Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl (37 page)

BOOK: Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl
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All four of them sat down to take a breather. After such a heated fight and a heated argument, they needed some rest.



AkaneX approached Sierra and asked for her forgiveness. She didn't know that Sierra was that kind of healer. She just assumed that she was a pure healer and not a hybrid type. Sierra understood, she also saw AkaneX sincerity in her apology and decided to forgive her.



The four of them continued hunting some more for the next couple of hours. Until finally the three classmates decided to call it a night.



They asked Sierra if she was also gonna log out soon. She said no. She still had somewhere else to go. They asked if they could register her as a friend and she agreed.



Their saber gopher hunt increased Sierra's level to 20. She smiled at her progress. She met a couple of nice enough friends. She recalls that when she was younger she didn't bother with kids her own age but now she was quarrelling with them, playing with them, and making friends with them.



She felt like her childhood was playing catch up on all the lost time that she should have been playing.



Continuing on, in a southward direction. Sierra arrived at the village of Nalusac. There she sold her share of the loot from the saber gophers. They were gopher teeth and gopher pelt.



In Nalusac Village. She met a couple more of players which asked her to join their party. She agreed but this time she knew what role to play.



Sierra kept on playing ZECTAS. The days turned on to weeks and the weeks turned into months. Her name had become somewhat famous in Chayotl Kingdom.



Players started calling her the 'Impenetrable Wall'. When she reached level 74 her Endurance stat reached 599. She noticed that it now took 3 stat points to increase her Endurance to 600.



She thought that this would mean that from stats below 600 would only require one stat point. However, now it takes 3 stat points from 600 above. She wondered until what value does the 3 stat points requirement hold.



Sierra needed some answers and asked one of her ZECTAS friends for advise. Her friend was already above level 100 and was in one of the famous guilds. Her friend's name was Magikera.



Magikera happily gave her the information she needed about stats. Evidently after 600 points everything has a different computation.


  000-599 = consumes 01 stat pt  to increase STAT by 1
  600-699 = consumes 03 stat pts to increase STAT by 1
  700-799 = consumes 07 stat pts to increase STAT by 1
  800-899 = consumes 13 stat pts to increase STAT by 1
  900-999 = consumes 17 stat pts to increase STAT by 1


Sierra quickly took note that if a player maxes out their level at 1000, they would only have 10,000 stat points available to distribute. Which meant that they can only max out two stats to 999 and just distribute the rest of the stats up to maybe 599 so that it only consumes one stat point.



Taking note of this Sierra proceeded to invest her stat points towards Endurance. She continued towards the location of Repormatl Village. It was further than she had anticipated. She did take a very long route to get there.



But she didn't mind. She enjoyed meeting new players and NPCs. Getting some random quests and hunting monsters that were on her way to Repormatl Village.



Sierra was now level 92 she had an HP of 148,100 and a defense of 3345. It took at least the level of a semi-boss monster to cause some damage to her now. She still had the job of an acolyte since she didn't return to any of the main cities to get the job of a priest.



After seven months of playing she finally arrived at Repormatl Village. It was a night with a full moon when she arrived in this small village. She found that the village was small, when compared to the other villages that she had visited.



The village's remoteness was not exaggerated at all. It was covered by mountains and forests. If she didn't know the exact location of this place there was no chance that she could have stumbled upon it.



When one of the villagers saw her, he immediately greeted her and welcomed her in. It was a great coincidence that they were just celebrating their festival 'Blood Moon' feast.



She welcomed their offer. She was used to the hospitality of the NPCs. In most cases a quest would come up at the end of a feast. Requesting the player to vanquish some kind of monster that is harassing their village.



As the villagers and Sierra were eating. A group of three witches stood at the village's entrance. The Witch in the middle was conjuring something that caused the night sky to turn red.



The Witch had actually started to cover the whole village in a dome of blood. The other two witches were casting paralysis spells.



The whole village was encased inside a casting circle. The runes on the casting circle lit up. Which caused everyone inside to fall down.



Somehow Sierra resisted and tried to run towards the Witch. But the power of the casting circle was too much for her. She started to tumble down. She tried to move forward by crawling. She thought that if she could just reach those witches she could cancel out their spell.



Sadly, she didn't make it in time. The Witch in the middle had completed her dome of blood. Once the dome was completed. Everyone inside the village started writhing in pain.



Their bodies started changing. The sound of their bones cracking echoed throughout the whole village. Their bodies were expanding. Muscles started growing out of their bodies.



Sierra's hair started to grow into fur and started to cover all over her now muscular body. Her hands and feet started to transfigure into what looked like paws and claws were sticking out of where her finger nails used to be.


+ Transfigured into the Hidden Race: WereBear



She had transformed into a red WereBear! She still had no control over her body as she was still getting use to the body of a WereBear.



She looked at the villagers lying down and she saw that they were much smaller when compared to her. They looked like black and gray WereWolves.



The dome of red blood was slowly disappearing and a notification window popped up.


+ Quest: Immense Power of the Blood Moon
    Racial Quest
    Level: C
    To release you and the villagers from the curse of the Blood Moon
    Hunt and Kill the three Witches of Wysteria
    Accept the Quest? [YES/NO]



Sierra quickly chose yes and ran outside to look for the witches but she found no traces of them at all. Only the casting circle that surrounded Reformat Village remained.



