Wyatt's Stand (Colebrook Siblings Trilogy Book 2) (17 page)

He let his hands wander, exploring the bare skin of her upper back revealed by the dress, down her ribs to the taut curve of her waist and back up to cup her breasts. They fit in his hands perfectly, the firm curves nestling into his palms.

With an approving sound she sucked at his tongue, gently, slowly, making him crazy to feel that mouth elsewhere. He wanted her hands on him, her luscious mouth teasing and tasting. He wanted to make her addicted to him.

The porch swing creaked as he looped an arm around her waist and hauled her up to straddle his lap. The skirt of her dress fell around her splayed thighs as his mouth found that sensitive spot at the side of her neck.

She gasped and arched, flattening her breasts to his chest, then rubbed her center against the length of his straining, confined cock. It felt so good that he shuddered, his hands locking around her hips, teeth raking over her pulse point. Damn, it had been so long for him, and he’d never felt this way before. He was so comfortable with her, he trusted her, and he cared about her. About her pleasure and protection. He wanted to make her his.

“Oh,” she whispered, one hand gripping the back of his head, the other holding his palm to her breast.

He wanted her naked, now. He wasn’t going to strip her out here in case someone decided to walk the back fields tonight. This was their first time and he wanted her as comfortable as possible. He didn’t want anyone to see her but him. She was his, and his possessive streak was off the charts with her.

Part of him was still stunned that Austen wanted him, but he wasn’t going to stop this. He couldn’t. Somehow, against all odds, she’d wormed her way into his heart, and he’d damn well be worthy of her, be the kind of man she’d be proud to have at her side.

“Come here,” he murmured against her ear, nipping the lobe lightly as he dragged her hips tighter to his. God dammit, the feel of her was driving him nuts. “Wrap your legs around me and hold on.”

She shifted up and slipped her legs around his waist, moaning when the friction rubbed his aching dick against the flesh between her thighs. The hand on the back of his head stayed put, her other creeping up to loop around his neck.

Holding her securely around the hips and waist, Wyatt pushed to his feet, pausing a moment to make sure he had his balance. Austen layered frantic kisses across his face, his jaw, teasing his mouth as he walked them to the door leading into the house.

Turning slightly, he shoved it open with one shoulder and carried her through to his bedroom, keeping pressure on her hips to ensure maximum friction along her center as he walked.

Then she locked her ankles behind him and did a swiveling motion with her hips that made him freeze and suck in a breath. It felt like every drop of blood in his body suddenly surged to his groin, and his bedroom suddenly seemed a mile away instead of mere yards.

The couch was way closer than his bed and it was deep enough to hold them both comfortably.

He snagged a blanket from the table behind it to protect her bare skin from sticking to the leather. He shook it out with one hand, then carefully sank to his knees in front of the couch, lowering her onto the center cushion. Immediately she let go of him and reached back to grasp the zipper at the back of her neck.

Wyatt caught her hands in his and brushed his mouth across hers. “Let me do it.” He’d fantasized about this for the past ten days, the chance to unwrap her like the best Christmas present in the world.

She gave a little hum of assent and went back to kissing him, her hands on either side of his face. It was damn hard to concentrate on what he was doing but he managed to find the zipper and draw it all the way down, pulling back to inspect what the dress revealed as he lowered the front of it over both firm shoulders and down her chest.

For a moment he could only stare, his heart thumping as the soft material fell away, exposing a white lace bra. Her light brown nipples peeked out at him, hard as they pressed against the lace.

Pushing the dress to her waist, he let his fingers trail reverently over the upper curves, delighting in the goose bumps that formed beneath his touch. Her breathing came faster now, her body still except for the way her breasts rose and fell with each excited breath.

Dying to put his mouth to her, he pulled the lace cups down and left the bra in place, the bunched-up material pushing the mounds higher. Her nipples beaded tighter, and he couldn’t wait a moment longer.

An instant before his tongue touched the first one, something licked his forearm. Jerking his head back, he blinked down at Grits, who had his front paws on the couch, tongue hanging out as he panted and wagged his tail.

