Read A Heart for Rebel Online

Authors: Mia Natal

A Heart for Rebel (24 page)

BOOK: A Heart for Rebel
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WAS FUCKING dazed. I mean dazed to the point where
my reality was distorted, like when you’re in a fight. Not the kind of fight
you have in grade school, where you tell your opponent meet-you-at-the-flagpole-at
three o’clock kinda shit, but a real fight where your wrist our strained, your
lip and nose are bloody. You can’t believe this shit actually happened. You
have a million and one thoughts run through your mind, too fast to process. You
lose all sense of time too. Well, that’s exactly how I felt in this moment in
time. Five minutes seemed like an hour and an hour felt like an eternity. If
you could understand that, then you can understand how I felt when she said yes.
I looked over at her and she was bent over the bed petting Blue. Her heart
shape ass was in my face screaming hello and her pussy lips were glistening. I
swear to god it was taunting me to take a swipe at it. I wanted to eat her up,
all of her, starting with her legs and working my way up. By now, my dick was
hard as a rock, throbbing and aching to be inside her again. She looked over
her shoulder as if sensing my intent to ravish her and gave me a naughty little
smile. I swear to god, there was a wicked twinkle in her eyes. They fucking
sparkled and I before I knew it, I was behind her. Turning my palm up, I
reached down and slipped my middle and ring finger of my right hand up and in
between the inner lips of her pussy. She was soaked. I brought the fingers to
my lips and sucked her juices off me. Delicious. I brought them back between
her inner thighs. Slowly, and deliberately, I started moving my hand in a back
and forward motion, running it all the way to her swollen clit. I extended my
middle finger and traced small circles around her little bundle of nerves. I
watched her back arch, as she pressed her ass further into my cock. I could
hear her making low noises through her slightly parted lips. My girl was a
freak and she loved every single moment of our play time. She started to nibble
on her lower lip as I sped up my movements. Using my left hand, I spread her a
little wider, massaging her outer lips. I pinched and pulled on her clit, she
moaned, “Wyatt, please.”

Yeah, my girl was
into this and wanted me just as much as I wanted her. I pushed her down to her
elbows, keeping my left palm on her lower back. I stooped down behind her
spreading her butt cheeks. Her asshole was two inches from my face. Gripping
both cheeks I spread them as wide as I could and dipped my tongue into her
using my piercing to stimulate her.

She flinched and I
knew she liked it when she gasped, “Wyatt, please, please, fuck me.”

The head of my cock
was throbbing and weeping. I slipped inside her drenched pussy. Some of her
juices had dripped down the inside of her right leg. I pulled out and licked
off the small droplets with the tip of my tongue, it was melt-in-your-mouth
good, before impaling her with my dick again. I took a hold of her hips and
began thrusting in and out of her. Spreading her again, I slipped my right
thumb inside her ass. She whimpered and bent forward silently asking me for
more. She not only liked it, she freaking loved it. I grabbed a handful of her
hair with my left hand and thrust harder inside her. I felt her pussy clench my
cock in a death grip. I held back until she came, only then did I let go. My
mind went numb as I emptied myself inside her. She turned her head to look at
me. She smiled and gave me her signature wink. My girl was going to be the
death of me with her killer winks and sexy body. I turned towards my side
taking her with me. We were both panting for air and it took us quite a bit of
time before we came down from our sexual induced high.

“Fuck, I love you
so damn much, baby,” I whispered and intertwined our right hands together. She
was resting comfortably on me as I stroked her backside with my left hand.


“Yeah, baby.”

“I have to tell you
some things.”

“Alright, I’m all
ears.” She told me about reading the letter her mother left her. I learned her
father’s name and how he always wanted to be a part of her life. Grandparents
she never knew about. She told me about all the lies her mother told her
growing up. I could hear the hurt, the sorrow and longing in her voice. My
heart hurt for my beautiful girl. I wanted to make it right for her, give her
back something she never had, but should have had.

