Read Smokin' Hot Online

Authors: Lynn LaFleur

Smokin' Hot (22 page)

Having his jeans and briefs halfway down his thighs made moving difficult. Dylan quickly removed them, along with his socks and shoes, and helped Talia slip the clothing under her butt and legs. Once satisfied she wouldn’t be poked by the design, he moved over the top of her again.
Her lips parted beneath his, her tongue dueled with his. Dylan filled his hands with her breasts while he made love to her mouth. Somehow during their shifting of positions, she’d lost her sandals. Her bare heels pressed into his ass as she hunched her pussy against his cock over and over.
A few more moments of her movements and Dylan would lose it long before he wanted to. He kissed her once, twice, then rose to his knees between her legs. The elastic waistband in her capris made it easy for him to tug them off, and her panties. He touched the mound of her bare cunt with his fingertips.
“So pretty.” One finger slid between the feminine lips to find them slick with her cream. “Now it’s my turn to lick.”
alia let her eyes drift closed, lost in the pleasure of Dylan’s touch. Only one finger caressed her, but that one finger did more to her than other men had done with a whole hand.
hands. And a mouth. And a penis.
Being in love made all the sensations brighter, more intense.
Her eyes popped open when she felt his warm breath on her pussy. He continued the caressing with his finger while he blew on her clit. Talia spread her legs wider apart, wanting more of the delicious foreplay.
He kissed the inside of each thigh. “I love the way you smell, too.”
An orgasm loomed, ready to rush through her body with the slightest graze to her clit. Instead of the direct stroke she needed, Dylan continued to rub her juices all over her labia. She opened her mouth, ready to give him detailed instructions of what she wanted, when he plunged two fingers into her channel.
The climax shot out from her core to her limbs and back again before she could even draw a breath. Stars flashed behind her eyelids. Completely taken by surprise, she couldn’t speak or think clearly. She’d never come so quickly in her life.
Leaving his fingers inside her, Dylan leaned over and braced himself on his elbow. “Your pussy walls are milking my fingers.”
“No shit.”
He burst out laughing. Talia would’ve laughed with him, but she didn’t have the strength.
He leaned closer, until their lips almost touched. “I like that you come so quickly.”
“I don’t usually do that.”
“Yeah?” A smug grin spread across his lips.
“Don’t get cocky.”
His grin faded, but she could still see the twinkle of humor in his eyes.
His fingers began to slowly move in and out of her again. “How do you feel about multiple orgasms?”
“I think they’re lovely, but I rarely have them.”
“Then I guess I’ll have to work a little harder, huh?”
Before she could respond, he kissed her. She’d already felt as if her bones had melted with her orgasm. Adding his kiss to the mix made her even weaker. But not so weak that she couldn’t respond to the delightful thing his long fingers did inside her. He pumped them in and out, then curled them and rubbed her G-spot. Talia began to move her hips in the same rhythm as his caresses—sometimes side to side, sometimes up and down, depending on what he did with his fingers.
He kissed his way to her breasts as his thumb joined in the play. It flicked her clit while his tongue flashed over her nipples. Talia could hear the wet, sucking sounds his fingers made as they moved in and out of her channel.
“Mmm, love how wet you are. I think I need a taste.”
He pulled his fingers from her, lifted them to his mouth. Staring into her eyes, he thoroughly licked every bit of her juices from the two digits.
That had to be one of the sexiest things she’d ever seen.
“Just as delicious as I suspected you’d be.”
He rubbed her pussy again, raised his fingers to his mouth for a second taste. The third time he gathered her juices, he held his fingers in front of her lips.
“Taste yourself for me.”
Holding his hand, she stared into his eyes as she ran her tongue over his fingers. Heat blazed in his blue irises, his nostrils flared. He leaned over and gave her the most passionate kiss she’d received from him. His lips coaxed, his tongue stroked. He pulled her lower lip between his teeth before he covered her mouth with his again.
