Read What Caroline Wants Online

Authors: Amanda Abbott

Tags: #Romance

What Caroline Wants (13 page)

“No, but I have a huge…use your imagination.” Pete chuckled as he picked up his drink. “And I know how to use it.” He took a sip of his beer. When Jace didn’t bite, Pete changed his tune. “Listen, I’m pretty sure I can sum you guys up. Tell me if I’m wrong. You’re college sweethearts. It was love at first sight. Your wife was timid about sex for years until you took the time to nurture that side of her.” He grinned at Caroline, but he wasn’t being offensive, so Jace let it go. “But now she loves sex—and that must mean you’re great in bed, so kudos to you.” He winked. “You guys have become increasingly more adventurous over the years, you enjoy taking risks, you’re competitive in a good way, and now you’re looking for something even more
, so you dialed us up. Am I close?”

Jace couldn’t believe how close the guy actually was.

He glanced over at his wife. Caroline seemed a little stunned as well, but before Jace could answer, Emma said. “I know it looks like it, but Pete isn’t showing off. We’ve just been through this enough times with other couples to know pretty quickly. We can usually spot what makes another couple tick, why they’re here, and what you’re looking for, within the first fifteen minutes. You guys are so sweet, and so obviously in love. The way you take care of her”—she nodded toward Caroline—“is endearing. I don’t think you’ve missed one thing she’s needed all night. And we know this entire thing is for her.” She addressed Caroline directly. “And I totally get it. It started the same way for us, too, and I believe it was the same thing for the Collinses. Our men love us, but we crave something more, so it works. If it were the other way around, I’m not sure many women would want this for their men. You two are perfect for this. If you decide to move to the next level, I can promise you we’d have a lot of fun together. We’d take it very slow. I know it’s been a bit shocking to find yourself here in the first place.”

Caroline politely cleared her throat, going for her drink before she answered, and took a long swallow. His wife was heading for quite a hangover tomorrow. She kept the glass in her hand as she asked, “What do you mean by taking it very slow? How slow?”

Pete answered by sliding his arm around his wife’s shoulders, his hand teasing her shirt, one finger dipping under the flimsy material. Being very discreet, and his voice not above a whisper, Pete said, “We’re assuming you like to watch. So that’s where we’d start. We are very…expressive with each other, and we love sex. So the mood would be very enjoyable…but not something you had to participate in if you didn’t want to.” As he said it, a single finger floated farther under his wife’s blouse. Jace noticed for the first time that she wore a very loose, almost see-through, black gauzy shirt.

Jace held his breath. He knew Caroline didn’t want them to make a scene, so he glanced over at her, ready to intervene, but she was riveted to the scene in front of them. Jace took a casual look around the restaurant. Their waiter was nowhere in sight. The Slaters must have asked for this particular booth, because it was the most remote in the entire restaurant. It was in a far corner, and red cloth hung above them, draping perfectly to shield them from prying eyes.

The Slaters had their backs to the restaurant.

No one could see them but he and Caroline.

Emma leaned back slightly as Pete’s hand trailed down to her breast, where he teased her bra aside. One dusky nipple popped into view, and he began to circle it with his finger, ending with a slight pinch.

At the contact, Emma gave a low moan, and Caroline promptly spilled her drink all over the table and into her lap.

Jace jumped out of the booth, his napkin in hand. “It’s okay, babe, let me help you.”

“Oh, no! I’m so sorry. I just…” Caroline trailed off as she grabbed a big cloth napkin and began to mop it all up.

Jace reached over and picked up the ice cubes. The Slaters both had their napkins out. “Oh, Caroline, we’re so sorry!” Emma said. “That was too much. I apologize!”

“No, it was fine…fine,” Caroline stammered. “I just…I need to go to the restroom and clean off my dress. It’s sopping. I’m so embarrassed.” Caroline slid out of the booth, and Jace took her by the elbow.

“We’ll be right back,” he said over his shoulder as he ushered his shaking wife across the restaurant to the bathrooms, which were located next to the bar.

