Read Small Town Girl Online

Authors: Gemma Brooks

Small Town Girl (5 page)

I straddled him as he cupped each of my
breasts in his soft hands and then reached his hands around to cup my ass.
Below me, I could feel his member begin to engorge. He steadied his hands on my
hips and flipped me over to my back before sliding his pants off the rest of
the way. He tugged at my jeans and pulled them off, then slipped a finger under
the waistband of my panties, teasing me.

I lay, breathless, anticipating his next
move. The tables had suddenly turned and he was in control. I was under him. He
was dominating me. There was something so sensual about being with someone who
wasn’t afraid to take control, someone who knew what they were doing.

With one swift move, he ripped my panties
off and threw them across the room. I tossed my head back and ran my fingertips
across my pert nipples. He ran his fingers down my inner thighs before
spreading them wide and positioning himself at my hot and waiting lady kingdom.

His warm breath tickled me down below and
soon I felt the swirling wetness of his tongue circling my clit. He slipped a
soft finger inside me and began tickling my g-spot as his tongue worked the
kind of magic I never knew existed.

Moans and sighs slipped out of my mouth
as I made sounds I’d never made before. My hands reached down to my sides,
gripping the comforter below me as I clung on for dear life. One of his hands
reached up and massaged my left breast as his mouth stayed below. It was more
stimulation than I’d ever felt all at once in my life.

“Oh, my God,” I yelled out. My hands
pounded the bed below me as I tried to fight off the waves of sheer ecstasy I
felt about to wash over me.

Without any sort of warning, Hudson

“What are you doing?” I panted. “Don’t
stop. Please. Don’t stop.”

He cracked a smile as he climbed off the
bed. I watched as every muscle of his Greek God physique rippled and flexed
while he reached down to grab something from his pants pocket. He pulled out a
shiny gold square and ripped the tin packaging with his perfect teeth. It was a
condom. I hadn’t seen one of those in a long time.

He rolled it onto his full erection and
kneeled into position on top of me. With one hand gripping himself, he teased
me with his cock, slapping my clit and rubbing it up and down between my lips.

“Please,” I sighed. I wasn’t sure how
much teasing I could take.

With one fell thrust, he was deep inside
me, filling my insides and expanding every muscle. I slipped my hands under his
arms and held onto his hips as he thrusted deep inside me over and over again.

As his bare chest rubbed against my
breasts and his cock rubbed against my clit, it was all I could do to fight off
the orgasm that was headed my way. Little moans escaped my lips with every
plunge, and I never wanted it to end.

“Look at me, Brynn,” he said. I’d
realized I’d been squeezing my eyes tight the entire time. I opened my eyes,
almost afraid to face the reality before me, and saw him staring deep into
mine. “Be with me. Be present.”

I nodded as I bit my lip and stared back
into his intense, chocolate eyes. He leaned down and kissed my lips, slipping
his tongue around mine, and it was all over from there. I suddenly lost it. I
couldn’t fight it anymore. Waves of pleasure took over as I let the most
intense orgasm of my life wash over me.


My sweet, sweet slumber was disturbed
Tuesday morning by the sound of a phone vibrating on the nightstand next to me.
For a second, I’d forgotten that I wasn’t at home in my apartment. I wasn’t in
my own bed. I was sleeping next to Hudson Smith. And I wasn’t just sleeping
next to him; I was lying in his arms, naked, under the covers.

“Hudson,” I whispered. “Your phone.”

His pried his eyes open and pulled his
arm out from underneath me, turning towards the nightstand to grab his phone.

“Yeah,” he answered. “Really? Oh, okay.
I’ll be there as soon as possible.”

I pulled the covers up over my naked
breasts, suddenly feeling insecure about what I’d done, and backed up a bit.

“I guess filming is resuming today,” he
said. “They got the permit stuff figured out, so they need me as soon as

I couldn’t hide the disappointment on my
face. I said nothing in fear of him getting a single whiff of my
not-so-delicate morning breath.

He climbed out from under the covers, his
gorgeous bare ass taking center stage as he stood up and stretched.

“If you want to stick around and sleep in
a bit, feel free,” he said.

I couldn’t peel my eyes off his ass.

“Get some more sleep, shower if you want,
take your time,” he added. He turned around, leaned down, and kissed my forehead
before heading to the bathroom to shower. I laid my head back down on the
pillow and settled in for a little more rest. Hudson had worn me out last night
and I needed all the sleep I could get.

