Read Under His Command (Six-Alarm Sexy) Online

Authors: Kristine Cayne


Under His Command (Six-Alarm Sexy) (2 page)

“Someone like you?” she asked and pushed her ass against him.

He snorted. “Hardly.” After six years in the fire service, he made decent money, but no one would ever think of him as rich.

She squeezed her hand between their bodies and stroked his erection. “Speaking of hard…”

That was all the urging he needed. He spun her around and brought his mouth down on hers in a demanding kiss. The taste of her did crazy things to his body. His heart raced as though he’d just run up the practice tower in full gear, and he could barely think with wanting to be inside her.

He lifted his head and backed her up until her legs hit the bedframe. Before they started, he had to make something very clear, just in case there was some truth to their joking. “Tonight is for fun. No strings, no expectations, no limits. Agreed?”

Her eyes clouded for a moment before she nodded. “Agreed.”

The word was barely out of her mouth when he gave her a little push to make her fall back on the bed. She was still gasping when he grabbed the waistband of her jeans and yanked them off her legs. The matching blue panties drew his attention. Placing his hands on her thighs, he drew them apart. She made a slight show of resistance, but gave that up when he frowned at her. Through the delicate material, he could see the shadowed outline of her folds, but no dark hair showed through. Was she truly blonde? Or shaved? Either would work. He grinned. “Take off your bra.”

When she sat up, her legs drifted together. He tapped her right knee. “Keep your legs open.”

Her eyes widened, but she did as he asked. The movement transfixed him like the unwrapping of a long-awaited gift. His gaze wandered up to her chest and focused there while she undid the bra clasp at her back. What tumbled out took his breath away. Perfectly pale, perfectly rose-tipped.

“Do you know how pretty you are?” he murmured.

She shook her head and started to close her legs again, but when she looked up at him, she stopped herself. Good, she was catching on.

“Lie back,” he said. After she complied, he slid two fingers into the sides of her panties and tugged them down to expose her. The very narrow, very fine strip of pale hair left the outer pink lips clearly visible. How would she taste? He was more than eager to find out.

When he finished removing her panties, she immediately spread her legs wide. He smiled and rewarded her by kneeling between her thighs and tracing his finger along her silken folds. “You have a gorgeous pussy.”

Her snort caught him by surprise. “You don’t think so?” he asked.

“First, it’s not gorgeous, and second, I hate that word.”

“Pussy? What else should I call it? Crotch? Mound?” His mock-shudder made her laugh. The low throaty sound had him imagining what noises she’d make when she came. Christ. His cocked pulsed against his zipper.

“I guess there is no good word for it. But men use pussy in such a vulgar way. It’s always turned me off.”

With the tip of his finger, he massaged the V along both sides of her clit. The tender skin gleamed with her juices, and she writhed beneath his touch. “You don’t seem turned off to me.” A blush bloomed on her cheeks. She really was too cute. He continued his exploration. “Let’s see. It’s soft and warm and furry, and it likes to be petted. When you do it just right, you even hear it purr.” He ran his finger up to her clit and circled around it.

“Mmm,” she closed her eyes and moaned.

“Sounds like a pussy to me.”

Her lids popped open and her gaze shot to his face. She answered his grin with one of her own. “You do have a way with… words, Jamie.” She licked her lips and arched her back. “But we’d better get this show on the road. I’m pretty close to the edge already.”

Was she now? Little Rickie was going to learn that, with him, orgasms had to be earned, and she hadn’t earned hers yet. Far from it. He stepped back from the bed and undid his jeans, letting his cock pop free. She sat up and watched as he wrapped his hand around it and stroked its length. “Want this?” he asked.

She swallowed and cleared her throat before answering. “Y-yes.”

“Then come and get it.”

Rising from the bed, she crossed the few feet over to him and stopped. When she reached out to touch him, he shook his head. “On your knees.” The words tore out of his throat, thick and hoarse with need.

He waited for her to follow through on his command before removing his jeans and boxers. He tossed them onto the chair by the window then went back to her, placing the head of his cock so that it barely touched her glistening lips. A drop of pre-cum escaped. Her tongue peeked out from her alluring mouth and she licked up the bead with one broad swipe, a satisfied smile on her face. His knees shook with the strength of his arousal.

Who was this woman?

To hide his surprise, he wrapped a hank of her hair around his hand and tugged until her head fell back, then he moved in close. “Suck me. Deep.”



This night was going to kill her.

Erica Madden gripped the sheets on Jamie’s Caldwell original bed and turned her face into the pillow, clenching her teeth to muffle her screams—screams of ecstasy. She’d come so many times, she’d lost count. All she could do was lie there limp and satisfied.

But Jamie had other ideas.

He flipped her onto her stomach, then wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her hips up so her ass was pressed against his cock. His still very hard cock. “On all fours, baby,” he ground out, the raw hunger in his voice like the rasp of a tongue along her spine. She shivered and wondered how he could possibly expect her to keep going.

Something soft and cool slid over her eyes. “What’s this?” she asked, reaching for it.

“Shh… It’s just a blindfold. To heighten your senses.”

Like she needed her senses heightened? He’d already taken her places she’d never been. “I’m not sure about—”

His hand smacking her butt cheek completely derailed her train of thought. “Did you just slap me?”

