Read The Beginning—A Duet: Ryder & Two Worlds Colliding Online

Authors: Jani Kay

Tags: #new adult, #Motorcycle Clubs, #biker romance, #bikers, #suspense, #erotic romance, #alpha males, #part of series, #happy ever after

The Beginning—A Duet: Ryder & Two Worlds Colliding (17 page)

I shook with laughter. “Since looking after
old lady. Babysitting
family. And since—” I stopped talking just in time. Cobra didn't know anything about Jade. Was bad enough that Mia was constantly interrogating me. I didn't need him on my case, too.

Besides, since I’d last seen her that night, she hadn’t been taking my calls. She was being stubborn as hell, sticking to her guns. But what Jade didn't know was that besides being a tenacious man, I was also a patient fucker.
If it suited me.

“You were saying?”

“Nothing, man. Just glad you’re out of this place. Gives me the creeps.”

“Ryder. I'm your brother. No secrets. If you don’t tell me, Mia will. You know that woman knows everything.”

“It’s complicated. Let it go, brother. Focus on Mia and the kids. Excited to see them?”

“Hell yeah. I'm sure they’ve grown so much since I last saw them.”

“They have. Your family is really awesome. You’re a lucky man, Cobra.”

“How lucky? I’ll find out when I see Mia again. You know she’s not gonna forgive me easily for losing the baby. And I don’t blame her, either.”

Silently, I nodded my head. Losing a baby was a big deal. One score I hadn’t settled yet with the fucking LA Demons. That baby’s premature death was on them. Fuckers.

“Anyway, stay at the ‘Rental Ritz’ in Beverly Hills, as Mia and I call it, for a few weeks while you get stronger. Take the time to bond with Mia, to sort your shit. ‘Cause once you get back to the club, you gotta step back into your pres shoes. Razor has been doing a stellar job of keeping the club running, if you know what I mean. With both you and me gone, he’s been king of the fucking world.”

“Little bastard must be having a ball. Nobody to rein him in. Has he been up to any shit?”

We reached the black SUV with the heavily tinted windows. I quickly ran a scan to make sure nobody had tampered with it since I left it in the car park. Those fuckers were still out to kill us, so I had to be sure.

“There’s this new barmaid chick, Lexi. Between Ox and Razor, I think she’s getting royally fucked. Neither man will give way to the other. We may have shit on our hands.”

“And you? Have you got stuck into the bitch, too?”

“Nah. Not my type.” I lifted Cobra out of the wheelchair and put him on the back seat. Fuck, he’d lost so much weight. I lifted him easily. I'd never been able to do that before.

“Since when has a pussy not been your type? You fuck any pussy—especially fresh pussy. Want to tell me why not this one?”

“I’ve been at the house, remember? Doing your fucking job, looking after your family.”

“Some other pussy has gotten to you. Fuck, how did I miss that?”

“You’re blowing smoke, man. That ain't true.”

“Jesus. You’ve got it bad, brother. Nothing has ever stopped you from taking pussy at the club, even if other men were in there too. You can't fucking bluff, Ryder. ‘Cause I’ve been there, brother. Since I laid eyes on Mia, I didn’t want any other pussy. Only hers. You’re cunt-struck. and you ain't telling me.”

“Fuck off, Cobra. It’s none of your business.”

Cobra pulled a face as I strapped him in. “Mia will know. She’ll fill me in.”

“Mia knows nothing. I ain't telling you or her my business.”

“Fuck. Ryder, what is it with your bitch? Must be something if you won't talk to me. Or Mia. Something fucking serious.”

I got behind the wheel and closed my eyes. Cobra wouldn’t let this go till I told him about Jade and her brother. And I knew what he’d say. He’d tell me to back the fuck off. He wouldn’t understand that I couldn’t. My mind and my cock wouldn’t let go of Jade, even if I knew she was dangerous territory.

“Yeah. There’s this woman—”

“I fucking knew it!” Cobra sounded triumphant. “So why hide it, Ryder? It ain't no sin to want a bitch, brother. Even happened to me.” He chuckled, as if he were still surprised by it happening to him.

“Well, this one is different. Not only is she a fucking princess, her brother is a cop. Special Task Forces cop. And her daddy’s a criminal lawyer. Beat that for fucked up.” I sighed. “And even worse, she doesn’t want anything to do with me. She says it can't work out. Family, and all that shit.”

Cobra let out a long breath, whistling through his teeth. “Fuck, Ryder. Can’t you ever just do simple?” He leaned back against the seat and closed his eyes.