The restaurant was dark, and the hallway leading to the bathrooms was lit only by a few lamps with red shades. He stopped Caroline right before the women’s room. “Care, I have to know if you’re okay. Talk to me. We can duck out right now if you want. No reasons necessary. We just head for the door and pretend this never happened.”

She glanced up at him. His wife was definitely frazzled, and more than a little buzzed. “No, I’m fine. Really. It was just a bit…shocking. But I left my purse in the booth, and I don’t want to run out on them. They seem…nice enough. I don’t want to be rude.”

Jace leaned over and put his lips near her ear. “I don’t care how nice or interesting they are, we owe them nothing. Just say the word, and we’ll go. I can get your purse and give them our polite excuses.”

Caroline bit her lip. “No, I want to stay.”

“Really?” He hadn’t meant to sound so surprised.

She placed an open palm on his chest and eased close. He obliged by wrapping his hand around her lower back. “I know you think I’m fragile,” she said. “And sometimes I can be. I just acted like a complete fool by spilling my drink all over myself because of a barely exposed nipple, but I’m not that breakable. Do you want to know what I really am?”

He grinned like a fool. He loved when his plucky wife surprised him. “What are you?”

“Horny as hell.” She reached up quickly and gave him a peck on the cheek and walked into the bathroom.

He braced his shoulder against the wall for a moment, rubbing his chin. He’d forgotten to shave today.

Caroline, once again, had turned the tables on him.

And if he admitted it, what the Slaters had done had made him horny, too.

Even better had been watching his wife get so excited she spilled her drink. It had given him an instant erection. He wasn’t sure if he should wait out here for her or not. After giving it a minute, he decided to make his way back to the table, and as he walked, he chuckled.

He knew Caroline. She was on her way to drunk and turned on.

And, honestly, he couldn’t wait to see what was going to happen next.




aroline splashed cool water on her face for the second time. She was buzzed—on the very edge of being full-on drunk—but didn’t want to topple over the precipice if she could help it. The water was helping, but it wasn’t going to be enough to stave off where she was headed.

She’d already cleaned her dress with paper towels the best she could.

Thank goodness she’d worn black. There was no visual evidence of the spill.

She leaned over the sink to examine herself in the mirror. Her makeup was a little smudged, and since she’d been in such a hurry to get out of the booth, she’d left her purse behind, which held all her emergency makeup-repair products.

She walked over to the paper towel dispenser and tore off a new sheet, and then ran it under a little warm water, taking a wet edge and rubbing it lightly under both eyes.

Right then, the door opened, and Emma poked her head in. “Is it okay if I come in?”

Caroline straightened, tossing the towel in the garbage. “Of course, come in.”

“I brought you this. I figured you might need it.” Emma handed Caroline her black clutch.

“Thanks,” Caroline said gratefully. “I’m a bit of mess and was just lamenting the fact I left it at the table.” Caroline popped open the bag and leaned over the sink again. She spotted Emma taking a look around the bathroom to make sure they were alone.

There were only three stalls, and all were empty.

Emma moved to the edge of the countertop, facing Caroline, and crossed her arms, appearing relaxed as she rested her hips against it. She really was beautiful. Her long hair cascaded perfectly around her shoulders, and her face was almost too clear—free of any spots or freckles, regular things that plagued the rest of the world. It was like she was made of porcelain. And she didn’t look at all drunk, which Caroline wasn’t thrilled about. It made her feel cheap that she’d arrived with a few shots under her belt and had just spilled her drink.

Strike two for the Strattons.

“Listen,” Emma started. “I want to apologize in person for that aggressive display of affection my husband threw out there. Pete gets excited about these meets, especially when we find such a perfect couple. I wasn’t lying when I said it’s a total rarity to find people like you guys—hot, likable, and normal. It was out of line, and I’m sorry we made you uncomfortable. I wish I could take it back and start new.”

