Read A Second Chance Online

Authors: Isabella Bearden

A Second Chance (11 page)

“But why didn’t you just break up with me first?”

“Because I wasn’t going to lose you and hurt you if Courtney was going to keep pushing me away. But we have worked things out, and we are going to stay together this time.”

“You know what Brent; I would have had much more respect for you, and you, Courtney, if you would have been honest with me from the start. But thank you, I see now that you two really do belong together.”

I get up and head to the door, feeling more relieved now.

Chapter 17

I get ready for my party that Lily let slip, it was supposed to be this huge surprise. That girl can keep secrets better than anyone, so when she slipped up about it, I sort of went into shock mode.

I get ready, in a black sweetheart dress that comes to just about my knees and spreads out with black flats. Not knowing where I am going exactly and I rather not have my feet scream at me all night. As I put my finish touches on and look in the mirror, I smile to myself knowing that I’m going to be 18 in two days!

Tonight I’m going to finally talk to Tate. It’s time to get over being stubborn, and work things out. I know he can’t talk to me about Courtney‘s stuff, so I’m just going to have to try and live with it. Lily shows up at my house to pick me up. My parents and brothers left to go out to eat. I assume that they will be at the party to surprise me.

I go out to get into Lily’s car; I look over at Tate’s house and see his car is still there. Is he not coming?

We pull up to some building. At first I thought maybe we were going to Lily’s parents’ restaurant, since that’s where we always go. So I’m shocked we’re at this place. It just looks like a warehouse.

Before getting out of the car Lily turns to me. “Now, when we get in there, act surprised please. They don’t know I totally blew this.” I laugh.

“Don’t worry Lil, I’ll act surprised.”

We get inside and everyone jumps out yelling ‘SURPRISE!’ a lot of people from school came, some I didn’t even know. Whoever set this up sure did have a lot of time on their hands. Balloons everywhere with streamers, a big sign hangs up above the food and drink table saying “Happy Birthday, Ray!” I know from that sign that Tate has something to do with this.

I walk around greeting everyone and heading straight for the drink table after a couple of dances. Brent and Courtney also came, Courtney didn’t say much to me but the usual happy birthday and Brent gave me a hug. They excused their selves’ right when Brent spotted Tate walking toward us.

Tate comes  up to me and gives me a big bear hug along with picking me up and swinging me around. I giggle in his ear and smile at him as he sets me down. “I didn’t think you were coming.” I lean up and say to him. “You know I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He flashes a smile at me. “Thank you” He gives me a confused face. I lean back up, “For the party, I know you had something to do with it.” I point toward the sign. Tate gives me another smile that could just make me melt right then. “Yeah, Lily asked me to do something for you, so I got that made.” We talked for a bit and danced for a while.

As I am ready to sit down and give my poor feet some rest, Lily gathers everyone and then I see my parents come up. A huge smile crosses my face, seeing my parents here made the party even more awesome then I could have thought of. I see Lily pass over the microphone to my mom and dad, “Rayleigh, We are so proud of you. For all of your hard work and getting where you are today. We want you to have all things that your heart desires; we love you so very much! Happy Birthday, baby girl!” My mom wipes some tears away. “Will everyone please join us outside as we give our daughter her present?”

I knew then that I was getting a car. I rush outside with everyone else, and came to a stop when I spot a 2013 Mustang, solid black. I scream and run to the driver side opening up the door. Everything was electric and black inside. Tears start coming down my face, I couldn’t be any happier than I am now. I get out and give my parents a hug as I hear a phone go off in the car. I look at my parents then back in the car. I open the center console and pulled out a cell phone. Oh yes, this night could not get any better.

“Finally!! I don’t have to call your house phone anymore.” Lily says jumping up and down.

Tate comes close to me and whispers in my ear. “Now I can finally have sexy chats with you without worrying about someone picking up the other phone.” I blush. I turn around and take Tate by surprise. I pull his head down to me and give him one hell of a kiss.

His arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me closer into him. We don’t’ even pay attention to the crowd around us, or the fact that my parents are watching. “Ok, that’s enough, but in case it isn’t, there are condoms in the car.” I hear mom say.

