A Likely Story: A Wayward Ink Publishing Anthology (27 page)

It wasn’t long before, without conscious thought, hands started to wander. They clutched, grasped, pulled, and pushed. Coming up for air, Jet mumbled, “Must have you,” before he attached himself to Anthony’s neck.

In sensory overload, Anthony managed to gasp back, “I’m all yours.” He wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity of sampling first-hand anything the object of his fantasies had to offer.

Jonathan growled and freed Anthony’s shirt from its confines. The sensation of Jet’s smooth hands over Anthony’s skin sent shivers of lustful desire through every part of him. There wasn’t the time or space for soft and tender. Want and need started an explosive chain reaction and Anthony was too lost in lust to care where it took him.

Anthony groped for Jet’s waistband. He found a belt and made quick work of it. In the meantime, Jonathan opened Anthony’s shirt. In a fumbling mass of near hysteria, they managed to find themselves with ties lost, shirts open, and pants pooled at ankles.

There wasn’t much Anthony knew about Jet personally, but
by God
, he was discovering plenty physically. Jet’s lips and tongue played Mozart over Anthony’s neck, mouth, and chest, with just enough enamel action to make Anthony plead and pull Jet into him even more.

As for Jet’s hands,
, Anthony didn’t know whether to liken him to a maestro pianist or an octopus. The places they were getting to… the way his body responded… was beyond reason. There was no doubt on this particular occasion—Anthony was Jet’s to direct as he pleased, and Anthony was ecstatic to comply.

Jet’s lips met Anthony’s again, and he noisily panted into the pilot’s mouth as Jet’s fingers wrapped around Anthony’s balls, lightly tugging. Anthony’s hips thrust into Jet and they sank onto the chairs that Jet deftly reclined beneath them.

Jonathan’s mouth engulfed Anthony so fast he almost came. He wanted to take Jet’s head, hold it in place, and explode. Instead, Anthony fumbled for his jacket. With shaky hands, he found his emergency travel companions and launched them at Jet.

“Are you sure?” the ex-fighter pilot questioned, looking up through his lashes.

“Fuck, yes.”

Both were impatient, yet Jet took time to prepare Anthony. Jet made noises that sounded like he was the one being fucked, when it was only his fingers inside his partner. Anthony could feel their length curl and touch his walls.

Want took over. Anthony wanted Jonathan’s balls slapping against his ass.

Making quick work of the condom and lube, Jonathan lined up and sank slowly into Anthony.

Oh God, he’s the A380 of cocks

As Jet pushed deeper, he leaned over and kissed his boy. Anthony’s lips had been so active they were beginning to hurt, but both men craved more. Finally sheathed within, Jet’s mouth stopped, and he breathed heavily. He seemed as lost to the sensations as Anthony. With his heels, Tony nudged Jet forward, and it wasn’t long before Jet was plundering Anthony like a tornado squadron on a bombing run. Moans, groans, and grunts filled the room. With equal fervor, Anthony met Jet thrust for thrust on every passing raid.

With a strained voice, Anthony panted, “Gonna come.”

Immediately, Jet reached for his partner’s cock and the second his strong fingers wrapped around it, Anthony erupted. Every muscle in his body tensed as his orgasm ripped through him.

Jonathan held Anthony’s legs tight. He speeded up, preparing for his final approach. Jet’s last thrusts had Anthony’s head almost hitting the wall. Opening his eyes, Anthony was in time to see Jet’s face as he came. It was the most erotic thing he’d ever seen. Jet’s mouth was slightly ajar. His eyes closed. His breathing and body convulsed together. Anthony could feel the explosion and after tremors of Jet’s cock within him.

They collapsed, breathless.

Eventually, cognizance returned. Jet reached into the side storage to retrieve some wipes. Tony then realized the cabin wasn’t spare; it was Jonathan’s.

