Read A Bit of Me Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

A Bit of Me (17 page)

If he was wrong, he would be sorely disappointed.




Bailey Bradford



Adam darted Xavier a questioning look before moving towards the door, only to stop

short when he almost collided with Chase. Xavier missed whatever look passed between the two men before Adam murmured a goodbye and left after touching Chase’s shoulder.

Xavier locked gazes with Chase. The need pouring through his veins intensified,

tightening Xavier’s entire body, centring in his groin and filling his cock until it ached. He waited, knowing if he moved too quickly, or possibly at all, he’d scare off the one man who’d captured his attention like no one ever had before. Still, he forced his muscles to relax as he leant back against the desk.

Chase’s leisurely perusal of Xavier gave him leave to do the same. Without a doubt,

Chase was utterly perfect—despite the circles under his eyes and the fact that he looked underweight. It wasn’t just Chase’s appearance that drew Xavier, although it didn’t turn him off, either. No, what called to him was something in those eyes; a need that flickered there, one Xavier didn’t think Chase had ever known of, or if he had, one he didn’t acknowledge.

Or hadn’t until he knelt at my feet.
Xavier could see the awareness now, along with a defiant glint that challenged him to prove to Chase that he wanted to submit. He had a feeling Chase expected an outright sensual assault, for Xavier to try to overpower him physically, or…
No. Chase wouldn’t tolerate that, but he isn’t sure I wouldn’t do it.
Xavier had never forced himself on a man in any way and wouldn’t start now, and it had nothing to do with the fact that he was pretty sure Chase would lay him out flat if he tried. Xavier simply didn’t work that way, but he thought he had a glimmer of Chase’s plan and was proved right when the man strode forward, his spine straight and his gaze hot.

“I want to fuck you,” Chase said bluntly, stopping inches from Xavier. And okay,

Xavier wasn’t quite prepared for
pronouncement. “You want me—”

“I don’t bottom,” Xavier informed him, just as bluntly. “Ever.” That was something that needed to be cleared up right off the bat. Chase narrowed his eyes and scowled. “And yes, I do want you, more than I think I’ve ever wanted anyone before. That doesn’t mean I’ll settle for whatever crumbs you’ll throw my way, nor will I let you use me, and I won’t use you.”

Chase’s scowl deepened and he took a step back as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“So what does that mean? No mutual blowjobs or hand jobs, even? You won’t do anything unless I let you fuck me? Because I don’t do that, either.”



Bailey Bradford



The man looked so angry and, so confused, that it pierced Xavier like a spear. He ached to hold Chase, so much so that he had to grip the edge of the desk to keep from reaching for him. He couldn’t quite stop himself from leaning forward, the yearning in his body pulling him like a magnet towards Chase. Xavier inhaled, soaking in Chase’s scent, feeling it tweak his already pinging nerve endings and stoking the arousal coursing through him.

“I know,” Xavier began, close enough that his breath would caress Chase’s cheek. “You are a very intelligent man, so you are deliberately misunderstanding me. Let me clarify again. I don’t bottom, I won’t be used, and I won’t use you. So that doesn’t mean if you won’t let me fuck you, there’ll be nothing else. There will be nothing else if all you’ve got in mind is getting your rocks off and leaving.
is what I meant.”

Since Chase hadn’t moved away, Xavier took a chance and eased forward, letting his

lips brush over skin he wanted to taste. He loosely held Chase’s hip—barely a touch, but it was enough to make him bite back a moan.

What Xavier wouldn’t give to have this man give himself over, for Chase to trust him, body and soul, to look at him without that fear and anger in his eyes—

Xavier’s breath hitched at that thought. He wanted Chase, not just his body, but

everything, and he’d give as much in return. Xavier edged in a little closer, still keeping his touch light. He craned his neck so he could see Chase’s expression. The man looked like he was unsure of what to feel, and Xavier decided to try to help him out.

Giving Chase plenty of time to pull back, Xavier raised his other hand up to cup

Chase’s jaw. The rough stubble felt good against his palm, but the heat from Chase’s skin felt even better. Xavier shifted so he was facing Chase more fully, then he slowly began lowering his head. He kept his eyes locked with Chase’s, watching for any sign of panic or impending violence should he cross a boundary Chase wasn’t prepared to let him past.

