Authors: Dani Matthews


“Ugh, I hate you.”

He chuckles, and his warm hand wraps around my fist gripping his shirt. “Let me go. I’ll be back in five.” His fingers gently start prying my fingers away from the fabric. “I promise.”

Very reluctantly, I release him and clench my fists at my hips. “Okay. But you better hurry,” I grumble.

I can hear him move, and his footsteps fade as he leaves me where I stand. This is so not what I envisioned when I was scheduled to help transfer merchandise. I thought everything would be all boxed up already and all we would have to do is load the van. It looks to me like not only do we have to box some of the stuff up, but we’ll have to take apart some of the larger items.

Instead of concentrating on my pounding heart and the fear that has climbed up into my throat, I think over how Dane plans on decorating Cordane’s. He mentioned last week that he’s bringing one animatronic to the store, and it’ll be a life-sized, skeletal reaper with glowing eyes. I guess he wants to install thunder and lightning effects, and even a fog machine for the hallway outside the fitting rooms. His goal is to turn the back half of the store into a cemetery, and fake trees are even on the list of props to bring back. I guess last year the back half of the store was clown-themed. I shudder at the thought of those clowns I’d seen earlier standing around at the store, their beady eyes missing nothing. I would have hated to have to work around those things. At least I’ll only have the reaper to contend with.

How long have I been standing here?

I cross my arms over my chest, my head turning to the left and then to the right as I try to peer through the blackness. Shouldn’t Cord be coming back by now? My ears strain to hear any sound, but there is just a low rumble of thunder in the distance.

“Cord?” I call out, and I flinch as my voice echoes around me.

Only silence answers me.

I begin to fidget. What if he’s left me here as a prank? No, he wouldn’t. Would he? “Cord!” I call out sharply.

Still no answer.

He’d told me to stay put, but if he is pulling a prank, I’m not going to fall for it and stand here for thirty minutes while he snickers in Dane’s office. With a nervous shiver, I lift my hands and hold them straight out in front of me and visualize the way we’d come. I’ll start making my way to the side door or until I see Cord with the flashlights.

Feeling anxious, I force myself to breathe in and out slowly. It’s a freakin’ warehouse with stupid fake props. Nothing to be scared of, right? I shuffle along slowly, my arms out and reaching so I don’t run into anything.

I’m feeling better, even confident really as the minutes tick by, but the second my palm touches long, stringy hair, I gasp and leap away from whatever I was about to run into. My foot connects with something firm, and I quickly change direction, then tumble backwards into something as my scream echoes throughout the warehouse. Whatever I’d fallen into feels like a narrow box, with an edge digging into my back and then another below my knees. I am on my butt, legs propped up slightly.

“Krista!” Cord yells from somewhere within the warehouse, his voice bouncing off the walls. “
where you are! Don’t move!”

“Hurry up!” I yell back as my hands run across the bottom of whatever I’d fallen into. The fabric across the bottom feels like satin.
Oh no…
I lean to my right, searching for the other side of the box, and I realize it’s long and narrow on each side of me. A shriek escapes me as it dawns on me that I’ve fallen sideways into a coffin.

“I told you not to move!” Cord shouts.

With a horrified gasp, I struggle and manage to pull myself out of the coffin. Then I fall to the warehouse floor on my hands and knees. I’m going to have nightmares for days to come over this.


I look up to see a flashlight racing towards me, and I squint and watch as Cord’s shadow kneels down beside me.

“What happened?” he asks, his eyes roaming over me to make sure I’m okay.

“I fell in a fucking coffin,” I say through gritted teeth.

Cord is silent a moment, and then he dares to smile at me. “Now that you’ve been in one, did it conquer your fear?” he asks with amusement.

I jerk away from him, rising to my feet. “I’m filing a complaint when we get back,” I snap at him.

“Against the coffin for deliberately getting in your way?” he laughs as he stands up.

“No, because you’re an asshole.”

“Go for it. Dane will get a kick out of it, I’m sure. Here,” he says, holding out a flashlight to me.

I snatch it from him and turn it on. “What took so long?”

“I couldn’t find the flashlights. Dane or Owen moved them since the last time I was here. Ready to get to work?”

