Read Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage Online

Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult, #Short Stories, #Erotica, #Anthologies (Multiple Authors), #Fantasy Fiction; American, #Erotic Stories; American, #Literary Collections, #Canadian

Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage (30 page)

“Hello, Duncan.”

He snapped his eyes open and was astounded to see a woman with green, sparkling hair
. My God! It is Lana—
the woman he had fallen in love with that fateful day. He slowly raised himself up from his seat, fearing that if he moved to fast, she would disappear. The red-feathered cap was unmistakable.
Yes, it is my
“Hello, Lana. I missed you terribly, lass.”

“I’ve missed you, too, Duncan. Though you haven’t seen me, I have been keeping an eye on you. You kept your promise on giving up your pirate days. I am so proud of you.”

“Thank you, Lana. I have you to thank for changing my ways.” He paused, staring at her beautiful sapphire eyes. Shaking his head to break the spell, he asked, “Umm…what brings you here, my love?”

“I gave a promise that if you released my kindred, I would be your wife. I would love you as a mortal and bear you children.”

Duncan nodded and said, “Yes, and if you remember, Lana, I said it wasn’t necessary. You belong to the oceans. I can never ask you to give that up.”

“I truly appreciate it and I will always love you for that. I have a suggestion that I will relate to you later.” She removed her feathered cap and her body once again transformed into
form. Lana placed the cap on a small table next to Duncan’s chair. She gave a broad smile and said, “However, first things first. I would like you to sit down, please.

Duncan didn’t dare question her for fear she would dive back into the ocean and so plopped himself down. Lana went to him and sat down on his lap, placing a leg on each side of Duncan’s .

She bent her head, kissed him passionately and unbuttoned his pants. Sensing what she had in mind, Duncan raised his hips and shimmed his trousers down to his knees, exposing his engorged cock. Lana took hold of his phallus, raised herself slightly and impaled herself on it.

She broke the kiss and whispered, “I love you, my darling Duncan.”

For the next few minutes, Lana rode his cock, Duncan doing his best to keep in time to her violent thrusts. Finally, as if on cue, they both locked each other in a tight embrace and released their juices.

After they both recovered, Duncan savoring in their erotic tryst, asked Lana, “What is it you wanted to tell me, my love?” He looked into her eyes and exclaimed, “I want you to stay with me in the worst way and yet can’t ask you that. How I wish I could join you down there. The ocean is my life. I would feel at home whether it be above or below these waters.”

Lana bore a hole into Duncan’s eyes. “Do…you…really mean that? You would join me in the ocean.”

“Yes, Lana. If it was possible, I would join you in your home if it means us being together.”

Tears started to well into Lana’s eyes. “My darling Duncan, I can never ask that of you just like you could never ask me to be…a mortal. You have friends and relatives here. You would never see them again.”

Duncan shook his head decisively. “Yes I do have friends, but no family. My parents are dead and I am an only child.”

Lana put her hand to her mouth. “So you are saying you would join me in the ocean forever? You would do that…give up this world to join me in my world?”

“In a heartbeat.”

She stared at him for a long time and then reached over to her cap. She retrieved something out of it and clasped it inside her palm, while at the same time, turning sideways and donned the cap on her head. In mermaid form, Lana opened her webbed hand for Duncan to see. Nestled in her palm was a glowing green stone. “Duncan, this will grant your wish, if that is what you really want.”

I don’t understa—wait a minute, are you saying…there is a way to convert me into a…merman?”

Tears started streaming down Lana’s cheek. “Yes, Duncan. This small emerald will change you into a merman. Just remember, you’re life will change forever. Please think long and hard about this.”

“If it means joining you, I will go to hell and back. Just tell me what to do, Lana.”