“Do you want to
meet your father?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I
mean I want to, but what if he doesn’t like me? He’s a lawyer and I have
nothing to show for. You know what I mean?” she quietly said and I can hear the
doubt in her voice as if she wasn’t good enough to grace his presence. I didn’t
like her feeling that way. I hated that she doubted just how good enough and worthy
she actually was.

“Baby, he won’t help,
but fall in love with you. You are amazing; remember that always when you doubt
yourself. You are love. You care deeply and if he can’t see he greatness in
you, then he’s not worthy of you or your time.

“Will you go with
me to meet him?”

“I was planning on
being there for you, every single step of the way.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,
baby. I have to head back home and you’re coming with me. We are going home

She looked at me,
her eyes dreamy and soft, “Alright, I’ll go home with you.”

“Good.” She was
pensive and quiet after that and I caressed her cheek and asked, “What else is
on your mind?”

“Why would you
think that?”

“Baby, you’re
awfully quiet.”

“How can you be so sure
of us?” she asked.

“How can you be so
sure?” I fired back.

“Because someone
once told me life is not a bowl of cherries. Life is what we make of it. What
screws us up the most in life is the picture in our head of how it is supposed
to be. Life is hard…period. Your life does not get better by chance it gets
better by change. Nothing holds you back more than insecurities. He also told
me he learned it’s not always about trying to fix something that’s broken. It’s
about starting over and creating something better. Only you can change the
direction on the path of life, just walk through a different door. Well, I will
always choose the door that leads me to you.”

“You mean
everything to me and if I lost you I wouldn’t be able to handle a life without
you. I was born to love you, Rebel just as you were born to be mine. The only
thing that matters now is you’re here with me and you agreed to become my wife.
I won’t be satisfied until I wake up next you every morning for the rest of my
life. We are going to be a family till death do us part and not even then
because my love for you will never die.”

“Every time you say
sweet things to me you give me the type of feelings people write novels about,”
she murmured.

“What feelings
might that be?”

“Love, the kind of
love that feels like a lump of nerves endings waiting to take flight like
butterflies. The skipping of your heartbeat. The sweet daydreaming about your
guy. His kisses. His caresses and his smile. All of it is a completely awesome

“Baby, that’s
sweet. If I did anything right in my life it has to be the day I gave you my
heart. My heart is yours and will always be yours. Together is how we should
be, always!” Her hunger took that moment to let itself known by growling.

“Umm…I think we’re
hungry,” she giggled.

“Alright, baby
let’s go make you something for you two to eat,” I chuckled. I got off the bed
and grabbed our clothes off the floor. I handed her clothes to her before
slipping on my shorts. I gave her my back and said, “Climb on.” She climbed on
my back wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I gave
her a piggy back ride to the kitchen and sat her on the counter. I don’t know
what it is about sitting her on the counter, but having her there remind me of
our first night. It will always be one of my best memories of us.




HAD THE best guy ever. He loved me. He wants to
make me his wife. He’s happy I’m having his baby. I feel utterly and truly
blessed. I never would have imagined that my life would have a fairy tale
romance with a happily ever after ending, but that is exactly how I felt at the
moment as I sat on the counter watching Wyatt make me a ham and cheese omelet. He
made enough for us, Ty and Marissa, who had made their way into the kitchen the
minute the aroma of the delicious meal Wyatt was making, reached their noses.

She looked at me
and gave me her “Are we good?” eyes. I looked at her and blew her a kiss. She
ran to me and hugged me tight.

“We good?” she
whispered in my ear.

“Always, you nut.”

“Good,” she said
before turning to Wyatt and asking him, “Did you make enough for us?”

“Yeah, there’s
enough for you and Ty.” Wyatt filled three plates while Marissa grabbed
utensils and napkins. Wyatt turned around and handed me a plate after kissing
me on the forehead.

“Awe, you guys are
so sweet together, I think I’m gonna gag from a sugar overload,” Marissa said. I
looked at her and laughed, “Hater.”