Talia tunneled her hands into his hair, kissed him harder. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pumped her mound against his cock. Two seconds from reaching between them and guiding his cock inside her, Dylan ended their kiss.
“No fucking yet,” he said as though he’d read her mind. He nipped the side of her neck, the point of her chin. “I’m not through tasting you.”
He settled on his stomach between her legs and began to lick her . . . slow, gentle strokes of his tongue that caressed her clit and feminine folds. She propped herself on her elbows so she could watch him. With his hands beneath her ass, tilting up her pelvis, she could see his tongue moving over her flesh. He stared into her eyes as he made love to her with his mouth.
It looked incredibly sexy. It felt even better.
She couldn’t believe how quickly desire climbed once more. Talia hadn’t had a vast number of lovers, but enough to know her body and how it reacted during sex. No man had stirred her, satisfied her, the way Dylan did.
Another orgasm exploded when Dylan suckled her clit. Her elbows lost their strength and she lay back on the truck. Warmth spread to her toes, her fingers, the top of her head. No stars behind her eyelids this time, but that didn’t make the sensation any less powerful.
A gentle swipe of Dylan’s tongue across her tender clit made Talia moan. “No more. I can’t.”
“Oh, I think you can.” Another lick, another pass over her clit. “I think you can come again and again and again.”
“Not without you.” She slipped one hand beneath his chin. “Fuck me, Dylan.”
“You don’t want to come again on my tongue?”
“Not now. Inside me. Please.”
After one more long lick of her labia, he tugged his jeans from underneath her enough to withdraw his wallet from a back pocket. A tear of plastic and he sheathed his cock with a condom. Stretching out on top of her, he palmed her ass, lifted her hips, and drove inside.
Talia moaned at the same time that Dylan did. At last, at last, she had the man she loved stretching her, filling her. He buried his face against her neck and withdrew almost all the way before plunging back into her sheath.
“God, Talia, you feel so good.”
She couldn’t think of a strong enough word to describe how incredible it felt to have Dylan on top of her, inside her. She let her hands sweep up and down his spine as his thrusts picked up speed. He hooked one of her legs over his arm, drove even deeper. Every surge of his cock brushed her clit.
Needing a bit more stimulation, she dug her fingernails into his ass to guide him. Dylan picked up on her silent command and shifted his hips into a different rhythm . . . a rhythm that soon had Talia reaching for that height of sensation once more.
She came mere seconds before Dylan’s body tightened and he released a long groan.
Sweat dotted his skin, and hers. The garage hadn’t had the chance to cool off from the heat of the day, and it had to be at least ninety degrees in the enclosed space right next to the ceiling. With any other man, Talia would get away from his sticky skin as quickly as possible. With Dylan, she tightened her arms and legs around him, determined to hold him close as long as possible, despite the heat.
Soft, warm kisses fell on her cheek, her neck, her shoulder. “Wow,” he whispered.
She smiled at the sound of wonder in his voice. “I second that.”
“We’re stuck together.”
“I don’t care.”
He lifted his head, looked into her eyes. He didn’t say anything else for several moments. “Talia, I . . .” He stopped.
She waited for him to finish his statement. When he didn’t, she gently prodded, “You what?”
“I still want you.”
A flex of his hips showed her his cock remained hard. A surprised look passed over her face, quickly followed by a pleased one. His temptress still wanted him, too. That realization sent more blood into his dick, making him even harder than before he’d come. He didn’t think that could be possible.
He kissed her sweet lips, the curve of her cheek, the sensitive place beneath her ear. He moved slowly down her body, not wanting to move too quickly and pull her skin where they stuck together. He licked down the center of her throat, across her collarbone. Each nipple received a thorough lap of his tongue and tug with his teeth. He kissed his way down the center of her stomach, circled her navel, continued to her mound. The musky scent of her pussy enticed him to linger between her thighs.
First, there were other parts of her body he planned to explore.