For the next hour, Cord and I work together to track down the items Dane wants brought back to the store. Cord grabs a cart, and as he loads it up, I mark off the items on the sheet. Soon, we’re loading up the van and then taking off to head back into the city.

It’s still raining in a steady downpour, and the drive back is silent except for the constant
of the windshield wipers. I’m not quite sure what Cord’s thinking, and it doesn’t really matter since my mind is busy with my own thoughts as I stare out the window.

Cord kissed me.

And I’d lit up like the fourth of July.


When I’d started eating lunch with Cord, I never thought that anything would develop between us. Sure, he’s real nice to look at, but I’d known that he was only watching my back so that he could irritate Riley. That’s all this was supposed to be. Oh hell. A chill runs down my spine as I recall Jenna mentioning that Cord wore masks during sex with Emmaline. Yeah, I’m not into that kind of kink.

My face scrunches up into a scowl. Why the heck am I even acting like the kiss mattered? It was nothing. He proved his point, end of story. Slowly, I begin to relax as it sinks in that I am overreacting. People kiss all the time. Look at all the parties I’d been to back in South Bend. Those parties were packed with teenagers hoping for meaningless makeout sessions with whoever caught their attention for the night. I was even prone to messing around once in a while if I didn’t have a boyfriend.

The kiss meant nothing, so why worry over it?


On Monday, I find Cord waiting for me at my locker before lunch. This is nothing new, he usually finds me first and waits so he can walk me through the lunch line. Today feels a little different for me though since he’d kissed me on Saturday, and I try to calm my jumbled emotions at the sight of him. I’d told myself over the weekend that it meant nothing, and that I need to ignore that it ever happened. Cord sure did a wonderful job of that on Saturday. We hadn’t discussed the kiss, and the rest of my shift had gone by smoothly.

I certainly have no intention of ever bringing it up, but it does annoy me that he seems so unaffected by it. I’m also embarrassed that I’d succumbed to him and his advances so easily. The guy is like sex on a stick. He’s hot, sexy, and he knows it. No wonder why Emmaline couldn’t help herself. All Cord has to do is flash that seductive smile of his, and you instantly feel like you want to give him whatever he wants.


I manage to keep my emotions off my face as I approach him. He doesn’t say anything—which is the norm. He just patiently waits for me as I twirl the dial on my locker and open it. Something falls from my top shelf and drops to the floor. I look down and find a very realistic looking penis at my feet.

Damn Riley.

Snickers echo around me, and my face burns as I bend down and quickly pick it up.

“Here,” Cord says simply.

I promptly drop the penis into his hand, and he calmly unzips his backpack and drops it inside. After I close my locker, we head to the cafeteria so I can grab something to eat. No one talks to us, but the other students are always watching us curiously. Last I’d heard, there’s an actual bet going around as to how long it would be before I end up dead.

Cord and I go outside, and I quickly regret not bringing my jacket. The temperatures are beginning to decline now that it’s October, and for the first time, I wonder where Cord spends his lunch when it’s too cold to sit outside. We settle on the grass by the tree, and I try not to shiver as a gust of wind picks up.

Cord frowns at me. “You should have brought your jacket.”

“I was distracted by the unwelcome gift in my locker.”

He opens his backpack and pulls out his black, hooded sweatshirt. “Here. Put this on.”

“Thank you.” I accept it and slip it on. It smells of him, and it’s nice and cozy as it falls around my upper body. I adjust it around my waist, then pick up my soda as I pull open the tab. “I wonder how Riley got his hands on my locker combo.”

“Isabella, I’m sure.” Cord pulls out homework. “She’s an office assistant during first period.”

I sigh and set down my soda. “Great. I wonder what other surprises I’m going to find in the coming weeks.”

“Just don’t leave anything important in there, and you’ll be fine.”

As I unwrap my sandwich, I study Cord as he begins working on his homework. For a tall, muscular guy, he rarely eats during lunch, and when he does, it’s usually a banana or an apple. I’ve offered him some of my own lunch before, but he always turns it down.

“What are you going to do with it?” I ask, referring to the penis.