Sierra went back to talk to the villagers. It seems that all of them had gotten the alignment of Chaotic Evil. She told the villagers to just stay within their village.



They now looked like a threat to everyone else and will most likely get killed before given the chance to explain their situation. The villagers agreed and decided to stay within the safety of their village's forests.







It's been a month since Sierra transfigured into a WereBear. She tried going to a village but her fear was confirmed. The sentry guards immediately attacked her. The same with other players as well. After all when a player kills a Chaotic Evil player they get some of their items and zecs on hand.



Although that didn't really matter in her case since none of her equipments could be worn. All of them had been removed and placed into her backpack window which she can no longer open.



Sierra has been trying to track the Witches of Wysteria and she had a gut feeling to continue on downwards. It wasn't all bad turning into a WereBear. For one she still kept the red hair or was it now fur that her mother loved.



She can no longer access all her previous abilities but now she has gained some new abilities and her stats had greatly improved as well.



Her vitality increased by 200 which now gave her a total HP of 238,100. Despite losing her equipments her defense still rose to 4000.



She could now solo most monster packs. Since they barely did any damage and the monster pack's boss was like a piece of wood waiting to be sliced in half with her claws.



Though, there was one monster boss that she couldn't kill. It was a monster called Maneator. She was just a bit smaller than the Maneator so she thought that she could take him.



Sierra was shocked to see that the Maneator managed to harm her for 23,000 points and she could only answer back with 4,000 damage points.



She knew that if they would continue to fight she would die. So she decided to make a smart retreat. She used her ability 'Double Slash' which pushed the Maneator back.



In turn, the Maneator activated its regenerative ability. Seeing this, Sierra immediately made a run for it and escaped the devastating boss.



Sierra continued on her search until her ability 'Animal Instinct' detected a horde of large monsters heading towards her.



It's just been a week since she lost to the Maneator and she wanted to redeem her self confidence by wiping out this unknown horde.



She charged towards the direction of the horde of monsters and then she finally saw him! It was the person that she had been looking for these past 8 months. The reason why she played the wondrous game of ZECTAS.



Smoke was finally here. But what's this? Smoke had just released eight arrows and attacked her. His one handed companion jumped high up into the air and tried to slash her down with his double bladed sword.



Sierra then realized that there was no way Smoke could recognize her, in her current form. So she parried the double bladed sword with her claws, careful not to harm Smoke's companion.



"Smoke! It's me."



Smoke stopped. Adder also stopped his attack. Igniz just threw his fireball and cancelled his attack in mid-air. Smoke was stumped. Sierra understood that he still didn't know who she was.



"It's me Sherry. I'm called Sierra here in ZECTAS."



Sierra was about to continue talking when the horde of varanus indicus came into view. Smoke quickly launched his arrows against the huge lizard monsters and asked Igniz to create a firewall to slow the monsters down.



"Sierra. If you really are who you say you are, then tell me my real name."



"Nash, it's me, your brothers' names are Seth and Donny, and you have a grandma who you call Mima Daphne. We also talked in the supermarket when I asked about your location in ZECTAS, convinced now?"



"Wow! You're really playing ZECTAS. You're actually here and how in the world did you get the race of a WereBear. I didn't know there was that kind of race in the game."



"Let's talk about that later. For now let's deal with these monsters."



"No. Let's run these monsters are too strong. They have 80,000 HP."



"I think I can handle that."



Sierra stood her ground behind the firewall. Three varanus indicus were running ahead of the horde. As the three monsters leapt out of the fire. Sierra used her 'Double Slash' ability which caused one of them to be knocked back behind the firewall. The other two varanus indicus pressed on and attacked Sierra.




- Sierra attacked by varanus indicus. She has taken damage. Health -480


- Sierra attacked by varanus indicus. She has taken damage. Health -480



+ Atk hit. Sierra damaged varanus indicus for 4837.



Smoke couldn't believe what he was seeing. How could these boss like monsters only do 480 damage? Adder joined in the fray and attacked one of the varanus indicus.



+ Atk hit. +FIRE DMG. Adder damaged varanus indicus for 5338.



- Adder attacked by varanus indicus. He has taken damage. Health -6000



"Adder, step back quickly. Stop attacking the monsters."



Adder retreated at Smoke's command. He was also shocked to have received such a huge amount of damage. Just what kind of defense does Sierra have?



Sierra quickly attacked the varanus indicus that was going after Adder. After hitting the monster, she quickly called for Adder



"No, it's okay. Just make sure to step back once you're done with your attack."



Adder understood what Sierra meant and continued on with his attack. They were still not done with the two varanus indicus when Smoke saw that the rest of the horde was closing in on them.



He quickly ordered for Igniz to create multiple layers of firewall before the first firewall that he created. After Igniz completed his fifth firewall, Smoke released his special arrows into the firewall creating a wall of smoke made with mandragora flowers.



All four of them focused on one of the two varanus indicus that was in their side of the sea of flame.



+ Atk hit. Sierra damaged varanus indicus for 4837.


+ Atk hit. +FIRE DMG. Adder damaged varanus indicus for 5338.
BOOK: Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl
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