Read Alex & Clayton Online

Authors: John Simpson

Tags: #General Fiction

Alex & Clayton (17 page)

“Now that’s something I really enjoy,” Clay said.

“What’s that?”

“Watching men who really know how to dance.”

Alex finished his coffee and stood.

“Would you care to dance?”

Clay looked around nervously but couldn’t just let Alex’s hand hang in mid-air. He took it and was guided onto the dance floor. To make him more comfortable, Alex placed them on the far side of the crowd so they couldn’t be easily seen.

The slow dance allowed Clayton to move well, the box step being the basis for so many of the other dances that he knew. As he rested his head on Alex’s shoulder, he breathed in his date’s cologne and felt the effects of the liquor. When the song ended, he was almost in a dream state.

“That was very nice, thank you,” Clay said as a fast-paced song came on.

“Not so fast. We’re staying put.”


A dozen more couples joined them on the dance floor, and it became crowded. Clay looked around and realized he could dance here without anyone laughing at him. He tried moving to the music and found that he didn’t do that bad. Alex smiled and gave him the thumbs-up sign to encourage him. As the temperature on the floor rose, jackets were removed and slung over chair backs, and the former wearers came back out to dance with less on.

At the end of the fast dance, Clay pleaded with his eyes to leave the dance floor, and Alex took his hand and escorted him off. When they reached the table, Alex took off his jacket.

“You should take yours off too,” he said. “It’s gonna get a lot hotter in here, and it’s still very early.”

“Okay, you’re the boss,” Clay responded.

Alex smiled. That was the first time he had heard Clay say anything like that. He also believed that Clay was having an even better time than he had at Christmas. As the night wore on, the drinks kept flowing but slowed down a bit. After all, Alex didn’t want Clay to pass out.

As it got near midnight, champagne was served, and as the countdown began, Alex and Clay walked out onto the dance floor, along with most of the others. At the stroke of midnight, everyone drank their champagne and grabbed their partners for the traditional kiss. The plastic glasses fell to the floor as Alex took Clay into his arms and kissed Clay on the lips, running his hands up and down Clay’s back.

He was encouraged when he felt Clay respond to the kiss. Alex let his tongue explore a little, and Clay moaned in pleasure, his hands roaming up and down Alex’s back as well.

They broke the kiss and leaned their foreheads together, staring into each other’s eyes. They exchanged brief little kisses as the last notes of “Auld Lang Syne” floated away for another year.

“Clay, please put me out of my misery and spend the night with me making love?”

Alex had decided to go for broke and expected a million excuses from Clay.

“I think I’d like that very much,” Clay said. “You kiss wonderfully, you know that? I’d like to see if you can give me what I’ve never had.”

Alex kissed him again and asked, “What might that be?”

“A good and proper fuck! In a bed no less!”

“Oh, I specialize in proper fucks but only for those who are important to me. Others just get fucked. But a proper fuck is what you’ll get!”

Clay started to laugh. “That’s funny the way you say it.”

“Do you wanna stay a little longer or leave now?”

“We’ll miss breakfast if we leave now!” Clay said.

“Fuck that, I’ll make you breakfast in the morning, or when we’re done if you’re that hungry. Sound good?”

“Yeah, it sounds great, stud.”

“Stud?” Alex chuckled at that word coming out of Clay’s mouth. “I think I like you when you’ve been drinking. I can see you know what you want, and I intend to give it to you. You know I care about you, right?”

“What? You care about me?” Clay asked, as tears sprang to his eyes.

“Of course I do. If I didn’t, I would have put the moves on you way before this. I really care about you.”

Clay hugged Alex tightly, and Alex rubbed Clay’s back as he cried. They stood on the dance floor rocking back and forth as couples danced around them, politely averting their eyes. Finally, Clay looked up and said, “Let’s go, please. I want you.”

“You bet.”

Alex took Clay by the hand once more and led him over to the table. They put their jackets on, picked up the party favors, and headed for the door. Tim, the owner of the Blue Moon, approached them as they were leaving.