Instantly I break apart from Tate, embarrassed.

I look down, as he puts his hand under my chin to bring my head up to look at him. Seeing his greens eyes is bringing more out of me than it ever has before.

Everyone went back inside to enjoy the party, I don’t know if they had a time limit but I wasn’t going to hang out here all night. I wanted to take off right when I saw the car, but my parents reminded me that we haven’t done the cake yet and I have other presents inside. I didn’t plan on opening them up here, so I asked my dad and brothers to load them in my car for later.

After everyone sung happy birthday to me and I cut the cake. I hear the song change to ‘I won’t give up’ by Jason Mraz, the crowd parts as Tate walks toward me, he takes my hand and we dance together. We look each other in the eyes as the song plays and tears start falling down my face again. He wipes them away and bends down and starts singing into my ear, when the chorus comes up.

“Tate.” I whisper.

He tilts his head enough to look at me. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a raging bitch. I should have never given up on us. I’m so sorry.” I cry into his chest.

“Hey... don’t you cry, Ray.” He wipes more tears away from my face.” You didn’t give up on us; you are trying to protect yourself. I was just waiting on you to realize that we are meant to be together.” He says before kissing me.

We reluctantly part after the song ends, but remain holding hands. The party ends not long after and Tate says he wants to spend more time with me. Since he didn’t drive here in his car, we take mine. I’m so in love that I finally have my own car. I do a small happy dance before getting in. I look to Tate before starting the car. “What?” I ask when I notice him looking at me amused.

He says nothing and just shakes his head. “Where are we going?” I ask, waiting anxiously to drive my new car.

“My place. Mom is out of town, and dad is living with his mistress.” Yikes.

I pull into my drive way to park my car for the night. Tate walks to the driver side and helps me, taking my hand as we walk across our yards and up to his front door. He quickly unlocks it and pulls me inside.

Before the door is fully closed, he has me backed up to the wall by the door. Kissing me hungrily. I move my hands under his shirt, rubbing up to his chest, wanting his shirt off.

He backs up slightly. “This isn’t why I brought you here, Ray. I just needed to kiss you.”

I pull him back in for another kiss. “I want you Tate. I want you to be my first.” His eyes grow hungry and he picks me up. Not in a new bride way, in a fireman’s hold. And he runs us up to his room. He gently places me on his bed, and comes over me. Before he bends all the way down to kiss me, he pauses.

“What? What is it?” I see something change in his eyes.

“I want to give you your birthday present first.”

“You didn’t have to get me anything, Tate. Just being here right now with you is enough.”

“I got you this a few weeks ago and now is the time to give it to you.” He pushes himself off of me and walks over to his dresser. He pulls out a small white box from his top drawer. It was as small as a ring box.  He walks back over to the bed and holds it out.

Tate sees the worry in my face, “It’s not what you think is it. Just open it.”

I take the box and slowly take the top off. Inside sits a beautiful heart and key necklace. It looks old, likes it’s tarnished over time. On the heart it has four small indents around it.  I look at the necklace and back at Tate.

“It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

Tate takes it out of the box, as I turn around for him to put it on me. “Just remember whenever you look at this necklace, that you have the key to my heart. I also hope when you look at this, you will remember how far you have come in life, Rayleigh.”  Tate pauses for a moment to finish hooking the necklace in place, as he finishes putting it on, he whispers in my ear. “I love you, Rayleigh.”

I turn back to look at him with tears in my eyes. “Thank you.... For everything.”  I tackle Tate onto his bed, kissing him senseless. As we both pull away from each other, out of breath. I look into his eyes and start kissing him again, nibbling at his lips, and pulling at his shirt. Tate pulls away and looks me in the eyes.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to do something you aren’t ready for.”

“Tate, I want you.” Once those words are out, our clothes come off, faster than I ever thought they could.