“That was a spank. Now turn around.” He tied the scarf over her eyes, plunging her into darkness.

She really should resist, tell him to stop. Something. But she didn’t. “Okay. Why should I let you spank me?” she asked. So far this night had been like nothing she’d expected. Jamie was skilled and unpredictable. And she was genuinely curious.

“Because you love it.” His fingers trailed down the crease between her cheeks and dipped into her. Her body convulsed, pushing against his hand to take more of him. What was it about fingers that felt so darned good?

Another smack, this one a little harder, had her trembling. “See how wet you are? How good it feels?” he said.

He was so right
. His hand, brushing her butt, was cool in comparison to her heated skin. And his fingers deep inside her found that most sensitive of spots, massaging it in tight circles.

With the scarf covering her eyes, she lost all perception of time, of place, of self, of everything except the enthralling sensation of his fingers stroking inside her and the low rumble of his voice. She could go on like this forever.

She moaned in protest when he pulled his fingers out of her, but she sighed in pleasure when he replaced them with his cock. He wrapped one hand around her hair and tugged until she arched her back, then he pulled her in tight against him with his other hand, his fingers grasping her hip.

In this position, he seemed even longer—impossibly long—as he glided in and out of her, the occasional swivel of his hips driving her crazy. Her breath hitched when he released her hair and his hands cupped her breasts. His strong fingers teased her nipples with light flicks of his nails before he caught the tips between his knuckles and squeezed. Gently at first. But as the speed of his thrusts increased, so did the pressure on her nipples.

“I can’t take anymore!” she cried.

“You can and you will. You’ll take everything I give you.”

! She clamped her lips together to keep from shouting out her answer as he tweaked and pulled on the tight peaks, making her walk that fine line between pleasure and pain. Yes, he was right. She would take it all, and if she didn’t stop herself, she might even beg him for it.

Deprived as she was of sight, her sense of touch increased. Every slip, every slide, every heated caress became her only connection with the world, with reality. What was this man doing to her? She’d always enjoyed sex, but she’d never experienced anything like this before. It was a mind-blowing, full-body experience. Maybe even a life-changing one.

Tension coiled inside her. Eager now, almost desperate to reach the edge and jump over it, she rocked her hips against him, urging him to go deeper, faster. He spanked her again. Blood rushed to the spot, and her juices flowed. She groaned, the pleasure almost unbearable. What was wrong with her that she wanted him to do it again?

He pushed her face into the pillow and pressed a burning hand on her back to keep her in place. “Stay.”

His gruffly spoken command echoed with his desire, his arousal. Jamie was clearly on the edge right beside her. As his cock slammed into her again and again, the pressure built higher and higher. Was this what heaven felt like?

Just as she thought she’d die from the intense sensations, she felt him swell inside her—could he really get any bigger? She contracted her pelvic muscles and screamed into the pillow as a powerful climax sent her soaring. Jamie continued to grip her hips and pound into her, extending her orgasm, catapulting her into another one.

He plunged into her several more times, shuddering with his own release. Her knees gave out under his weight and she dropped onto the mattress. He followed her down, but before she could be crushed under his weight, it was gone. Where was he?

“Come here,” he whispered, rolling her over and pulling her into his arms.



Erica woke feeling trapped. Something heavy pressed across her stomach and her legs. And even though her eyes were open, she couldn’t see a thing. Her heart thundered in her chest as she tried to get her bearings and recall where she was, what had happened the previous night.


When she remembered what they’d done, her face burned and her
quivered. Maybe he was right about that word. The way he’d said it, the tone of his voice—the reverence—had made it sound almost… cute.

One of her hands seemed to be stuck, but the other was free. She brought it to her eyes and felt the silky material. Jamie had blindfolded her that last time they’d made love. Correction: they’d fucked. And she’d loved every minute.

Realizing she must still be at Jamie’s apartment, she yanked off the blindfold. And there he lay: his dark hair too short to be ruffled, his closed lids hiding baby blues, and his jaw relaxed in sleep. He was tall, tanned, beautifully muscled, and sprawled over her, as though he wanted to keep her near. She shook off the stupid romantic notion. He’d made it clear last night—no strings, no expectations, no limits. They’d certainly managed that last requirement. Now it was time for her to fulfill the first two by leaving before he woke up. Mornings after were uncomfortable. Not that she’d had many, but this was one she preferred to avoid.

Maybe she could find out where he worked or where he hung out and arrange a chance encounter. If they met again under more normal circumstances, she’d see if he was still interested in her. Last night had been fantasy-shattering. She could only wonder what it would be like to get to know him, to take things slow and see where the relationship went.

Carefully, she eased his arm off her stomach and slid sideways, freeing her legs. When he made a noise, she froze and waited to see if he’d awaken. Luckily, he rolled onto his side, away from her, liberating her trapped arm in the process.

She paused for a moment to admire his sculpted back and what it had felt like to run her hands along all that restrained strength. This was the first time she’d slept with someone more than a year or two older than she was. Not that he was ancient or anything, but after him, every guy at school would seem like a boy. Jamie was a man in his prime and he’d proven that to her over and over again. Her entire body tingled just from the sight of him.

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