Read A Soul Mate's Promise Online

Authors: Robin H Soprano

A Soul Mate's Promise (21 page)

“Oh my god! See? Things DO happen for a reason. There’s always a plan, Gracie; sometimes we don’t always see it, but its there.”

I exhale. “Oh good, you don’t think I’m crazy then.”

Mary looks at me, her eye’s wide. “Crazy? It’s crazy
to believe it. How incredibly mind blowing. Tell me, what does Pop think?”

“Pop believes. Sal...” I squint, then continue,. “is having a harder time with it. He is still trying to let it soak in, I think. Hell, even Dr. Brooks is a believer after talking with us.”

“A real miracle, Gracie… Oh hell, I’m gonna cry.”

“Oh, please don’t cry–you’ll make
cry!” I say, chuckling as I feel tears sting my eyes.

“Yes, but I’m pregnant now,” she says in between her sniffs, “and EVERYTHING makes me cry! It’s so annoying!”


*       *       *


Later that night in bed, with the remnants of a fire slowly going out, the two dogs are asleep on the floor snoring. Sal and I are cuddling, waiting for sleep to come.

“Hey, you still awake?” I ask softly.

“Yeah,” he answers as he rubs my arm and places a kiss on my shoulder.

“I dreamt something this afternoon and it woke me up with a jolt.”

“What was it?”

“Water. I was in water. And it was so cold. I couldn’t see anything–it was dark and I was drowning, I think.”

“Was there anyone with you? Was I there?”

“No, ah, I don’t know–like I said, it was dark. I didn’t feel afraid though, like other times. I felt like I didn’t have the strength to swim or help myself–totally exhausted. I think it was the ocean. I think I heard the waves, but it was very fuzzy this time and out of focus.”

Sal splays his hand across my belly and draws me tighter to him. “Do you think it was a past life dream or a random one?”

“I’m gonna say random, mostly because I knew somehow it was me–in the present. The dream just startled me awake and I gasped for air. It didn’t give me any lingering feelings of sadness or being frightened. I forgot where I was when I woke up,” I say with a little chuckle, “then I remembered.”

“That’s happened to me also,” Sal whispers into my neck. “I think you were exhausted from the trip. That confusion is scary stuff. The first few times we slept together, before we made love, it scared me to think I might have one of those dreams were I was back in the military – and I might have hurt you thinking you were the enemy.”

I roll on my back and he cradles me in his arms. “You haven’t done it yet,” I remind him.

“Yeah, thank god. I would kill myself if I hurt you,” he growls.

I can’t help but shiver. “Are you still afraid of this happening?”

“Not so much anymore,” he whispers. “It’s less of a worry now that we make love. Just in the very beginning of our relationship, I had concerns. It’s better but it always plays in the back of my mind.”

I put my hand to his cheek. “I believe that you could never hurt me, Sal.”

“I love you, Gracie.”

His lips find mine and as it always does, the passion drives our lovemaking, until completely exhausted, we sleep.







I get up early the next morning and let both dogs out back. I supervise for a minute and watch as they sniff around and do their thing.

The sun is barely up and it’s chilly. Toby follows Bridget around through the courtyard, up the ramp, and through a doggie door that I just realize is there.

I laugh in spite of myself, shaking my head. I see Mary at the door and I wave.

She waves her hand, shooing me back to the cottage. “Go back to bed, sleep in. Toby is fine–really, go.”

I smile and give her a nod. “ Okay, see ya later.”


We sleep until eleven. Sal goes over to the main house and comes back with a coffee for me.

“Rise and shine, Princess.” He hands me the steamy mug and sits on the bed in front of me.

“You spoil me, you know that, don’t you?”

“Yes,” he answers. “I live to spoil you. He smiles, You spoil me too.”

“How is that even possible.” I say with a shrug. “You have done so much, and you take such good care of me! ”

“Gracie, you spoil me with your love, and your body.”

We sit there quietly, eyes locked. “As for taking care of you properly, that’s my job as a man. Now, drink your coffee, then get dressed. We’re spending the day together, just us.”

“Just us? Where are we going? Where is everyone?”

Sal gets up from the bed laughing. “So many questions. You’ll see–it’ll be fun.”


*       *       *


Within an hour, we are both showered and dressed. We walk out of our little cottage and see Joe, Mary and Pop in the courtyard. Joe’s holding a big picnic basket and a blanket.

“Here ya go”, Joe motions to the basket. It’s ready to go.”

“Sal, where are we going?” I ask again.

“I told you, we’re spending the day alone. Joe and Mary told me about a beautiful place we shouldn’t miss seeing while we’re here. Trust me!”

I’m still confused, but everyone else is all smiles. Joe hands Sal the basket and I took the blanket.

“Just follow the trail,” Joe points, “through the vineyard–you’ll see the hill shortly. Have fun you guys! We’ll see ya later.”

