THOMAS: Le Beau Brothers - New Orleans Billionaire Wolf Shifters with plus sized BBW for mates (Le Beau Series Book 4) (3 page)

“I will give myself body and soul to complete you as a man and his wolf. I will unite my life with yours, bond my future to yours, and merge my half of our soul with yours. I will complete the mating ritual with you.”

Stefan rushed the stage and snatched El off, laughing like a teenager in love.

Thomas breathed a little easier; at least she was no longer an open target.



While the crowd had their attention on Stefan, the attacker made his move. Stealthy as a cat, he wove through the crowd until he was a mere six feet from the king. The assassin’s boss instructed him to make it very public. It didn’t get more public than this.

He’d hidden a razor sharp stiletto up his sleeve, so the moment he was close enough, he could drop it into his palm.

Casually, he spoke to the next person, greeting each as he stepped closer and closer. There was only Simon between him and his target.

Isaac’s voice came through Thomas’s earpiece. “Thomas, I smell him. His blood thirst is swamping me. Do you have him? I don’t want to tear another shifter to shreds my first day as king.”

Alarms clamored in Thomas’s head, and the hair on the back of his neck was standing on end. He sent a single pulse. Instantly, his gaze shot to the perpetrator. “I have him, Grandpa. Don’t move. Target located. The Man in the blue shirt, standing directly behind Simon, facing the king. Sniper, do you have the shot?”

“I have the shot.”

“Take it.”

A single shot rang out. Thomas watched the guests scramble as some of the crowd screamed while others dove for cover. All of the brothers converged on their parents.

“What?” Sam yelled as he tried to stop the bleeding. “Can’t fight your own battles, old man?”

“I could easily allow you to shift and humiliate you if you so desire,” Isaac responded calmly.

“You’re just afraid to fight me and lose in front of an audience.”

Isaac glanced at the faces nearest him. Skepticism permeated their regard. He sighed. “Fine. If you insist on further public shame…” Seconds later Isaac’s massive black wolf stood in his place.

A struggle raged beyond the wall of bodies Thomas pushed through. He needed to be able to see the king and queen if he was going to keep them safe, but the crowd was too thick. He heard two wolves snarling savagely but couldn’t see the fight. Finally, he squeezed through a hole in the circle to see one wolf limping on three legs, dragging the fourth behind, stupidly still ready to battle to the death. The other simply waited.

The instant Sam made his move, Isaac bore down on him, attacking and counterattacking over and over.

For a moment, black and white blurred. Then one pain–filled yelp rose above the din and silence fell as Sam’s white wolf submitted.

Cade took control of Sam’s wolf, allowing Isaac to shift back and force Sam to do the same.

With a nod from Thomas, Simon knelt next to the traitor, zip ties in hand, Cade still gripping the scruff of his neck like a dog.

El’s gasp had Thomas turning her direction. She glanced wide–eyed at Stefan, then at the man again. Slowly she pointed at Sam. “It’s Joe. It was Joe the entire time.”

“His name is Sam. Is this the man who attacked you?”

“Yes, but he told me his name was Joe.”

“His real name,” Stefan said, lifting Sam enough to smash a fist into his face, “is Sam.” Stefan snarled, drew back his fist and drilled Sam in the stomach before Cade and Lucas restrained him.

Thomas directed the men to take Sam into custody.

“Good thinking, ordering a debilitating shot versus a kill shot, Thomas,” Simon said, and then he glared at Stefan. “You can’t question a dead man.”

“I didn’t kill him. Yet, anyway.” Stefan snarled.

“You think this is over?” Sam spat blood on Isaac’s shoe as he scanned the crowd. “We’ve only just begun. I wouldn’t get too comfortable on that throne.”

Thomas scowled at his behavior. He acted like he was looking for someone in particular.

“Get that trash out of here before I finish the job and rip him to shreds,” Isaac whispered to Cade.

Cade and Simon held Sam and looked to Thomas for direction.

“Take him to a holding cell.”

With a single nod, the men hauled Sam away from the party. He would be turned over to the interrogators for questioning. Every geographic area of the world had hand– selected and trained interrogators. The last thing a shifter who had committed a serious crime wanted was to be turned over to them. Talking wasn’t an option.

Emma hugged Thomas tightly. “Thank you, baby.”

“You’re welcome, Grandma. Just doing my job. Speaking of which, I need to get back in position.”

“Before you go, I have someone I want you to meet.”

Thomas heaved a sigh. What was she up to?

“Julia?” Emma called over his shoulder to someone behind him. “Come over here, cher. I want you to meet Thomas.”

As he turned to politely greet Julia, he came face to face with the woman he had stared at in the crowd.