“Is there something wrong, gentlemen? It’s only just past midnight, and we have a lot more fun in store!”

“No, nothing’s wrong at all. We had a great time, and the food was delicious, but we have a rather important matter to take care of at home,” Alex said with a smile.

Tim nodded and said, “In that case, enjoy the rest of your evening, and I hope to see you again soon.”

“Count on it,” Clay said. Much to Alex’s surprise, Clay patted him on the ass to get him moving again.

Tim smiled as he watched them begin their walk home. After all the drinks they’d had, neither man felt able to drive safely.

As they walked, Alex put an arm around Clay and kept him pulled in tight, partly for warmth but more for the simple pleasure of physical contact. The walk only took about five minutes; Alex fumbled the key into the lock and finally got them into the house.

“Do you want anything to drink?” Alex asked.

“Water, no more booze. I’ve had quite enough. I wanna enjoy this, not pass out or get sick!”

“Stand right here. I’ll get us both some water, and we’ll head up to bed.” Alex kissed Clay quickly and went into the kitchen.

“Ouch, damn it!”

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m alright. I just I walked into one of the bar stools in the dark.”

He poured two glasses of water, came back to Clay, and together they went up the stairs—Alex slightly behind Clay in case he lost his balance and began to fall backward. However, they made the turn down the hallway to Alex’s bedroom without incident.

“Thank you for a wonderful New Year’s Eve,” Clay said. “I can truthfully say it’s been the best of my life.”

“It was my pleasure, and the best part of the evening is still ahead of us,” Alex said, as he took off his jacket and tie.

Clay sat down on the edge of the bed and kicked off his shoes. He smiled at Alex as he looked him up and down.

“You’re quite the good-looking piece of ass, you know that?” Clay said.

Alex laughed good-naturedly at Clay’s attempt at sexy talk. “I really like you when you’ve had a little bit to drink. You’re cute.”

“I like me too. Can you take off my clothes? I’m afraid I might pop my buttons off, and I don’t wanna ruin this shirt and pants.”

“I’d love to assist you. Let me get mine off, and I’ll be right over.”

Clay watched as Alex stripped down to his shorts. Alex removed his socks and walked over to Clay wearing nothing but a pair of black Ralph Lauren Polo boxer briefs. He knelt in front of Clay and began by taking the cuff links out of his cuffs. Removing the bow tie, he dealt with the tiny buttons down the front of the shirt. Being very proper, Clay was wearing an undershirt, which also had to be taken off.

Alex stared at Clay’s chest, which he’d imagined as flat but undefined. Instead, Clay had a nice pair of pecs and at least four beers-worth of a six-pack. Alex pulled off Clay’s socks and asked him to stand up.

When Clay was on his feet, Alex slowly unbuttoned the tux pants and let them drop to the floor. He pulled them off one leg at a time and threw them at the bundle of clothing on the floor. Clay was now naked except for a pair of Calvin Kleins. The moment of truth had arrived.

Alex pulled down the blanket and sheets so that they could get into bed before removing their underwear in case Clay was modest.

“Whoa, aren’t you forgetting something?” Clay asked.

“Like what?”

“Neither one of us is naked! Fix it!”

Alex laughed again. He thumbed down his shorts, kicked them off, and straightened up.

“Holy shit! You’re hung like a fucking donkey!” Clay giggled.

“I’ve never had any complaints.”

“Complaints, hell! Have you ever killed anyone with that beast?”

“Ha! Lemme get your underwear off since you seem to be sprouting a tree in there,” Alex said. He pulled Clay’s Calvins down, revealing a respectable—though not as large—endowment.

“Damn, Clay, you have great balls!”

“Thank you. I’ve been told many times that I have some balls!” Clay said and then cracked up laughing as he fell back onto the bed.

As Clay continued to chuckle, Alex went to the bathroom to get a wet washcloth and a towel so that they didn’t have to get out of bed later. When he returned, he found Clay leaning on a bent elbow watching him as he entered the room.