“Have-a-good time, caro. I look after–a-Toby,” Antonio says, smiling from ear to ear.

As we walk along, I wonder why everyone seems just a little bit strange, this morning. “What’s up with them?”” I ask Sal.

He glances back over his shoulder, then down at me. He laughs. “ Nothing, they’re fine.”

We discover the trail and follow it along through the open field and out past the vineyard. It’s a bright, beautiful day and not too cool.

I take in the hilly and plush green landscape stretched out before us. It’s truly breathtaking and nothing like what I’m used to on the east coast. Because the vines are bare and cut back for the season, the winery employees are all gone, so it’s very quiet–I can hear a few birds and an occasional wind gust rattles past us.

We walk about fifteen minutes when we spot the hill with the big tree that Joe told us about. It isn’t very steep so it’s easy to reach the top. We set down the blanket and basket and look out at the scenery surrounding us. Hills roll into hills. Row after row of crops. And an endless blue sky.

“I said it before, I’ll say it again. I feel like we left the country. The land here is beautiful! And that funny sense of impending doom isn’t as strong here, either.”

Sal comes up from behind me and hugs me, then kisses the top of my head. “It is beautiful out here–and so peaceful. Don’t worry,  Whatever’s coming, we’ll handle it, together.”

“I agree with him. “So, tell me… why did you want to spend the day together alone? We’re here visiting with your family–tomorrow’s Christmas Eve. We should be with

He turns me around to face him. “Gracie, it’s all good. Actually, this was their idea. Come over here.”

I shrug. Obviously, something’s up, but I choose to relax. We spread out the blanket and sit down. Sal opens the basket and pulls out a bottle of wine and some container’s of food. He opens the wine–a bottle of Chianti–one of my favorites! “My brother came through!” Sal chuckles.

We have an array of cheese and fruit, and one huge sandwich layered with meats that we cut up into sections. There are also a couple of napoleon pastries for dessert.

A while after we eat, I feel Sal’s eyes all over me.

“Why are you staring at me? Do I have food on my face?”

He laughs and it’s a sound I’ll never get tired of.

“No, Princess, I’m just watching you. You seem calmer. Being away agrees with you. You like it here?”

I smile and look around us. “Yes, I love it here. It’s nice being away–home seems a million miles away.”

Sal runs a hand through his wavy hair. “It is miles away–around two-thousand two-hundred and eighty six –give or take.”

I give him a sarcastic look. He winks back.

“No, I mean, home seems like a distant memory since we arrived here.”

“I’m glad you’re relaxed. I want this to be a happy time for you. Come here.” He holds his arm out to me and I snuggle in closer.

We sit like that for a while, then open the other bottle of wine. We share kisses and conversation. We watch as the sun starts to drop and the sky changes from blue to golden orange with purple hues.

“It’s getting late, should we go back?” I ask.

He takes my face in both his hands and gazes into my eyes then slowly he kisses me. I feel that kiss all the way down to my toes. When he stops, I grab at his shirt fisting the material, pulling him back to my lips.

He puts a hand on the back of my head securing me, deepening the kiss. I let go of his shirt and twist my fingers in his hair, breaking the kiss and panting. “Maybe we should go,” I say again.

He leans me back on the blanket and settles on top of me, kissing my lips and trailing down my throat. “I want you Gracie… Now. Right here.”

When he says the words, fire heats my stomach, I nip at his bottom lip and we start to undress each other. Laying on the blanket I feel the cool air rush around my naked body when Sal gets up to shrug off his jeans. Slowly he makes his way back to me, kissing me from my instep to my belly and breasts, till he is completely smothering me again with his body. He raises up on his elbows so he can look into my face–his eyes pierce mine.

“Gracie,” he whispers, his voice thick with emotion, I want you to know…god, I love you so much–more than I know how to say.” He blinks, then swallows.

“From the moment I met you, I knew it. You knew it. We are made for each other. Until you, I was lost. No one has ever captivated me so deep. You own my heart. I’m not living without you”

He takes my left hand and I feel something cool slide down my ring finger…. He whispers, “Marry me.”

My heart skips a beat. Tears well up and drop from my eyes. I can’t speak.

“Shhh, don’t cry, Gracie.”  He kisses me tenderly.

My entire body trembles with emotion. I try to respond, to speak, but I’m paralyzed with joy.

“Gracie,” Sal smiles, wiping at my cheeks. “Can you nod your head or something?” He laughs, nervously.

“Yes…” I squeak out on a breath. It comes out so faint I almost can’t hear it myself. I put my hands on Sal face and take a deep breath. “YES! Sal, yes!”

I look at the gold band with a marquee cut diamond in the center and smaller diamonds surrounding it.

“It’s beautiful, Sal. I love you, too.”