Caroline blushed, but covered it up by applying some powdered concealer to her nose and cheeks. When she was done, she straightened and turned to Emma. “There’s no need to take any of it back. What he did wasn’t that bad. Honestly. Like I just told my husband, I’m not breakable. This has been a surreal experience, but I’m handling it. Never once in my entire life would I have ever thought I’d find myself here…with you guys. I don’t have any prior grounding for this, so it’s just going to take me some time to figure all of it out. I hope you understand.”

“Of course,” Emma said. “Take all the time you need. I just wanted to let you know that we aren’t weirdos, and we’re sincerely sorry. Pete is acting a bit aggressive tonight, because he’s excited. To tell you the truth”—she edged a little closer and dropped her voice down to a whisper—“we’ve been in a slump lately. We love meeting up with the Collinses, but they haven’t been up for a night out in a long time. You guys are so…gorgeous…” She sighed. “I hope you don’t mind me saying that. We’re just plain turned on by the idea of being with you. It would be amazing to have you over to our place for some fun.”

Caroline coughed into her fist.

She didn’t think she’d ever get used to talking about sex with someone other than Jace, and now Piper, let alone in a public restroom. “I appreciate that, and you coming in here to tell me. Under different circumstances, I’m sure you and I would become fast friends.”

“I totally get it. But we can be friends in the bedroom. That’s enough for me.”

“There’s one more thing.” Caroline placed her hip against the bathroom counter to steady herself. She needed to go sit down and eat a little more. Her drunk was creeping in. But she had to get this out, and now seemed like the best time. “If we decide to continue, my husband is not going to be…intimate with you. I just want you to know that ahead of time. The thought of him having
”—she could barely get the word out—“with another woman makes my insides turn upside down. If that’s something you’re hoping for, it’s not—”

The door opened.

Emma moved forward and took Caroline by the arm, turning and guiding her effectively out of the restroom. “Let me help you.” Caroline didn’t stop her, because she was acutely aware that she’d already made a giant fool of herself by spilling her drink and in her state didn’t want anything else to happen. As they made their way through the restaurant, she made sure to smile and nod at Emma like they were just two girlfriends having a good time.

Halfway to the table, Emma leaned toward her ear and said, “And don’t worry, I own a very reliable vibrator. Seeing you guys do it would be enough for me, with or without the help of my husband.”

Caroline almost fell down at her admission.

Her legs got tangled, and if Emma hadn’t been holding on to her, she would’ve face-planted right there in the middle of the restaurant. She righted herself immediately, with Emma’s help. But, instead of being mortified, as she should’ve been, she took one look at Emma’s concerned face hovering next to hers and burst out laughing. She grabbed on to Emma’s sleeve for more support as they continued to half-walk, half-stumble toward the booth.

When Caroline saw the look on Jace’s face, she started to laugh even harder. Her poor husband certainly thought she’d lost her mind. And maybe she had. But if that was the case, at least she was going to go down having fun.

He rose and helped her slide into the booth, whispering, “Are you all right?”

She was still a little wet from the spill, and certainly drunker, but otherwise she was fine. “I’m good. I promise.”

There was a brand new drink sitting in front of her, as well as a few more appetizers on the table.

“I figured we could all use some more eats, so I told our waiter there would be an extra big tip if he brought them out quickly,” Pete told Caroline as she organized herself, folding a clean napkin in her lap.

“Thank you for that. I am so hungry,” Caroline said. “Though, I’m all done drinking for the night, so if anyone wants my gin and tonic, feel free.” She gently pushed it away from her so she wouldn’t be tempted to imbibe as a few more giggles escaped.

Pete then moved out of the booth so Emma could slide into her seat. Once she was settled, she joined in the laughing.

It felt good and Caroline was much more relaxed.

Pete glanced between Caroline and his wife, a broad smile erupting on his handsome face. He really was hunky. One of those Scandinavian boys—tall, blond, and chiseled. “Well, it looks like you two had a great time in the bathroom. I’m happy to hear it.”

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