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Authors: Emmie Dark

Spellbound (11 page)

Belle was suffused with warmth, with a desire and longing that went beyond lust. She
Nick’s pleasure and admiration as he looked at her legs, as he stared at her pussy, as he drank in her breasts. And then, finally as he looked into her eyes and smiled.

‘C’mere, sweet thing.’

Belle’s heart sang.

She lay next to him and snuggled closer as his arm went around her back to pull her tight to him.

‘Belle, Belle, my beautiful Belle,’ he murmured into her ear before plunging his tongue back into her mouth.

And Belle felt beautiful. She’d never felt more desired or attractive or cherished.

She twisted her body slightly and raised her leg to place it over his hip. His erection snuggled tightly between her legs, pressing against the length of her slit, and the overwhelming feeling was one of heat – pure, seductive, carnal and sweet. They both groaned.

‘You fit me so perfectly,’ Belle whispered.

Nick’s mouth lowered to her breasts, kissing a path across her chest before he settled his lips around one of her already beaded nipples. His sucking kiss only made it harder. Belle felt not only the pleasure of Nick’s touch, but the pleasure he was gaining from touching her. She knew now that he’d been truthful – he really did love her breasts. And suddenly she found a new appreciation for her body, that it could please him in this simple, elemental way.

Sharing Nick’s feelings was intense, miraculous, and would very likely never happen again. Belle determined to make the most of it. When she’d held his erection in her hand it had been mind blowing, but she wanted to know more, understand his responses more thoroughly, see what else she could wring from his body.

She wriggled out of his grasp and kissed her way to his chest. Nick seemed to understand her intent and didn’t try to stop her. Instead he groaned and rolled onto his back to give her better access.

Belle kissed and licked a path down his body. She stopped to lave her tongue over his nipple, taking it between her teeth and biting gently once it had become a hard nub. Nick muttered a curse and Belle bit harder, rubbing the nipple between her front teeth. Nick hissed and Belle felt an answering tingle in her own breast and a jolt in her mound. She didn’t think he, she, could get any harder. She’d been wrong.

Belle let her tongue trail a line down his stomach, pausing at his navel to explore and dip inside, pulsing in and out until his hand grasped her hair and gripped tightly. She took the hint and moved lower, skirting around his straining cock to nibble at the crease of his thigh, licking along the line, groaning with him at the torturous pleasure of being denied the touch they both hungered for.

She cupped his sack in her palm and gave it a couple of careful licks. Experimentally, she took one of his balls into her mouth and pressed it against the roof of her mouth, applying light suction. Nick shuddered and somewhere deep in Belle’s pelvis echoed with a strange pulling sensation, impossible to describe.

She switched to suck on his other ball momentarily, and then cupped both firmly in her hand while her tongue sought out his cock. So hard it was touching his stomach, it had turned an angry-looking purplish colour. Belle pressed her tongue against the vein that throbbed up the side, quickly tracing its path to the tip with a firm pressure.

She let out a gasp. Oh Goddess, she almost came.

‘Nick,’ she muttered, looking up to find his eyes screwed shut.

‘Hanging on by a thread, baby,’ he said, his voice tight.

She knew exactly what he meant.
. ‘Hold on, okay? I just want . . . a little more.’

Belle put her mouth around his crown, taking just the tip of him into her mouth and swirling her tongue over him. It was as though Nick’s tongue was on her clit, circling around it, taking her to the brink of climax. She pulled back.

Nick was breathing in rapid, short pants. Belle was shaking, overwhelmed by everything, hardly able to cope with the pleasure that threatened to swamp her. She changed her approach, going for long, firm licks along the sides of his shaft. The ache in her clit backed off a little, but she was still right on the edge.

Her hand was gripping his balls too tightly, and Belle didn’t worry about how she knew that, she simply released her hold slightly. Her fingertips tickled the skin behind his balls and again, without wondering how she knew it, she was certain that he wanted firmer pressure there. She gave it to him, pressing two fingers to the ridge of skin. It felt like someone was pressing on her, deep inside, only sharper, more intense.

She took the head of his cock in her mouth once more and had to fight off an orgasm that threatened to wipe her away.

Nick wrestled away from her touch with a growl. ‘No more, Belle, no more.’

In that powerful way he had, Nick lifted Belle and pressed her onto her back. Then her legs were parted, his mouth was on her nipple again, one long finger was fully inside her, and his thumb flicked across her sensitive nub.

‘Nick!’ Belle’s body arched. Her urgent need for release impossibly doubled itself inside her. She was certain that she’d come with the very next flick of his thumb.

‘Not without me, sweetheart,’ he muttered. He left her side for a moment, but then was back, dressed with a condom.

Poised over her, staring down with a sexy, crooked smile, Nick’s connection to Belle deepened to the point where she could see herself through his eyes: her hair wildly tangled, cheeks blotchy red, eyes dark and almost dangerously bright, lips swollen and parted. A sexy, desirable woman. A woman who deserved the very best a man had to give her.

His cock poised at her entrance for an infinite moment of stillness, Nick smiled. ‘I love you, Belle.’

And then he plunged inside her.

Belle was suffused with wet heat. She could feel him inside her at the same time as she could feel how pleasurable it was to be surrounded by her own pulsing body. The intensity, the warmth, the connection. It was mind-blowing bliss.

