Read The Winner Takes It All (A Something New Novel) Online

Authors: Jennifer Dawson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

The Winner Takes It All (A Something New Novel) (6 page)

“Hey! You know you’re not supposed to bring that up.” Maddie scowled, puffing out her bottom lip in a full-blown pout that used to get her everything she ever wanted from their father.

Shane suspected it worked equally well on her future husband.

Unconcerned, he shrugged. “If you weren’t the bride from hell we wouldn’t have to mention these things.”

“I am not the bride from hell.” Maddie straightened, perching herself on Mitch’s knee and gesturing at him. “Come on, tell them.”

“Well, yeah, you kind of are,” Gracie said, not waiting for Mitch to speak.

Maddie huffed and threw her hands up. “I can’t believe this.”

James sighed, looking dejected. “I’m going to have to side with Gracie here.”

“James!” their baby sister yelled, her notorious redheaded temper getting riled. “How could you?”

He rubbed his jaw, and then adjusted his wire-rimmed glasses. “You handed out to-do lists over breakfast.”

Maddie had the decency to blush, but she squared her shoulders. “I just want everything to be perfect.”

Mitch tugged her wrist until she relaxed and leaned back against him. He kissed her temple. “We know you do, princess.”

Gracie snorted. “That’s easy for you to say, you’re the only one she’s nice to.”

Maddie snuggled in under his chin. “That’s because he’s working on his first big case and I don’t want him stressed.”

It was still odd for Shane to see his sister be so affectionate toward Mitch. She was always all over him, burrowing close, smiling at him like he hung the moon, pretty much being obnoxious about the whole thing. Shane would have missed the days when she barely tolerated her ex-fiancé’s presence if she wasn’t so damn happy.

“Lucky bastard,” Gracie said, shielding her eyes from the sun, looking off toward the lemon-colored house she shared with her brother, before scowling at James. “You’re moving into the apartment over the garage to make room for the wonder twins, right?”

The logistics of everyone coming in and out of the house were starting to get crazy and James was a man who liked order. Since the Robertses had a small garage apartment they’d offered to out-of-town guests, he’d claimed it for his own as soon as he found out Penelope and Sophie were staying in the main house.

He nodded.

She waved a hand in the direction of the garage. “Do you want to check and make sure it’s got everything you need?”

James stood. “I’m sure it’s fine, but I’ll check and let you know.”

Shane cringed. Bad move.

“See that you do, your highness.” Gracie turned and stomped off.

“I will never understand that woman,” James said in his normal, calm tone, shaking his head. “I don’t think she likes me.”

“Gee, what was your first clue?” Despite the sarcasm, Shane wasn’t so sure Gracie didn’t like his brother. It hadn’t escaped his attention that she flirted good-naturedly with every man she came in contact with—except James.

And there had to be a reason for that.

“It wouldn’t hurt for you to try some of her cupcakes,” Maddie said, sliding from Mitch’s lap and into the chair next to him.

“I’m training for the marathon,” James said, as though that answered everything. The guy had been running the Chicago marathon every year for the past three and kept trying to outdo his previous record.

His dedication to fitness was damn annoying.

Shane ran with him yesterday. After seven miles, James had gone on like a machine, leaving him behind hoping his lungs wouldn’t explode.

Maddie picked up said cupcake and peeled the wrapper. “I thought you were supposed to carb load for that.”

“Not with simple carbs and refined sugar.”

Maddie frowned. “I don’t think one is going to kill you. Can’t you just humor her to keep the peace?”

James stared off at the house next door. “Maybe later. I’ll go check the house out.”

After their middle brother left, Maddie tsked, speaking around a mouthful of cupcake. “I blame you and Evan.”

“What did we do?” Shane grabbed his warm lemonade from the round teak table and wished it was spiked with vodka.

“You guys used to tease him.”

“We didn’t tease him,” Shane said. “We toughened him up.”

“Well, he’s plenty tough now, isn’t he?” Maddie slipped her palm into Mitch’s, and their joined hands swung between the side-by-side chairs.

Damn, they were sickening. “Speaking of junk food, where are those Cheetos?”

Maddie jutted her chin toward the back door. “In the kitchen.”