“Okay, I’m out of here,” he said a few
minutes later.

“That was a fast shower,” I replied as I
peeked up at him through my half-closed eyes.

He shrugged and smiled. His hair was
still soaking wet, and I could smell his cologne permeating off his still damp
skin. I looked him up and down. He was in jeans and a t-shirt, but they hugged
him in all the right places. I was sure he was professionally styled but damn.
He looked like he’d just stepped off the pages of a magazine.

“I’ll catch up with you later, okay?” he
said as he turned and shoved his keys and wallet into his jeans pockets. With
that, he was gone and I was all alone in Hudson Smith’s hotel room.

When the reality of what had happened hit
me, I was instantly awake. I couldn’t sleep any longer. I wanted to think about
it. I wanted to relive it. I wanted to replay every hot, steamy second of our
sexual tryst in my head over and over again.

In two more days, he would leave Rock
River forever and all that would remain would be memories. I climbed out of bed
and sauntered to the shower. Thinking about Hudson and the things he did to me
were getting me so worked up, I needed to cool down.

I stepped under the running water of the
showerhead and let the beads trickle down my hair and back. Lined up in the
corner of the shower was an arsenal of high end bath and body products, most of
which I’d never even heard of before. One by one, I flipped their caps and
smelled them. They were mostly masculine and earthy and organic smelling, but
they all smelled like him.

I squeezed a small handful of some sort
of mossy shampoo into my palm and began lathering up my thick, dark hair. I
followed with a handful of some sort of minty conditioner before rubbing a bar
of French milled soap all over every crevice of my body. Breathing in the
cocktail of Hudson’s scents, the kinds of scents I never knew existed, further
reiterated to me that there was life outside Rock River.

That life of predictability and isolation
that had once sounded so safe and secure now made me feel sick to my stomach. I
couldn’t help but wonder what else was out there.

As I stepped out of the shower and
toweled off, I spotted another arsenal of moisturizers and lotions and eye
creams stacked along the bathroom sink. These were the kinds of things guys
around here would never touch with a ten-foot pole, but looking good was
Hudson’s job. He had a lot of competition, and I loved that he took care of

I opened a couple jars of some sort of
facial cream and tested them out on my face. They glided on like whipped cream
and settled deep into my skin, bringing out some sort of surreal glow. I
thought about making a note as to what these products were, but I knew they
were probably way out of my price range anyway.

As much as I hated to leave Hudson’s
hotel, I knew I had no choice. I couldn’t stick around forever, and in just a
few hours, my shift at the diner was going to start. I slipped on my clothes
from the night before and braced myself for my walk of shame.

I trekked down the hall, rode down the
elevator, and hung my head as I walked through the lobby, praying that I
wouldn’t see anyone I knew. The last thing I needed was for this to get back to
Luke. Once I made it to my car unseen, I pulled out my phone to check it out of

I half hoped to have a missed call from
Luke or at the very least a text message with a question mark. We were going on
four days now of nothing. No contact between us. We’d never gone more than a
day or so without talking before. Panic immediately spread throughout my body
as I wondered if he’d driven by and seen my car parked at the hotel. Suddenly
the high I was floating on propelled me back down to earth as the magnitude of
what I’d just done hit me.

I’d slept with Hudson, and I’d
potentially ruined the sliver of a chance I had with Luke.

My mouth went dry and my face went numb.
I wanted to throw up. How could I have let myself get so caught up? Hudson was
a movie star. He was an actor. He could’ve been feeding me lines. He always
seemed to know what to say. How could I have been so stupid? Luke was my best
friend. The man I loved and pined after for the last seven years.

I started my car and headed straight to
the local coffee shop to talk to Piper.




“Piper,” I said as I walked into the
empty coffee shop north of the square.

“Well, look who it is,” she said with one
hand cocked on her hip. She shot me a curious look, like she knew something was

Piper had been my best friend since we
were in kindergarten. She knew me better than anyone else, even Luke, and I
her. She was like a sister to me even though we couldn’t have looked any more
different. I had a tan skin, golden hazel eyes, and long, dark hair. She was as
pale as the moon with natural, platinum blonde hair, a sprinkling of freckles,
and the biggest baby blues this side of Rock River.

“I’m so glad this place is empty because
I have a lot to tell you,” I said excitedly as I took a seat up at the counter.