‘Oh yes,’ she managed to whimper.

Nick lowered his mouth to hers in a gentle, loving kiss, a simple, feather-light stroke of his lips against hers.

Then the meaning of his words sunk in. She had heard him say he loved her, but she already knew it, she felt it with every fibre of her being, with every pulse of her heart.

‘I love you too, Nick,’ she murmured into his mouth.

And just like that, the spell broke. Belle’s eyes widened and she stared up at him as he gazed at her with the same startled expression.

‘I can’t feel you anymore,’ she said. ‘I mean, I can feel you inside me, but I can’t sense your emotions.’

‘I can’t feel yours, either,’ Nick said.

For a moment Belle was bereft, as if her own emotions weren’t enough. But then Nick began to move, a gentle thrust in and out, and all the sensations her body had to offer flooded back. His huge, hard cock, stretching her, filling her, touching every secret place inside. His pelvis rubbing against her clit at the top of every stroke. Her nipples raking through his chest hair as they each struggled to breathe.

‘Oh, it’s good.’ She smiled.

‘Yeah. It’s fantastic.’

‘Love me, Nick.’

He didn’t need further encouragement. He kissed her hard as he pushed himself into her body, deeper, faster. Belle raised her hips to meet every his every demand, reaching up as he thrust down; they clashed together in the middle in a fury of passion and hunger. Each collision drove them higher, their gasps becoming more desperate, their desire an insatiable ache that would be relieved or kill them in exquisite pleasure

‘Belle!’ Nick shattered first. His body convulsed as he slammed into her deeper than ever before, setting off her own reaction.

Her cry was guttural, instinctual and raw, a sound wrenched from her soul as her release ripped through her, starting in waves deep in her core and rippling outwards to rush through her entire body. Nick continued to thrust and the ripples kept spreading, rocking her body through shudder after shudder of astonishing pleasure until finally Belle knew she must breathe or die.

Nick collapsed on her and she could feel the aftershocks of his orgasm flow through him, twitching inside her and sending counter shocks through her own body.

The silence of the room was broken only by their heaving breaths.

Nick moved slowly, slipping out of Belle’s body to lay bonelessly at her side, one arm and one leg still thrown over her possessively.

Belle couldn’t move, doubted she’d be able to for some hours.

Just as well she’d had that tantrum and tossed everything around – she could see a mohair throw conveniently in arm’s reach that’d at least keep them warm.

‘Belle?’ Nick’s voice was gravelly and thick in her ear.

‘Mmm?’ Syllables seemed far more effort than she was capable of.

‘That was magic.’

Despite her exhaustion, Belle managed a laugh. Nick’s chest rumbled against her in an answering chuckle. She breathed in deeply and a sombre wave washed over her. ‘No more magic for me, Nick. Ever. I’m never going to do another spell.’

‘But you didn’t even mean to do that one.’

Good point
. ‘I don’t know. I’ll find a way to get rid of my magical powers. To remove them completely.’

‘Maybe.’ He sounded doubtful. ‘Or maybe you should learn how to use them instead.’

Go to adult remedial magic classes? Aunt Gertrude ran some occasionally. Perhaps.

‘I could go with you.’

‘What? Really?’ Belle propped up her head to look at Nick properly.

‘Apparently my family has some magic in it. Way back. Who knows? It could be interesting.’

Exploring magic with Nick by her side? Now Belle knew she had the perfect life. She pressed a kiss to his mouth. ‘Yes, it could be interesting,’ she echoed. ‘But never forget, you’re all the magic I need.’

A few blocks away, Aunt Gertrude made the preparations to lock up her little psychic shop for the night, humming a cheerful tune. From the window, she looked up at the sky and smiled when she saw a star, almost bright enough to cast a shadow, blinking low against the horizon just a short distance away.

The star thrummed and pulsated, at first in time to a gentle heartbeat, gradually growing faster and faster until it exploded in a shower of sparks that twinkled down over the city, fading out slowly.

It was enough to make an old lady think about pulling out the grimoire and conjuring up Sean Connery.

Aunt Gertrude laughed, long and loud, before switching off her neon signs for the night.


I’m lucky enough to have had some wonderful supporters helping me along my journey as an author, including some invaluable critique partners. I’d like to thank everyone who’s read my work and given me encouragement, particularly those who read the very early drafts of Spellbound, Gina and Lee Ann, and my current stable of rockstar CPs, Robin, Ebony and Louise. You guys are made of awesome.

About the Author

After years of writing press releases, employee newsletters and speeches for CEOs and politicians – none of which included any kind of kissing – Emmie Dark finally took to her laptop to write what
wanted to write. She was both amazed and delighted to discover that what came out were sexy, noble heroes who found themselves crossing paths with strong, determined heroines. And plenty of kissing.

Emmie’s published works include two Harlequin SuperRomance novels,
Cassie’s Grand Plan
In His Eyes

Emmie lives in Melbourne, and she likes red lipstick, chardonnay, sunshine, driving fast, rose-scented soap and a really good cup of tea. Like, a
good cup of tea. She’s particularly fussy about it, and has been known to pack her own teabags when she travels. Most members of her family are too scared to make her a cuppa, in case they get it wrong.


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eISBN: 9780857973252

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