Read A Destiny Revealed Online

Authors: Dria Andersen

A Destiny Revealed (30 page)


Chapter 29



DALIA CLOSED THE DOOR to her mother’s room hours later, happy that Isabelle had
finally drifted off to sleep.

Zahra met her in the hallway, her eyes anxious. “How is

“She's resting now, I'll check on her in a couple of hours.
Has Bron checked in?” Dalia asked. He'd gone to check on the rest of her family
once he finished with Fynn and she was grateful, it allowed her stay with her
mother. A part of her had wanted to do it herself, but it felt good to allow
someone else to take care of it for her.

Zahra shook her head and guided Dalia into the kitchen. She
poured Dalia tea.

“What are you doing?” Dalia asked, grateful for the tea.

Zahra was searching the cabinets pulling out food. “When the
guys get in, they will be starving.”
Worried colored the
oracle’s eyes.

She moved her chair back and stood to help. “Are you worried
about Fynn?”

Zahra shook her head. “The Ijoye, Fynn will not tell me what
happened…” she stopped and braced herself on the counter. “I can feel their

Dalia touched the woman’s shoulder briefly. Zahra turned and
clasped her hand. Dalia didn't think it was her place to tell Zahra about the
conversation the Ijoye had with Nala. She would leave that to the warriors to
explain. Deciding to make herself useful, she washed her hands to help the
oracle. They moved around the kitchen in companionable silence. Ajani and Aren
teleported into the kitchen minutes later, exhaustion
their shoulders.

“Your family has been taken care of,” Ajani said wearily.

Dalia gave them a grateful smile.

Aren dumped his body into a chair at the table. Zahra placed
a steaming plate in front of him. It was stacked with pancakes, fluffy eggs and
crisp bacon.

Aren smiled gratefully “Did you poison it?”

“Ha ha.
No I didn’t, though I was
tempted. But I think that punch to your chin sufficed.”

He rubbed his chin and let out a tired laugh. “Fine we’ll
call a truce.” He dug into his breakfast.

“Sit Ajani, I have called to the others.” Zahra said.

Dalia heard the patio door in the living room slide open and
the kitchen was soon crowded. She helped fix plates and left the warriors to
eat in peace. Her mind continually sought out Bron, checking on him. She could
feel his sorrow but didn't want to disturb him. Now that her family was safe,
her worry was solely focused on Bron. She felt a hand on her shoulder.

“Bron is with Fynn and the Ijoye now, they shouldn't be much
longer.” Zahra assured her.

Dalia sighed, she stepped back as Zahra gasped and clutched
her heart.

“Are you okay?” Dalia reached for Zahra,

"The Ijoye has cut himself off from the tribe,"
Zahra’s voice was breathless with pain.

Dalia reached out to comfort her, but grabbed air as Zahra
teleported from the room. Dalia felt a heavy sadness descend and she clutched
her own heart, feeling the loss of a man she hadn't even liked days ago. She
prayed Bron was okay, she couldn't feel anything from him. She paced the room
to stave off the panic gathering in her chest.

Dalia went limp with relief when Bron teleported into the
room. She went to him at once, stopping in front of him when she saw his face.

“What’s wrong?”

“The Ijoye.”
Bron shook his head.

Dalia reached and touched Bron’s face, just to make certain
he was okay. Weariness and sadness pulled at her. She wanted nothing more than
to curl into bed with Bron for three days.

“Are you hungry?” 

Bron shook his head, his eyes never leaving her face. “How
is your mother?”

“She's sleeping. She'll be fine.” Dalia felt a wall between
them and thought back to their last conversation. “I'm sorry for the things I
said to you.” He watched her stiffly, but said nothing.

"I know you're hurting now, we can talk tomorrow,"
she offered. Disappointment moved through Bron's eyes, before they
hardened.  “What do you want me to say,
want to make this right between us.” Dalia closed the distance between them.
Bron stepped back and Dalia blinked. “I won’t beg you.”

Bron threw his hands up. “Did I ask you to beg, Dalia?” His
frustration was evident.

