Trust No Bitch 3: Deadly Alliance (11 page)

“Gimme my phone,” he demanded, holding out his hand.

Nope.” Lissha clutched the phone tightly against her chest.

Okay, that's how you doing it? I got something for that ass,” he threatened, looking down at her with mischief in his eyes.

Lissha breath caught in her chest as he straddled her. All that dick was so fuckin' close now. She closed her eyes, anxious to go with the flow, but he had something different in mind.

Lissha felt his hands slide under her shirt. He began tickling her as she held out her arms keeping him from getting what he was after.

Nooooo, Kiam,” she cried out.

Gimme my phone,” he repeated.

Okay, just stop. Please.” She was laughing like crazy as he found all of her ticklish spots.

Give it to me,” he commanded.

I said okay,” she screamed.

Kiam stopped tickling her sides and Lissha dropped the phone over the edge of the bed. When he climbed off of her and reached for it, she jumped on his back and bit him on the neck.

“Ouch!” Kiam yelped and tossed her off of his back onto the bed again. He dived on top of her and they wrestled around for some payback, knocking the covers and pillows off of the bed. Kiam pinned Lissha's arms above her head. “I'm biting your ass back,” he said.

Noooo! I'm sorry,” pleaded Lissha. “I promise, I'll never do it again.”

Fuck that,” he said and sunk his teeth into her neck and bit the shit out of her.

Lissha screamed at the top of her lungs and tears flowed from her eyes.
“That shit hurt!” she cried, punching him I'm the chest.

Kiam laughed but felt bad when he saw the bite mark that he had left on her neck.
“Sorry about that li'l mama,” he apologized.

Lissha had tears running rapidly from her eyes as she rubbed her neck, playing the moment for all that she could. She wanted him to take her in his arms and make it up to her in a way that they both desired.

“You want me to kiss it and make it feel better?” asked Kiam.

Yep,” she said, nodding her head up and down theatrically.

I got you, ma.”

Kiam grabbed her leg and pulled her across the bed. He towered over her then placed his soft lips against Lissha's neck and kissed the bite mark. He reached up and wiped her tears and her eyes filled with desire, while his lowered from the guilt that whispered to him from within his soul.

They stared at each other with much different feelings mounting, but their needs were the same. Their mouths came together, their tongues explored, and their hands got busy. Before they knew it, they were both stripped down to their underwear.

Wait, Kiam,” said Lissha, putting her hands against his chest just as he was about to cover her nipple with his mouth.

Fuck it, it is what it is,” he said. He felt bad but he had to have her to help him deal with his grief.

Lissha thought that he was referring to breaking his promise to Big Zo.
“No, Kiam, it's more than that,” she uttered as her eyes became misty. Heat rushed through her body as she felt the head of his dick resting against her wet panties.

Just let this shit happen, we'll figure out the rest later.” He gave in and covered her nipple with his mouth as his fingers reached below, slipping into her panties and tracing her moist lips.

Ssssss,” she moaned, wanting him to just put it in before her tongue spoke a truth that would forever end his yearning for her.

Kiam pushed his fingers deep causing her back to arch with every thrust. Lissha’s hot pussy released liquid pleasure as she gripped him tightly around the neck. Kiam closed his eyes and enjoyed how good she felt but a picture of Faydrah flashed through his mind and jolted him back to reality. He opened his eyes looking down at Lissha full of heat and passion but he was conflicted by honor.

Lissha pulled up towards him and nibbled his neck as she rode his fingers. Both of their hearts filled with guilt-ridden cravings and the urge to put each other out of the miserable place they were suspended in.

Kiam rose up on his knees and pulled out that steel and stroked his thickness. Lissha glanced down at all of that blood engorged beef and her heart sunk with anticipation. She hurriedly lifted up and pulled her panties off and tossed them across the bed.

Kiam leaned back in and kissed her deeply. Each taste of her lip
touch of her hands caressed away memories that were hard for him to bury. He still ached for Faydrah but he needed to feel human again. He grabbed Lissha's leg in the crook of his arm and prepared to go deep.

She gripped him around the neck with one hand and grabbed the sheets tightly with the other. “Kiam please,” she moaned as she felt the head at her entrance.

Just as Kiam got ready to give her some heat he looked past her head to see his phone lit up with JuJu’s name and number. He had told him to call only if shit went wrong and seeing him calling was confirmation.

“Shit,” Kiam yelled out as he released Lissha’s leg and reached out for the phone. He sat on the edge of the bed and dialed JuJu back. “What’s up?”

JuJu's response was heavy with grief and unbridled anger as he reported the somber news. Kiam listened then let out a long sigh.

Lissha grabbed her panties and slid them back on then looked around for her other clothes. From the look on Kiam’s face she knew that shit had become critical.

“We on our way,” he said then disconnected the call.

Lissha was already up off the bed gathering her clothes and putting them back on. Kiam moved to his drawer, grabbed some fresh boxers and some black sweat pants and a hoodie to match. He went into the bathroom and closed the door. When he emerged Lissha had left the room. He grabbed his tools and phone and headed down the stairs.

Kiam looked around the living room then darted his eyes into the kitchen; Lissha was already strapped up with her fo-fifth in her hand checking the clip.

“You ready to roll?”

“Always,” she shot back.

Kiam acknowledged that with a respectful nod of his head; if nothing else he knew that Lissha would bust a nigga's ass. What they had been on the brink of doing upstairs was pushed out of mind; the hour called for a different kind of kill. His meeting with Dontae would have to wait too. Blood needed to be shed and graves needed to be filled.