Cord turns the page in his textbook, not bothering to look up. “I’m going to take a detour to the parking lot after lunch and replace Riley’s gas cap with it. Hopefully he won’t notice it until after he’s driven through town.”

I grin to myself as I begin to eat. Sometimes, I like how Cord’s mind works.

* * *

I’m working at Cordane’s that evening when I accidentally catch my finger on the rough edge of a drawer behind the makeshift checkout counter.

“Damn!” I hiss when I see that blood is steadily dripping from the cut on my left index finger. Not wanting to bleed on any merchandise, I stick my bloody finger in my mouth and grimace as the taste of copper hits my tongue. The store is busy tonight, but no one is waiting in line at the register.

I quickly stride past a couple looking at jewelry and enter the back of the store. Lightning flashes above, and the reaper comes at me with glowing eyes, making me let out a little squeak as I dart past him. There are dozens of tables hidden in amongst the trees with Halloween products, and racks along the back wall boast colorful arrays of costumes. It’s amazing how much merchandise the guys were able to get out onto the floor without it looking too crowded. We also have a book for customers to go through, because we have more merchandise in the back that we’re willing to bring out upon request. I duck through the fake, spindly trees that have cobwebs stuck in their claw-like branches, then approach the hidden employee doorway.

The second I’m clear of the store, I rush down the hall to the bathroom. “Dane!” I holler as I enter the tiny restroom and turn on the water. I stick my finger under the faucet, thankful to have it out of my mouth. The blood is immediately washed away, and I pull my finger from the water to inspect the cut. Shoot. Am I going to need stitches? I put it back under again and watch the white porcelain at the bottom of the sink splatter with pink and red.

“What’s wrong?” Dane asks from the doorway.

“I cut my finger, so someone needs to watch the store until I can stop the bleeding and get a bandage on it,” I explain apologetically.

Dane enters the bathroom. “Let me see.” His hand reaches out, and he pulls my finger away from the water as he steps closer, his body brushing close to mine. “How did this happen?”

“I caught it on the drawer behind the counter.”

“What’s going on?”

We both look up to see Owen standing outside the open doorway, his gray eyes peering at us curiously.

“She cut her finger. Do us a favor, go watch the front end,” Dane suggests. He turns his attention back to my finger as he studies the cut.

“I’ll be fine. I can manage on my own,” I insist, not wanting them to fuss over me.

Dane shakes his head, his green eyes lifting to mine. “You’re never going to get that bandaged on your own.”

“I can help her if you want,” Owen offers.

“I’ve got her.”

I watch as Owen nods, his eyes shifting between me and Dane before he walks away to go watch the store. Then I’m distracted as Dane releases my hand to move around me, pulling paper towel from the dispenser on the wall. Once he has a few, he moves back to me and wraps my finger tightly to stop the blood flow.

“Hold it tight,” he orders. “I’ll go grab our medical kit.”

I take over, holding my injured finger as he turns and hurries out of the bathroom and disappears down the hall. I stand there for a full minute until I can’t resist pulling back the paper towel to inspect the cut. The blood is slowing down, and I’m relieved. I probably won’t need stitches.

Dane enters the bathroom and spies me studying my finger. “You don’t listen well, do you?” he admonishes.

“It’s slowing down,” I tell him as he opens the kit.

“Good. Then a couple of bandages should do the trick.” He sanitizes my cut, causing me to wince. Instead of concentrating on the pain, I study Dane. He’s standing real close to me, and I can’t help but admire how good-looking he is. Those are some mighty fine Bodine genes both brothers have.

Dane happens to look up, and his eyes connect with mine. Something flares in his gaze, and his lips quirk in a way that I’ve seen Cord’s do. “If I were a few years younger…” he murmurs.

I blink with surprise. I hadn’t been expecting him to admit that he finds me attractive.

Dane smiles easily and backs away from me as he releases my now bandaged finger. “Good as new,” he announces.

“Uh, thanks. I better go back out front.”

Dane starts cleaning up. “If that bleeds through, come back, and we’ll change the bandage again.”


