Read Zeke Online

Authors: Wodke Hawkinson

Zeke (4 page)

, she thought. She
puckered up and pushed into the kiss, but he backed off a little.

“Keep your lips soft, baby.” He
leaned back in and explored her mouth, tasting and savoring her.

Sue tensed for a brief second,
embarrassed that he didn’t like the way she kissed. But she quickly forgot her
hurt as she loosened up and let the kiss progress naturally. This was not the
hard-mouthed rough kiss that she was expecting. This was something different,
something outside her experience. A new realm opened to her. She felt she was
finally enjoying her first real kiss and her body vibrated with responses that
surprised and delighted her.

Zeke didn’t rush; he lingered over
her. Moving slowly as if captivated by every inch of her, he removed her
clothing and laid warm trails of fire on her skin with his hands and mouth. Her
nerve endings danced under his tongue and lips. Although she had known him only
a few weeks, it felt like she had waited forever for this.

“Touch yourself,” he urged,
spreading her legs, his fingers feather-soft on her thighs.

He guided her reluctant hands down
her belly, into the soft fork of her legs. Sue felt shamed, but allowed him to
position her as he pleased. He placed his hand over hers, his fingers along
hers, and moved with her, showing her what he wanted her to do before taking
his hand away. “That’s right. It’s all good,” he encouraged her, kissing her
between her hands, slipping his tongue around and through her probing fingers
to the yearning flesh beneath. “Just relax; let it happen.”

She did. And when she did, she
surprised herself again. The release was phenomenal, coming in sweet waves of
guilty pleasure. Zeke knelt over her, smiling lazily as she rocked her pelvis
and locked her thighs tight over her hands.

He pulled her hands from her crotch
and replaced them with his mouth. She was on fire, sensitive tissues throbbing
and tingling, and he brought her again to a climax. Only then did he slip off
his jeans and enter her, sliding in like smooth silk and filling her with heat.
Whispering expressions of love and passion, he took her with long hot strokes.
He begged her to wrap her legs around him. He brought her again and again to
that tender precipice and pushed her over into oblivion.

That afternoon, Sue discovered the
difference between a fumbling teenage boy and a full-grown experienced man.
and soul
, she thought.
I am his and he is mine

Zeke, however, was thinking of an
old joke he’d once heard.
How is a woman like linoleum? Lay her right the
first time and you can walk on her the rest of your life.
Or the rest of
He smiled, dreaming of Sue lying in a pile of her money, money he
could have for the taking, just by doing what he did naturally.
Life is



Dirty Dreams


A storm blew in and brought with it
low-hanging gray clouds and deep thunderous booms. Zeke parked his van behind
the huge screen of an abandoned outdoor theater. He tugged Sue into the back,
both of them giggling like little kids.

“Come here, bunny.” Zeke pulled her
down on the blanket he’d spread over the floor of the van. “Let’s get you out
of those clothes.”

As the skies opened, showering the
landscape with rain, Zeke made love to Sue. She was transported by the
sensation of his mouth on her body, the reverberations of the storm, and the
sound of rain pelting the huge screen and the top of the vehicle.

“Oh, Zeke,” she moaned in ecstasy.
“I love you

When they finished together, he lay
panting on top of her, and she ran her hands down his lean frame, adoring him
with her touch. The van was filled with the alluring scent of their love.

He rolled off her and pulled her to
his side. Stroking her hair, he waited for his breathing to slow.

“You’re amazing.” He nuzzled her
hair. “It’s good between us, isn’t it? Did I make you feel good, Susie?”

Sue struggled briefly with her
answer, filled with a mixture of shame and pleasure. She loved the way he made
her feel but suffered from episodes of self-reproach about what her mom and dad
would think. Shoving the nagging guilt aside, Sue answered truthfully. “It felt
really good.”

“Susie, you’ve been living in a box
all your life,” Zeke said passionately. “Trapped inside of walls imposed by
other people. So have I, really, but I’m done. I’m going to break free. And I
want to help you break free, too.”

“Break free?” Sue had never thought
this way; had never even heard this kind of talk before. Mesmerized by his
voice, she felt herself pulled into his logic. She hung on his words, ready to
agree with him.