Sal kisses me hard. I return his passion. “I love you,” he whispers over and over.

I open myself wide to receive him and he buries himself deep into my core. He rocks his hips giving all of himself to me and I meet his every thrust.

I arch my back and a moan escapes from my throat as I begin to feel my release coil within. Sal hisses and we both climax so violently our bodies shake with tremors for long moments afterward.

The cool night air on our naked, perspired bodies makes me shiver, and Sal wraps us up in the blanket. We lay still, intertwined in one other. Sal reaches up and brushes some hair out of my eyes and seals his lips once more over mine.

“You have made me so happy Gracie, and I swear to God, I will take care of you until the last breath I take…I promise.”


*       *       *


Christmas Eve ushers in happy and welcome cheers of good luck and joy for the Petroni family.

Pop is as proud as a peacock. He has a grandchild on the way from his eldest son Joseph and his wife Mary, and intended future nuptials for his second son, Salvatore.

“This is a wonderful, wonderful Christmas.” Antonio is beaming. “It’s just what-a-this family needs–happy, good things. My Mary, full with a bambino, and-a-mio caro Gracie, my heart is about to-a-burst with much happiness."

That night we eat a traditional Italian-American Christmas Eve dinner consisting mostly of seafood. And, as is another tradition, we eat until we can’t move–and then go back for more.

We nestle around the Christmas tree and talk of baby names and wedding dates.

“I really don’t want a big wedding,” I say. “I did that already, but, Sal’s never been married–what do you want to do, Sal?”

Sal shrugs and urges me up on his lap. “I think a nice small ceremony with friends and family would be just fine. I would rather spend the money taking you on a tour of Europe for….let’s see, two, maybe three months?” He tosses me his best toothy smile.

“OH MY GOD! Are you serious?” I scream.

Sal laughs, along with the rest of the family.

“Very serious, Princess. You’ve never been–I thought you might like that. I was thinking Italy, of course–and Pop, if you want to go with us on that part–you’re welcome to do that.” I nod in agreement.

“Then, England, France, Monaco, to name a few. You can choose. We’ll sit some night and map it all out–sound good?”

Shaking my head in awe, I whisper, “Perfect.” Then I seal the idea with a kiss.


*       *       *


As magical as the days before it were, Christmas Day comes and goes like a blur. All morning we open presents, drink coffee and eat delectable pastries. The horrible loss that has marked my past six Christmases is completely gone. Once more surrounded by a loving family, I feel more complete than I can ever remember.

After the paper and mess is cleaned up, we get ready to resume the holiday regiment of feasting–and we do it well into the evening.  By the time we crawl into bed Christmas night, I’m asleep when my head hits the pillow, blissfully wrapped in Sal’s arms.

When I wake the day after Christmas and step on the bathroom scale, I want to just vomit. I put my hands to my mouth and whisper, “oh holy crap” to myself.

“You’re beautiful,” Sal says from the doorway of the bathroom.

“How long have you been standing there?”

“Not long, he laughs. What’s got you so worried, Princess?”

I look at the scale again and cringe.

Sal takes a few steps in my direction as I get off the scale.

“Gracie, you have a woman’s body. I happen to be very turned on by your curves” He takes me in his arms. “And it’s mine.”

“I just don’t want to get too curvy.”” I mumble.

“You won’t.–besides, wait till you see all the Renaissance paintings in Europe–you know the woman in those paintings are chubby–you might have been considered too thin to be painted back then.”

“I’m still gonna watch it though,” I grumble.

“Fine,” he says. “But don’t worry so much– You enjoyed yourself and I loved every minute watching you do so. Now get dressed.” He pats my behind. “Joey and Mary are taking us all out for a little sightseeing around Napa.”

“Oh good I want to see more of the area–though that probably means more eating and drinking.”

“Last day, Princess,” he kisses my nose. “You’re beautiful–stop worrying so much.”

We all pile into the rented Chevy Tahoe SUV and get a tour of Napa. We visit other wineries and participate in wine pairings, then we shop in some local gift shops and have lunch at the cutest little bistro.

As we’re leaving the bistro, Mary suggests one more place we have to see. We travel up the North St. Helena Highway into the heart of Napa.

There stands the Castello di Amorosa winery.

“How cool!” I shriek. “It looks like a medieval style Tuscany Castle!”

We pull up and take the tour, which was magnificent. Again I experience the sense that it’s somehow familiar.

I spend some time taking photos of the castle from various places on the grounds when Mary holds out her hands and points at my phone. 

“I’ll take a picture of you and Sal with the castle behind you. Smile!”

Sal and I pose together, arms wrapped around each other’s waist.  We smile at Mary.

I look at the picture and break into a grin. “Good shot!” I tell her. Taking another peek at it, I think about Maggie.
She’ll get a real kick out of this picture.
I send it off to her with a text.

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