but check out various opportunities in federal law enforcement. Be smart, guy!”

“Scott, you know I’m gay. They don’t like gays in most of those agencies, ya know?”

“Did being gay stop you in the Marines? If not, then nothing will stop you!”

“Retire at forty-two, huh? Thanks for the advice.”

“On a different topic, you’re looking like you’re in fine shape there, buddy. Nice muscles, and if I remember right, you got one muscle in particular that I used to admire,” Scott said in a low voice. “I’d love to see what the Marines did for your body.”

“You making a pass at me? You want me to fuck you, is that it?” Alex asked, slightly shocked.

“Yeah, stud, I want you to take me, tear my clothes off, and fuck the hell outta me. Any chance?”

“If I seem to recall correctly, you were part of the ‘hassle Alex’ group in high school.”

“Yeah, I’m real sorry about that. It was my way of covering up the fact that I was gay too,” Scott said meekly. “I wasn’t man enough to deal with it.”

Alex walked to a window in his apartment and looked out.

“Get your fucking clothes off, now!” he yelled as he turned back around and looked into Scott’s eyes. “You wanna get fucked? I’m gonna fuck you so good, your ass is gonna hurt for a week. You know how long it’s been since I stuck my dick in a guy’s ass?”

Scott stood up and replied, “No, sir, I guess I don’t.”

“Six long months. A couple of us used to fuck in our huts when we weren’t on the front line. At the front, we’d jack each other off to relieve the fucking incredible amount of stress as we waited for an attack by a numerically superior company of gooks. Now you’re asking for it? Well, I’ll give it to you. Strip, I said!”

Scott smiled. “You’re so fucking hot like this.”

“Be naked when I come back,” Alex said as he went into the bedroom. He grabbed some lube and stripped off his clothes. He checked himself out in the mirror and had to admit he had a perfect body. Now this boy, who used to torment him along with the other homophobes in high school, was asking for his dick. Well, he was going to get it.

When Alex walked back into the living room with his semi-erect cock swinging from side to side, Scott dropped to his knees in admiration of his temporary sex partner’s perfect body.

“My God, you’re incredible! Your body is the best I’ve ever seen in person. Your cock is a lot larger than I remember too!” Scott said, his own erection straining the fabric of his pants.

“We were kids back then. I’m no kid anymore. You asked me to fuck you, and that’s all I’m going to do. No kissing, and I’m not going to touch your cock. You’re only going to be fucked. If those terms are okay, then I’ll get to it,” Alex said sternly.

“Yes… sir. How do you want me?”

“Strip and get on all fours, just like a dog.”

Scott obeyed, then swung around and rested his arms and head on the edge of the sofa. His ass stuck out, waiting impatiently for an anal assault. Alex smiled as he lubed up his cock and got down on his knees. He spread Scott’s ass cheeks and said, “Mighty good-looking hole you got, boy.”

“Thank you, sir,” was the reply, though Alex hadn’t told Scott to call him sir.

Alex squirted lube onto the tips of two of his fingers and shoved them up Scott’s waiting ass. Scott moaned but did nothing to stop Alex from finger fucking him. When Alex thought he was lubed up good, he moved up and rubbed against Scott’s ass.

“I take it you’ve been fucked before?”

“Only one time, and it was rather unsatisfying, frankly,” Scott replied.


“The guy was small, and he didn’t know how to use what he had. Simply put, he was a lousy fuck.”

Alex smiled again. He lined the head of his dick up with Scott’s hole and pushed in strongly in a steady motion. He felt Scott tense his anal muscles and brought a hand down hard on Scott’s ass.

“Relax, or it’s gonna hurt like hell, unless that’s what you want,” Alex warned.

“No, no, I’m not into pain. I’ll relax.”

Scott relaxed his entrance, and Alex entered him. He stopped for a moment when he heard a sharp intake of air. After a moment, he resumed pushing his cock all the way into Scott’s ass. He was now balls to ass, but he didn’t start fucking just yet. He let his cock rest there so that Scott could adjust to his size.

“Fuck me hard, please,” Scott moaned.

Alex said nothing as he began to do exactly as requested. He pulled almost all the way out and slammed back into the depths of the hot anal canal. He felt the hot, moist encasement around his dick, and he loved it. Scott was as tight as a virgin boy getting dicked for the first time. Alex picked up speed, and as he rammed in and out, Scott moaned louder and louder, urging Alex on.

At one point, Alex pulled all the way out, and then jammed his cock full length back into Scott, who loved it while also being shocked by it.

“Fuck me, fuck me hard, own my ass,” Scott whispered as Alex took Scott’s ass with little to no mercy. Alex knew that he was paying the man back for being one of his tormentors in years gone by, and this was much more satisfying than beating the hell out of him.

After a little over twenty minutes of hard, intense, no-holds-barred fucking, Alex allowed his climax to build. He had been able to hold it off as he punished Scott for his prior transgressions. And Alex knew that he had just given Scott what he wanted: a very rough, intense ass fuck.

Alex began to moan himself as he felt his climax rumbling deep within his prostate, and he fucked Scott so fast that his cock looked like a steam engine piston.

“I’m cumming!”

“Yes! Fill me with your cum! Make it drip out of my hole!” Scott pleaded.

Finally, stream after stream of hot cum shot deep into Scott’s bowels. Alex counted at least seven shots leaving his dick. When he was done, he pulled out of Scott and wiped the tip of his cock off on Scott’s ass. He stood up, smacked Scott hard on the ass once more, and went into the bathroom, where he rinsed off his cock in the sink, dried it, and went back into the living room.

There, he found Scott lying on the floor with his ass up.

“That was an incredible experience. Thank you so much! If you wanna get it up again, you can take my ass again!”

“Nah, thanks, though. I just broke you in real good. Any man should be able to fuck you now, and you won’t feel like you’re being hurt by the next dick. Thanks for giving me your ass,” Alex said.

Scott rolled over and looked Alex up and down, taking his time admiring the now soft dick that hung between Alex’s legs.

“Can I suck your dick some?”

“Actually, I think it’s time for you to go. You got what you asked for, and I’ve got business to attend to. Thanks for the piece of ass and the information on federal law enforcement,” he said, looking down at Scott.

“Oh… I see, sure,” Scott said.

He got up and put on his underwear and the rest of his clothes as Alex lit a cigarette. Alex looked out the window as Scott finished dressing. When Alex felt Scott’s hand slide down over his bare ass, he knew Scott was dressed.

“Thanks again, Alex. You’re a beautiful man with an incredible dick. My ass feels a little sore from that fuck you just threw into me, so it musta been good! I’ll call you. Is that okay?”

“Sure, Scott, you can call me.”

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