Read The Flavor Of Love Online

Authors: Shiree McCarver,E. Gail Flowers

The Flavor Of Love (18 page)

Thanks again for everything Etta,” Keigo began. On a more serious note he said, “I was wondering if you don’t mind driving my jeep so that we can make the trip alone together.”

What about Reko? Isn’t he around to assure your safety?” Her brow puckered in concern.

It’s been some time since anyone has tried anything. I feel reasonably safe. I think he knows that too. I believe he just wants to hang out with me on the network’s money.” Keigo smirked. “Besides, he can follow us up there if it will make you feel better.” Keigo pushed wind swept curls from the side of her face. “Please say yes and I’ll do anything you want.”


, within reason,” he added, considering with Etta, there was no telling what she would ask of him.

Keigo should have realized he wasn’t going to like her request when she clasped his fingers in hers but he didn’t suspect anything until she pressed her breast against his arm and gave him a disarmingly impish-sweet smile that set his cock on hard.

I want you to drive for me,” she requested.

The smile faded from Keigo’s face and fear immediately clenched his gut. He withdrew his hand from hers and shoved them both in his black trouser pockets.

Etta, you ask too much.”

Keigo, I will be there to take over if it becomes too much for you,” Etta promised. “But you have to try or you will never get pass the fear that holds you back.”

No, Etta, I’m not ready.”

If you’re not ready to start now, when will you be? Each year that passes, the further you get away from moving forward and seizing back such a necessary part of living,” she reasoned.

Oh, really?” Keigo pointedly look at her. “Tell me Etta. What about you? Are you ready to let go and seize back a necessary part of living?”

What do you mean?” She asked softly, her eyes narrowing. “Let go of what?”

The past. Neil.”

He felt her withdraw from him as she took a step back. The mere mention of the man’s name made her shut down.

Neil is dead,” Etta said coldly.

I know this, but are you sure you do?” Keigo said. “Etta you live your life like he’s away at war and you’re waiting for him to come home and take up where you left off. You still have your wedding dress hanging in your guest bedroom closet even though it's too soiled to ever wear it again. What is it? Do you need a little reminder in case you find yourself falling in love with another man?

Stop,” she said feebly.

Etta, how can you ask me to face my fears when you aren’t ready to face your own? If you can let go of the life you expected to have with Neil and open up your heart to me, I promise I will face my fears by your side.”

Etta shook her head at him. “I can’t make you any promises, Keigo. I’m sorry.”

Etta--” he reached out to touch her face and she turned away from him.

Have Reko drive the jeep and I will ride in the back,” she murmured. Her voice sounded emotionless to his ears. “Call me with the details.”

She ran back up onto the porch. The slamming of the screen door sounded so final to his ears.! Handsome!”

He looked up and indeed there stood Auntie Loo at the bushes once again.

Hey, yourself,” Keigo called back

Our Little Etta’s stolen your heart, hasn’t she?”

Yes,” he answered honestly, having a feeling it wouldn’t do any good to lie to Auntie Loo.

The older Asian woman giggled. “Do you want to throw in the towel after her reaction to you bringing up Neil?”

What were you doing, squatting behind a bush over there enjoying the show?” He laughingly shook his dark head. “I suspect you already know the answer, so I won’t bother answering that question.” Keigo wondered what he had gotten himself into by immersing himself in the midst of Etta, her mother who entrusted him with news that chilled his blood and her strange neighbors.

Well, considering that you kissed her and she let you, there is hope that you will bring her back to the present,” she winked at him.

He was getting quite a few saucy winks lately, he noticed, but only one set of beautiful puppy-brown eyes mattered. “I hope I can live up to the convictions you and Etta’s mother have in me.”

I see Fay told you that she saw you the day you were brought into the hospital unconscious and covered in blood?”

Keigo nodded.

Did she also tell you what she saw that day?”


Then the rest is left up to you, handsome, for you will be forced to face your greatest fear and when the times comes, only you can choose to make the choice that will change the rest of your life or destroy it,” Auntie Loo said in a serious voice he hadn’t heard coming from her since meeting her.

Feeling a bit spooked by everything he’d heard and experienced in the past forty-eight hours, he needed to do something routine, something less than supernatural. Keigo just wanted to put as much space between him and the psychic network that he could. He needed time to mull over everything.

Take care, Auntie Loo.” Keigo nodded his head and waved as he walked down the drive towards the car.

I’m here rooting for you, handsome!”

Keigo slid into the car’s leather interior. Even with door closed and windows up, he could hear Auntie Loo’s tinkling laughter ringing in his ears

Keg, are you okay?” Reko asked turning the key in the ignition.

The radio blasted
Nowhere to Run
by Martha and the Vandellas. Briefly, he wondered at the irony and timing of the song.

Let's just get out of here,” he stated, fastening his seat belt. His long fingers pitter-pattered out the beat of the song on his knee as he hummed along. “Nowhere to run to baby, nowhere to hide…”

All in all it had been a good morning. Since Etta forced him to drink the healing tea, it was working as she promised and well-worth suffering the blah taste. Now that he’d made the decision to move on with his life guilt free, he already felt ten pounds lighter. Regardless of his progress, he knew he wasn’t ready to get behind the wheel of a car again, not even to please Etta.

Seeing Etta’s reaction to his bringing up Neil, he didn’t know if she would ever be able to open herself to him and allow him a place inside her heart. Keigo wanted Etta to be a part of his future and it took everything in him to not order Reko to turn around so he could make her realize what he’d come to realize. Love was for the living and they’d survived their ordeals for reasons. Maybe it was because they were meant to find each other.