Dylan helped her turn over onto her stomach. She folded her arms beneath her cheek, released a long breath as if settling in to accept whatever he did.
After removing his condom and setting it aside to dispose of later, he pushed her long hair away from her neck. Dylan lay on top of Talia, propping himself up with one arm so as not to squeeze the air from her lungs. That special area where neck met shoulder deserved his attention. He gently nibbled on it while he settled his cock in the cleft of her ass. The perspiration on her skin made it easy to slide his firm flesh over her butt while he dropped kisses across her upper back.
Talia arched her pelvis, as if trying to get closer to his shaft. “You like my cock against your ass?”
“So do I.”
He bit her nape, and smiled to himself when she moaned. He’d suspected Talia would be an amazing lover, but her reaction to him far surpassed anything he’d anticipated.
Although only about five-three, Talia had a long torso and beautiful back. She had the type of creamy complexion that tanned easily. The golden glow of her skin proved she’d taken advantage of the sun’s rays over the summer. He slid his hand down the center of her back, admiring the color and softness. He continued his exploration over the firm globes of her ass, coasting his palms over both several times.
Very nice, but more would be better.
Dylan rose to his knees between her thighs. Using both hands, he kneaded her buttocks, pulled them apart to see her anus. He’d been with women who liked anal play, and some who hated it. He hoped Talia fell into the first category.
Grabbing her hips, he pulled her to her knees. He used his thumbs to spread her cheeks apart and gave her anus a slow lick.
“Oh, God!”
Dylan took her exclamation to mean she liked what he’d done. He licked her anus again, darted his tongue past the rosette. Talia buried her face in her arms, arched her back. Pleased at her reaction, Dylan began fucking her ass with his tongue while he fingered her clit. He’d stop all movements, then lave the sensitive area and dart his tongue inside her again. He would love to fuck her with his cock instead of his tongue, but he didn’t have any lube and he wouldn’t take the chance of hurting her.
Instead, he donned the last condom he had in his wallet and rammed his dick into her wet pussy from behind. Talia threw back her head and cried out. Afraid he’d been too rough, he didn’t move while he caressed her back.
“Talia, you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“No. No, you didn’t hurt me. It just . . .
it feels so good to have you inside me!”
Her confession raised his desire a few more degrees. He gripped her hips tighter and remained still for several moments, simply absorbing the pleasure of her tight channel surrounding his hard flesh. When she started rocking back on her knees to meet his thrusts, he started pumping again. Soon he pounded into her as fast as he could. She took every hard ram into her cunt and pushed back at him for more.
“Ohgodohgodohgod. Don’t stop, Dylan!” She reached back and dug her fingernails into one of his thighs. “Right there. Move a little . . . Oh, yes.

Her pussy walls milking his cock brought on his second orgasm. It shimmied down his back, through his balls, and out the head of his dick. Dylan leaned over Talia’s back, cradled her breasts, while the pleasure went on and on.
Talia wilted to the truck. Dylan followed, stretching out on his side next to her. Sweat poured off him. He desperately needed something to drink, but no way could he move to take care of that.
After a couple of attempts, he managed to roll to his back and remove the condom. Talia scooted over to him, draped one arm over his waist, and rested her head on his shoulder. “That was amazing.”
Sweat covered her skin as heavily as it covered his. She had to be as hot and thirsty as he. A gentleman would offer to get off the truck and find them cold drinks. “Yeah.”
“I’m thirsty,” she muttered.
“Me, too.” He could barely get the words out with his thickened tongue. “I’ll get us something in a minute.”
He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, laid his hand over her arm at his waist, and closed his eyes.
alia frowned as she moved her tongue inside her dry mouth. A herd of some kind of critter must have marched through there last night and left piles of really nasty stuff. She didn’t think her mouth had ever tasted so bad, and she’d had many occasions of super-duper morning breath.
Consciousness slowly seeped into her brain. She lay on something a lot harder than her comfortable mattress. Her back, butt, and thighs seemed to be stuck to something sweaty. And warm. A piece of cloth covered her torso, but her legs remained bare.
