Read Wolf Quest Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Wolf Quest (15 page)

“One of the soldiers left something,” Maria reported, opening her eyes. “Under the largest oak on the left side of the motel. He scratched a mark into the bark and kicked a note or something under the leaves at its base.”

Jesse didn’t say anything right away, though one of his eyebrows rose at her statement. He looked…intrigued.

Chapter Eight

“It could be a trap, of course,” she stated the obvious.

“Hell, I was already thinking of trying to retrieve that smashed cell phone.” He rubbed one hand over his hair in an absent gesture. “We might be able to learn something from it, even if it’s a burn phone.”

“A what?” She’d never heard that term before.

“A prepaid, disposable phone, activated under an alias, probably today, and meant for short-term use,” Zach supplied between bites of his third breakfast sandwich. His words earned him a startled look from Maria and an expression on Jesse’s face that looked like he was impressed.

“Do you think it’s worth the risk?” Maria gestured with her eyes only toward the back seat. For her part, she was willing to take the risk, but did they dare put Zach in further danger?

“How far can you track the vehicles those guys left in?” Jesse asked her, making her tilt her head and think about it. She hadn’t even considered…

“Gimme a sec.” She closed her eyes and sent her thoughts outward to where that information waited.

She heard the sounds that painted pictures in her mind of three big, black SUVs following a silver Jaguar down a wooded lane. They went for miles down that road behind the motel before she caught up with them.

“All three big SUVs are still following the Jag. No stops. Nobody hopped out. Just driving at high speed. They’re coming up on a cross road.” She felt the car she was in start and begin to move, but she kept her eyes shut, focusing on the SUVs and the Jag. “They turned right, heading toward the highway. I can just barely see them now.” She scrunched up her face, straining to follow, but for some reason, she lost their trail a few minutes later. “I can’t see them anymore. They’re a long way away, though. If we make this fast, they’ll never make it back here in time to catch us.”

She opened her eyes to realize the vehicle she was in had stopped on a road she recognized only from her inner visions. It was the road the bad guys had parked on.

“Close your eyes, sweetheart,” Jesse growled in that low, sexy voice. “Tell me what waits in this forest.”

Startled by the wording of his request, she nevertheless did as he asked. Shutting her eyes once more, she reached out her senses. The information came quicker and more easily each time she did this, she discovered. It was an ability she’d never really tried to use much before. Maria tried to see what was going on in the woods in the immediate vicinity and as far out as she could stretch her senses.

“I don’t see anybody. Just the regular folk of the woodland. Squirrels, birds, a skunk off by the edge of the road. The men who were here before scared off anything bigger. The deer probably won’t return for a while. That man’s magic was foul and left a sort of gray miasma in his wake.”

“That doesn’t sound good,” Zach said in a small voice. “Could he have left some kind of magical trap?”

“I don’t think he had the time,” Jesse answered calmly. Maria heard the confidence in his voice but wondered if he wasn’t just projecting that for her sake.

“I could probably sense it better than you if he did,” Zach observed in a brave voice. “I should probably go with you.”

Jesse’s eyes narrowed in thought before he turned his head to look at Zach. He just looked for a bit and then seemed to come to some kind of decision.

“Yeah, I think we should all go. The two of you together probably have more magic sensing abilities than any Pack of wolves, but we’ve got to make this quick.” Jesse began taking off his clothes. “I’m going furry. I can track better that way. Zach, you probably shouldn’t shift yet. Maria, if you’d be kind enough to carry my clothes?”

Maria was surprised he’d want her along, but she sure didn’t want to be left all alone in the truck waiting. She thought it was smart to involve Zach in this, to make him feel as if he were participating more fully in the rescue of his parents. The woods were clear. She knew that for a fact. And she had a sort of early warning system that always seemed to tell her if trouble was on the way. If something changed about their safety status, she’d rather be with the guys to tell them right away so they could all get out safely.

