A Warrior's Heart (Shields) (19 page)

They practically ran down the stairs to Gabriel’s chamber. He pulled her inside and then turned to bar the door. The massive bed beckoned her, promising untold pleasure in Gabriel’s arms.

She closed her eyes and still felt his lips moving over hers. The feel of his thick arousal pressed against her belly had brought a rush of liquid between her thighs.

Warm fingers stroked her neck as he came up behind her, molding his body to hers again. “Jayna,” he whispered in her ear as his mouth kissed her skin.

She moved her head to the side as his hot tongue did delicious things to her body. Desire strummed through her, making her forget everything but the man behind her and the need in her body.

“By the gods you’re beautiful.”

His words, though murmured, sent a bolt of longing through her. Memories of her past began to stir, pushing past the fog of desire.


Jayna turned to face Gabriel. His molten silver eyes flared with longing as she ran her hands from the flat planes of his stomach to his muscled chest.

“Make me forget. Please.”

His gaze bored into hers as if he were trying to read her soul. A soft smile pulled up one corner of his mouth as his hands cupped either side of her face.

Time seemed to beat to almost a halt. Nothing existed but her and him – and the desire they shared.

His mouth teased her skin with light kisses and soft licks of his tongue. But his hands moved over her body as if she might disappear at any moment.

Yet it wasn’t enough for her. For too long she had been alone. For too long she had only memories of Gabriel before he betrayed her. And now, he stood before her as he once was, before she saw him in his true form.

It was too much for her. She desperately needed the past, to feel like the girl she used to be. She needed to forget about betrayals, loss, and revenge.

She needed Gabriel.

With a little shove, she pushed his leather jerkin over his shoulders and he let it drop to the floor. To her surprise, her hands shook as she reached for his dark red tunic. Her fingers scraped his skin as she tugged the tunic higher.

Her breath caught in her throat as Gabriel pulled the tunic over his head and stood before her. She had seen him while he lay wounded, but she hadn’t had a chance to really
at him as she did now.

He was more magnificent than she remembered.

Her hands rose to move over his sculpted torso, to feel the muscles beneath her hands. Gabriel had always been handsome, but his body had never looked like this. The training and battles he had faced while a Shield had shaped him into a splendid figure of a man.

“My turn.” Gabriel’s voice was hoarse, as if it pained him to speak.

She was about to ask him what he meant when his hands began to bunch her skirt at her waist. Her heart raced as her gown was drawn over her head and the rest of her underclothes soon followed.

The cool air of the chamber raced across her bare skin, but the heat from Gabriel’s gaze warmed her. When his hands reached toward her, she was ready, anxious to feel him against her again. Yet, he didn’t take her into his arms. He began to unbraid her hair until it hung in waves around her. She turned and stepped toward the bed when she suddenly found herself in his arms.

“I’ve wanted to carry you to my bed since the night I first saw you.”

For some reason Jayna found it difficult to breathe. She became lost in the wonderful silver eyes staring at her. Her surroundings melted away again, leaving only her and Gabriel. And the bed.

Gently he laid her atop the bed and stretched out beside her. Jayna could feel his gaze on her, could feel the desire strumming through him.

And it only quickened her blood.

She squeezed her legs together and nearly cried out from the longing. As much as she wanted his hands on her, Jayna wasn’t going to beg. Patience was a virtue she had learned very early in life, though it was being sorely tested now.

He rose up on his knees and straddled her legs. Then, finally, his warm, large hands touched her. Her skin burned as he gripped her hips and began placing kisses along her stomach, stopping to lick her bellybutton.

She squirmed, wanting more. Needing more.

Her hands dug into the covers as his moved up her side to her waist, then higher until he was...almost...touching her breasts.

A moan rushed past her lips as his hands cupped her breasts and massaged them as his mouth continued to follow his hands. When his hot mouth closed over her aching nipple, Jayna’s back arched off the bed as pleasure spiked to her core.

The pleasure was intense and all-consuming. She was drowning in it but didn’t care. She yearned to throw off her cloak of worries and revenge and just be Jayna, the woman that used to laugh and smile easily.

While his mouth and tongue did delectable things to one breast, his fingers gently pinched her other nipple, sending a cry of satisfaction from her throat. With each flick of his tongue, each tweak of her nipple, spasms of need pulsed in her sex.

“Gabriel,” she whispered as she ground her hips against his chest.

His hand left her breast to travel down her side, over her hip to her thigh. His mouth soon followed, leaving a trail of hot kisses and warm breath over her skin, heightening her senses even more.

When he moved her legs apart with his knee, she opened for him, silently giving him her consent that she wanted more. Much more. His hands moved over her legs, touching her as a skilled lover would, a lover that knew just what would leave her trembling and begging for more.

She bit her lip as his fingers traced the line of her inner thigh until he reached her sex. She held her breath, waiting for him to touch her, to bring her some release. But his hands continued on. Again and again he teased her, tormented her with feather light kisses and near touches.

Then, finally, he touched her. Jayna moaned as his tongue flicked across her swollen pearl. With his hot breath tickling her skin, his tongue swirled around her pearl, bringing her to new heights of pleasure. Deep inside she could feel the pressure building like a slow crescendo.

Gabriel had never felt anything so
in his life. With each lick, kiss...touch Jayna became more and more familiar to him. He no longer tried to remember the past as he gave in to the desire humming in his veins. All that mattered was Jayna and the pleasure he was giving her.