It took three tries to pry her eyes open. Talia looked out over what appeared to be the fire hall garage. The dim lighting must mean the sun had barely risen. She could see the tanker, brush trucks, ambulances. It shouldn’t be possible for her to see anything clearly with her nearsightedness, unless she’d slept in her contacts. Which, apparently, she had, since her eyes felt as dry as dust.
Moving her head a bit to the right, she saw the huge ladder above her from the ladder truck.
What the hell . . .
She started to sit up, but quickly stopped when the band belted out in her head, complete with big bass drum. With a groan, she laid her hand on top of her head, hoping to keep her brain inside her skull where it belonged.
“You okay?” a raspy voice asked from behind her.
The sweaty, warm thing behind her was a man. She lay on top of the ladder truck in the fire hall’s garage with a man. And if the feel of skin against her indicated anything, neither of them wore a stitch of clothing.
The warm skin separated from her as he moved. “Talia? You okay?”
lay with her on the truck? How . . .
The previous evening came rushing back to her—Paige bringing a bottle of sweet-tea vodka, drinking with the other gals and some of the guys by the river, climbing up on the ladder truck to get away from Royce’s wandering hands. Then riding the truck into the garage while Dylan drove it. Him trying to coax her off it and her refusing. Her initiating their first kiss, which led to many kisses, then a lot more than kisses.
He slipped his arm around her waist and leaned over her. “You gonna be sick?”
Her skin must be pale for him to ask that. Truthfully, she didn’t know. “I . . . don’t think so. Not unless I move too fast.”
He chuckled. “A little hungover?”
“Yeah.” She closed her eyes, but quickly opened them again when the room spun. “I’m going to kill Paige for bringing that vodka.”
“You can’t blame Paige. She didn’t pour it down your throat.”
Talia glared at him over her shoulder. “Do
side with her if you want to live.”
His grin proved he wasn’t the least bit sorry. She started to snap again, but a good look at him froze her words. His hair appeared sexily tousled, not stuck out in all angles the way it should look upon awakening. Dark stubble dotted his cheeks and the area around his luscious mouth. He had full, well-shaped lips in the barest shade of rose. His eyes reminded her of the color of a lake under a blue sky.
His grin abruptly faded. His gaze dropped to her lips and lingered, his hand spread wide over her stomach. She felt the stirring of his cock against her ass.
Instead of acting upon the obvious condition of his body, he pulled away from her and sat up. “I doubt if anyone will come in here on a Sunday unless there’s a fire, but we should go.”
Talia knew he was right, that they didn’t need to stay here any longer. Yet it hurt how quickly he’d pulled away from her after what they’d shared last night.
“What time is it?”
Dylan pressed a button on his cell phone. “Almost seven-thirty.”
“When did we . . . go to sleep?”
He shrugged. “I’m not sure. Probably around three.”
Four hours of sleep on top of several shots of sweet-tea vodka. No wonder she felt like hell.
Talia sat up, and immediately grabbed her head as she sucked in a sharp breath. The bass drum player added a kettledrum and tom-tom while dancing around in her brain.
Dylan dropped his T-shirt before he donned it, rose to his knees, and grabbed her shoulders. “What’s wrong?”
“Tell the drummers to stop playing in my head.”
He had the nerve to chuckle again. The bum.
“You’ll feel better after some breakfast.”
The thought of food made her stomach lurch. “Uh, no, I don’t think that will help.”
She lowered her hands, which gave her a perfect view of Dylan’s body kneeling before her. The impressive erection made her swallow.
He gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze before he released her. “Get dressed and I’ll take you home.”
She’d thrown herself at him last night, he’d accepted—twice—and now he planned to simply drop her off at her house. So much for a morning after cuddle. “I have my car.”
He slipped his T-shirt over his head. “You shouldn’t drive if you don’t feel well.”
“I’m fine.”