He starts kissing me and whispering how much he loves me into my ear.  His hands touch places that no one has ever touched before.  My entire body feels like it is on fire.  He starts to nudge himself, between my legs and slowly moves himself inside me.  It hurts at first, but Tate took care of me.  He is gentler, then I believed possible.  He takes his time, and makes it feel good. We spend our night in complete bliss.


wake up the next morning feeling a little achy.  I roll over in bed to Tate, and then I realized I spent the night at his house, my parents are going to kill me! I jump out of bed to throw my clothes on, just as he wakes up.

“Where are you going?”

“Home, my parents are going to kill me.”

“Ray, relax they already know you are here and I’m pretty, sure they know what we were doing all night.” Tate smirks at me, as he gets out of bed and come behinds me and kisses me on my neck.

I start giggling. “Tate, stop. I need to get home.” I try to get away from him. “I will see you later. Just let me go home and make sure they aren’t mad.” I turn around in his arms and give him kiss. As I pull away, I start backing up to his door, and grab my keys. I turn to get out of the house before he can grab me, as he tried to.


s I walk inside, my mom is in the kitchen and dad is in the living room, watching my brothers play with their monster trucks. I slide past my dad but getting past mom wasn’t that easy.

“Hey honey. “ I stop in mid steps.

“Oh, Hey mom.”

“Have a good night?”

I feel my face turn warm, “Yeah, Thank you for the car and cell phone.”

“I expect you to get a job and help out.” My mom smiles at me.

“I plan to.”

“What do you have planned to do today?”

“Uh... I don’t know, I’ll probably call Lily and see what everyone else is doing tonight.” I thought maybe if I didn’t bring Tate up, then she wouldn’t ask. I start heading up stairs before my mom asked any more questions and I text Lily, as I’m texting her I get an idea.

R- Hey, are your parents hiring? Looking for a job.

L – Nope, but if I tell them you are looking, they’ll hire you anyway.

R- Awesome.

I tell Lily to call me later after she talks to her parents and I think back to last night. Man it was amazing. Tate told me he loves me, but I never said it back. Does he think I don’t love him?

I look down to my phone when I feel it vibrate. It’s Tate. I smile to myself and pick it up and read his text.

T – Lets go to the beach today, just the two of us.

R – Give me thirty.

T – Love you

Do I say it back now or wait and say it in person?


hirty minutes later, I walk outside to meet Tate at his car. I stop mid steps once I see him leaned against his car. He is dressed in a green polo and cargo shorts. He struts towards me with a big smile on his face. He leans down and kisses me as he pushes some of my hair out of my face. As he pulls away, I pout at him. He chuckles at me.

“What is with the face?”

“I want to drive.”

“You can.”

“No, I want to take my car.”

Tate gives a full belly laugh, “Are you really giving me that pouty face because you want drive your car?” I nod. “All you had to do was say so. But that face is hot on you.” I shove Tate as he laughs at me.

We spend the day, just the two of us, at the beach, and making up for the lost time. Mostly because I was being stubborn.

Chapter 18

Tate and I are hanging out in my garage sparing with each other. Ever since Tate and I got back together I have not worked out in sometime. We  took a small break to get some water and cool down. As Tate went to grab his bottle, his phone goes off.

I can only hear his side of the conversation.

“What’s wrong? Where are you?” He asks the person on the phone.  “Just stay put I’ll be right there.” Tate hangs up his phone and turns to me.

“I’m sorry, that was Courtney. I have to go.”

I’m shocked he is really about to leave me to go to her.

“Are you kidding me!?” Tate kisses me and leaves.

When he left, my temper went through the roof! He knows how much I don’t like her, and then he leaves me to go rescue her. I start pounding on my punching bag to relieve some anger. I can’t believe he just left me to go to Courtney. The more I thought about it, the more I took it out on my bag.

Hours after Tate left, I grew tired and decided to take a hot bath. I head up to my room and saw my phone light up with a message. I grab my phone and see that I have 4 new messages. Hoping that at least one of them is from Tate I open them.  Not one is from Tate as I just look at the names that are showing up. I have some from Lily, Ben and Brent. Wait, why is Brent texting me? I click on each message.

L- You never guess who just walked in my parent’s restaurant.

B- Ask Tate to call me, I can’t seem to reach him.

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