Against All Odds - Angel's Story: Against All Odds (Destiny Series Book 4) (31 page)

“Okay, Princess. Leave it with me.” With that, he turns and goes to the officers.

“Thank you,” Chase says sliding his arms around my waist. “You really are something else, sweet-cheeks.” Leaning forward, he places his lips against mine.





Most of the guys eventually leave. They’re not going to be able to visit with Pops until he gets out of ICU anyway. I’ve promised to call them with any developments. Angel’s parents stayed a while longer before she convinced them to leave as well.

Brooke had brought in a bunch of chicken salad sandwiches she’d made before coming, refusing to leave until we both ate. As much as I didn’t feel like eating, I appreciated the sentiment behind what she did, so I forced it down.

It’s after 10:00 p.m. before we’re allowed in to see Pops again. I was apprehensive before walking in, but was pleasantly surprised to see him awake and looking more like his old self. They even had him slightly propped up in his bed.

“Hey son, sweet-thing,” he croaks as we approach.

“Pops,” I say with a huge smile on my face. “You scared us, old man.”

“Enough with the fuckin’ old man shit,” he snaps. “I may be older than you boy, but I’d still whip ya fuckin’ arse.”

“In your dreams,” I chuckle. He smiles at my reply.

“Hi, Pops,” Angel says sweetly as she bends and kisses his cheek. “I’m so relieved to see you awake and doing better.” I look over at her and see tears in her eyes. I love how she cares for my dad. I swear I see a slight blush on Pops’ face, but he covers that up quickly.

“None of that mushy shit, sweet-thing. It’ll take more than a heart attack and a fuckin’ bullet to bring me down.” We all let out a small laugh. I never thought I’d be so happy to hear his smart-mouth, but fuck me, I am.

“I believe I owe ya a thanks,” he says reaching for Angel’s hand. “The doc told me what ya did.” Looking down at the floor, she shrugs.

“It was nothing,” she responds blushing. I fucking love it when she does that. “Anyone in my position would’ve done the same thing. Besides, you mean too much to us, Pops. I couldn’t just stand by and do nothing.”

“Thanks, darlin’. My boy and I are quite fond of you, too.” She smiles at his response. Damn fucking straight we are.



The nurse lets us stay around for an hour, before telling us we need to leave. We’re okay with that. Pops needs to rest up.

We didn’t mention anything about what happened earlier today. Neither of us wanted him upset or distressed. There’ll be plenty of time to talk about that once he’s fully recovered.

He may be looking more and more like his old self as the hours pass, but it was only earlier today that his lifeless body lay on Angel’s front lawn. I don’t think that image will ever leave me.

We decide to wait while the nurse takes her last round of obs for the night. “You sure you don’t want me to stay with you for the night, Pops?” I ask.

“Hell no. How am I gonna get this pretty little nurse here to give me a sponge bath with you hangin’ round crampin’ my style?” he chuckles. When the nurse swings her head in Pops’ direction, he winks at her and her cheeks flush pink.

God help the nurses, is all I can say. They have no idea what they’re in for. Pops is a charmer, a real ladies man. Always has been. I can guarantee by tomorrow he’ll have them wrapped around his little finger.

After saying our goodbyes we head to the car park. “I suppose you’ll have to drop me off at my place,” I say as we walk towards the car.

“What? Why?”

“It’s not like I can stay over with your parents there.”

“It’s my place. I can have whomever I want over.” She stops, wrapping her arms around my waist. “I don’t want to be without you tonight,” she whispers against my mouth. I don’t want to be without her either, but it wouldn’t feel right, especially with her father there.

“Do you think your parents would mind if you stayed with me tonight?” I ask as my mouth moves to her neck. I hope she says yes, because tonight, I need her like I’ve never needed her. I need to lose myself in her and try and forget, just for a while, about what happened today. I want that for her, as well. Even though she’s been putting on a brave face, I know she’s just as traumatised as I am by what happened. “I’ll have you home for breakfast, I promise,” I add as my lips trail a path along her jawline.

“I don’t care what they think,” she moans tilting her head to the side allowing me better access. “I need you, Chase,” she whispers as her hands fist in the back of my shirt. “I need you so much.”

“Let’s get the fuck out of here then,” I reply as my hands move down to her arse, pulling her body into mine. I want her to feel how hard I am for her. Nobody has ever turned me on the way she does. “I need to bury myself in your sweet pussy,” I tell her as my mouth captures hers.



As soon as I unlock the front door, I reach for her hand and lead her towards my room. I think we’re both drained from today’s events, but the anticipation of what’s to come has my heart racing and the blood pumping straight to my cock.

There’s nothing like the feeling I get when I’m buried inside my girl. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of it. Actually, I know I won’t. She’s my drug and fuck me if I don’t want to overdose on her.