Talia struggled into her bra, then searched for her panties. She found them beneath her butt. Getting them on wouldn’t be easy when every movement made the band play louder and her stomach churn. She slipped the lingerie over her feet and up her legs as far as she could. Raising one cheek and then the other, she managed to get her panties situated where they should be.
The blouse slipped on easily, although it took her three times as long as usual to close the buttons since her fingers refused to cooperate. Leaving the tie dangling, she tugged her capris from beneath her. She stared at them and sighed.
“Here, let me help you.”
A fully dressed Dylan knelt before her again. He took the capris from her and slid them up her legs to her thighs. “Lift.”
She did as he said, resting on her hands so she could raise her butt. He settled the pants at her waist and reached for her sandals. She watched his long-fingered hands as he glided the shoes onto her feet. Memories of how he’d touched her with those fingers last night filled her mind, made her yearn to feel his caresses again.
“Ready to go?” he asked.
She thought she saw desire in his eyes, but she must be mistaken. He couldn’t wait to be away from her. “Sure.”
He went down the ladder first, then placed his hands on her waist to help her. Talia appreciated the help since her legs still wobbled. “I don’t know why I feel so bad when I was only tipsy.”
“You aren’t used to drinking.”
“That’s for sure. Other than a sip of champagne at my wedding, I’m never drinking alcohol again.”
His eyebrows shot up to disappear beneath his tousled hair. “You planning on a wedding soon?”
“No, just making a statement. God, even my fingernails hurt.”
He slipped his hand beneath her hair, squeezed her nape. “Let me take you home. I’ll get your car to you later.”
Being with him any longer would only make her want even more time with him. “I’m okay, Dylan. I can drive myself.”
He didn’t look convinced, but Talia wouldn’t budge. His concern touched her, yet she knew he cared about her as a friend, not a loved one. She’d go home, shower, and work on the new curtains for her bedroom.
Or maybe not that last part. Running a sewing machine probably wouldn’t be a good idea until the band decided to finish the concert in her head.
Talia headed for the exit with Dylan right behind her. She waited by the door while he locked it. With one hand on her lower back, he guided her toward her car. She didn’t see his pickup anywhere. “How did you get here?”
“My truck’s in the Methodist Church’s parking lot.”
It was only two blocks away, but she saw no reason for him to walk when she could drive him there. She fished her car key from her pocket, pressed the button on the fob to unlock the doors. “Get it. I’ll drop you by your truck.”
She slid behind the wheel and he rounded the car to the passenger side. While he fastened his seat belt, she pulled her cell phone from its compartment and checked for messages. One from her mother, one from her sister, Carolyn, and two from girlfriends. Nothing she couldn’t handle later, after her head cleared.
Talia glanced at Dylan as she started the car. He sat with his hands hooked at his waist, staring out his window. She’d give up a week’s commission at Janelle’s to know his thoughts.
The short ride to the church took only moments. Talia pulled into the space next to Dylan’s pickup and left the motor running.
“Thanks for the lift,” he said, finally looking at her.
“You’re welcome.”
Not one word about what happened between them last night. Dylan obviously thought it had been a mistake for them to make love. Talia didn’t. She’d treasure the memory of being in his arms for the rest of her life.
Dylan rubbed the spot above his lips. She waited—prayed—for him to say something else, something that would give her hope that he felt the same way as she. Instead, he unbuckled his belt and opened the door. “See ya, Talia.”
A huge lump formed in her throat as she watched him climb into his pickup and drive away. “Yeah,” she whispered. “See ya.”
Dylan got tired of pacing in his living room, so he moved to the kitchen to pace in there. He couldn’t believe how stupid he’d been this morning. He hadn’t told Talia how much their lovemaking had meant to him. Oh, no. Mr. Smooth said “see ya” and walked away from her without talking about what they’d shared last night.
