Read Violation Online

Authors: Lolah Lace

Violation (21 page)

Dee invited his new starlet to the All-Star game in Vegas. Dee and I made the team. This was my fourth time and Dee was rightly an All-Star his entire professional career. His preoccupation with Nia would work to my benefit. I was able to fly Serena out to Vegas to be with me. She stayed in a secluded private villa outside the strip. I made sure I rented a car and stayed with her when I didn’t have All-Star obligations. She disguised herself with a changed hairstyle and a super dark tan. It was a precaution just in case. We didn’t want her to be recognized. She stayed on the property when I wasn’t around to entertain her or make love to her.

It was cold back in Chicago but Vegas temps were averaging about eighty degrees. Sure it was warmer than normal but weather all around the country was uncharacteristically high. Any time I had alone with Serena was time I cherished.

Dee was none the wiser. He didn’t even notice that I hadn’t spent one night in my hotel room. I few pictures leaked of Deshawn with Nia but Serena didn’t mention them. Maybe she hadn’t seen them. There was no way I would bring them to her attention. I wanted Dee to fuck up. I wanted them to divorce. I wanted her to be so fed up she left him. But I never wanted to be the sole catalyst for the disillusion of their marriage. I hoped Dee would realize how much his freedom means. I prayed he would divorce her.




My performance on the basketball court pretty much guaranteed my contract negotiations would go well and my contract would be extended. Money wasn’t really the issue I had endorsements deals that paid me well. I had a sneaker deal, an energy drink and a few folks thought I could model watches, cologne and Brooks Brother’s suits.

I hadn’t reached my cap and I was an asset to this team. I helped them win two championships. The only thing that could stop me was Dee. As long as he didn’t know about Serena and me, I was good.

I was up at the crack of dawn. I had missed a few of my appointments with Lance. We rented out a gun range for a full hour before they officially opened to the public. We paid for the time but the owner was just happy to have us there. We gave him tickets to upcoming games every time we came in. I had canceled too many appointments because of my rendezvous with Serena. This time, I made sure to keep this appointment.

Lance was a better shot than me. He was from the South and hunting was his thing. I wasn’t trying to kill any animals. I was okay with shooting paper.

Lance dropped me off at home. He and I went to the gun range together at least once a month. We both had a conceal carry license and we tried to keep our skills sharp. Carrying a gun wasn’t ideal but we had to protect ourselves after a teammate was robbed and held at gunpoint in his home in a gated community. The robbery never made the news. The organization covered it up. The trick was getting to the story before the media could.

I had been fortunate enough to stay out of trouble. I hoped my luck wouldn’t run out. Drugs, prostitutes, and illegitimate kids didn’t really compare to a world-class sex scandal. I would be in the center of it. That’s if my high profile affair story ever came out.

Deshawn and I shared the same publicist. I should probably fire him. If it came down to Dee and me. I’m sure he’ll probably pick Dee over me. I hoped I never needed to use my publicist for anything other than good publicity. I did the charities. I made terminally ill kids wishes come true. I was a golden boy off the court.

I had enough money to last me a lifetime but how the hell would any publicist spin this love triangle we’re in if it were to ever get out? There would not be enough charities and photo ops that could dig me out of that hole.

I walked into my house and went straight to my bedroom. We didn’t have a game tonight but Serena was going to try to get away and come see me.

I was shocked when I saw her asleep on my bed. She must have parked in my garage. I walked over to the side of the bed. I knelt to look at her peaceful face.

She was the most beautiful woman I had ever had the pleasure of having in my bed. She had the prettiest lips. I loved the way they looked around my penis. The visual was enough to make me explode in my pants. I placed my hand on her shirt and tugged it down exposing a treasure. Her top was stretchy enough for me to pull down under her breasts. I watched her soft nipples turn hard as they were exposed to the air.

I was an ass man but her tits were so soft. I never wanted to stick my dick in between a set of tits before her. I just didn’t even understand the fascination with tit fucking before I caressed Serena’s 36 D’s.


Serena’s phone vibrated on top of my nightstand. It scared the shit out of me. It was like the stupid phone had caught me red-handed on the verge of molesting her.

I grabbed the phone to silence it. There was an incoming call from Serena’s daughter. It may be important. I nudged Serena’s shoulder and she reluctantly opened her eyes.

“Wake up, Tenisha is calling.”

Serena took the cell phone from my hand and unlocked it.

“Hey,” She grumbled sleepily into the cell.

“Mom wake up, I need you to pick me up from the airport.”

“The airport?”

“I’m at Midway; Dad said he would come and get me. He never showed up and he’s not answering his phone.”

“You’re back in Chicago?”


“What time is it?”

“Eight something. I didn’t want to wake you up but Dad didn’t show.”

“Okay I’m coming right now.”

“Okay. Call me when you’re close.”

“Okay bye.”

Serena hopped to her feet. There was no need to explain. I heard the entire brief conversation. Tenisha was back in town. I guess she changed her mind about coming home for spring break.

Serena realized her boobs were out and she pursed her lips at me. She carefully tucked her mounds back into her bra and pulled up her shirt.

“You didn’t know she was coming home?” I asked.

“No, but Deshawn knew. He didn’t bother to tell me. He didn’t bother to come home last night. He left our daughter stranded at the airport.

Her phone buzzed again but this time she was quick to answer.


“Mom I got a cab. It’s going to cost a lot but I can make Dad pay for it. I will see you when I get home.”

“Okay, bye. I love you.”

“Love you too.”

I heard the cell disconnect. Serena turned all her attention to me. I loved having all her consideration.

“How is Lance?” She asked me about Lance and I wondered if I had something to worry about as far as he was concerned.