As soon as we enter my bedroom, I back her against the wall, pinning her with my body. Slithering my hands under her top, I ask her to lift her arms. Like the good girl she is, she does exactly as I ask. As much as I’m dying to be inside her, I plan on taking my sweet time with her tonight. I want to savour every second of it, and of her.

Sliding her shirt up and over her arms, I stop at her wrists, wrapping it around. My other hand going around her waist, as I walk us backwards towards my bed. “Do you trust me?” I whisper against her mouth.

“With my life,” she says, making my lips curl into a smile.

“Good.” When my legs come in contact with the bed, I turn around and lay her down. Straddling her, I use the shirt that is bound around her wrists, to tie her to the bedhead. “Now I have you just the way I want you. I may even leave you like this and make you my sex slave,” I joke as I gaze down at her beautiful face.

“Oh, I like the sound of that,” she breathes. Of course she would, the little vixen.

Capturing her mouth with mine, she lightly bites down on my bottom lip before sucking it into her mouth, sending a desperate need straight to my cock. “I need to feel you,” she says tugging on her restraints.

“The only thing you’re going to feel, sweet-cheeks, is my tongue as I lick every inch of you,” I breathe, as my tongue trails a line from her collarbone up to her jaw. “My lips as I suck you.” I move my body down, pulling the lace cup of her bra to the side, drawing her nipple into my mouth. She pushes her head back into the pillow and moans.

Kissing a line down her toned stomach, I swirl my tongue in her bellybutton as I reach for the waistband of her jeans. I move further down the bed, pulling her jeans and panties as I go. 

“Oh god,” she whimpers.

She opens her legs for me and I kneel in between them. “My hands as I touch you,” I add, as my fingers gently slide into her heat. Fuck she’s so wet for me. My cock is so hard it aches.

Leaning forward, I capture her mouth again as I continue to fuck her with my fingers. I’m so turned on right now. It wouldn’t surprise me if I blew in my pants. “And my cock when I fuck you,” I finally add.

“Mmmm,” she moans as her hips rise up off the bed to meet my hand.

“I need to taste you now,” I tell her as my mouth makes its way back down her body.

“Chase,” she practically screams as soon as my mouth is on her. Fuck I love the way she tastes. I hear the bedhead rock, as she tries again to free her hands. “I need to touch you,” she says.

“Come for me, sweet-cheeks, then I’ll let you touch me,” I breathe against her sensitive flesh, and within minutes she’s coming undone. There’s nothing fucking sweeter than the sound she makes when she does. I fucking love it—I fucking love her.

I trail soft kisses back up her body, and after wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I place my lips on hers. “I need to touch, please,” she begs. Reaching up, I untie her from the bedhead. Immediately, her hands find me as she pulls my shirt up and over my head. “I need to feel your skin against mine.”

Our kiss soon becomes desperate. “I need you inside me, Chase.” I fucking need it too. I need to lose myself in her.

She works at getting my jeans undone, while I reach to retrieve a rubber from my drawer. I love how desperate we can get for each other. It’s nice to know she wants me just as much as I want her.

We both moan when I finally sink my cock into her. My lips meet hers again as I slowly rock into her. The wild crazy sex can come later. Right now all I want to do is make sweet love to my girl.





Chase keeps his promise and has me home in time for breakfast. We’re both feeling like death warmed up. It was around 5:00 a.m. by the time we finally fell asleep. As tired as I’m feeling, I wouldn’t trade sleep for what we shared last night. It was magical.

Thankfully, mum invites Chase to stay and eat with us. I would’ve insisted on it if she didn’t, but I’m grateful I didn’t have to. Even my dad is being pleasant towards him, which is nice.

After we eat, we discuss what happened yesterday. We still need to go down to the police station and make our statements, but my dad wants to know every last detail. He knows we’re in for a fight due to the fact that Riley’s dad is not only pretty high up in the Police force, but also corrupt. 

We all agree the video evidence will work in our favour. Neither Chase nor I want to watch it. We saw it happen in real life. That was bad enough. “I wonder if there’s any video of the other time he came here,” Chase says. Crap. I don’t want my dad to know about that, so I kick him under the table. When his eyes meet mine, I shake my head, hoping he understands.

“What other time?” my father asks frowning.

“It was nothing,” I reply.

“Nothing my arse,” Chase snaps. “He left a fuc…he left a mark on you.” I find it sweet he’s trying not to swear in front of my dad.

“He fucking what?” my father screams. Great. My eyes narrow as I look over at Chase.

“Don’t look at me like that, sweet-cheeks,” he says. “Your father needs to know what he’s dealing with. He had no right to come here and put his hands all over you.”