“Most human beings are pathetic,
going through their lives tied up, shut down, blocked in.” He continued, “Most
of them never have any idea the freedom they could have. They’re stuck inside
preconceived notions; slaves to soul dictators who want to control everything,
even their secret thoughts and private pleasures. It took me awhile to work
this out, Sue, but now I see it so clearly. So much of it is pure BS.” He
placed a gentle kiss on her temple. “Know what I mean?”

Sue nodded, not knowing what to

“As children, we’re helpless
against the machine,” Zeke said dreamily. “But we’re not children anymore, Sue.
And we can break away from all that programming. Most people just walk around
like mindless robots; they go through the motions. But, you and I don’t have

He disentangled himself from her
embrace and moved to the front of the van to retrieve their sodas. He had laced
each cup with generous amounts of vodka, and they were strong. Zeke settled
back onto the blanket. Sue sat up and took her drink from his hand, taking
small sips, worried she might get sick if she drank too much.

He leaned back against the side of
the van and took a long swig from his cup. Sue watched the Adam’s apple on his
throat slide up and down as he swallowed. She loved his slender neck and the
way his dark hair laid in small waves over his ears, the musky scent of his
cologne. She reached out timidly and brushed a curl back from his forehead. His
hair felt stiff and dry like black straw, not soft like it looked. But it
didn’t matter. Little things like that didn’t matter at all.

“We’re made for pleasure.” His
smile was lazy. “Our bodies are made for enjoyment and our spirits are made of
dreams. Haven’t you ever had a really wonderful dream that you couldn’t tell
anyone, because they would judge you? Tell you it was crazy or sick?”

“Sometimes I have,” Sue answered
shyly. In fact, she had experienced a few dreams lately that shocked her, not
only with their obscene content, but also with her response to them.

“Everybody has dreams like that,”
Zeke proclaimed wisely. “But they tuck them away inside their heads and try to
pretend they didn’t happen. That’s a mistake. We need to enjoy our dreams, even
the strange ones, the ones other people would criticize. Don’t you agree?”

“Yes, I suppose so. They’re
harmless. After all, they’re just dreams.”

“That’s almost right.” Zeke smiled
his slow smile at her. “They’re dreams, but they’re also guides, like maps, for
our spiritual journey. We should cherish them and relive them as often as
the bizarre ones. They’re gifts. In our dream life,
everything is acceptable. It’s all good.”

“It’s all good,” Sue repeated.

“Susie. Tell me one of your dirty

“Oh, god.” Sue covered her face
with her hands. “I don’t think I can do that, Zeke.”

“Okay.” Zeke started to get up. “I think
I’ll take you back now. Maybe I’ll see you in a couple days.”

“What? Why?” Sue was stunned by
Zeke’s change of attitude. “Wait, I’ll tell you about the dream I had last
night. Okay?”

Zeke settled back, mollified. “You
really want to tell me? I guess I can hang out a little longer. Go ahead.”

Stammering a bit, Sue began. “In my
dream, I was sitting in class at school. When I looked over my shoulder, I saw
Sheila Wittiher sitting there wearing a miniskirt. She had her legs apart.”

“Really?” Zeke sat forward,
listening intently. “What happened next?”

Sue blushed. “Sheila saw me looking
and put her hand between her legs. She ran a finger along her…” Sue paused.

“Come on Sue, spit it out.” Zeke

“Okay!” Sue took a deep breath.
“She ran her finger along her privates and then she put her finger in her

“Whoa, Susie! That’s hot stuff.
What happened next?” Zeke moved closer to Sue.

“Sheila stood and walked over to my
desk. She reached in my blouse and stuck her hand in my bra. Right there in
front of the whole class.” Sue paused, breathing slightly harder than before.

“Wow! Then what?”

“Then I woke up.” Sue covered her
face in embarrassment. “I can’t believe I told you all that.”

“I can’t believe you didn’t want to
tell me. You did good,” Zeke praised her. “You’re my kind of woman, Susie. I
knew it the first time I laid eyes on you. I swear, you’re like my intellectual
soul mate. We’re meant to be together; I can feel it in my heart. Together, we
can indulge ourselves, you and me, in our own little world. A world where the
only rules that matter are the ones we decide for ourselves.” He reached out
and stroked her hair. “You’re so beautiful, and I’m so damn glad I met you. It
was the luckiest day of my life.”