Once business was taken care of, Jonathan covered Anthony with his body again. He placed a light kiss upon Anthony’s swollen lips. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Anthony replied, as he wrapped his arms around Jet and pulled him closer.

Jet looked guilty. “I’m sorry I acted so impatiently. I saw you dance, and I… I had to have you.”

“Do I look like I’m complaining?”

“True,” Jet whispered with a chuckle. “It’s just… today isn’t the first time I’ve seen you.”

“Say what?” Anthony was stunned.

Jet chuckled again. “Attendants aren’t the only ones with a hottie board.”

Neither sad nor happy, Anthony was realistic. “Ahh well, I’m one you can cross off the list now.” Anthony believed he was the next notch on Jet’s bedpost. Though Jet’s sexual activities were not bandied about the stratosphere.

“No, no… I didn’t mean it like that. I’m finishing sentences but not voicing the right words… and only giving half explanations.” Jet took a moment to compose himself. “Before I decided to join Chimera, I took a couple of flights to see how y’all worked. I was a passenger on one of

“I’m sure I would have noticed you,” Anthony said with absolute certainty.

“I wasn’t in your section. A blond woman was my attendant. I was attracted to you then. But… seeing you here. … You are

“I’m rather taken with you too, Jonathan.”

“I like the way you say my name,” Jet confessed.

“Good.” Anthony lingered on Jet’s lips, lightly touching them with his own.

Moments later, the men got up, and primped and preened until they were decent. According to Anthony’s watch, he had about ten minutes before he was due on duty again. As he was about to leave, Jonathan grabbed his wrist. “Can I see you again? See where this takes us? Contrary to my recent actions, I’m not a quickie and leave ‘em guy.”

Anthony’s heart leaped. He was under the impression their union was a romp in the clouds that stayed in the clouds. “I’d like that,” he answered sincerely. Smiling, he leaned in for a final kiss before exiting.

Slipping from the room, Anthony barely closed the door before he met the figures of Emanuel, Liam, and Sam, looking at him in amazed silence.

“Who the fuck do you have in there?” Emanuel demanded.

Raising a finger to his lips in a shushing gesture, Anthony tried to sound normal, “What makes you think I have anyone in there?”

“The I’m-being-fucked-good-and-proper noises that echoed through this door,” Liam answered with a raised brow.

Oops. Anthony could sense the color rising up his cheeks. Feeling a little awkward, he stuck his hands in his pockets, “Oh. I guess I forgot where I was.”

“We don’t mind. Liam here wanted to join in,” Sam mused.

“We all did,” Liam corrected.

At that moment, the cabin door opened. The immaculately groomed Jet emerged and immediately snaked an arm around Anthony’s waist. Jet’s other hand cupped Anthony’s face, turning it to his. He planted a long soft kiss firmly on Anthony’s lips. “See you later, beautiful.” He winked at Anthony before he disappeared down the aisle with a spring to his step.

“You lucky bastard,” Liam drooled.

“Oh, yeah.” With the cat of all grins splitting his face, Anthony zoomed off in an attempt to avoid further comebacks.

“Holy Concord, he fucked him so hard he’s limping,” Anthony heard behind him.

The words were true. However, the man returned to his station with a smile on his face that didn’t fade. Not even grumpy, barely awake passengers put a dampener on his joy.

Breakfast shift soon passed, and before long the flight was descending into Heathrow. The ordered DVDs were distributed before the crew took their seats for landing.

Laurie made the final announcements as Baby taxied to the gate.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Heathrow Airport, terminal three. Please remain seated until the seatbelt sign is turned off and the aircraft has come to a full stop. As you leave the plane, can you ensure you take all belongings with you? Anything left behind will appear on eBay within a week. On your exit, please remember to collect your CA Vouchers. They can be taken to your travel agent who will redeem the cost of your flight, or you can use them on future adventures with this airline.