Shocked, Lana put her hand to her mouth as tears flowed copiously from her deep blue eyes. She gave Duncan a tight hug, her body jerking in spasms as she continued weeping. Finally, she lifted her head off his chest, her face soaked with tears. Her composure somewhat regained, she said softly, “Okay, you need to swallow this. The chemicals from the rock will change your insides, especially your lungs so it will allow you to breath underwater. You will develop gills and webbed feet and hands, which will let you swim faster.” She paused. “Are…you sure you want to do this, Duncan. If not, remember, my deal is also forever. I will stay with you on dry land.”

“No, no. I want to join you. You—that is—
belong down there.”

Lana gave a huge smile of appreciation and placed the small glowing rock inside of Duncan’s mouth. “Don’t worry, it will go down easily.” She followed this with a peck on the lips.

Duncan smiled and it went down his throat with just one gulp. They both waited until the pill took effect.

Finally, Lana said, “Okay, it is time.”

He started to rise from his chair, stopped suddenly and sat back down. “Are you sure it is okay. I don’t feel any differently.”

“Don’t worry, love. You will feel it once you enter the ocean. I promise, I will not let anything happen to you.”

Duncan rose, determined to see this through. They held hands as he opened the gate of the deck. He looked behind him and around him, taking one last look at the world above the ocean. They then looked at each other and dove in, feet first. Duncan thrashed as if drowning.

Lana said calmly, “Duncan, relax. I told you I will not let anything happen to you.” She held up a red-feathered cap that came out of nowhere. “Here, this will help. Now, let’s go to your new home.”

Duncan looked at his newly webbed hand. Surprisingly, it didn’t frighten him. He dipped his head underneath the surface. As if it were the most natural thing to do, he started breathing under water.

Lana beamed a huge smile. “There. You see? You did it. You are now breathing like a fish.”

Duncan was surprised Lana could speak clearly underwater and tried to do the same. “Yes, I can breath and…I can even speak.”

“Yes you can. Congratulations. She kissed him fervently, her tongue plunging into his mouth.

He gave into her kisses and then, still hand in hand, they swam to the deepest parts of the ocean where there kindred spirits awaited them.












A.J. Llewellyn



The young man in the bed stirred as I walked into the room. He was facing away from me as I’d requested. Young, around twenty-five, his body strong looking and slim, he was perfect. Absolutely what I’d hoped. I slipped into the sheets beside him and I felt…what was it that I felt? His fear? Nervousness?

We had never met before, but he was what I wanted.

“Johnny,” I whispered and his body curved into mine. He looked and felt just like Johnny and just as I’d demanded, he responded to my calling him Johnny as I wrapped my arms around him from behind. I felt him leaning closer into me as I reached down and kissed his neck and shoulder. His arm curled up, moving around my head and I caught his sly glance.

His eyes glittered with relief and surprise. I could tell he liked what he saw. Maybe he had been expecting someone old and ugly. But I wasn’t either of those things. His eyes took in the tattoos all over my face and muscular body. I worked hard to keep myself in shape. He pressed his ass to my crotch and I paused, allowing the sensations that tight little ass was sending my starving cock.

“Get your clothes off,” he hissed. “I need you inside me now. Please don’t make me wait anymore,

He helped me remove my jeans, shirt, running shoes and socks, nibbling at my chest and neck, kissing me and our tongues met at last in a genuine exchange of heat. Oh, I was going to give him what he wanted, all right. He was pressing against my bare cock now, his ass pulling at me, willing me to go there, to take him.

“God, you’re so big and hard,” he moaned. At heart though, he was still a rent boy and he had to be dreaming if he thought I was going to let him get away with pretending to take my cock all the way up his ass. I knew all the whores’ tricks. I knew how they could manipulate you into putting on a rubber and then, once you took them doggy style, they could convince you that you were inside them. Except that you were not.

“Is this how it’s gonna be with us?” I asked him. Johnny gasped as I turned him over on his back and he watched my hands roam his toned chest, down his flat belly to his cock, which was so like Johnny’s.