“I fixed your leak.” Shane stood and started toward the door.

“Thanks,” Maddie called after him.

He walked into the kitchen expecting to find it empty, but Charlotte and Cecilia were there, standing on opposite sides of the table, arms crossed, faces tense. The conversation came to an abrupt halt as they both looked at him.

It was the first time he saw the resemblance between them and in that moment, with their gazes narrowed and mouths turned down, they looked like mother and daughter.

Cecilia tapped the toe of her shoe. “Can we help you?”

The question rubbed him the wrong way. He spotted the orange and red bag on the counter and walked over to stand next to it, propping his hip on the counter and ripping open the bag. “Nope.”

Chapter Four

Cecilia took a deep breath and tried to figure out if she was thankful for the intrusion or wanted to throttle him. Frowning, she watched as he shoved another handful of Cheetos in his mouth then popped open a can of Mountain Dew.

In a haughty tone, she asked, “Do you mind? We were talking here.”

He scratched his head. His blond hair shone like spun gold in the sun streaming from the window, casting him in angelic light that was entirely at odds with his true personality.

Her mother sighed then glanced toward the swinging door. “I need to go change anyway. We’ll finish this later.”

Cecilia pinched the bridge of her nose. This was not a good day. Hell, this wasn’t a good month and the edges of her control were starting to fray. Shane wasn’t helping matters.

“What exactly is going on here?” Shane asked, that deep voice sending a tingle down her spine despite her fatigue.

They’d find out soon enough. In fact, she was surprised none of them read the article. She should tell him and end this little game he was playing once and for all. Except she didn’t want to. As soon as he discovered the truth he’d go back to looking at her with the contempt he’d always shown her, and selfishly she wanted to enjoy her reprieve a little longer.

She shook her head. “Nothing.”

“Bullshit. You’re making everyone tense.” He popped another cheese curl into his mouth.

It stung, a lot more than she cared to admit.

It shouldn’t; she’d always been an outsider, especially with this bunch. But before, when she felt lonely or excluded, she’d relied on the knowledge that she was her dad’s favorite. That someone in this world loved her and thought she was special. Now she knew better. The loneliness covered her like a wet blanket, damp and cold and heavy. Not that she’d ever let it show. In a calm tone, she said, “I just got here.”

“And you’re putting everyone on edge.”

“What am I doing?” Temper flashing, she put her hands on her hips. “I showed up because
sister wanted me to. I’ve been polite, cordial, and haven’t once mentioned the nation’s deficit. So how exactly am I making everyone tense?”

“That’s what I want to know.” He took a big gulp of his stupid Mountain Dew.

He was infuriating. Plain and simple. “How is this any of your business?”

He put the can back on the counter. “It’s not.”

She blinked, thrown off guard by the unexpected answer. She steeled her spine. “Then we’re in agreement.”

“Not really. I’m still going to find out.”

“What do you care? You don’t even like me.” It was the first mention she’d made about the way he treated her, and she didn’t even know why she said it. It was probing. Fishing for answers. She knew it and he was smart enough to know it too.

“You’re right, I don’t like you much.” His tone matter-of-fact.

And there it was: the truth.

The little spark that had grown inside her every time he texted flamed out. Disgusted to find she’d harbored some sort of deep-seated hope. For what? She wasn’t sure and refused to let herself wonder. Throat tightening, she put on her most impassive expression.

Well, good. She had evidence now. Evidence sure to cool her desire. She squared her shoulders. “Then stay out of my way and I’ll stay out of yours.”

He put both hands on the counter. “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”

She almost took a reflexive step backward but was able to stop at the last moment. Instead she said, “Excuse me?”

Nice comeback. Not.

He pushed off the counter, his green eyes looking distinctly predatory.

She was too damn tired to do battle with him. She wanted to retreat until she felt like herself. But she couldn’t do that.

Never show weakness. Never break.

“There’s no way,” he said, standing mere inches away but thankfully not touching her, “I’m going to be able to ignore you for a whole two weeks.”

What did that even mean? “Look, I don’t know what your problem is, but we are living in the same house, so for Mitch and Maddie’s sake, let’s just be civil.”