He’d showered, put on clean clothes, and scrambled a couple of eggs. The eggs had filled the empty spot in his stomach, even though he hadn’t felt like eating. Then he’d puttered in his garage with his fishing gear to kill some time and take his mind off Talia.
The puttering hadn’t worked. He thought about Talia constantly and worried about her . . . if she’d made it home, if she’d gotten sick, if she’d eaten anything. Her complexion had looked more green than ivory when he’d gotten out of her car. He’d had a few hangovers in his lifetime and knew how miserable they could make a person feel.
Opening the refrigerator, Dylan stared at the meager contents. He wanted something, but didn’t know what. Maybe a beer would taste good. He reached for a bottle, then changed his mind and selected a Coke instead. He glanced at the clock on the stove as he downed half the can. The Cowboys played at three-thirty today, so he still had almost two hours to kill before the football game.
Dylan crushed the empty can, tossed it in the recycle container. He didn’t want to be here, alone in his house. He wanted to be with Talia. She hadn’t looked well when he left her. He should drive over to see her and make sure she’d made it home safely.
The decision made, Dylan grabbed his cell phone and keys and headed for his pickup.
Talia lived three blocks from the downtown courthouse, in a small, two-bedroom house that she rented from Janelle Hunt, her boss. Dylan made it there in under ten minutes. He pulled into her driveway, parked in front of the closed garage door. He noticed the drawn living room curtains. Perhaps Talia had gone somewhere else instead of coming home.
No, as badly as she felt, he had no doubt she’d come home and probably gone right to bed. Dylan didn’t want to bother her if she slept, but he had to know she was okay. He turned off the ignition, got out of his truck, and walked to her front door.
He smiled at the sound of Westminster Chimes when he pressed the doorbell. She’d had the new doorbell installed shortly after she rented the house. Talia had said several times she wanted to visit England.
When the door didn’t open in a minute, Dylan pressed the doorbell again. Another minute passed with no Talia. Deciding she must still be asleep, he turned to walk back to his pickup.
He’d taken no more than three steps when he heard the front door open behind him. Turning toward it, he saw Talia leaning against the doorframe. She didn’t look quite as green as she had a few hours ago, but still didn’t have the appearance of the friendly, perky woman he usually saw. “Hey.”
“Hey. Sorry I took so long to answer. I was in bed.”
Just as he’d suspected. “I’m sorry I bothered you. Go back to bed.”
“No, it’s okay. Actually, I was awake, but too lazy to get up. Come in.”
Dylan stepped over the threshold into Talia’s neat living room. He’d often teased her about being such a neat freak and needing to have everything in its place. She’d told him she kept what people saw in order, but he could never look in her closets or cabinets. She didn’t know what might be growing in them.
“I made fresh tea after my shower. Do you want a glass?”
“Yeah, that sounds great.”
Dylan admired the way her ass looked in her denim cut-offs as he followed her to the kitchen. She had her hair pulled up in a ponytail on top of her head. The end swept across her upper back as she walked, drawing his attention to the scooped-neck purple tank she wore. No shoes, no jewelry, no makeup.
She didn’t need makeup to be gorgeous and sexy.
“Do you want to sit in here or in the living room?” she asked, taking two glasses from the cabinet.
“Wherever you want to sit is okay with me.”
She took ice trays from the freezer, filled each glass, then added tea. “The couch will be more comfortable.”
And give him the chance to sit closer to her. “Works for me.”
Dylan accepted the glass from Talia, then followed her back to the living room. He waited until she sat in one corner of the couch before he took the other. He sipped his tea, admiring the slight taste of lemon in the sweet beverage. “Good.”
“Thanks. Although I doubt if you came over to compliment my tea.” Talia drew her knees up on the couch. “Why did you come over?”
“To check on you. You look so much better now than when I left you this morning.”
Her lips twisted to the side. “Thanks a lot.”
Realizing he’d insulted her without meaning to, Dylan quickly backtracked. “I mean, you weren’t feeling well this morning, so your complexion was a little green. You aren’t green anymore.”

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