After a minute he talked softly. “How bad do you want this bitch?”

“Bad. Give both my balls bad.”

“Christ. You’re fucked.”

“Yeah. I know.”

Chapter 9 ~ Ryder

s we stopped in the driveway of the house, Mia came out to greet her husband. I frowned, annoyed that the woman hadn't listened to me. I got out of the SUV and went to get Cobra’s door.

Mia spoke softly behind me. “Ryder. I know you said not to come out. But I can't help myself. I miss Cobra so much.”

“I know. Wait inside the back door. I need to help him in. He won't want you to see that. Go.” My voice was harsher than I meant it to be, but it was dangerous for us to be outside, anyone could have followed us. And I had my hands full helping Cobra; I didn't need to still worry about Mia’s safety too. Cobra was a huge fucker—even though he’d lost weight, I still needed all my strength to lift him out of the SUV.

“Thanks, brother. Saving a man’s dignity.” Cobra patted me on the back as I lifted him. Yeah, a man always wanted to appear tough and strong in front of his woman. She had to believe he could protect her at all times. Showing weakness was not an option, especially not for a man like Cobra, who believed in the laws of the jungle: survival of the fittest.

“No problem, brother.” I set him down and helped him get inside by supporting his body with my arm.

“Baby,” he breathed when his gaze landed on Mia.

“Cobra. I'm so glad you’re here, baby.” Mia’s voice cracked.

She slid an arm around his waist and stood on tiptoes to kiss him. So far it all seemed good. Between us, we helped the enormous man to the main bedroom. Sweat was pouring from his face due to exertion. There was still a long way to go for my best friend before he’d be back to his old self, but every day he got better, and that was something to be grateful for. I didn’t know what I would’ve done if the bastard had gotten killed that day.

“The kids?” Cobra asked.

Mia spoke softly as she wiped Cobra’s forehead. “I called Jade. She’s taken them to the new Disney movie. Gives us time to settle you in and talk.”

“Jade? Who’s Jade? Is it safe for the kids to be out with a fucking stranger?” Cobra growled. Yeah, he was getting better.

“Jade’s a friend. She’s the rental agent. She’s totally safe, and very cute. In fact, I think Ryder is sweet on her.”

Cobra’s gaze shot to me, his eyebrows lifted to his hairline. Fuck. Back in the house less than two minutes and Mia already told Cobra. Plus, after what I’d told him in the car, I’d never fucking live it down.

“Yeah? That true, Ryder?”

“Nah, she’s just a piece of ass. Mia should know me by now—I don’t get attached to bitches. Ever.”

“Really, Ryder? That’s why you brought her here the other night. Don’t think I don’t know she slept here.” She cleared her throat. “Not much sleep going on, but you know what I mean.”

I grimaced. “Mia. That’s how you thank a brother for taking care of you and your babies? By ratting on him the first chance you get?”

“Cobra’s going to see the spark between the two of you the minute Jade gets here with the kids. Anyone would have to be blind to not know the two of you are crazy for one another.” She turned to Cobra. “But they’re both so stubborn, baby. Neither will admit it. Jade says it’s too complicated with her family. Ryder has a hard-on the minute he sees her, but tries to pretend otherwise.” She laughed, sounding happy for the first time in weeks.

Grumbling, I left the bedroom and closed the door behind me. They needed their privacy—they had a shitload of stuff to talk about. And I definitely didn't want to discuss Jade with Cobra.

Stripping down to my boxers, I jumped straight into the pool and swam a few laps. The water was refreshing, and I enjoyed the strain of working my muscles. I dried myself off and I lazed around on one of those fancy reclining chairs I’d always seen rich people sip cocktails in. It was the first time in weeks that I just had a bit of time to myself, and lying in the sun after a swim was something I could get used to.

I must’ve dozed off. Jamie had climbed on top of me and stroked my cheek to wake me. Startled, I sat up, looking straight into those fucking blue eyes that haunted my dreams. Jade was back with the kids. With the sun behind her head, it looked as if she wore a halo. Her blond hair shone in the bright light, and her lips gleamed as she pouted them while looking down at me.

Standing with Isabella on her hip, her legs were parted, and with the sunlight behind her, I could see right through the flimsy material. Fuck me, if she wasn’t wearing a bright pink lacey thong. The silhouette of her legs through the thin fabric, long and perfect, made my dick jump.