Jesse moved behind the door of the SUV, well hidden by the woods and the vehicle itself. He was there one moment, then a burst of magic stroked over Maria’s skin like a caress and Jesse disappeared.

The wolf that bounded out from behind the door of the SUV was huge and brown and furry…and really fierce. Maria’s heart rate sped up. He had the handles of a small, camo tote bag in his teeth as he walked up to her. She realized it was filled with his clothing. A T-shirt and pants, so he could shift back to human form while still under cover of the forest.

Maria took it from him and knew she was staring. She’d just never seen a wolf this big before. She’d worked with a few wolves during her veterinary career, but never one like this. He was gorgeous, and as he moved closer and stroked his face along her hand, inviting her touch, she felt the tingle of magic. He was amazing.

With a yip, he bounded away, clearly beckoning Zach and her to follow. The SUV was parked in the shade of a small grove of trees, well hidden from the road. It would be safe enough there, Maria thought.

When they entered the woods, Jesse went first, his nose to the ground. Zach and Maria followed, her senses wide open to the sounds, sights and smells of the woodlands. It was quiet but returning slowly to normal after the shock of that suited man’s evil power. It was interesting to watch the creatures of the forest and their reaction to the magical wolf and werebear.

The squirrels definitely noticed when Jesse and Zach passed, but they weren’t panicked. It was more a silent respect as each little head lifted, watched the progress of the shifters for a moment and then went back to foraging. That’s not what she would have expected, but it sort of made sense. The shifters, while they probably smelled different to the animals of the forest, they weren’t hunting squirrels. One was tracking and one walked on two feet, hunting the trail of other two-footed predators.

Jesse stopped suddenly and Zach halted immediately. The wolf nodded to Zach and they were off again at a slower pace, Zach treading carefully. Jesse seemed to know exactly where he was going, following what Maria now recognized as the misty-gray trail of foul-feeling magic left behind by the suited man. It wasn’t active magic, merely a sort of oily residue left by the man’s presence. It wouldn’t harm anything or anyone, but it wasn’t exactly pleasant either. Which was probably why the forest creatures were waiting for it to dissipate more before they returned to their woodland homes.

Again, Jesse stopped Zach and went forward this time to meet him. Maria stopped a little behind them, looking around. She didn’t sense any trouble, but as she looked more carefully, she recognized the tree. The one where the phone had smashed. She could see where the bark had been disturbed by the impact. Absently, she reached out to touch the tree and felt an immediate welcome from it like nothing she’d ever experienced before.

She gasped, but nobody seemed to notice. Zach was busy retrieving parts of the cell phone that Jesse uncovered for him. He stuffed the little bits of plastic and metal in a plastic bag he’d brought with him. Good thinking.

When Zach’s little bag was full and Jesse’s nose no doubt told him he’d found every last bit of the phone, they set off again, following the wolf. He paused again a minute later and the tingle of magic was all that warned Maria he was about to change back into his human form. She watched, awestruck at the sight. The amazing wolf shimmered and shifted, going to a half form that looked like something out of a horror movie—only worse—then to Jesse’s familiar human form.

Human and completely naked. He smiled that devilish smile that charmed her so easily as he stalked forward, one hand held out to her. All Maria could do was stand there. She was frozen in place by the man and his magic.

She was more than a little disappointed when all he did was take the tote bag from her hands. She wanted so much more. Then she remembered where they were and why they were standing in the middle of a forest. And the teenager who stood by, waiting on them.

Horrified, she looked at Zach, but the kid wasn’t paying any attention to her. He was studying a mark on a tree trunk that looked very familiar. It was the old oak that guarded the message.

Jesse, dressed now, moved in front of Zach and touched the subtle scratches in the bark. He then turned his gaze downward and kicked at some of the dead leaves near the base of the oak tree, uncovering the square of white, now stained with dirt. Rather than pick it up right away, Jesse paused to sniff at the air around the tree and a sort of grim smile came over his face. He bent and retrieved the square of paper, pocketing it so quickly, she barely saw it.