“He’s good.”

“That’s good. As soon as I got here I laid down. I’m so tired. Are you going somewhere later?”

“I don’t have plans.”

“Okay I will text you. Tenisha is going to come home drop her bags and go right back out with her friends. I will call and come back later.”


“I’m sorry I couldn’t stay.”

“It’s okay.”

“Where the fuck is Dee? I don’t care where he is but if he said he was going to pick Tenisha up and didn’t show, that pisses me off. She doesn’t even live at home anymore.”

“Do you want me to call him?” I offered.

“Yes please. That bastard won’t answer for me.” She grabbed her purse out the chair and tossed her cell inside of it.

“I’ll call him.”

“Just text me. I promise I’ll come back. I’m still sleepy.”

“Grab some Hart-Juice out the fridge.”

“Yeah, I need the energy.” She rushed me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I kissed the top of her head. I cupped her chin and gave her a kiss on the lips. She moaned into my mouth.

“I’ll be back later.” She proclaimed and I hoped she would. I followed her downstairs and into the kitchen. She took one of my energy drinks from the fridge. The company delivered them regularly to my house so there was no way I would ever run out. One of the perks of paid endorsements.

I had come from the gun range so I was wired and antsy. I went to my home gym and decided to work out. I hit the treadmill. It would have been nice to work out with Serena but maybe that can come later today. Masturbation wasn’t really my thing now that I could have her on a regular basis. Dee was really out and about now that the weather was getting warm.

I had already run two miles when I saw Dee’s image flash across the TV screen in front of the treadmill. The sound of the TV was muted. The stereo was on full blast. I stopped the music with the touch of a button and unmuted the TV.

The female newscaster sat behind her desk reading. “Chicago Cavalier’s player Deshawn Jones was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol early this morning after a car crash on Lower Wacker Drive. It was reported that the superstar player of our championship team was combative and resisting arrest. His blood alcohol level was allegedly double the legal limit. This is Deshawn Jones’ second DUI in twelve months and this may mean he will face a suspension from the National Basketball Association at a crucial time in the season. The Chicago Cavalier’s general manager was unavailable for comment.”

I wiped the sweat from my face with my hand. He was arrested and that meant he was okay. Or at least, I hoped as much. This was just the thing that I feared. I slowed the treadmill and hopped off while it was still moving. I needed to catch my breath so I could think.

I walked to the weight bench and grabbed my cell. My phone rang just as I picked it up to make a call.

“Turn on the news.” Her voice was calm although I knew she was far from it.

“I just saw it. I was going to call you.”

“I need you. Please come here now.”

“Of course. I will be right there.”

“I have to go get him out of jail. Please go with me.”

“Yes, I will get him out. Don’t worry.”

“My son is so upset. I’m upset.”

“They say he’s not hurt. Just a few bruises.”

“Why is he doing this shit to his family?”

“Just calm down. Media will be there. Get yourself together and I will handle it.”

“Okay. Please come quick. I’m shaking. I can’t drive. I’m so upset.”

“I will. I love you, just calm down.”

I hung up and went straight to the shower. I took a quick one and got dressed in jeans and long sleeved shirt. As I dressed my phone was constantly blowing up. I got calls from Lance and two other teammates. The owner, coach and general manager called. I told all the important people that I was going to go take his wife to post bail. They told me to make sure she didn’t make any statements to the press, negative or otherwise. They also told me to put a muzzle on Dee. I called our publicist and he sent Dee’s personal lawyer straight to the police station to inquire about the bail amount and see his client. I wasn’t sure if Dee’s lawyer would contact his sports agent. They were both attorneys but they just handled different aspects of his career.

Clearly everyone was aware that Deshawn was in the accident with one of his side-chicks. The radio reported it as an unidentified woman, which is code for not your wife. Mr. Kozlowski called me again. I assured him I would handle the media and get Deshawn back home before this got out of hand.

I grabbed my car keys and headed out the front door. I took my Range Rover and took a few calls inside the truck. I drove to his Barrington Hills home to pick up Serena. Why was Deshawn so dissatisfied with the woman I loved? I wanted him to mess up so bad that she would divorce him. I could hear in her voice how hurt she was. I picked Serena up at her front door. She hid whatever emotion she was experiencing from me. She looked elegant and attractive, not like a woman going to bail her cheating husband out of jail.

I had never heard so much profanity come from her mouth. She called him so many things that there was no way I could repeat or remember them all. She was filled with rage and I quietly listened while she vented, cursed and swore to leave him.



“I need you.”

I quickly took my eyes off the road to look at her. “You have me.”

“No now.” She placed her hand in my lap.

Okay, this was weird. She brushed my crotch and I gripped the steering wheel like a student driver.

I was a few blocks from the highway and stopped at a light. “Serena.”

“Pull over somewhere.”

The look she gave me let me know this was not a request but a command. The windows were tinted but it was a weekday afternoon. Where the hell was I going to pull over?

She had already made my dick rock hard. “Where?” I couldn’t think of locations with a throbbing hard dick.

“That parking garage at the mall on Main Street.” Her eyes were on my pants zipper. She had un-buttoned and unzipped me. I didn’t bother to put on underwear. I was in a hurry when I left the house. Now I realize that was a great decision. I made a right turn and was headed toward the mall. She had freed my cock and was stroking me tenderly.

As soon as I entered the dark parking garage she released me. She took off her seatbelt and lifted her bottom to remove her panties. She placed them on the dashboard. I tried to concentrate on finding a secluded parking spot. I pulled into a spot that faced the cement wall. We were isolated from the shoppers but inconspicuous.

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