“Here’s the problem with that,” he said, his voice dropping an octave. “I don’t feel civil around you.”

Another woman, a more flirty one, interested in capturing his attention, would ask seductively how she did make him feel, but Cecilia wasn’t that kind of woman and never would be. Better to keep her distance. Besides, he didn’t like her. In her most dignified tone she said, “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but stop it. It’s not welcome.”

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

“Is that so?” He curled his hand around the back of her neck, touching her for the first time, and it was like an electric shock. She had to force herself not to wrench in response. His thumb brushed over the pulse hammering in her neck.

So very telling.

“Yes.” The word entirely too breathless. Light-headed, she forced her eyelids to remain open as his fingers stroked over her skin. She should pull away, but couldn’t find the willpower. Who knew if he’d ever touch her again?

“I don’t think your girlfriend would appreciate this.” The second the words left her mouth she wanted to kick herself. Why on earth would she say something so revealing?

Her only excuse was that he was so close and she was so tired.

One golden brow, several shades darker than his hair, rose. “Girlfriend?”

She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth.

His eyes darkened to a deep shade of emerald.

The damage was done, she’d shown her hand, and now the only thing left to do was spin control. She tried to pull away, but his fingers remained locked on her neck. “Let me go.”

His mouth twitched as though containing a smile. He lowered his head, making her heart beat frantically against her ribs, and whispered, “I knew it.”

She sucked in a breath. God, he smelled good: like soap, and spice, and summer. Somehow she managed to say in a calm voice, “What are you talking about?”

“You’re jealous of Gracie.”

How did he know that? She reared back. “I am not!”

“Even you have tells.”

“You’re insane. I don’t have tells.” Did she? How had she given herself away? She’d been so careful. She waved a hand in a failed attempt to bat him away. “Besides, there’s nothing to tell.”

His fingers played over the cords of her neck as though he had every right to touch her. “I’m not sleeping with Gracie. Or any other woman, for that matter.”

Relief, swift and powerful, stole through her. But she managed to say the good, proper Cecilia thing. “Who you do or don’t sleep with is none of my concern.”

“We’ll just see about that, won’t we?”

“No, we won’t,” she said, surprised at the steadiness of her voice.

He smiled, and it was pure carnal sin, transforming his too good-looking face into something dangerously gorgeous. He dropped his hand and stepped away.

To her humiliation, she immediately missed his heat.

“Game on, Ce-ce.” Then he turned and walked away.



Game on? What in the hell did that mean?

Cecilia pressed cool fingers to her hot cheeks and tried to figure out what just happened. He said he didn’t like her. So why had he touched her? Not only had he touched her, he’d made it clear he had plans. That he considered her some sort of challenge.

She closed her eyes and counted to ten. She was so damn confused.

This day, already fraught with drama, was turning into a roller coaster she wasn’t prepared to deal with. For so long she’d been living on the surface, skimming through life and people and events without any attachment. She didn’t know how to cope with this sudden, emotional upheaval.

It was exhausting.

All she wanted was a nap, a good solid couple of hours of rest. Like everything else, she’d been getting by on the bare minimum and it was finally catching up with her. Maybe if she got some good REM sleep she’d be back to normal and able to recapture her previous cool, detached disposition.

She sighed. She couldn’t rest until she finished the conversation with her mother. Cecilia had never been able to relax, let alone sleep, when there were important matters to deal with.

Charlotte was not happy about the Miles Fletcher situation and had made it clear before Shane interrupted that she was furious with both Cecilia and her father.

Somehow, she had to find a way to get her mother on her side, despite her protests. Charlotte had always been a constant presence in her life, but one she’d taken for granted. Unlike her dad, Charlotte never made her work for approval, and stupidly, Cecilia had viewed her mother as less valuable because she didn’t have to strive for her acceptance.

And now, when she needed Charlotte’s support, she refused to give it. Somewhere over the last year her mom had grown a spine of steel and Cecilia hadn’t caught up to her yet.

But Mitch had. He was the good one again. The golden boy who could do no wrong. And Maddie, with her easy affection, was a bonus. Like winning the jackpot on a scratch-off lotto ticket.

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