Chapter 14

The Price Of War

hen Kiam and Lissha arrived at the address on Parkview that JuJu had given them, he was waiting outside without a coat, hat and gloves on, impervious to the sub-zero temperature. He held an AK-47 with an extended clip down by his side as the wind howled around him like an angry lion. His face was as hard as the ice beneath his feet and his eyes were mere slits.

A team of six heavily clothed goons were posted around the yard, packing mad arsenal up under their thick coats. They were not worried about neighbors calling the cops. On this street in the heart of the hood people minded their own business because they knew that the penalty for snitching came swiftly and without mercy.

One of the goons hurried up to the car to open Kiam's door while a second one did the same for Lissha. Their feet touched the ground almost simultaneously. Lissha's scarf blew in the wind as she tucked her hands in her coat pockets and waited for Kiam to come around to her side and together they walked up to JuJu.

“Take me to the girls,” Kiam said. There was no time for greetings and chest bumps, every single minute was critical. Isaac was missing and his abandoned truck had been found a few blocks away with blood stains on the driver's seat. He had spent the night with one of the girls that lived here and Kiam was there to get some answers or to leave a crime scene behind in his wake.

As soon as they stepped in the house the heat blasted them in the face. They looked around the nicely furnished living room where Isaiah stood over a girl that looked to be in her early twenties. She was hog-tied, with blood running down her face. A few feet away a second girl was seated on the floor, sobbing, with her head down in her hands. A young enforcer named Dirty drew his foot back and violently kicked her in the ribs.

“Y'all bitches gonna talk or die,” he spat.

The girl coughed up blood and whimpered loudly.

Kiam turned to JuJu. “Which one of them was Isaac here to see?” he asked.

“This ho right there.” JuJu pointed to the girl that was hog-tied.

Cut her loose.”

When JuJu cut the rope from around the girl's hands and ankles, she cried tears of relief. But that would quickly change.

Kiam walked straight up to her, grabbed a hand full of her hair and snatched her head up. “Dry those muthafuckin' tears and tell me what happened. And if you stutter one time, I'ma make it your last. Do you understand me?” He immediately took control.

“Yes,” she sniffled.

Whap! He slapped the dog shit out of her.

“Talk!” he commanded.

The girl dried her eyes and began telling her story from the time Isaac had picked her up and taken her out to dinner last night to when they came back to the house and spent the night together. “The last time I saw him was this morning when he left,” she swore.

Kiam studied her face and saw that her jaw was twitching. He turned to Isaiah who was now pacing back and forth. “Twin,” he called, “how long has your brother known her?”

Isaiah stopped and looked down at the girl with disdain. “A few months,” he replied.

“That's all?” Kiam confirmed.

“Yeah, and I don't believe this bitch. She's hiding something.”

“No, I'm not, Twin. I swear,” she cried. “I would never do anything against your brother, I

“Bitch you lying,” JuJu cut in. “My fam ain't even know you like that! And what the fuck you mean you
him? Did y'all hear that fuck shit?” He looked from Isaiah to Kiam.

Lissha stepped up with her tool already out. “I heard it,” she said and shoved it in the girl's mouth. “This grimy bitch just said she 'loved' him, like she already knows he's not coming back.”

“Yep.” JuJu nodded his head.

Isaiah kicked her in the face and she toppled over on her side. “You set my brother up!” he gritted. “You slimy ass rat.” He snatched his banger off of his hip.

Kiam walked up on him, placing his grip at the fold of his arm then Isaiah reluctantly eased off of the trigger but the blood that pumped from his heart was hotter than fish grease.

“Lift her up,” Kiam said.

Isaiah stepped back, he wasn't touching that bitch unless it was to dump her body in a deep, deep hole. Kiam understood it for what it was; he looked at JuJu as he snatched shorty up into a seated position. Her mouth was busted and the left side of her face was swelling fast.

Kiam didn't mince words. “The people that paid you to set Isaac up can't protect you now. You're going to die and there's no way to change that. Do you understand?” His voice sounded like Satan's.

“Y—eah.” Her whole body trembled. The greed that had led her to cross Isaac was now replaced with regret. Tears ran down her face and mixed with the snot that ran from her nose and the blood that poured from her mouth. She looked at Kiam pleadingly but it was in vain.

Kiam's eyes were merciless.

“Tell me who approached you and I promise you they'll die worse. Was it Wolfman?” he interrogated.

She shook her head side to side, fearfully. “No. It was Chino. Her swollen lips trembled, “He promised me enough money to make a better life for myself.”

“By selling a nigga out?” The boom of Kiam’s voice reverberated throughout his body. He despised a disloyal bitch.

The girl dropped her head in shame.

“I'm sorry. Please don't kill me,” she begged.

Kiam fought off the urge to shoot her in between the eyes.
How in the fuck she gon' plead for mercy when she had none for my nigga?
He didn't even respond to her pleas.
“What about your girl over there?” he pointed. “Did she have anything to do with it? If she did, don't spare her ass. Take that bitch to the grave with you.”

She looked over at her friend who was pleading with her eyes not to get exposed. They went all the way back to grade school together, but that didn't matter now.

“That bitch brought Chino to me,” she spat. “I kept saying no but they talked me into it. It's all her fault. I swear I didn't wanna do it.” Her sobs rendered the rest of her plea unintelligible but Kiam had heard enough.

He nodded his head and stepped over to her co-conspirator. Without uttering a word he shot her in the center of the forhead, sending her brains spraying out of the back and blood soaking up on his and Dirty's pants legs.

Dirty looked down at his crisp new True Religion jeans; they were soiled with the blood of a trifling ass bitch. He started to strip out of those muthafuckaz right there on the spot before the tainted blood seeped through and touched his skin, but it was too gotdamn cold to go outside in his boxers. He looked down at the dead girl at his feet and gritted, “Punk ass bitch.”

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