“That’s fucking right,” my father adds, nodding at Chase. Shit, now they’re both ganging up on me.
God help me.

“Can you remember the date and time?” my father asks, his face red from anger.

“Ask Chase,” I reply as I get up from the table and go in search of my mum. I know I shouldn’t be pissed about this, but things are going to get ugly when my dad sees the footage.

Not even ten minutes pass before I hear my father’s angry voice, “That motherfucker.” He’s seen the footage. Mum and I both jump off the side of the bed we’ve been sitting on, running out to find the boys.

“Where’s my fucking keys?” my father snaps as he searches the kitchen counter.

“Why do you need the keys?” my mother asks as she moves in his direction. My gaze seeks out Chase. His facial expressions are pretty much the same as my father’s—pissed off.

“I’m going to teach that fucking prick some manners. How dare he put his hands on my daughter.”

“I’m coming with you,” Chase adds.

“Hold on a minute,” my mum says, raising her hands. “Neither of you are going anywhere like this. There’s a right way and a wrong way to go about this. Going off all half-cocked isn’t going to get you anywhere, except maybe locked up.”

“But—” My mum cuts my dad off before he gets a chance to say another word.

“No buts, Hot Stuff. Calm down, then think of a solution with a rational head.” My dad drops the keys back on the counter as his head tilts up towards the ceiling. When he exhales an exaggerated breath, I know my mum has got through to him.

“I need some fucking air,” he snaps as he storms past us heading towards the back sliding doors. My mum sighs before following after him.

“Are you okay?” I ask Chase as I step towards him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

“No, I’m not. To see his hands touch you,” he sighs. “It’s really fucked with my head. I’m gonna make that prick pay. Not only for what he did to you, but also for what he did to Pops.”

“Let’s do it the right way, okay? I think there’s been enough violence the last few weeks to last us a lifetime.” Chase exhales, obviously frustrated. I agree that he needs to be taught a lesson, but two wrongs don’t make a right. My dad will make sure he serves time for what he’s done. “Speaking of Pops, shouldn’t we get to the hospital?” I add, trying to take his mind off seeking revenge on Riley’s father.

“I guess. I’m not going to let this lie, sweet-cheeks, just so you know,” he says as he brushes his lips against mine.

“I’m just going to say goodbye to my parents.”

“I’ll come with you,” he says, following me to the back deck.

My heart feels sad for my dad when I see him sitting on the back step, shoulders slumped, with his head in his hands. My mum is rubbing her hand up and down his back as she talks with him. I can’t hear what she’s saying, but I know she’ll make him feel better. She always does. They have an incredibly loving relationship.

“We’re heading to the hospital now,” I say, interrupting them. They both swing their heads around in my direction.

“Okay, baby,” my mum replies. My dad stands and comes to me.

“I’m sorry, daddy,” I say when I see the tormented look on his face.

“You have nothing to be sorry for. I just wish I had known you were going through all of this,” he answers, pulling me into his arms. “As much as I want to haul your arse back to Sydney where I can keep you safe, I know I can’t. I’m sorry for everything that’s happened to you, Princess. I wish I could’ve been here to protect you.”

“I know, daddy, but I have Chase. He’s doing a great job of looking after me.”

“I know.” Although I know he’s grateful for everything Chase has done, I get the impression he feels like he’s being replaced. Like he thinks I no longer need him. That will never happen. He’ll always be my dad. I’ll always need him in my life.

“Can you organise a meeting at the Police Station for later this afternoon?” I ask. “We need your help with this, daddy. We can’t do it without you.” I know he planned on doing that, but I just needed to let him know how much we need him.

“Of course, baby.”



Chase and I both smile when we walk into Pops’ room and find him sitting up. He almost looks like his old self again. I have a giggle to myself when I see he’s wearing his leather vest over the top of his hospital gown.

“Hey, Pops,” Chase says walking towards the bed.

“Son,” he replies. I follow, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Sweet-thing.”

“Everything okay?” Chase asks his dad. He doesn’t seem very happy today.

“I wanna get the fuck outta here,” he asserts. “They said I can’t go home ‘til they run more tests. A week the doc said. I’ll be bat shit crazy in a fuckin’ week.” Chase and I both laugh at his reply.

“It’s for your own good,” Chase replies. “I don’t want you to leave until you get the all clear with your heart. I don’t wanna go through that shit again.”

“There’s nothin’ wrong with my fuckin’ ticka,” he grumbles.

“No, not much,” Chase says sarcastically. “It’s was only fucking yesterday that you had to be resuscitated because your heart stopped working.” Pops growls at his reply.

The door opens and in walks a plump, elderly nurse. “Oh fuck, not her again,” Pops mumbles under his breath. I have to hold back my smile.