He didn’t question how he knew exactly where to touch her or how to touch her that would drive her wild. Her soft whimpers had become moans, and it wasn’t long before cries of pleasure left her delicious lips.

Gabriel could spend eternity loving her body and still it wouldn’t be enough. Just holding her, touching her brought him more pleasure than a thousand women. She was special somehow.

He continued to move his tongue over her tiny pearl that had grown hard and swollen. She was near release, but he wasn’t ready for her to peak yet. He dipped a finger inside of her to feel her hot, tight sheath, and he couldn’t stop the moan that fell from his lips.

His cock yearned to sink into her, and it was all he could do to hold back. Her body responded as if she had been waiting for his touch. He could feel her begin to tighten around his finger, her climax nearly upon her.

Gabriel raised his head to look at her. Her hands were fisted in the blankets at her side, her golden hair spread around her, and her mouth parted slightly as she moaned her pleasure. She was intoxicating to watch.

He added a second finger inside her, stretching her as best he could until he could stand it no more. He removed his fingers and leaned over her, his rod touching the entrance of her sex.

Her beautiful hazel eyes opened, and she smiled up at him. His heart nearly burst from his chest at her smile. He leaned down and took her lips in a fierce kiss as he slowly entered her.

Gentle hands moved to his back and gripped him as he pushed inside of her. When he was fully seated, she wrapped her legs around his waist and Gabriel knew true heaven then, for it was Jayna, the angel in his arms.

He began to move, sliding in and out of her with a tempo she quickly matched. Their desire soon spurred them on as each sought to find their release.

Gabriel was so close that he feared he would spend himself before Jayna reached her climax, but then she suddenly stiffened as her body convulsed around him.

He let go then, giving over to the passion that consumed his body. As he poured his seed into her, he felt her arms tighten around him.

“Oh, Gabriel,” she whispered in his ear.

And then he knew.






Chapter Twenty-One



Gabriel waited until Jayna was asleep before he rose naked from the bed and walked to the dying fire. He stoked the embers until flames once more rose high in the hearth.

He reached for his pants that had been discarded in their hurry to undress and slipped them on. Then he collapsed in a chair before the fire and faced the truth.

All his memories had returned.

Every last damn one of them.

And they were exactly as he had feared.

He knew why Jayna was at Stone Crest. He knew why she sought revenge. Because of him, because he had betrayed her. He leaned forward and dropped his head into his hands.

But you aren’t that man anymore

Nay, he wasn’t, but it didn’t absolve him of his sins, especially not the ones toward Jayna.

Nothing will ever right the wrong done to her. Nothing

He sighed and raised his gaze to the dancing flames before him. All the answers he had sought he now had. He knew who he was, where he came from, and if he had left someone behind. That someone had been Jayna.

“Sweet Jayna,” he murmured.

And now that he had his memories back, he wanted them gone. He wanted to pretend he didn’t know he was such a monster, a betrayer of lovers...a murderer.

To think he had thought about urging Jayna to give up her revenge after they had made love. In truth, he wanted her to carry out her revenge. It was what he deserved. He just hoped she waited until after the Great Evil was defeated, for the Shields would need him.

The Shields. Aimery

What was he to tell them? He knew if he told them the truth, there was a possibility they would see him for what he had become and not what he was once. But then again, they could very well consider him a part of the evil and kill him on the spot. And they needed him.

So he would keep silent.

And do his best to stay away from the Great Evil. It was amazing Hugh and the others hadn’t figured out why the evil was after him, but he prayed they stayed ignorant of the facts for he didn’t think he could face the men he called family if they knew all he had done.

His head snapped up as he heard movement behind him. He rose and walked to stand beside the bed. Jayna slept peacefully, her beautiful lips slightly parted and her chest rising and falling slowly. Her blonde locks were spread around her like a golden crown.

She was beauty personified. The one woman who had been able to capture his heart. The only woman he had ever loved. A smile pulled at his lips as he recalled the joy they had shared, the simple pleasure of being together.

The smile soon faded, however, when he remembered her beautiful hazel eyes growing wide with realization, then the hatred that shown in them as she looked upon what his betrayal had done.

If he could take it all back he would. But there was no changing the past. Even though the Fae had taught them how to shift through time, Gabriel wasn’t fool enough to try and change his past. The consequences for his actions would be more severe than he was paying now.

“Jayna. My sweet Jayna,” he whispered as he ran a finger down her smooth cheek.

He turned on his heel and quickly finished dressing before he walked from his chamber. He stopped just short of reaching the great hall. His emotions were all mucked up, and his worry of his fellow Shields discovering the depth of his treachery made him want to return to his chamber.

But he had played the coward long enough.

Gabriel took a deep breath and was about to continue down the stairs when he heard a voice behind him. He turned and found Nicole descending the stairs.

“I haven’t seen you all day,” she said, her Scottish accent thick as she looked him over.

Gabriel swallowed and gave a swift nod. “Aye. We’ve been busy.”

She laughed. “You mean you’ve been busy trying to discern just how much Jayna has lied to us. Have you discovered anything?”

For a long moment Gabriel simply stared at her. The urge to tell someone of his deeds, of his awful past, was great. His shoulders grew heavy as his burdened settled upon him. “I’ve learned a little,” he finally answered.

“Gabriel,” she said and took a step closer to him, her gaze searching his. “What is it? What’s wrong.”

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