“That thing swings enough to change the revolution of the earth!” More cackling.

“I’m glad you like my penis. Wait ’til I show you how I use it!”

“Enough talk. Take me, I’m yours!”

“Would you like the light off?” Alex asked.

“Hell no! I’ve waited a long time for this night, and I wanna see you work it, baby!’

Chapter Eleven


climbed into bed and moved Clay around a bit so that they were lying next to each other. It was Clay who decided more kissing was in order, and he put his arm around Alex’s neck and pulled him into a deep kiss with lots of tongue. Alex gave Clay the freedom to do as he wished, and since he enjoyed kissing, kissing is what Clay would get.

Alex eventually dove for Clay’s nipples and slowly made rings around each with his tongue, which lit a fire under Clay who began to moan and groan. When Clay’s nipples were erect, Alex gently nibbled on them, sending little pulses of pleasure coursing through Clay.

“More, don’t stop, that feels… unreal!” Clay managed to get out between breaths.

Alex changed to sucking on each one as he ran his hand down to Clay’s crotch and found a healthy hard-on waiting for his grasp. He also found a pair of low-hanging balls of the kind that had always turned him on. He began to move down Clay’s chest and stomach, alternating between kissing and licking.

Alex was again surprised and pleased at how well Clay had maintained his body. He ran his tongue over his abs and slowly made his way down to Clay’s dick. He moved so that he was lying between Clay’s spread legs, looked up at Clay, and smiled.

“How do you like it so far?”

“Well, it certainly beats a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!”

“You certainly are funny when you’ve had enough to drink. Anything you’d like me to do?” Alex said as he blew on Clay’s balls.

Clay hiccupped and giggled. “Let’s see, take a letter while you’re down there! Suck my dick. What do you think I want, with you lying mere inches from my throbbing hard-on?”

“I’m at your command.”

Alex began by licking Clay’s balls and then moved up to the base of his cock. He grabbed it so that it pointed toward the ceiling and began to lick once more. He licked the shaft up and down, raising goose bumps on Clay’s skin. When he reached the head of Clay’s dick, he swirled his tongue around before finally taking him in his mouth. He managed to take all of Clay in, but it was no easy task. As he went down on Clay, he sucked gently, watching the muscles in Clay’s thighs twitch. He pulled back up and repeated the action a few more times, before Clay urgently pulled him off.

“Give me a little rest, or this party will be over before it really gets started.”

Alex smiled and moved back up to the pillows. He kissed Clay gently on the lips and on the neck while rolling his nipples between his fingers. Clay pushed him off and down into the pillows and began to return the favor.

Alex performed a ballet of well-practiced moves on Clay’s body, but Clay was the exact opposite. His lack of sexual experience showed plainly in the halting movements of his foreplay. Alex eventually guided Clay’s head down toward his dick, and Clay took the hint. He fondled Alex like he had been fondled except for ignoring his balls. He took Alex into his mouth and began to suck. When he tried to go down farther, he gagged on the shaft, and Alex pulled him up.

“Take it easy. You don’t have to climb Mt. Everest on your first try, ya know?”

“I wanna give as good as I got, damn it!”

“I’m enjoying it. Just take your time. Use your tongue on the shaft,” Alex urged.

Clay took the instruction to heart and licked every inch of Alex’s cock, which managed to get Alex moaning. This encouraged Clay to work even harder at trying to please his friend. Finally, he took the head of the dick back into his mouth, and this time stopped when he felt it hit the back of his throat. He went up and down on Alex, which felt damn good to Alex for an inexperienced cocksucker. When Clay came up for air, Alex pulled him back up and kissed him once more.

“That was great, Clay! You’re a fast learner.”

“Really? Good, I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“Now lay back, we’re gonna do what’s called a sixty-nine. We lay on our sides, head to foot, and that way we can suck each other at the same time. If you feel your climax coming on, just let it go. I’m going to. But I’ll warn you before I cum so you don’t get it in your mouth.”

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