Keigo leaned his head back against the automobile headrest as the scenes sped by. The song’s lyrics continued to play over and over in his mind like a much-needed message that he needed to hear. “Nowhere to run to baby, nowhere to hide…”




Etta raced into the house. She could hear her heart pounding loudly in the roaring in her ears. A feeling of anxiety tore at her. There was something that felt so right about being with Keigo but she also felt wrong for betraying Neil’s memory.

She covered her face briefly. “I won’t forget you. I won’t!”

Not wanting to face her mother at the moment, Etta ran to her bedroom and closed the door softly. Oh God, she was attracted to Keigo. He was a fabulous kisser. She made a face and tried to obliterate that last thought.

I promise I will face my fears by your side

Shit, she was not going to fall in love with Keigo. Did she really want to continue living her life alone, helping others while living her life in limbo of a dream that would never be? Etta strolled over to her bed and curled up on her side.

Fifteen minutes later, her mother eased open her bedroom door and sauntered inside. “Hey, baby girl, I brought you some sweet iced tea.”

Like Gran use to make with the sliced oranges instead of lemons?” Etta asked. She pushed herself into a sitting position and accepted the tall moist glass.

Is there any other way?” Her mother gave her a loving smile. Fay sat perched on the edge of Etta’s bed. “Is he a fabulous kisser?”

Etta eyes widened and her jaw dropped. “Mom, I can’t believe you asked me that.” Heat flooded her face. “He wants me to forget Neil,” she changed the subject. “I don’t think I could ever do that.”

Fay nodded her head slowly. “I don’t think Keigo expects you to forget Neil. I think he just wants you to avoid seeing another chance at happiness staring you in the face because of it.”

I suppose; I just feel as if I’m betraying Neil, you know?”

Of course I know,” Fay patted and rubbed her daughter’s arm. “You think I didn’t go through the same doubts and fears about your father once I started dating Neil’s father, Frank?”

You did?” Etta voice was full of surprise. “How did you get pass it?”

I asked myself if it was me who died instead, would I be able to live peacefully in the netherworld knowing the love of my life was over here living alone and unhappy with only memories of me? Of course not. Your father was a passionate man with a lot of love to give. Who am I to deny another woman the opportunity to know him and love him? It would break my heart knowing he was alone. Who would take care of him?”

I never thought of it that way.” Etta pressed her hands together. “So, my choosing to live my life alone is probably not what Neil would want for me.”

Of course not sweetie. Neil would want you to have everything in your life he’s not able to give to you,” Fay spoke in her soothing knowing voice.

Yes,” Etta grinned.

Yes, what?”

Keigo’s a fabulous kisser.”

The moment I saw that sexy bottom lip, I knew it,” Fay chuckled.

Mommy. You aren’t supposed to notice such things.”

Are you kidding me?” Fay’s neatly arched eyebrows lifted. “Your momma’s in her prime. I always notice things like that; I just take it out on Frank’s body.”

Oh God,” Etta shook her head, feeling her cheeks grow warm. “Kids don’t want to hear about their mothers doing it.”

Fay scoffed. “That is the silliest thing I've ever heard. You assume someone dropped your butt off on the back porch? I was in labor twelve hours with your brother and eight with you and you both had big ass heads.”

Etta took a deep drink of tea. She would never know the pains and joys of giving birth if she didn't allow herself to open up to the possibility of marrying and having children. “He said he'd be my side so that we may face our fears together, if I would let him.”

Open yourself up to Keigo, Etta. He’s had
great losses, so you can’t say he doesn’t understand, because he does.”

All right,” Etta agreed. “I will try.”

Fay patted her knee and pushed herself up from the bed. “When you start feeling doubtful, think about how wonderful his kisses are and listen to your heart, not your head. Your head is what will keep you running scared.”



Bent Arrow Camp


Etta took a step back to look at the completed cleanup work in the camp’s commercial kitchen. As Keigo promised, she had two competent assistants that arrived on time and ready to work. They were a brother and sister team who came from a large family. Although they had a family owned restaurant that they helped out in occasionally, they had their own careers. Carla Valdez was a twenty something, blond, physical education instructor and nutritionist with a body to die for, and more bubbling energy than God should allow in one person. She was also Reko’s baby sister, the only girl with four older brothers.

Working next to the both of them, Etta had a chance to learn more about Reko and she found his life fascinating. He was a thirty-year-old ex-cop turned bodyguard. He could wield a mean butcher’s knife. She saw him de-bone a chicken in four minutes. Also, from what she heard, he was an expert marksman and a wildlife survivalist.

To her surprise, the three of them made a great team especially since neither seemed to have a problem with her being in charge. Etta knew she had Keigo to thank for everything running so smoothly and she would thank him if they happened to cross paths for more then five minutes at a time. She decided he was either trying to avoid her or was too busy getting things ready to notice she was alive. The ride up was spent with Keigo and Carla riding in the back holding a private conversation while she was left to the humorous cleverness of Reko to distract her.

Still, the jealousy that reared its ugly head inside of her made her realize she should have set things right with Keigo before they left home. What if it was too late? There seem to be an underlying tension between Keigo and Carla. Had they been lovers?

Etta longed to seek out Keigo. She missed sparring with him. Anything was better than being ignored by him. She looked around one last time. Everything was in order for the inspectors' arrival in two days. For the next few days, they could relax and enjoy themselves because once the teens arrived at the camp things were bound to get hectic.

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