Cock blocked by a twenty-pound lapdog, he thought in rueful dismay. Cavaliers were known as the love sponges of the dog world, but this was ridiculous.

Austen giggled. Suppressing his irritation, Wyatt snapped his fingers and pointed to the corner of the room. “Grits. Bed.”

The dog froze then lowered his head in submission.

,” he commanded, pointing again. “Now.”

Dropping his front paws to the floor, Grits slunk away to his bed in the corner and lay down, clearly not happy about it but obeying nonetheless.

“Stay,” Wyatt ordered. When he was sure the dog would obey, he turned back to Austen with an apologetic grin. “Sorry. Where was I?”

“Right here,” she murmured, her voice husky with arousal and need he was dying to satisfy as she drew his head back to her breast and arched her spine.

Wyatt couldn’t hold back a groan as he gripped her ribcage and licked at the taut nipple. Austen hissed in a breath and dug her fingers into his head, pushing her breast harder into his mouth.

He laved the tender flesh a few times then gave into the need burning inside him and drew it into his mouth. Her soft whimper of pleasure made the ache between his legs worthwhile.

She squirmed beneath him, reached for his shoulders and began drawing up his shirt. Wyatt released her nipple long enough to peel the shirt over his head and toss it aside, pleasure racing through him when her hands began roaming over his bare chest and back.

Cupping her breasts in his hands he worked his way south, kissing and nipping at the smooth skin of her stomach, her abdomen. He reached the white lace panel on the front of her panties and pressed his mouth there, inhaling the heady scent of her arousal.

“God, Wyatt…”

He pulled her panties down, stilled for a moment and swallowed a ragged groan when he saw that she was completely bare between her legs.
Oh, sweet Jesus

Dropping her panties on the floor, he put a hand on the inside of either thigh and stroked his fingertips gently up and down the center of her mound. She whimpered at the delicate touch and raised her hips, and he couldn’t take any more.

Lowering his head, he pressed his mouth to those delicate folds, let his tongue sweep over them, up to graze the taut nub of her clit. Austen sucked in a breath and grabbed his head, her long legs wrapping around his shoulders.

Oh yeah, baby, get comfortable
. He planned on doing this for a good long while.

His cock was so swollen it hurt as he licked and sucked at her softest flesh, quickly learning what pressure she liked. He gave her exactly what she asked for, following the cues of her whimpers and sighs, the pressure of her hands on the back of his head. Then he pushed his tongue into her and she cried out his name, her body arching like a drawn bow.

“Get inside me,” she panted, legs quivering.

Wyatt dug his wallet out of his jeans pocket and pulled out a condom before shucking his shoes, pants and underwear. He knew how fast gossip spread in this town so rather than hit the drugstore for protection this afternoon, he’d driven to the next town over to buy condoms.

Balanced on one knee he reached for her, turning her so that she lay lengthwise on the couch. Austen dragged him forward, her strength surprising him for a moment before her hand curled around his cock. His head dropped forward on a rough groan as she pumped him in a firm grip that damn near made his eyes roll into the back of his head.

After a few strokes he grabbed her hand to stop her, rolled the condom on and settled between her thighs. She wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him close, undulating beneath him in a sensuous wave, her eyes heavy-lidded with desire.

Through the haze of lust and desire he had a fleeting moment of self-consciousness that he still had his prosthetic on. She couldn’t see it though, and for damn sure it wouldn’t affect his performance, so he pushed it out of his mind and came down to brace his elbows on either side of her head.

The way her eyes smoldered up at him set his heart racing. God, it had never been like this for him. She made him want to devour her, even as another part of him yearned to cherish her. Holding her gaze, he reached down to align himself and pushed forward. Snug, slick heat enveloped him.

He moaned and pushed deeper, capturing her soft cry with his mouth, his tongue sliding into her as his cock sank deep. They both shuddered, Austen gripping his shoulders tight.

Sweat broke out across his back. He caressed her tongue with his, stroked the roof of her mouth as he eased his hips back and thrust forward once more. The friction felt unbelievable, every nerve ending sizzling at the contact. He built a slow rhythm, then shifted higher onto his knees to reach one hand down between them and rub her swollen clit.

