Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl (45 page)

BOOK: Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl
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Chiropterra dove down at its fastest speed. It was readying its claws to attack Smoke when all of a sudden a wall of fire sprang out of nowhere. The beast passed through the firewall and received the burned status.



It crashed into the floor where Smoke stood and was pressed down even more when Smoke stood on top of its back and continued slashing his green dual knives.



The green dual knives' paralysis ability was a sure kill method when the enemy is mounted in this manner.



+ Atk hits winged foxbat: Chiropterra. +EARTH DMG. BACK ATTACK. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 787.


+ Atk hits winged foxbat: Chiropterra. +PSN DMG. BACK ATTACK. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 779.


+ Atk hits winged foxbat: Chiropterra. +EARTH DMG. BACK ATTACK. Damage 314.


+ Atk hits winged foxbat: Chiropterra. +PSN DMG. BACK ATTACK. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 779.


+ Atk hits winged foxbat: Chiropterra. +EARTH DMG. BACK ATTACK. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 787.


+ Atk hits winged foxbat: Chiropterra. +PSN DMG. BACK ATTACK. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 779.


+ Atk hits winged foxbat: Chiropterra. +EARTH DMG. BACK ATTACK. Damage 315.


+ Atk hits winged foxbat: Chiropterra. +PSN DMG. BACK ATTACK. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 779.


+ Atk hits winged foxbat: Chiropterra. +EARTH DMG. BACK ATTACK. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 787.


+ Atk hits winged foxbat: Chiropterra. +PSN DMG. BACK ATTACK. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 779.


+ Atk hits winged foxbat: Chiropterra. +EARTH DMG. BACK ATTACK. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 787.


+ Atk hits winged foxbat: Chiropterra. +PSN DMG. BACK ATTACK. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 779.


+ Atk hits winged foxbat: Chiropterra. +EARTH DMG. BACK ATTACK. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 787.


+ Atk hits winged foxbat: Chiropterra. +PSN DMG. BACK ATTACK. Damage 311.


+ Atk hits winged foxbat: Chiropterra. +EARTH DMG. BACK ATTACK. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 787.


+ Atk hits winged foxbat: Chiropterra. +PSN DMG. BACK ATTACK. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 779.



Smoke continued on his unendless attacks with the green dual knives. He wouldn't stop until Chiropterra's lifebar became zero.



+ You've dealt a fatal blow to the winged foxbat: Chiropterra.


+ You've killed the winged foxbat: Chiropterra.


+ You've gained 120,000 exp.


+ You've gained a level.



As the body of the winged foxbat started to fade, it left behind a precious loot.



+ Acquired rare gloves: Claws of Chiropterra.



Smoke, never losing his enthusiasm in checking boss loot items, inspected it post haste.


Claws of Chiropterra (Gloves)
  A rare glove that closely resembles the claws of the monstrous winged foxbat Chiropterra.
  Equipment Ability:
    * Foxbat Grip (Passive)
      + You can grip solid surfaces with ease,
        climbing mountains becomes a breeze.
    * Earth affinity + 15%



He quickly equipped the gloves. He didn't see any claws coming out and tried scaling the walls of the caves. As he touched the wall, sharp claws came out making it really easy to climb.



In his excitement of testing out the item he reached the top of the ceiling and had both his arms stuck on high.



Curiously, his arms didn't feel tired as he was suspended. This must have been one of the claws abilities as well.



From on high he saw the reason why he was in this cave in the first place. The mysterious rock was just lying there unprotected by the winged foxbats.



He climbed down from the ceiling and went to inspect the rock. It was as heavy as he remembered. Just what was this thing that the foxbats were protecting it.



After placing it inside his backpack window, he left the cave. He had a hard time dealing with just five of these winged foxbats. If the whole colony would decide to attack him, he would be a goner in a matter of seconds.



He found a secluded spot under a tree outside of the cave. He made Igniz create a fire orbit in order to protect them from the feasting winged foxbats.



Upon inspection of the mysterious rock, he noticed that it was covered with solidified guano. He started chipping it away and found a brown heart shaped gem.



Racking his brain for what this was, he remembered that this was a terra stone. The intermediate form of earth enhancement.



He couldn't believe his luck. He surmised that a pack of terramares must have lived here some years ago. Mount Gliseloc was a great place for gaining Earth affinity. This must be why Giro's notes pointed him to this direction.



If he had gone to the other location, Lake Inonder. He surely would have gained a substantial amount of Water affinity. He applauded himself for choosing Mount Gliseloc instead. Water and Fire were opposite affinities and it would have been inefficient to raise both of them at the same time.



Quickly he proceeded to use the terra stone and enhanced his arrows and dual knives. This will surely give him a greater Earth affinity than the clay stone. He couldn't wait to see just how much the difference would be.



He experimented on one of the spix camaws and found that it did give a much higher attack when compared to the clay stone. Yet, Igniz's fire enchantment still gave a higher attack bonus, but since he was here to increase his Earth affinity he stuck with the terra stone.



He continued upwards to the next level of the mountain. After his ten kilometer hike he found that the next level of the mountain was no longer populated with the rainbow butterflies.


- Entered the Slope of Mount Gliseloc
  - Monsters found at the middle of the mountain are extremely aggressive.
  - Suggested level for entering the slope of this mountain is 80.


This part of Mount Gliseloc was filled with tall grass and taller trees. If the lower level was filled with a bright array of colors, this place was toned with mostly green and hints of brown.



His ability 'Cunning of the Dire Fox' detected widely spread monsters who were much larger than the winged foxbats below.



He took out his powersaw bow and prepared his Earth enhanced arrows by the terra stone. There were only about five of these very large monsters that were inside his range of detection.