“For passengers with connecting flights, please follow the signs to your next departure. Those who are leaving the airport, please have your passports and other documentation ready before passage through immigration. From there, you will be able to go to baggage claim to see if your cases survived the journey.

“From all the crew, we hope you’ve had a memorable flight with Chimera Air, and we look forward to seeing you again.”

The crew followed the routine of nodding goodbyes and handing out vouchers as everyone disembarked. Then they tidied up ready for another flight the next day. With his bag packed, Anthony rested for a moment in one of the lounge seats on the upper deck. He was drained and closed his eyes for a minute.

The show wasn’t quite over. They still had to pass through immigration. With a smile and aching limbs, he stood and made for the stairs. On the concourse, the complete crew lined up in simple pairs ready to turn a few more heads. This time, there was a change in order. Laurie was in his rightful place next to Conner, and Jonathan took a place next to Anthony.

Jet whispered, “Your place or mine?”

They were all staying in the same hotel overnight.

“Mine,” Anthony replied. “I still have to prove I have a talented tongue.” Anthony flapped his tongue at Jet, making him smile.

Jonathan got up real close and whispered, “I already know there’s talent there, darlin’. Your kisses alone light me up like a Christmas tree, and your eyes make the seams of my clothing fall apart.”

“We’d better get you behind closed doors soon then, Mr. Stone, before you’re arrested for indecent exposure.”

“What a damn fine idea, beautiful.”

“Get a room,” Robin drawled.

“Already booked,” Anthony countered.

With that, the crew left Baby behind, with Phil still on board, and headed out in formation toward something much more. …

TAYLIN CLAVELLI lives in the United Kingdom, about 15 miles south of Birmingham, and a short journey from the world famous Cadbury’s Chocolate factory. She’s married with children and loves her family with all her heart.

Her love of books has been a long standing affair, with Taylin liking nothing better than to lose herself in an imaginary world.

Until she met Lily Velden, she never considered trying her hand at writing. However, after talking ideas, Lily encouraged her to put pen to paper—or rather, fingers to keyboard. Since, with a few virtual kicks in the right place, she hasn’t stopped. Her confidence eventually led to her writing an original work for submission.

Her first published work was Boys, Toys, and Carpet Fitters, developed for the Dreamspinner Press Anthology – Don’t Try This At Home.

Now she absolutely adores immersing herself into the characters she creates, and transferring the pictures in her brain to paper, finding it liberating, therapeutic, and wonderful.

Outside of writing, her interests include; martial arts (she’s a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Taekwon-do), horse-riding, all of which facilitates her love of a wide variety of movies. Her action heroes include Jet Li and Tony Jaa—finding the dedication these men have for their art combined with their skill both amazing and a privilege to watch. If pressed, she’ll admit to thinking that the screen entrance of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean – Curse of the Black Pearl, and Shadowfax in LOTR, to be the greatest screen entrances ever. Her all-time favorite movies are Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.

The simple things in life that make her day, putting a smile on her face are:

Laughter – especially that of her children.

The smell of lasagna cooking – it makes her mouth salivate.

The dawn chorus – no symphony ever written can beat the waking greetings of the birds.

Taylin Clavelli can be found at:


[email protected]



The Elders

“THE MAGIC is dying.”

The old woman’s softly spoken words sent a shiver of dread through her companions. The greybeard next to her hunched down into his cloak, as if he could protect himself from the cold truth. The silver-haired elf, oldest of them all, stared into the depths of the small fire she had conjured up only moments ago, reading the truth of the human woman’s words in the very paleness of the flames.

The three eldest councilors of Aelith were meeting in the depths of the Great Forest, a good day’s ride from the city of Fairhaven. The Scrying glade was a sacred place, normally used solely for midsummer rites, but this was an emergency. They needed somewhere safe from prying eyes and curious ears for this most crucial of meetings.

No one challenged her. The bitter truth was obvious to all of them, once it had been spoken aloud. And everyone knew exactly who was to blame.

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