“Yes, like that,” she gasped out and rocked upward, grinding her pelvis against his.

Wyatt gritted his teeth as the pressure and heat built, her sighs and whimpers driving him higher and higher. Just when he was about to pull out to keep from exploding too soon, her inner walls clenched around him and she threw her head back, crying out as she began to come.

So damn beautiful
. He rode out the pulses of her release while staring down into her face, and the expression of ecstasy written there undid him.

Pressing his face into her neck, he gripped handfuls of her curls and thrust deep, shouting as his own release hit. Pleasure blasted through him, raw and powerful. It punched through his entire body, making every muscle quake, leaving him spent and shaken. When it faded he collapsed on top of her with a low groan, panting, heart thundering in his chest.

Austen made a murmuring sound and ran a hand through his hair, skimmed it down his neck, over his damp shoulders and back. Her touch was damn near drugging, her strong curves supporting his greater weight.

Summoning his strength after a few minutes he rolled them to reverse their positions, bringing her on top of him. Austen sighed and snuggled into his hold, her cheek nestled on his shoulder, the warm weight of her body draped over his. In the comfortable silence he ran his hands up and down the length of her naked back, over the firm globes of her ass. Christ, he couldn’t get over the feel of her, or how well they fit together. Her skin was like warm satin beneath his palms.

Lying here with her in his arms, he couldn’t ever remember feeling this content. A sense of masculine pride filled him in knowing that he’d satisfied her. Closing his eyes, he savored the peace inside him. For years he’d shut himself off from others but with Austen his heart was wide open. There were no words needed as he held her, basking in the quiet comfort of her presence.

Until the sound of little paws racing on the plank floor broke through his serenity. Then the racing turned into a hopping.

Austen raised her head from his chest to look for the dog. “What’s he doing?”

“Chasing a fly,” Wyatt said on a sigh without opening his eyes.

“What? Seriously?” She half pushed up to look and Wyatt cracked his left eye open in time to see Grits hop by on his hind legs, like a furry pogo stick as he tracked the fly across the living room. Austen let out a delighted laugh. “He’s so funny.”

He grunted and closed his eye.
Yeah. So funny

Then she gave a sharp gasp that had his eyes shooting open, and scrambled upright, grabbing her discarded dress from the floor to shield herself. “Wyatt.”

He was already sitting up and pushing her behind him, the urgency in her voice sending a chill down his spine as he followed her gaze toward the tall window at the far end of the room. “What?”

“I saw someone at the window. They were wearing a mask.” Her voice was edged with fear.

A fierce protectiveness roared through him. “Stay here,” he ordered, pushing her off him and dragging his clothes on. As soon as he had his jeans up his legs, he pulled out his phone and called Easton. “Someone’s prowling on the property. Austen said she just saw someone in the window, wearing a mask.”

“Shit. I’ll meet you out back right now, and Dad will stay with Austen.”


Wyatt raced to his bedroom to grab a pistol and tactical flashlight from his bedside table, then hurried back to the living room to get his boots on. Whoever the fuck had been playing peeping Tom at his window, they weren’t getting far.

Austen was already dressed and without a word quickly knelt to help him tie his other boot. “What are you going to do?” she asked, shooting him an anxious look as she stood.

“Gonna go after whoever that was at the window.” God, he hadn’t even thought about shutting the blinds, he’d been too wrapped up in her, and had never thought someone would come around here.

“You think it’s the same person who sent the texts?” Her tone was tense.

“Don’t know, but maybe.” He stood, gripped her shoulder and looked into her wide silver eyes. “Stay put, no matter what. My dad will be over to stay with you in a minute, okay? Promise me you’ll wait here, and out of sight.”

She nodded once. “I promise. But just…be careful, okay?”

He gave a terse nod then kissed her once, hard. She was his and he wasn’t taking any chances with her safety.

Easton bounded up the front porch and threw the door open. “Which way?” he asked, a rifle in his hands.

“Out here,” Wyatt said, and led the way through to the screen porch and out the door to the backyard.

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