"Well what do you

"Dalia, you didn't come to me when your mother was in

She shrugged. "I'm used to handling things on my own,

"You didn't trust me to help you?"

"It's not like that. My only thought was for my mother,
I thought I could handle it on my own."

"You are no longer on your own. I thought you
understood that." Bron's eyes were sad, and guilt tugged at Dalia.

"I don't know anything about being a mate. I've only
known you a couple of weeks. It's all too fast for me." She wrapped her
arms around her chest and turned her head. She raised her eyes back to his face
at his silence.

"I don't know what you want," she whispered.

“I want a mate who trusts and respects my opinion. I've
spent too many centuries with the distrust of my brothers. I won't have it from
my mate. I would rather spend eternity alone.” his voice was tired, but filled
with steely resolve.

Her stomach pitched in worry. “I’m sorry, Bron. I haven't
trusted anyone outside of my family for years. It’s not something that can
happen overnight.”

“No. I won't accept excuses,
. After what we just
witnessed, the things I've just heard… The Ijoye’s mate has been dead centuries
and still his love for her has not diminished." Bron breathed deep. “I
nearly lost you a week ago. I can't go through what I went through every time
you decide to do something yourself. I'll not accept less than everything from
you, and that includes your trust. Come to me when you are ready to give it.”

“I gave up my revenge for you, Bron. That has to tell you
how much I love you.”

Bron cupped her cheek. “I know what it meant to give that
mi ôkàn
and the gesture gives me hope for us.” Bron left Dalia
standing in the middle of the room, her head hung in defeat.


ZAHRA TELEPORTED INTO THE TEMPLE, searching the rooms for
her husband and Bakari. She found them in Layla's room. She'd been over every
inch of that room, cleaning, trying to get some insight into her husband and
father in-law. She knew she would find them here.  Bakari knelt next to
the bed, his shoulders stiff, Fynn knelt next to his father and Zahra rushed to
their side. Zahra swayed with Bakari’s pain, tears trailing her cheeks.

"What happened?" her voice was thick with grief.

“It’s my fault she died,” Bakari said hoarsely.

“You can't say that, Father.” Fynn protested.

“I can't lead the tribe this way, Fynn.” Bakari whispered.
“Not like this, I don’t have it in me to do again.”

“Ijoye,” Zahra started.

“No Zahra.” Bakari cut off her words.

“We need our leader more than ever now,” Zahra protested. “I
can help ease your pain.”

Bakari shook his head. Zahra looked to her husband for help.
Fynn shook his head, confusion and sorrow weighing down his shoulders.

“Fynn will lead the tribe,” Bakari announced. Fynn looked
taken aback. Bakari stared at his son, pride momentarily replacing his grief.
“Don't tell me you haven't felt the shift of power, son.”

Fynn shook his head. “It’s not my place, Ijoye.”

“You've been giving orders for weeks, Fynn, without protest
from anyone. Do you think that could've been achieved without power? You
would've been challenged before you finished the order. Our beasts will only
follow an alpha. You've been that.” Bakari embraced his son, nuzzling his face,
the touch soothing them both.

“I can't take your place,”

“No, you can't. But you will take your place.” Bakari

Fynn wouldn't give up his argument. “The Ijoye is not a
position to be given away, it must be earned.”

“He is right, Bakari,” They all turned at the new voice. Oya
entered the room, a small breeze blowing through the door behind her. “You
cannot simply give away what I have blessed you with.” Her chocolate eyes held
no anger, only shared grief. She placed her hand on Bakari and Fynn’s shoulder.

“I am tired, goddess,” Bakari’s head was bent in respect.

Oya lifted his chin with her finger. “Then I will allow you
to rest, Bakari. Are you ready to join your mate?” Bakari’s heart raced as he
thought of joining Layla in Olurun, but vengeance sealed his lips.

Zahra made a sound of distress.

“Goddess,” the words stuck in his throat.

“You seek vengeance?” Oya asked.

Bakari nodded. Oya kneeled next to Bakari and gathered him into
her arms. Sobs shook his body as the presence of the goddess soothed him, even
as vengeance burned. Oya reached her hand out for Fynn.