Ah, hell

“Ma’am.” Thomas nodded his greeting.
Julia...what, a beautiful name, and it fit her perfectly.
He had an insane desire to whisper it over and over as he licked and nibbled her neck.

What the hell! Where are these crazy urges coming from?

She offered him a small, shy smile, her gaze flicking to his nervously. The moment their eyes met, he felt the impact like a punch to his stomach. When her hand accidentally brushed his, he stopped breathing altogether.

“It’s nice to meet you, Thomas.”

Her voice sang like an electric current through his veins. No one had ever had this effect on him before.

What’s wrong with me?

Normally he was the poster boy for common sense. But he swore as he stood staring at the most beautiful woman he’d ever met, common sense waved bye–bye wearing a shit–eating grin.



There was something magnetic about him, drawing her in. A cloud of toe-curling dark spices swamped her senses as her feet propelled her closer of their own accord. The intense effect of his scent rocked her sharply. Startled, she had to grab his arm to keep from falling. She watched as concern filled his gaze while he steadied her against his chest. With wide eyes, she stopped. Suspended in time. Staring in shock.


Her wolf howled over and over, as it recognized its other half. Tail wagging and body quivering in anticipation of meeting Thomas’s wolf.




The closer she came, the more panicked he became. And that rather pissed him off. Nervously, he glanced at his grandmother, and then about, to make sure no one was a witness to this fiasco.

His eyes narrowed as she swayed into him. Just as he was on the verge of excusing himself; the dang woman up and tripped or something. Instead of creating a distance between them, he found himself pulling her against his chest to steady her. Air rushed into his body and took in a scent that had no business in the bayou.

What was happening to him? He didn’t know. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know, but he wanted it to stop. Thomas didn’t trust relationships, and this held all the earmarks of that possibility.

Each time her eyes met his, a peculiar twinge fluttered in the pit of his stomach, very slight, but the sensation was uncomfortable and made it difficult to think. It didn’t help when her dark eyes drifted over his body like a tangible touch. Worse, she took the very air from his lungs. Damn, he was actually getting lightheaded.



Julia stood frozen in place by Thomas’s intense gaze and the fact she just heard him say “Ah, hell” in her mind. The moment his incredible blue gaze caught hers, her pulse leapt. There was enough heat in his stare to ignite a forest fire. Neither she nor Thomas moved or spoke for what felt like minutes. As he devoured her with his eyes, a shiver shook her body. The intense energy flowing between them seared her to the core.

Carefully, Julia slipped out of his embrace, and moved around a nearby table to put the solid piece of furniture between them, and hopefully conceal the unnatural awareness growing with every passing second. Her heart thundered a hard, erratic rhythm that assured her she was in deep doo–doo. By mating a human, she was breaking all her mother’s rules.

Standing as tall as possible, she tried to mask her reaction, but she was sure she failed epically. God forbid her mother see the effect he had on her. Navigating these waters would require covertness. But dang, defying her mother, actually excited her. Her sister, Krystal, was going to have a good laugh over this, and she’d be all over helping her see Thomas behind their mother’s back.

Mother is going to have a coronary when she finds out my mate is human.





Chapter 3




From his vantage point, Thomas watched as Cade and Simon returned. Sam was on ice, but for some reason there was still an undercurrent of malice.


In his mind, two things were possible. Either someone was angry about Sam’s arrest or there might be another attack before the night was over. As Thomas considered this, he pulsed the party, but, like before, he was unable to locate the source.

“Grandpa, there’s still someone within the crowd, but I think you’re safe to get the festivities going again. But, please, stay very aware of anyone near you while I stay on top of the situation, and if you could manage it, stop the improv. I can’t protect you if I have no idea what you will do next.”

“Copy that,” Isaac responded, then he grabbed a microphone on stage. “Please excuse the interruption. The situation has been handled. Let the dancing begin! Hit it, boys.”

The drummer hammered out a wild riff as the lead singer took the microphone and the band members grabbed their instruments.

Isaac got the party going again, and Cade, Simon, and Stefan were on the dance floor.

Thomas watched as Stefan pulled El in for a kiss and instantly searched for Julia in the crowd.

Shit, I’m so screwed.



About twenty minutes later, Isaac took the stage and waited for the crowd to quiet before he spoke.

Thomas grumbled into the earpiece. “Everyone stay on your toes, there is still a threat and Isaac is in the open.”

Isaac glanced at Thomas and chuckled, then continued to address the party. “I and my mated sons have a special song for our beloved mates. Cade, Simon, and Stefan, come on up.”

Each of the mated Le Beau men positioned their women in the front row and hopped on stage.

Thomas about had a heart attack. “Dang it, Grandpa.” This was turning into a nightmare.