I hurry back into the store, and after Owen is finished ringing up a purchase, I step in to take over. My mind stays focused on work as a line develops at the register. I try to be friendly but efficient so that no one gets impatient waiting. One guy tries to flirt with me and wants to know why I’m not wearing a costume. I smile politely and change the topic as I explain our return policies while I bag up the bloody body parts he’s purchasing. I’m actually relieved that Dane isn’t making me wear the store’s costumes. Some of them are very…revealing. There’s obviously some respectable costumes as well, but I prefer the store’s clothing over a sexy Elvira costume or a bulky Raggedy Ann one. Cordane’s is carrying everything under the sun for costumes, including children’s.

There’s a lull later, and I’m in the front part of the store organizing clothing when Riley and Gavin enter Cordane’s. My heart sinks. I knew this was coming sooner or later but was hoping for much later.

Riley’s eyes roam around the store with obvious intent until his gaze rests on me. He saunters over with Gavin trailing behind, and his eyes deliberately look me over from head to toe. I’m wearing a black, sleeveless top that has buttons going halfway down, and a skull design decorates the back of the shirt. It does great things for my breasts, and I’d worn black, skinny jeans that show off my figure. On my feet are the combat boots I’d broken down and bought. They have actually become my favorite pair of shoes. They are comfy, yet feminine with decorative buckles on them. Cordane’s clothing is starting to really appeal to me.

“Cute outfit,” Riley remarks with a smirk.

I pick up another shirt to fold as I level him with a look. “Go away, Riley.”

Gavin looks me over, licking his lips. “Do you help out in the fitting rooms? I always have issues with the zipper on my pants.”

I flash him a disgusted look. “In your dreams.”

“You never survive in my dreams,” he says simply.

“You’re psychotic.”

“Not as psychotic as Bodine,” Riley intervenes. “I bet he’s got a special mask picked out just for you. Or has he gotten his freak on with you already?” His lip curls. “Did you like it? Did you scream for more?”

I stare him down steadily, refusing to be bated where Cord is concerned. “I can’t help it that your dad couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. Stop blaming me and my mom.”

Anger flashes in Riley’s eyes as he steps into my personal space. “How was my dad supposed to resist a trashy, classless whore like your mom?” he hisses.

My fists clench at my sides, and I refuse to back away from him. I also have to keep in mind that I am in public and at my place of employment. I need to maintain my composure. My fists slowly unclench as I force myself to relax. “Either buy something or leave, Riley.”

“I’ll leave when I’m good and ready.”

“Is there a problem?” Dane walks up, his black lined eyes shifting between me and Riley. I watch as he takes in Riley’s aggressive stance towards me, and he promptly walks over to stand beside me, giving Riley no choice but to back up a step. Owen has also come up front, and he stands to the side, arms crossed as he watches the scene unfold.

I’m mortified this is playing out in front of my boss and manager. At least Cord isn’t working tonight. If he were, things would be much worse than they already are.

“Can I help you boys find anything?” Dane asks Riley and Gavin, his expression turning cold now that he’s assessed the situation.

Before Riley can say anything, I speak up. “We don’t have what they’re looking for. They were just on their way out.”

Riley smirks at me, his expression telling me that we are nowhere near finished with our conversation. Then he deliberately ignores Dane as both he and Gavin leave the store.

The second they are gone, Dane turns to frown at me. “What was that all about?”

I owe him some sort of explanation for the scene that Riley had been trying to cause. “He’s my stepbrother.”

His frown immediately deepens. “That boy is bad news.” The phone behind the counter starts to ring, and Dane looks at Owen. “Will you grab that, please?”

“Sure.” Owen walks away towards the counter.

Dane turns back to me, concern reflecting in his gaze. “Does he live with you?”

“No, he lives with his mom.”

Dane nods. “Is he always that way towards you?”

Evidently Cord hasn’t mentioned my problems at school, and I’d like to keep it that way. “Sometimes. I can handle it.”

“Be careful around him,” he warns quietly.

I look at him with surprise. “Why do you say that?”

Dane holds my gaze. “He and Emmaline dated on and off for years until she started secretly seeing Cord.”

“You think he might have had something to do with her death?” I ask as I process this new information.

“Honestly, I don’t know. I would just watch your back where he’s concerned. He’s always been a spoiled brat, and if the rumors are true, he was more than just a little enamored with Emmaline.”

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