When Chase sighed softly and his lids slid shut, when he tipped his head back just the slightest bit, Xavier took it for the sign that it was. He stroked beneath Chase’s jaw and gently pressed his lips to Chase’s. Whether it was his or Chase’s lips that quivered, Xavier couldn’t tell as he closed his eyes and let Chase fill his senses.



Bailey Bradford



And Xavier knew, with more certainty than he’d ever known anything else, that this

man was going to hold the power to crush his heart with a single word, or complete him in a way Xavier had only ever dreamed about.



Bailey Bradford


Chapter Eleven

Chase meant to step back, meant to draw a line and put his foot down and a dozen

other things that would keep him safe from Xavier, but he couldn’t so much as move as Xavier’s mouth lowered to his. It wasn’t that he believed Xavier was a danger to him, not on a physical level. The man was big and, powerful, but the risk to Chase was an emotional one, and those types of risks were the ones he usually walked, if not ran, away from.

And yet, as Xavier’s lips brushed over his, Chase found himself moving forward,

wanting to get closer, wishing the hand at his hip would tighten, hold him still if he tried to run. He fisted the soft material of Xavier’s shirt and tugged, bringing Xavier up against him.

Xavier’s grip on his hip tightened, holding Chase with just enough force to make him shiver.

Chase’s lips parted on a moan as Xavier slid his other hand back, cupping Chase’s head.

He slipped his tongue in and twined it with Chase’s, teased then took over. And Chase let him, opening wider, moving against Xavier, rubbing his aching cock against the heavily muscled thigh pressing between Chase’s spread legs.

He could have fought, could have battled for control of the kiss, but Chase wanted this man too badly to pretend. He wanted to let Xavier take him, wanted to be able to trust him enough…

Before that thought could make him panic, Chase shoved it down. He didn’t want

anything to spoil this moment when Xavier was so masterfully plundering his mouth. His thrust his slick tongue against Chase’s in a simulation of another more intimate act that made Chase’s ass clench as memories of penetrating himself scorched Chase’s brain.

Xavier moved, a subtle shift that pressed his hard dick against Chase’s hip. Chase bit back a whimper when Xavier dragged his hand from Chase’s hip to trace the seam of his jeans. When Xavier pressed unerringly against his hole, white-hot pleasure shot through Chase. He moaned again and hitched his leg up, locking an ankle around Xavier’s hip. The position lifted him to his toes on his other foot, and aligned their cocks in a way that made Chase’s head spin.



Bailey Bradford



He’d never felt so needy or as wanton as he did then. Even fear couldn’t splinter his arousal. It singed the doubt and questions and flooded his bloodstream with the promise of ecstasy.

Xavier’s other hand fisted in Chase’s hair and tipped his head back further. His bottom lip was nibbled and nipped as Chase slid his hands to Xavier’s shoulders, holding tight as his body tensed, his balls drawing up.


Chase shuddered upon hearing his name in that deep rumbling voice, as Xavier’s warm

breath rushed over his skin right before Xavier scraped his teeth over the sensitive skin of Chase’s neck. Xavier’s hands were everywhere, soothing over tightly coiled muscles and sweat-slicked skin, kneading and caressing with a tenderness that made Chase shudder.

When Xavier slipped one big hand between them and cupped his cock, Chase cried out,

slamming his eyes shut as he shoved into the touch. It felt so good, better than a hand over his clothed dick should, but Chase didn’t care.

Xavier mouthed Chase’s Adam’s apple and squeezed his length, and Chase was gone,

coming in a heated rush that sapped his strength as cum jetted from his cock. The force of his orgasm was such that Chase thought he’d been turned inside out. He dimly realised that Xavier was guiding him down, laying him on a hard surface even as he continued to nuzzle Chase’s neck.

Chase’s arms fell limply to his sides. Xavier cradled his cheeks then kissed him again; a slow hungry kiss that warmed Chase’s belly and made him ache in an unfamiliar way.

