Read Twisted Online

Authors: Gena Showalter

Twisted (33 page)


“Raise Your Glass”
by Pink

“We R Who We R”
by Ke$ha

“Only One”
by Yellowcard

“All Over You”
by The Spill Canvas

by Audioslave

“If I Die Tomorrow”
by Motley Crue

“That's What You Get”
by Paramore

by Sick Puppies

by OneRepublic

“Basket Case”
by Green Day

by Skillet

“I Gotta Feeling”
by The Black Eyed Peas

by Hey Monday

“Your Love is a Song”
by Switchfoot

by Katy Perry

ISBN: 978-1-4592-1194-0


Copyright © 2011 by Gena Showalter

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