Once the men were lined up on stage, each with a cordless microphone, the band began the lead in chords of
I Cross My Heart
by George Strait.

“Our love is unconditional, we knew it from the start.” All four men had perfect pitch and harmonized flawlessly.

Thomas vaguely wondered if a good singing voice was part and parcel of being a shifter, like being attractive seemed to be. One thing he didn’t have was a good singing voice.

As they sang the second line, they filed down the stage stairs to stand before each of their mates. As the men reached the first chorus, “I cross my heart and promise to give all I've got to give to make all your dreams come true,” each dropped to one knee.

Gasps were heard throughout the audience as every mated male in the crowd got down on one knee before his mate and joined in the song. Richie, the bartender from Crescent City Brewhouse, and his mother – Anna’s best friend in New Orleans knelt in front of his new mate, Meg, right next to Anna in the front row.

As they sang, Thomas located Julia sitting off to the side of the party. Like before, they locked eyes and were unable to look away. He was mesmerized. It was like having tunnel vision, and the only thing he saw was her.

As much as he wanted to stare at her until the end of time, his family was in danger. Tearing his gaze away, he returned to check the guests for threats.

With the last note fading into silence, the men stood and gathered their mates into their arms. Happy tears and sniffles were heard throughout the crowd. The unmated males watched with happiness and yearning etched on their faces. Like them, he wanted a mate, too.

Where the heck did that come from?

As he watched from above, Thomas saw El kiss Stefan and head toward their house by herself.

“John, you have El until she returns.”

“Copy that.”

Stefan paced like a caged animal. It looked like he was waiting for her to return. Then suddenly, Stefan took off for home.

“John, you see Stefan?”

“On it.” John climbed down from his location in a nearby tree and repositioned outside Stefan’s house.

After quite a while, El came out the front door with a rumpled and unhappy Stefan in tow. He grumbled something unintelligible as he poofed on clothing on the front lawn.

Once they had cleared the tree line and entered the well–lit party, John returned to his original position.

Grandma Emma was clapping excitedly as Grandpa Isaac bounded onto the stage. Now, what were they up to! He really needed to have a conversation with these people about preparation. How was he supposed to keep them safe if they kept veering off the planned course?

“Everyone, please take a seat. We have a wedding to witness.”

Thomas frowned in confusion as he watched Stefan stare at his father, and then look at El, who was grinning back at him.

She pulled what looked like a ring from her pocket and took his hands.

“Stefan Le Beau, will you marry me? Right here? Right now?”

“Hell, yes!”

The crowd erupted in cheers while Thomas buried his face in his hands and groaned.

A minister joined the happy couple on stage, and from the back of the crowd, Cade led El’s grandmother Marie to join her as maid of honor.

The gathering quickly transformed into a wedding reception, which, of course, Thomas had known nothing about. A cake appeared on the buffet table, and waiters offered champagne glasses to the guests.

“Are you people trying to kill me?” Thomas snarled into the earpieces.

“Oh, stop fussing and come get a piece of cake,” Emma laughed.

“Grandma, you realize we are going to have a serious chat, right?”

“Whatever you say, cher.”

Thomas threw his hands in the air in frustration. He might as well give up now. Before he joined the party to congratulate Stefan and El, he pulsed the crowd again. Not a single thread of anger or malice returned. Whoever had been a threat must have left. Good, now he could breathe easier.

The moment Stefan and El headed home again, the band took the stage for a few songs to celebrate the nuptials before the formal toast. Lucas yelled, “Devil Went Down to Georgia,” and about thirty people lined up for the line dance.

“Do we need to stay on guard, boss?” John asked.

“Come on in, men, and enjoy the reception, the threat is gone.”

As the security contingent filled their plates with food, Lucas leapt on stage, raised his hands, and waited for the crowd to quiet down.

“Stefan has been blessed by our Goddess with an incredible woman. She’s tough as nails and solid as a rock. My brother is a damn lucky man to have her as his mate.” Lucas raised his glass. “Let us raise our glasses in a toast to Stefan and El.”

The band raised their glasses along with the crowd. Then everyone shouted, “To Lord Stefan and Lady El. May they live a long and happy life together.”

Every empty glass was then banged on the tabletops three times.

Once the crowd quieted again, Lucas replaced the microphone in its stand and held up his right arm. The instant he dropped it to his side, every shifter in the place changed to their wolf form. Wolves of every color and size stood where the party guests had been. Humans remained scattered amongst the pack of black, brown, white, gray, and every shade in between.

Where Lucas had been, a gray and white wolf peppered with black now stood. With a yip, Lucas leapt from the stage and raced around the bandstand toward the woods. Every wolf raced after him. An eerie chorus was heard from the pack as it faded into the forest and disappeared from sight.