Something monumental had just happened, something bigger than him coming like an

inexperienced virgin under a master’s hand. Chase didn’t want to think about it, didn’t want to lose the euphoria that was holding him up, making him float from the force of his climax.

Maybe if I keep my eyes closed…or if I just don’t speak…



Xavier laid Chase on the desk, leaving his legs hanging over the side. His surly blond had about blown Xavier’s mind. As much as he’d like to take the time to revel in the fact that



Bailey Bradford



was the one person this tightly wound man uncoiled for, Xavier could already see the subtle shift in Chase’s expression that signalled his return back to Earth after orgasmic bliss.

He wasn’t ready to lose Chase yet, and lose him Xavier would if Chase got up and

walked out the door at this point. He was desperate to form at least a tentative bond with him that had Xavier wedging himself firmly between Chase’s spread thighs. Xavier saw the slight hitch in Chase’s breathing, the flicker of his eyes behind closed lids. It reassured him that Chase was right there with him; that his attempts to hide were faltering as Xavier ran his hands up the backs of Chase’s thighs.

Xavier lifted Chase’s legs and scooted him back until he could set Chase’s heels on the edge of the desk. He hooked his fingers under Chase’s belt and tugged, bringing Chase’s ass forward to brush over Xavier’s rock hard erection.

Chase’s hands spasmed, opening and closing as if he battled against reaching for

Xavier. Xavier repeated the move and smiled with satisfaction when goosebumps pebbled Chase’s skin.

He edged his hands over, trailing his fingertips under the hem of Chase’s shirt, low down on his stomach. Hard muscles sprinkled with fine, crisp hair shifted under Xavier’s touch. He pushed the hem of the shirt up, sliding his hands over Chase’s abdomen, his mouth watering at the expanse of smooth, tanned skin. Chase’s torso was liberally smattered with golden hair, something Xavier found incredibly erotic. He’d always thought it a shame when a man shaved or waxed off most—if not all—of his body hair. Xavier loved seeing it, touching it, the way it felt against his skin…

Xavier pressed slightly, catching a few hairs between his palm and Chase’s chest,

watching his reaction intently. Chase’s low groan and the way he slit his eyes as he stared at Xavier with something resembling surprise only cemented further Xavier’s belief that this man was the one for him.

Despite his crude offer earlier, there was a hint of innocence about Chase, as if no one had taken the time to show him the pleasure his own body could bring. Maybe Chase simply hadn’t let anyone. Xavier figured it could be either of the two, but he was fixing to change that. He pushed the shirt up to Chase’s armpits, exposing two dark, erect nipples surrounded



Bailey Bradford



by swirls of pale hair. As Xavier buried his fingers in the hair beneath Chase’s arms, he leant down and licked one taut peak.

Chase made a muffled sound and must have lost his internal battle not to touch. His

hands cradled Xavier’s head and he pushed down, making his need clear. Xavier smiled and took the nipple between his teeth, pinching slightly at first, then a little harder when Chase both pressed Xavier’s head down and shoved his tit up.

Xavier wasn’t slow; he got the silent demand and bit down, slowly increasing the

pressure. Chase’s breathing became raspy then became laced with something close to a whimper as he writhed beneath Xavier. The pressure on Xavier’s head increased and he sealed his lips around the areola as he worked Chase’s nipple with teeth and tongue.

Chase grunted and moved one hand to the back of Xavier’s neck, squeezing gently at

first, then not so gently when Xavier didn’t bite harder. He heard Chase swear and had just enough time to prepare for the harder shove, the upthrust of chest. Xavier released the swollen nub and quickly nipped at the other one before Chase could protest the loss of attention.

“Xavier,” Chase gasped, his back bowing sharply and nearly unsettling Xavier. When

Xavier felt those Chase wrap those lean legs around his hips, he nearly came in his pants. His cock, which he’d been trying to ignore so he could focus on Chase’s pleasure, grew so hard his gut cramped. Xavier groaned around the nipple clenched in his teeth. He slid his hands down Chase’s sides, wedging them beneath the man’s ass and cupping both cheeks. He

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