“It’s time for your obs, Mr. Daniels,” she says sternly. “What did I tell you about wearing that thing in here,” she adds pointing to his vest once she’s beside the bed.

“And I told ya I’m keepin’ it on.” She narrows her eyes at him as she lifts his arm, shoving a thermometer under there. I look over at Chase and he’s smiling. Poor Pops. No wonder he’s not happy about being here.

When she’s finished taking his temperature and blood pressure, she turns and walks towards the door. “Can you please try and talk this stubborn man into removing that unsanitary piece of clothing,” she says to us. Neither of us answer her.

“It’s fuckin’ stayin’ on,” Pops snaps and the nurse leaves in a huff. Chase and I both start laughing as soon as the door closes.

“You better watch she doesn’t try and swipe it later when she comes back to give you your sponge bath,” Chase chuckles.

“Pigs fuckin’ arse,” Pop snaps. “She’s not gettin’ a fuckin’ sponge anywhere near me.”



As the day goes by, Pops’ mood doesn’t improve much. He’s nothing like his old self, but has perked up since we first arrived. Around 5:00 p.m. though, when the staff do a shift changeover, and the pretty nurse from last night enters the room, Pops’ moodiness dissipates immediately. Interesting.

“Welcome back, darlin’,” he says beaming, as she approaches his bed. Chase and I look at each other surprised. Especially, when we see the look exchanged between them both.

“How are you feeling today, Max?” she asks sweetly, as she straightens up his bed sheets, and fluffs his pillows. Looking over at Chase, he raises his eyebrows at me. He can obviously see what I’m seeing. There’s definitely something going on between these two.

“Better now my favourite nurse is back.”

“You think you’d be up for a shower today?” she asks. “The doctor has requested we get you up and about.”

“Unless ya gonna shower with me,” he answers with a smirk. “I’d rather one of those sponge baths ya gave me last night.” Okay, this is getting kind of awkward.

“It’s time we got going, Pops,” Chase interrupts. I smile at him. He obviously feels the same as I do.

“This is my son, Chase,” he says to the nurse. “Chase, this is Becca.” After she greets him, Pops motions me towards the bed. “And this is Angel, my future daughter-in-law.” When he winks at me, I feel my face heat.

“Ease up, old man,” Chase chuckles as his hand goes around my waist, drawing me to him. “We’ve only been dating a few weeks. I think it’s a little too soon to be talking marriage.”

“You’ve got rocks in ya head if you don’t marry her,” he says winking at me again. After kissing Pops goodbye, we both head towards the door.

“It was nice to meet you, Becca,” Chase says. “We’ll see you tomorrow, Pops.”



My father ends up taking us out for dinner before we head to the Police Station. Yesterday I told daddy about Detective Wilson, the nice officer who came to my door the morning after the attack. We all agreed it would be best to speak to him first. My dad called him this morning and set up the meeting for 7:00 p.m. There’s no way of telling who the good cops are and who are corrupt. That day I had a feeling he was one of the good guys, so did Chase.

Our assumptions were right. When we walk out of the Police Station a few hours later, I know we made the right decision. Detective Wilson was great. We all got the impression he’s been waiting for Riley’s father to fuck up. He’s going to request that Riley’s father be suspended pending an inquiry. We’re pressing charges against both of them.



My mum flew home the next day. CJ called complaining he had nobody to cook for him, so she was on the first flight back to Sydney. He’s twenty-one for God’s sake. He could’ve asked one of his hoes to cook for him, but mum being mum she had to go to him.

Reluctantly, daddy stayed behind. I know how much he hates being away from her. He didn’t really have a choice. Not only is he preparing our case, he also wants to start organising the sale of his Melbourne office.

It makes me sad he’s selling it, but it’s his decision. I haven’t discussed it with Chase yet. I hate how I’m going to have to move back to Sydney at the end of the year, possibly leaving him behind. I guess I’ll worry about it when the time comes.

After cooking breakfast for Chase and my dad, we head to the hospital for a quick visit before class. Daddy heads to the office. My dad and Chase seem to be getting on well now. I’m so glad. I can tell it’s still hard on him, especially when Chase is affectionate to me, but he’s trying. That’s all I can ask for.

Pops is out of ICU now, and in the cardiac ward. He’s still unhappy about being in hospital, but we’ve noticed nurse Becca has come down to visit him a few times. He perks right up when she’s there. I hope something more can come out of this. He deserves to have a nice lady in his life.

“I need a fuckin’ coffee,” he whines when we get to his room. “The doctors have said I need to cut down. I don’t need to fuckin’ cut down.”

“How about I go get you one from the coffee cart in the lobby?” I offer. He needs to calm down. Stress isn’t good in his condition. One coffee can’t hurt, right?

“You’re a gem, sweet-thing,” he says smiling at me.

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