Read The Riding Master Online

Authors: Alexandrea Weis

The Riding Master (23 page)

“You make it sound like I was psychotic, Mother.”

“Sometimes I think you were. Your father thought it was cute. I found it annoying as shit.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t tie me in a burlap sack and drown me like an unwanted puppy.”

“Really, Raynie. You can be so dramatic. So, tell me, is he the reason for your fatigue?”

Rayne’s edginess returned. “That’s not your concern, Mother.”

“When you get testy, it’s because I’ve hit a nerve.” She paused for a moment, making Rayne cringe with anticipation. “Is he any good in the sack?”

“God, you’re impossible.” Rayne angrily swiped at a few blades of grass. “I’m hanging up now.”

“Dr. Emerit’s office called to confirm my appointment for next Monday,” Estelle edged in. “I had no idea what they were talking about. Did you call them?”

“Yes, I did,” Rayne confessed. “And don’t tell me you canceled the appointment. You need to have those tests done to find out about your liver.”

“My liver is fine.”

“Your liver is probably pickled, Mother.”

“Oh, humor.” Estelle’s voice rose with amusement. “You must have gone to bed with that fine man; otherwise you wouldn’t be so funny.”

“Did you cancel the appointment?” Rayne demanded, ignoring her jab.

“No. I’ll go just to show you that I’m fine.”

“Go ahead, Mother. Prove me wrong. It’s what you live for.”

“One day I hope you and I can have a civil conversation. When you have children, you might understand why I am the way I am with you.”

Rayne gawked at her cell phone in surprise. “Children? You told me you never wanted to be a grandmother.”

“Perhaps, but you’ve always wanted to be a mother, Raynie. At least I know that much about you. I hope you get the chance.”

Disturbed by her mother’s insight, Rayne shifted uncomfortably on the grass. “I have to go.”

“You always do.” Estelle hung up before Rayne could add anything else.

Determined not to let the conversation with her mother dampen her mood, she focused on a pleasant evening ahead with Trent. Standing from the grass, she withdrew her car keys from her back pocket and gave Bob another pat on the neck. Crossing the grassy pasture that led to the shell-covered parking lot, Rayne remembered the name Trent had chosen for Bob.

“One of a Kind. How did he know?”

As the late afternoon sun cast long stretches of red, orange, and yellow across the expanse of the western sky, Rayne smiled. For the first time since her father’s passing, she believed she had found a kindred spirit who seemed to know exactly how to touch her heart.


It was after seven when the cascade of bells from Rayne’s front door echoed across her living room. Unable to rest after she had returned from the stables, Rayne spent the afternoon and early evening cleaning. She changed the sheets on her bed, mopped the floors, vacuumed, and even lit some candles about the living room to add a romantic ambience.

But as she darted across the living room to the front door, she concluded the candles were a bit much. She knew he was coming over intending to have sex, but maybe the candles appeared a little too…desperate. Wanting to give the right impression, Rayne quickly scurried about the living room, blowing out the candles she had spent twenty minutes arranging to give off just the right mood.

“What took you so long to answer the door?” Trent stood on her front porch, balancing two brown paper bags in his arms.

“I didn’t hear the doorbell in the bathroom. I was putting on my makeup.” She hoped that at least sounded reasonable.

“You don’t need makeup for me.” He walked in the front door and handed her the larger of the bags. “Chinese.” He hugged the smaller one to his chest. “Dessert.”

The aroma of the Chinese food made Rayne’s mouth water. “What are we having?”

He deposited his keys on the round table close to the door. “Boneless fried chicken with veggies, shrimp fried rice, egg rolls, beef stir fry, and a few fortune cookies thrown in. I hope that’s enough.”

“Smells wonderful.” Rayne gestured to the other bag. “What’s for dessert?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“A surprise dessert?” She turned away, carrying the bag of Chinese food. “Does it have to be set on fire or something?” she joked over her shoulder.

Trent followed behind her. “Just might.”

Leaving the entryway, she was about to cross the living room to the kitchen when Trent stopped.

“Why does it smell like smoke in here?”

Rayne placed the bag of food on the kitchen counter and tried to act casual. “Oh, I was just burning some candles to get rid of the eau de Frank.”

“You sure you don’t want to relight them?” Trent put his bag on the counter next to her. “Might help get me in the mood.” He embraced her from behind.

Rayne spun around in his arms. “Somehow I don’t think you need any help with that.”

He kissed her hard on the lips, and when he finally came up for air, he asked, “Where is the mangy mongrel?”  

“Still outside.” Rayne opened the cabinet behind her. “He discovered a squirrel in one of the small trees I have out back. He’s been staring at it for over an hour.”

Trent put the paper bag containing his “surprise” dessert in the freezer. “I’ll go and get him.”

He opened the back door that led to a small patio and the yard beyond. Trent clapped his hands and Frank came galloping up to greet him. The easygoing familiarity between man and beast made Rayne smile. It was as if they had been living together for years. All the comfortable domestic habits you learn to share with another seemed so easy with Trent. She could not recall ever having such a feeling with Foster.

“He’s excited to see me,” Trent declared as he and Frank came bounding in from the patio.

Rayne unpacked the cartons of Chinese food from the paper bag as Trent and Frank played in her kitchen. When Frank jumped up and placed his dirty paws on Trent’s nice pale blue shirt, she grimaced.

“Frank, get down.” She went to Trent’s side and began wiping away the mud stain Frank had left behind.

Trent stayed her hands. “Don’t worry about it.”

“But it will ruin your shirt.” She patted her hand on his chest. “Take it off and I’ll wash it for you before the stain sets in.”

“Are you undressing me already?”

“Maybe,” she returned with a winsome grin.