Now it was smearing pre-come on the soft palm of my hand. I rubbed it in slow, lazy circles, enjoying the buildup of erotic fire in the hustler I’d found on the Internet. Yeah, this little whore liked me as much as I liked him. I licked at my hand, making full eye contact now as I knelt between his legs. He was as lovely as his picture on the website indicated. His almond shaped eyes were dewy, a sleepy, fuck-me quality to them. And I planned to fuck him all right.

His fingers grappled with the mammoth cock between my own thighs, but I pushed him back.

“First things first.” I gave him what I hoped was a warm smile and not a lust-crazed leer. I was so anxious to be inside him, to win him over, to make Johnny love me…I bent and gave him a kiss and he accepted my tongue into his mouth, my hungry lips grazing his. I’d spent months combing the sex sites for the perfect man, the one who could be Johnny. Now we were here in a luxury hotel and I wanted to savor every second of being with this beautiful creature.

But Johnny had a mind of his own, reaching for my nipples with his hands, sucking them one at a time. Oh, he had been paying attention to our late night phone conversations, that’s for sure. His skin, when I allowed myself the indulgence of inhaling the scent of his throat and chest, smelled just like Johnny. He’d followed my instructions, bathing in the
and ginger
gel I’d left in the bathroom for him.

His eyes widened now as I let my tongue do all the talking, sucking up his smooth, succulent cock. I worked him with a warm, relentless pressure, looking through half-closed eyes at the way he watched me bring him to his fulfillment. He was used to things going the other way. Well, maybe he hadn’t heard about me yet. I had never let a rent boy leave my bed without stumbling out on shaky legs, his heart racing, his body slick with sweat and sex. And already I predicted this one was going to be the best ever.

He was bucking against my mouth now, anxious for release. I stroked his ass with a hot wet finger, feeling the rage of his blistering, quick orgasm.

“The next time you come, I’ll be inside you, Johnny.” I smiled as he fought to recover from the unexpected ferocity of my mouth. “Just like we dreamed. Just like we planned.” I bent my head again, tasting his balls. “Very sweet, very juicy,” I murmured, looking up to see his eyes turn glassy. I pushed his legs apart until his fine ass opened to me. I had a good feel around with my tongue and lips and got to work pleasuring him. He started pushing at me as if he wanted my whole face inside him.

He was ready for me.

“I talked to the other guys. They say there’s something special about you. That your cock makes them come very hard.” He sounded breathless as I gently bit the inside of his thigh. It made him jump and quiver as my hands slid under his ass, holding him to my face.

“Johnny…I don’t fuck anybody else,” I scolded him. “Everything you see here, everything I have belongs to you.”

He immediately grasped my cock. His fingers and tongue pushed back the foreskin of my uncut cock and his mouth stopped, his eyes swiveling up to me.

“What…what the hell are they?”

“Black obsidian, the seer’s stone.” I enjoyed seeing the mixture of fear and excitement in his eyes. I’d had the four stones surgically implanted around the head of my cock under the foreskin. Inside a man, any man, the sensation of those stones on his prostate rendered him senseless, giving him orgasms that took a long time to get over and many lifetimes to forget.

“Suck it, baby. Suck it, Johnny, then we’ll come so hard together.”

His tongue was tentative at first and then eager to pander to me. For he already knew I intended to provide him ultimate pleasure.

Pushing him back on the bed, I moaned, “I love you, Johnny,” and I plunged into him before he had time to catch his breath. I saw the shock of pain skitter across his face, but then I was moving inside him, in and out, allowing the shiny black obsidian to work their magic on him.

He screamed at me to fuck him, to pull out and push myself back in again. He gripped me to him with ravenous fingers, his words insensible as he felt the stones touch him in a way nothing and nobody ever had before. His body shook and a powerful orgasm ripped right through him. It washed over my cock, up through my crotch like a warm, wet wave. I watched over my shoulders as his feet flexed, his toes flattening out, his thighs beating against my chest to get me in him, deeper, harder…longer.

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