“Hello, Ryder,” she drawled before her face split into a smile. God, it was the most beautiful smile I’d ever seen. Was Mia right? Was I going soft on Princess? Yeah, I wanted to fuck her all right. I was always up for that with
bitch. But never before had I been affected by a fucking
. I hadn’t realized just how much I’d missed the beautiful bitch until her sweet face appeared in front of me.

She raised an eyebrow, and stared at my boxers. Yep, my erection stood proud, and tented the satin fabric. She was lucky I was even wearing goddamn boxers. I wanted to drag her to my room and fuck the daylight out of her.

Instead I just grunted, and placed a towel over my stomach, laying my hard cock flat on my belly. Her laugh was sweet and sexy. She knew she did this to me.


“Was a birthday gift from one of the boys,” I explained. She hadn’t seen the others yet. I had the whole fucking Marvel comic club in my underwear drawer, compliments of the guys trying to be funny.

“It’s cute. Goes with your tattoos.”

Cute? What the fuck was she talking about? I was mean and angry. Never cute.

“Anyway, I’m just dropping the kids. Got to go.” The smile that had warmed my heart had faded, and she had that serious look in her eyes.

“Stay. Let’s get a drink first. I'm sure the kids are thirsty. What do you say, Jamie, my man? Should Jade have a drink with us before she goes?”

Jamie always came through for me. He nodded his head vigorously. How could she refuse the kid? I was bargaining on that, knowing she wouldn’t stay for me.

“OK. Just a juice, then I have to leave.”

“Juice it is,” I said, happy that she’d be around a while longer.

I watched her ass as she swayed her hips, walking toward the house. Man, I could so get into that ass right now. Pulling on my jeans, I swallowed the lump in my throat as I followed her, grateful that she couldn’t see my hard-on still raging for her.

Just as we finished drinking our juice, Mia came to the kitchen.

“I heard the car. Thanks for taking the kids, Jade. Cobra wants to see them now.” She took Isabella from Jade’s arms, and took Jamie by the hand. “I owe you one, Jade. You’re a sweetheart.”

Jade flashed Mia a smile. “It’s my pleasure. Happy to help out at any time.”

We watched Mia and the kids for a moment as they left the room.

“I have to go now,” Jade said, avoiding my eyes.


I blocked her path, pulling her to my chest.

“Ryder. Don’t.”

Her eyes darted to the door.

“They won't be back for a while. Relax.” Dipping my head, I whispered into her ear. “Bet you’re wet for me. You know I’m already hard for you.”

It had only been a few days since I’d seen Jade, yet I was desperate for her. I’d jerked off a few times in the mornings, and also in the evenings before falling asleep, imagining her tits swinging above my face and the feel of her wet cunt, but it wasn’t the same as the real thing. I needed to get inside her. Now. For real.

Did Jade feel the same?

I walked her backward and pushed her ass against the counter, grinding my hardness into her. She groaned. My lips found the soft, warm skin under her ear and nibbled gently.

My hand snuck under her dress, targeting that fucking bright-pink thong. She’d worn them under a white dress on purpose—to drive my cock wild. I felt the dampness of the scrap of lace. She was fucking soaked.

“Spread your legs,” I ordered.

I bit softly into her neck as my fingers found their way under the fabric and into her wetness. “You need my fucking cock, don’t you?”

She didn't answer. I jammed two fingers into her, gauging her readiness. She was more than ready. Her head rolled backward as I slowly finger-fucked her.

She whimpered as I gripped a handful of hair and pulled hard, staring into her glazed eyes. “Princess. Tell me you need my cock.”

Her voice was barely above a whisper. “I need you.”

“Tell me you need my cock.
for it.”

“Ryder,” she moaned.

“Tell me you wore these pink panties for me. So I would fuck you.”

“I did. I wore them for you. I knew they’d please you.”

“Ahh, you beautiful slut, I knew you did,” I crooned triumphantly. “Now tell me how much you need my cock to fuck you.”

I stuck a third finger into her, massaging her G-spot. She bit her lip, her hands gripping the counter, her knuckles white.

“I won't let you come till you beg me.”

Her breath came in small spurts. She was close. “Ryder, please. I need your cock. Inside. Fucking me.” Her voice was hoarse, and sexy as hell.

Jesus Christ.

She’d turned the tables on me, and just like that, I wasn’t the one in control. I had to get inside that pussy. Now.

Turning her around to face the counter, I pushed her cheek to the cool marble.

“Hold on.” I pulled my jeans and boxers down and quickly rolled on a condom. We needed to talk about that. I didn't want latex between us again.

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