It was almost night time. Smoke hid in the shadows of the the tall trees. Away from the large monsters, with his new found glove he easily scaled the tree in hopes of catching a glimpse of these unknown monsters.



He tried looking for the monsters in the direction where his ability 'Cunning of the Dire Fox' was pointing to, but all he saw where tall trees.



Abruptly, the column of winged foxbats came from below. Smoke had forgotten about them completely, because he was so focused on finding these unknown monsters.



With the winged foxbats out in the sky, the trees that Smoke was looking at started to move. The monsters leapt out from the trees, revealing to be massive flying lizards.



The massive flying lizards were about the size of adult crocodiles. Their length was about 10 feet with a girth of 3 feet. They spread their wings like scales, and gobbled up the winged foxbats, just as the foxbats gobbled up the rainbow butterflies.



Some of the foxbats would try to attack the flying lizards but their claws just seemed to slide around the lizard's body.



The foxbats were helpless against the flying lizards. On the contrary, there were only about twenty flying lizards, so the number of foxbats that they could devour could not harm the immense population of foxbats.



Smoke targeted one of the grounded flying lizards as it was still busy eating the foxbats. He launched 8 arrows and all of them hit their target perfectly. The flying lizard swirled around trying to find the source of the attack. The flying lizard's lifebar appeared showing that it had (13,852/38,000 HP) left.



While the lizard was still looking around for its attacker he tried looking up only to see the rain of earth arrows falling down on it, killing it instantly.



+ You've dealt a fatal blow to the flying lizard.


+ You've killed the flying lizard.


+ You've gained 25,000 exp.



These monsters gave decent exp to life ratio. He instantly leapt from to tree to tree and continued to wipe out the feasting flying lizards on the ground.



These monsters could not actually fly. They only used their scale-like wings to glide through the air, making them perfect targets once they are grounded.



As he continued on jumping from tree to tree, Smoke wiped out a total of 40 flying lizards, that were supposed to be feasting on the foxbats in the lower level of the mountain.



Because he still had some arrows left over he let them loose on the swarm of winged foxbats and only stopped when he ran out.



Now, that he was out of arrows, Smoke went down to the lower level of the mountain again to fetch the loot and his arrows.



Reaching the middle part of Mount Gliseloc was rewarding. He had leveled up once. It would have been twice if he had more arrows.



The loot from the flying lizards were lizard wings and lizard tail. Smoke collected them and used them to enhance his spherical shield. The enhancement resulted in a lighter shield with a higher durability.



Smoke took a break after gathering all the arrows and the loot. He also did some transmutation on his spherical shield, which made him famished. He was about to cook up some deer meat when he realized that his stock was running low.



He took out the bat meat and risked the taste of the bbq bat. His first chew of the bat meat gave him the impression that it tasted just like chicken.



With his satiety filled, Smoke resumed his journey towards the top of Mount Gliseloc. He was careful to stay away from the flying lizards. He could easily kill them when their backs was exposed and they were busy eating the foxbats, but it could be a totally different ball game if he would face them head on.



However, the journey up the mountain forced him to face a flying lizard. There were no other paths that he could take that wouldn't let him meet with one of the 8 foot lizards.



Choosing the one that was furthest from the rest of the flying lizards. Smoke positioned himself on top of the opposite tree that the lizard was clinging to.



He released eight arrows and quickly reloaded to fire once more. The first eight arrows hit their mark but the second eight all missed as their target disappeared from the tree.



Smoke's 'Cunning of the Dire Fox' alerted him that that the flying lizard was directly above him. Immediately, he switched to the the green dual knives and leapt towards the lizard while Igniz created fire orbits around the lizard giving it the burned status.



The flying lizards maneuverability in mid air was amazing. Although Igniz managed to inflict the burned status on it, it was still able to dodge the other fire orbits that Igniz created.



- Attacked by flying lizard. You've taken damage. Health -2500.


- Attacked by flying lizard. MISS.



It slashed him twice before receiving its death blows. Smoke's dual knives were a great asset in close quarter combat. His current maximum life was only 38,500 HP. If he would be surrounded by these monsters he would be killed in just 15 attacks.



He also couldn't rely on his spherical shield because that would only buy him a couple of seconds before its durability runs out. Then, he wouldill become a sitting duck, waiting for his imminent death.



Surprise attacks were his only advantage. If he could kill them before alerting others then his climb to the top of this mountain was guaranteed.



On his way to the top of the mountain. Smoke felt another unknown monster. This time it was very long. It was a good thing that he only felt one presence of this huge monster.



He climbed up one of the trees and slowly made his way to the direction of the huge monster. Just a few minutes later the monster came into view.



It was long fat boa constrictor. Its length was about 50 feet with a width of about 8 feet. The flying lizards stuck to their trees.



As the giant constrictor drew closer, the trees with the flying lizards started to shake. The flying lizards were trembling in fear.



Lazily the giant constrictor got in range to one of the flying lizards and in the next instant the flying lizard attached to the tree disappeared without a trace.



The giant constrictor swallowed the 8 foot flying lizard whole. Yet, it didn't seem like this huge snake was full. It went to another flying lizard and repeated the same thing.



Smoke wanted to try attacking it but he wasn't confident that he could kill such a beast. This monster wasn't his main objective in the first place. So, he decided to stay away from the gigantic snake.



Pushing forward with extreme caution, Smoke dealt with the flying lizards one by one and made sure that he was far from the giant snake's path. The next few days followed the same pattern.



On his third day, in the middle level of Mount Gliseloc, he spotted the usual flying lizard and was about to attack it when he saw a puzzling wall.
BOOK: Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl
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