“Fynn, your father was
have been slowly taking your place in the tribe. It is time for you to lead.”
Oya ran her hands lovingly over Fynn’s hair. “You look so much like your
mother.” Placing her hand on his forehead Oya closed her eyes.

Zahra felt the exchange of magic and her throat filled.
Pride for her husband brought tears to her eyes. He had grown much in the last
year and she knew he would lead their tribe with honor.

 Zahra met the goddess’s eyes and received her
instructions telepathically.

Fynn stood and walked to his wife, gathering her in his
arms. He could feel the goddess’s touch moving through him, but did not feel
any different.

“You’re not different, Fynn. You were always in possession
of the power needed; I only gave you the knowledge you would need to lead.” Oya
explained, a small smile lifting her lips. She turned her gaze back to Bakari. “You
will have your vengeance, Bakari. You have earned it.” She laid a single kiss
on his forehead and left on a breeze. The room was silent as they all processed
the goddess’s words.

“Nala told me she was responsible for the attack on the
village and temple.” Bakari said, breaking the silence. “She and Maksim hired a
Dutchman to raid the temple. Nala gave him instructions to kill your mother.”

Zahra’s eyes widened in horror, Fynn tightened his grip on

“We will find him,” Fynn promised.

“He will pay for what he has done,” Bakari vowed.

Saleem cleared his throat at the door. “Ijoye, Bron said
Nala’s body was missing when he went to dispose of it.”

Zahra blinked in surprise. Saleem was talking to Fynn,
acknowledging the transfer of power without having to be told.

“So she could still be alive,” Fynn murmured.

“Should we start a hunt for her?” Saleem looked to Fynn for
the answer and Fynn felt the responsibility of his new position settle on his

“Not yet, we need time to regroup.” Fynn said. “I want a
message sent to her though.”

Saleem nodded and carefully committed the message to memory.

“Saleem, I also have a task for you,” Zahra stopped him from
leaving the room. She kissed Fynn on the cheek and followed Saleem from the
room. Fynn watched his mate leave, grateful to have her.

“Take care of your mate, Ijoye,” Bakari said gruffly. Fynn’s
eyes were dark when he faced his father.

“I will,” he promised. “Take as much time as you need,
father. When you are ready, we will take our vengeance.”




Chapter 30



NALA PACED through the underground cavern her lover had
built as a healing cavern. She'd spent the last six risings there waiting for
the injuries from her gunshot wounds to heal. She cursed, and fury stabbed her.
Shot with hollow points that exploded on contact with her body, she barely made
it from the warehouse alive. Surprisingly Lev had come to her aid. She knew she
owed him now; she hated to think of what he would ask of her. Her bare feet
were silent as she paced the floor. She'd been trying to unlock the powers of
the amulet for hours, to no avail. Nala rolled her shoulders to loosen the sore
muscles. She turned when she heard the door to the chamber open.


Lev walked in cautiously. “A message was left on the front

Nala huffed in impatience. “What did it say?” 

Lev opened the paper crushed in his fist.

you enjoy the necklace, while it does not contain power, it should
serve you as a reminder that when we are done with the Dutchman, it will be
your turn.' ” Lev handed the note to
snatched it from his hand.

Reading the note again, she screamed in frustration. The
amulet was a fake. Taking it from her neck, she flung it against the wall of
the cavern.

“I'm making preparations for us to leave this house.” Lev
informed her. “It would not be wise for us to sleep where our enemy can find us

Nala thought of arguing but changed her mind. He was right,
she knew the power of the Aje warriors, they would make good on their promise.
It was in her best interest to be where they could not find her.



KNOCKED  softly
on the
door to her mother’s room. She entered when she heard her mother’s voice. “How
are you feeling, mama?” She sat on the bed next to Isabelle.

Her mother gripped her hand. “I'm fine,
. I knew
you would be there.”

Dalia shuddered as she thought of her mother bound and
gagged. “I'll never be able to get that image out of my head.”

“It's over.” Isabelle gathered Dalia into her arms.

She laid her head on her mother’s chest and breathed a sigh
of relief.

“Ask me what you really want to know.”

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