As Trent unbuttoned his shirt, Rayne’s eyes lingered over his smooth chest and ripped abdominal muscles. He eased the shirt from his shoulders and handed it to her. Preoccupied with his spectacular chest, she took the shirt from him, and was about to toss it to the side when something caught her eye. On the collar of the shirt was a lipstick stain…deep red.

“What’s this?” She pointed to the stain.

“What’s what?” He furrowed his brow at the shirt.

“Lipstick. How did you get this on your shirt, Trent?”

“I guess I got it when I was meeting with Rebecca and Selene.”

“Selene? I thought you were only meeting with Rebecca.”

Trent went to the counter. “So did I.” He deftly flipped open a white lid on a carton of Chinese food and peeked inside. “But when I walked into Rebecca’s office, Selene was there. Rebecca was trying to get us to set aside our differences.”

“And did you?” Rayne placed his shirt on the countertop, suddenly more interested in the outcome of his meeting than running her hands over his chest.

“I was forced to.” He rested his hip against the counter. “I need someone to teach the dressage class, at least until I can find a replacement. Plus, Selene vowed she would work hard to get up to speed with all the dressage requirements for the show ring. She promised things would be different, and Rebecca assured me that if they weren’t, she would fire Selene.”

Rayne tossed her hands up, furious. “So she got her way after all.” 

Trent pushed away from the counter and came toward her. “So what if she did? At least now she will do as I ask.”

“No, Trent. She’ll only let you think that for a while, but then she will return to the same old Selene she has always been. A leopard does not change its spots.”

His arms slinked about her waist. “As far as I’m concerned, she is on probation. And I insisted she had to compete at Golden Farms next month.”

Rayne felt all of her excitement for the coming show wane. “Selene will be impossible until then. She’ll demand time with you to help her train, and try to come….” She let the words die on her lips, not wanting to sound like a meddling wife.

“You mean she will try and come between us, is that what you were going to say?” He fervently searched her eyes. “So there is an ‘us’ now?”

She stroked his chest, her aggravation relenting to his charm. “Yes, there’s an ‘us.’” Rayne glanced back at his shirt on the counter, thinking.

“I’m glad to hear that.” His lips gently nuzzled her neck.

“I still have one question.”   

“What is it?”

“How did you get that lipstick stain?”

He laughed, seeming pleased with the lilt of jealousy in her voice. “Selene must have left it when she kissed my neck after our meeting in Rebecca’s office. It never occurred to me that there was a lipstick stain on my shirt until you pointed it out. It was nothing, Rayne.”

“I know I sound like a—”

His arms tightened around her. “Forget it, baby. I don’t run around and I told you before, I could never be interested in a woman like Selene.” He lowered his head to her. “See what I mean about women who wear lipstick at the stables? It gets you in trouble.”

She relaxed against him as her concerns faded. When his lips began to tempt the flesh on her neck, Rayne handed herself over to the rising furor of her desire. Her hands skimmed the firm muscles in his chest and back.

Trent closed his arms about her hips and in one smooth motion, lifted her onto the kitchen counter. “I don’t think I’m ready to eat yet.”

Rayne giggled against his chest. “But the food will get cold.”

“That’s what microwaves are for.”

He pulled the loose-fitting T-shirt over her shoulders, and expertly unclasped her bra. When her breasts fell free, his hands were all over them. He lowered his lips to her right nipple and bit down hard, making Rayne moan.

“That’s what I like to hear.” He picked her up from the counter and carried her to the living room floor.

After setting her down on her burgundy carpet, he unzipped the fly of her jeans and worked the thick denim fabric down her legs along with her panties.

Naked on the floor beneath him, Rayne waited as he kneeled over her. Before Trent she would have been anxious about being with a man, but now she wanted nothing more than to feel him inside her.

“What are you going to do with me, Mr. Newbury?”

Leaning over her right thigh, he kissed her knee. Slowly, deliberately, his mouth followed the course of the taut muscles along her thigh. As he inched forward, his hands spread her knees wide apart.

Rayne’s heart slammed in her chest as his lips snuck closer to the mound of flesh between her legs. Placing her hands over her face, she anxiously anticipated what was to come. But when his kisses ceased, Rayne uncovered her eyes and saw his face hovering over her hips.

“You look nervous.” His fingers gently tracked along her folds.

“I…I’ve never done this. Heard about it, but I’ve never actually had anyone….”

He kissed her belly. “Foster never tasted you.”

“Not like I think you’re about to. It was something…he never wanted to try.”

“Relax, baby. I promise you will love it.”

The instant his lips clamped down on her flesh, Rayne almost screamed out loud with surprise. The sensation shooting up her spine was unlike anything she had ever known.

“Oh, God,” Rayne cried out as her back arched against the thrill of electricity.

Soon Trent’s tongue was tracing circles over her tender nub, and Rayne forgot herself completely as she moaned and gyrated against him. When his teeth gently nipped her, a slam of white heat blasted up her back and her orgasm exploded. She screamed with every ounce of energy she felt bursting out of her, and as her body fell back against the carpet, she broke out in a fit of giggling.

“Oh my God.” She slapped her hand over her mouth, embarrassed by her reaction.

Trent chuckled and stood beside her. “I guess you liked it.”

“I never expected it to be so…good.”

He slipped out of his trousers and briefs. Before tossing his pants to her nearby white leather sofa, he took out a condom packet from his pocket. He saw her staring at him and held out the condom to her.

“Come and put this on me.”

Rayne rose to her knees and crawled over to him. She took the condom in her hand and looked up at him.

“Just roll it down over the tip,” he instructed, guiding her hands.

When she cupped her hands about his erection, Trent closed his eyes and groaned. After she gently slid the condom over him, he hurriedly pushed her to the floor.

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