“Yeah, jealous girl
here,” she said while pointing to herself. Ty looked at her shaking his head
and said, “Baby, if you want to get knocked up I can totally take care of that
for you.” Marissa smacked him in the arm, “You are such a moron.”

“Mari, baby I asked
you to marry me and you turned me down.”

“Ty, I didn’t say
no. I said it was complicated. I explained the dynamics of my family. They will
never accept you.”

“Mari, I don’t give
a fuck what your family thinks. I don’t care about them. I care what you think.
I need you with me regardless what your family wants. It’s you and me baby.”

Wyatt placed his
plate on the counter next to me and wedged himself between my legs to whisper
in my ear, “If they weren’t here, I would be eating your pussy instead of this
omelet.” I giggled and covered my face, which I was sure was red from
embarrassment. Our friends didn’t miss a thing, because Marissa immediately pounced
on me.

“Is he talking sexy
nasty to you?”

“Oh my god, Mari,
are you seriously asking me if my guy is telling me he’d rather eat me out than
the omelet he just made?” Wyatt snorted and Mari spit eggs out of her mouth.

Ty laughed and
said, “Bro, your girl is thirsty.” We were all laughing hysterically until
Marissa’s eyes bugged out while looking at me. She rushed over to me and pushed
Wyatt out of the way to grab my left hand.

“Holy shit, you’re
engaged! When the hell did this happen?” she shrieked.

“Just a couple of
hours ago when he got back from walking Blue,” I replied.

“I’m so freaking
happy for you, Rebel. When’s the wedding?” she asked.

“We haven’t
discussed it yet,” I replied.

“The sooner the
better,” Wyatt said.

“How soon do you
want to do this?” I asked him.

“As soon as we get
back, I don’t want to wait to make you my wife.”

“Shot gun wedding,
awesome,” Marissa hissed. I giggled and Wyatt huffed out, “No shot gun wedding.
I want my baby to have an elegant special wedding. I want her to have her
special day be special. I just don’t want to wait to make her totally mine.”

“Okay, okay I could
help make that happen. It’s not every day your best friend falls in love, gets
pregnant and married.”

“I should hope not,
Mari,” I said.

Ty patted Wyatt on
the back and leaned in to kiss me on the check. Our friends were truly happy
for us.

When we got back
home Marissa went full gorilla on planning my wedding. Wyatt and I had to sit
down with her and break it to her gently that we wanted something small and
intimate. We wanted only family and close friends attending. I had my first
OB/Gyn appointment and Wyatt came with me. We checked in and held hands while
we waited for my name to be called. We didn’t have to wait long before my name
was called. The nurse led us into the examining room and handed me a gown.

“Ms. Walker, put this on and Dr.
Rama will be with you shortly.”

“Thank you,” I said. I changed
into the gown and sat on the exam table to wait for the doctor. Wyatt took the
seat next to the exam table and held my hand. It wasn’t long before the doctor
knocked on the door and came in.

“Hi Ms. Walker, I’m Sreedevi
Rama,” she said, while extending her hand to shake mine.

“Rebel, please and this is Wyatt,”
I introduced. Dr. Rama was a very beautiful woman. She has a round face the
color of caramel, brown eyes and long black hair. She had on a saree, which is
a traditional dress from her culture and over it she wore the typical white
doctor’s coat. She had a distinctive accent; it was melodic, thick and rolled
of her tongue eloquently. Her English was perfect. She was soft spoken and her
hands were soft as silk. She had kind eyes and I instantly liked her.

“Nice to meet you
both. I got the results from the doctor you saw in Florida. I’m going to ask
you a few questions to determine how far along you are,” she said.


“When was your last
menstrual?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” I

“Not a problem. I
plan to do a sonogram and I can estimate how far along you are. First, I want
to try to see if we can hear the baby’s heart beat.” She asked me to lie down
and reached over for a wand like thingy and pulled my gown up exposing my
stomach. Wyatt looked at her and asked, “What is that?”