Thomas slowly surveyed the remaining humans. He still didn’t sense a threat, and as the band began to play, many enjoyed the dance floor.

Turning to retake his post on the deck, he found a fairly large, cream–colored wolf gazing at him with its head cocked.

“Shouldn’t you be with the pack?”

Julia shivered, his voice was deep and rich. So mesmerizing, it sent an electrified zing up her spine.

Thomas swallowed hard as Julia’s wolf moved into an area aglow with the full moon. The radiance made her fur shimmer. She was just as beautiful in this form as she was human. Her coat looked so silky smooth; he had to stop his hands from reaching for her. The need to touch her was making his palms itch. It baffled him that he knew it was her, how could he have possibly known that?

He rubbed his hands through his thick dark hair to occupy them before he truly embarrassed himself. When the wolf became Julia, the sudden change made him instinctively take a step back. Dang it, he’d get used to their shifting one of these days.

“No, I changed my mind and decided to stay here.” She tentatively held her hand out. “Would you dance with me, Thomas?”

He was about to say no, he was busy and didn’t have time to waste dancing when his damn hand accepted hers.

What am I doing?

Her skin was softer than anything he’d ever felt. With a bit of effort, he managed to pause his hand before he cupped her cheek. For some crazy reason, he wanted to run his fingers across that cheek. Repeatedly, and explore every part of her luscious body. 

And her was freshly fallen snow! She smelled fresh, crisp, and clean; like a winter morning in Denver. It was all he could do not to bury his nose in her hair and bask in it. A scowl creased his brow as her heat, and the scent surrounded him.

They make the weirdest perfumes these days.

It was like World War Three inside his heart and mind as he fought an inner battle with himself. Thomas wanted to kiss her so badly he could taste it. He decided right then; this woman was an absolute menace and must be avoided. But he knew that wasn’t going to happen.

Squaring his shoulders, he led her to the dance floor, praying he wouldn’t trip or step on her toes. Note to self; thank Mom for making me take a few dance lessons. Never in his life had he ever expected to thank her for that.

Julia’s folly became all too clear the moment he gripped her hip as they joined the waltzing couples.

He’s going to feel how chubby I am!

The dress her mother insisted she wear, left nothing to the imagination. Why couldn’t designers make flattering clothes for plus-sized women? It was bad enough everyone could see her less than ideal size sixteen figure. She cringed when his palm slipped higher to her waist, knowing his hand was on her squishy, marshmallow waistline, feeling how thick and flabby it was.

Thomas wanted to run his hands all over her body and relish her curves. She was absolute perfection. How had he managed to end up on the dance floor holding this beautiful woman? She was everything he had ever wanted. Her beauty mesmerized him, and her sweet, shy smile tugged at his heart. She drew him in and terrified him at the same time.

“Are you enjoying the gathering?”

“Yes.” Julia chuckled. “It’s been rather interesting.”

“Do you mean the issue with Sam?”

“No.” She shook her head and laughed. “Way more interesting than that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, remember the king saying he hoped others would find their mate tonight?”

He hesitated and drew back. “Yeah...”

“I found mine.”

“Oh, shit.” Thomas stepped away from her. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be dancing with you then.”

Julia frowned with her hands on her hips. “Why not?”

“A man doesn’t go around dancing with another man’s mate.”

Her hand flew to her mouth, as her eyes grew large. Then she whispered. “You don’t realize, do you?”

Thomas frowned. “Realize what?”

“Maybe we should talk somewhere private.”

“No. It’s never a good idea to get cozy with the mate of a shifter male.” He stepped even further away. “And all males are crazy until the ritual is completed. Heck, even after the ritual they’re off their rockers where their mates are concerned.”

She covered her mouth and giggled, and there was a mischievous twinkle in her eyes that he didn’t understand at all.

“Are you saying you feel a bit crazy?”

Now he was really confused. “Not in the least. Why?”

“Because it’s you.”

“It’s me…what?”

“Oh, good Goddess.” She sighed. “I’ll say this really slow for you. You. Are. My. Mate.”

Thomas literally gaped at her. Mouth hanging open. Huge eyes. Drool down the chin. Gaped.

Julia was beginning to worry. “Are you okay?”

“I...I don’t think I heard you right. Did you just say I’m your mate?”

“Yes.” She laughed. “Yes, I did.”

“How is that possible? I thought that only worked for human women and shifter males.”

“It goes the other way as well. It’s just a lot more rare.”

“When’s the last time this” – he waved between them – “happened?”

“Actually.” Julia looked away sheepishly. “I haven’t heard of it happening in my lifetime.”

“So... how do you know we are mates? How can you be so sure?”

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