Sue flushed happily beneath his
appraising gaze. Like a time-lapse segment in her mind, she could see her face
changing, her embarrassing nose tapering into a pretty one with a pert feminine
tip. The ghost of long-gone braces died, its whispers fading. That quiet but
insistent voice that had continually reminded her to keep her mouth closed, and
never to smile without a hand in front of her face, was finally silenced. She
could feel her features forming into a rare heartfelt expression of joy. An
unfamiliar sensation it was: a full-out natural smile with no hesitation.

No one had ever made her feel so



Ménage à Trois


“You’re an angel,” Zeke told her
the first time she used her mouth on him.

Her lips felt swollen after the
first few minutes. She thought she would gag when Zeke came, but she had
swallowed bravely, not choking at all. The whole experience was slightly
repugnant to her, but she knew she had done something special for him. He was
so appreciative. She loved the little moan he gave at the end, soft and sexy,
vulnerable somehow.

They were on a dark country road in
the back seat of his van. She had squatted on the floorboard to do the deed,
and her knees ached slightly. It seemed to take forever to be over. But it was
well worth the investment of time and discomfort when he pulled her to him
afterward and held her tenderly.

“That was awesome,” he groaned.

Sue felt relieved and proud. She
hadn’t been sure she was doing it right; it was hard to keep her teeth out of
the way and hold her tongue just so.

“I’m falling for you,” Zeke said in
a serious voice. “I’m falling for you big time. Every day I wake up looking
forward to the next time I’ll see you. It’s hard to explain, but thinking about
you is like unwrapping a piece of candy and holding it in my mouth. So sweet.”

Sue flushed with pleasure. Zeke
made her feel really good about herself, and she wanted to express it somehow.
She wished she could speak poetically, like he did, but words failed her
whenever they were together. He had brought her a single rose that night, the first
she had ever gotten from a boy in her life. It was the most romantic thing she
had experienced, outside her daydreams and fantasies. She squeezed her eyes
shut tightly and hoped this relationship would never end.

“Let me return the favor.” Zeke reached
down to undo her jeans.

“Oh, I don’t know.” Sue balked,
suddenly shy, even after the intimacy they had shared. She was having her
period, but didn’t want to tell him. Didn’t know
to tell him. And,
oh, she wanted his mouth on her; she wanted it badly. But, it would be wrong to
let him do it, sick even. She felt...unclean. “We can’t.”

He stopped immediately, as if he
knew the reason and didn’t need an explanation. “Okay, honey. If you’re not up
to it, it’s fine. I love just being with you. It’s enough for me.”

“Thanks for understanding,” she
said primly, and hated herself for it. He seemed unbothered by her refusal. His
desire had been sated, and he had the dreamy aura of sexual satisfaction as he
drove her back to her car and kissed her goodnight.

“You light my world on fire,” Zeke
whispered into her ear before she got out. “I’ll dream about you tonight.”

“I’ll dream about you, too,” she
said, and reached for the rose that lay on the dashboard.

“Why don’t you leave that here?”
Zeke placed a hand over Sue’s, stopping her.

“Why?” Sue’s eyes filled with
bewilderment. “Don’t you want me to have it anymore?”

“It’s not that. I
for you; that should be enough. I don’t want your mom and dad asking where you
got it or you’d probably spill your guts about me.”

“Zeke! I promised not to tell about
you and I won’t. I want the rose. I’ll just say someone was selling flowers
from a bucket on the street and I bought one. Would that be okay?”

Zeke pondered. “I guess. As long as
you keep me out of it.”

Sue slid from the van, clutching
the rose to her breast, disappointed in the way the night had ended. She drove
home feeling slightly unsettled. Why buy someone something and then take it
back? Zeke is so confusing, Sue thought as she pulled into the driveway at
home. Inside, she grabbed a bud vase from beneath the kitchen sink and ran up
the stairs to the bathroom before her mom could see the flower. She added water
and the rose to the pretty glass container and set it on the nightstand next to
her bed.

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