He didn’t examine the note or speak again, merely led them away back toward the SUV. They’d accomplished their mission with minimum fuss and were back on the road before anyone spoke.

Jesse stuck to the back roads. Maria was pretty sure the man in the Jag and his followers had headed for the interstate. She couldn’t be one hundred percent certain, of course, but she knew they’d at least headed in that direction for quite some ways before she lost track of them. They could have doubled back, but she trusted Jesse’s skills to keep them as safe as possible. There were no guarantees. Their lives were on the line. But she knew Jesse would do his utmost to take care of them all.

“What kind of shifter was that who left you the note?” Zach asked Jesse after a while. When Maria looked back at him, he seemed truly puzzled.

“Never smelled jackal before, have you?” The ghost of a smile crossed Jesse’s mouth. “They’re not that common here in the States,” he continued. “I met this particular guy overseas. His Pack origin was somewhere in Turkey, I believe, but he’s a loner. A drifter. I’d heard he’d hired out as a merc, and that’s probably how he ended up working with the
. He’s a soldier. One of the best at covert ops. I knew his loyalties were questionable, but I never thought he’d go over to the dark side. He left his Pack to avoid that sort of thing, from what I understand.”

“Golden jackals are very similar to wolves,” Maria recalled. “They’re all over Europe and Asia, I believe. Then there are two other kinds of jackals that stick mostly to Africa and aren’t as similar to wolves as the golden. Right?” She looked to Jesse for confirmation.

“I guess so. I didn’t ask too many questions because we aren’t really allied with any of those Packs. But the guy I knew was very wolf-like when he shifted. In human form, he looked sort of bland. He could fit in with a lot of different cultures over there, and that made him really excellent at blending into whatever op he took on. He speaks a lot of languages too.”

“What did his note say?” Zach asked.

Jesse pulled the stained paper from one of his pockets and handed it back over the seat. Zach unfolded it and scowled at it for a minute before handing it back.

“What language is that?” the teen finally asked. “It’s not runes or anything magical, but I don’t recognize it at all.”

Jesse glanced at the page and after a moment, grinned. “That’s code, sport. It’s an address and a message.” Jesse handed the paper to Maria when he noticed the way she was leaning over to read it. “I’ll have to double check to be positive, but I believe it’s the same location Sally and my brother came up with, so I’d call this confirmation.”

Maria looked at the scribbles, but like Zach, couldn’t make heads or tails of them. She folded the paper and handed it back to Jesse. He pocketed it without comment.

“Do you trust him?” Maria asked.

Jesse shrugged. “I did at one time. Not sure I can now, except that he’s never betrayed me or my men. He has his own code of honor, and that has led to difficulties with his Pack that ultimately made him go lone wolf. In this situation, if I’m trusting my gut, I’d have to say he’s probably mixed up in something he didn’t expect going in and is now stuck. I think we can take his information at face value but hold complete trust in reserve, if that’s possible. I don’t think he’d deliberately lead us into a trap, but he might not be in total control of this situation. In fact, I can guarantee he’s not. He’s only a hired merc. He’s at the mercy of those who hold his contract and control the most magic.”

“But he’s still trying to help us. That has to say something in his favor,” Maria found herself arguing for the jackal.

“True, but take it with a grain of salt. We don’t know what’s going on behind those walls.” Jesse grimaced and seemed to firm his resolve. “But we will. Before this is all over, we’ll know everything about what’s happening on that estate. And we’ll end it. Once and for all.”



Maria was driving him crazy. Everything about her was attractive and made his wolf want to pounce on her. She’d handled herself so well that morning, tapping into her magic with little effort, not realizing how amazing she was. He’d make her understand, somehow. He’d show her in a million little ways how truly awesome he thought she was.

But they had to get to safety first. And solve the little problem of the
and two missing, highly magical bear shifters. And their misplaced cub, Zach.

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