“It’s called a
Doppler and it’s an instrument used to pick up your baby’s heartbeat.” She
squirted some gel on my lower belly, turned the machine on and placed the
Doppler there. She moved it around until it picked up a beat. It sounded like a
galloping horse. The beat was extremely fast and I began to panic thinking
something was wrong.

“Is the baby

“That is the sound
of your baby’s heart. Don’t panic, Rebel. A fetus’s heart beat is twice as fast
as your own and it sounds normal. An average normal fetal heart rate is between
one hundred twenty and one eighty beats per minute. Whereas an average adult
heart rate at rest is between sixty to one hundred beats per minute. He or she
has a strong heart beat,” she explained.

“Oh thank god.” Dr.
Rama smiled and proceeded with her exam. She had me place my feet in the
stir-ups and had me scoot down. She examined me vaginally and explained
everything she was checking for and everything seemed normal to her.

“I want to do a
sonogram on you to determine how far along you are,” she explained.

“Will you be
performing this sonogram?” Wyatt asked.

“No, I will have a
technician come in and do the ultrasound. I’m going to step out and tell her to
come in. Afterwards I will be able to tell you how far you might be and what
your due date will be,” she said before stepping out to get the tech. The
technician came in rolling a machine behind her.

“Hi, I’m Ruth. I
understand we need an ultrasound here.”

“Hi, I’m Rebel and
this is Wyatt.”

“I’m going to put
some gel on you, it might be a little cold,” she explained as she squirted me
with gel. She used another wand like thingy with a ball on the end and rolled
it around by belly. She pointed out a blob on the screen and said, “Those blobs
you see on the screen are your babies.”

“What?” Wyatt and I
voiced. She laughed and stated, “Looks like twins to me, but Dr. Rama will need
to verify it. If you look here you see the first what looks like a blob, but if
you look closely you see a shadow right next to it, which indicates another

Wyatt and I looked
at each other in surprise. Our eyes were watery.

“Twins, baby,” he

“Yeah,” I agreed.
Ruth printed us the pictures from the sonogram and handed each of us our own

“You should think
about a doing a 3D sonogram once you are further along. You can get a realistic
photo of the babies in the womb,” she said.

“Oh, I would love
that,” I voiced to Wyatt.

“Anything for you,

Dr. Rama came back
in and looked at the sonogram and stated, “Rebel, Wyatt, based on the sonogram
it looks as if your about ten weeks. That means you are still in your first
trimester. It does look like you’re carrying twins. They are about an inch long
and weigh less than a quarter.”

“Wow, I think I
need to buy a pregnancy book,” I said.

“I think that is a
good idea. It will explain the changes in your body and what to expect during
your pregnancy.” I got dressed after that and made my next appointment for a month’s
time. Wyatt dropped me off at Bailey’s school. I was picking her up from school
and taking her home with me. She was spending the weekend with me and Wyatt. I
felt guilty because I hadn’t spent much time with her lately and I was looking
forward to having my munchkin with me. Bailey bounded out of the school and ran
straight at me. She threw her arms around my legs and shrieked, “Reby, I’ve
missed you, like so much!”

“I missed you too,

“How come we are
going to Wyatt’s for the weekend?”

“I live there now.”

“Are you married to

“Bails, you know
the wedding hasn’t taken place yet.”

“Oh, right. I
forgot. When is it again?” she giggled.

“In two weeks. This
is my last weekend with you before the wedding?”

“I know that. I was
just being silly.”

“You know you can
visit me anytime and I will visit you every chance I get. I’m always going to
be your sister no matter where I live,” I said while ruffling her hair. We took
the ferry into the city and hopped on the train. We got off at our stop and
headed towards Wyatt’s shop. He was taking us out to dinner before we headed

“Where we going, Reby?”

“It’s where are we
going,” I corrected my sister before giving her an answer, “We’re going to meet
Wyatt at his shop, then he’s taking us out for dinner.”

BOOK: A Heart for Rebel
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