“Want something to drink?” she asked. “On
the house.”

“Iced mocha,” I replied. “Nonfat.”

She began whipping up my gratis drink,
like the good friend she was, as I tried to figure out where to begin.

“If I tell you this, you cannot repeat it
to anyone,” I prefaced my information. “I mean it, Piper.”

She glanced up at me from the other side
of the counter; hungry for the information I was about to spill. A curious
smile cracked over her lips.

“I swear,” she said. “What is it?”

“Hudson Smith showed up at the diner last
night at the end of my shift,” I said as I bit my lip and waited for her

“Oh, my god,” she said as she sat my iced
mocha in front of me and threw a straw down. “Continue.”

“He wanted to hang out,” I said. “We
drove around Rock River. I gave him a little tour. Then we went back to his
hotel room.”

Piper slapped her hand down on the
counter before covering her mouth. “Don’t tell me you…”

“You cannot tell anyone, Piper,” I said
before I gave her my full answer.

“I won’t, I won’t,” she promised.

“Yes, we slept together,” I said. I hung
my head in shame, though on the inside I was still happily reeling. “It wasn’t
planned, it just sort of happened.”

“Wow,” she said. “I never thought I’d see
the day.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Luke has been your world for a long
time,” she said. “It’s just weird hearing you talk about someone else like

“I know, I know,” I said as I buried my
face in my hands and sighed. “That’s why I need to talk to you.”


“Hudson thinks I need to experience other
people,” I continued. “Or at least a life outside of Rock River.”

“Why would you ever want to leave Rock
River?” Piper asked. She was just as accustomed to this life in a bubble as I

“He just said a lot of things that made
me think,” I said. “And they all sounded good at the time. They made sense. But
now I just think maybe I made a mistake.”

“Why do you think you made a mistake exactly?”

“Hudson is a freaking movie star. I’m a
nobody from the middle of nowhere,” I explained. “This thing with him just
isn’t realistic. My feelings for Luke, those are real. I can’t throw away a
potential future with Luke all for some fantasy.”

Piper leaned over on the counter and
sighed before hanging her head down.

“I don’t know what to tell you,” she
said. “Except that I think you should come clean to Luke. I’ve never seen him
so upset. He really didn’t want you going to Hudson’s hotel room.”

“Then he should’ve said something,” I
argued, though the argument wasn’t between Piper and me.

“You know how he is,” she said. “I think
you should be honest with him. Tell him what happened.”

“I was afraid you’d say that,” I said
with a sigh.

“Give him a chance to tell you how he
really feels,” Piper replied. “Maybe this will finally get him to admit how he
really feels?”

“Do you know something I don’t? Have you
talked to him?” I asked.

“Oh, no,” she said. “Not like in depth or

“When did you talk to him?” I asked. I
knew we were all friends, but I never knew those two to talk to each other
without me around. I was sort of the glue that held the group together. Piper
and Luke were like oil and water sometimes.

“He stopped in here the other day to get
a drink,” she said.

“He doesn’t drink coffee,” I said. I
hated how accusatory I sounded, but what she was saying wasn’t really adding

“Okay, then he drank tea. I don’t
remember,” Piper said. She was getting defensive.

“He loves tea,” I said. “Maybe I should
bring a big glass of sweet tea out to the field today as some sort of peace

“You could do that,” she replied as she
reached for a large plastic cup and filled it with some freshly brewed
raspberry tea. How’d she know that was his favorite?

“I’ll just come clean now,” I said. “No
sense in waiting. Either he’ll stay mad at me or he’ll finally admit how he
really feels.”

“I think you’re making the right choice,”
Piper said as she handed me Luke’s tea.

“Here goes nothing,” I said as I walked

I drove to the north side of town, hopped
onto the highway, and then turned left onto a gravel road. Pretty much every
field in north Rock River was owned by the Summers family and their century
farm. I wasn’t sure which field Luke was in. I didn’t want to call him. I
wanted to surprise him. I had to see if he was going to be happy to see me.
That would determine everything.

I spotted a green and yellow tractor
going up and down a field, and I waited for it to get closer. I pulled my car
over on the side of the road, and as soon as I recognized Luke’s ridiculously
dark tan and his yellow co-op hat, I climbed out of my car and walked over to
the fence.

He spotted me immediately and parked his
tractor, climbing down to meet me at the fence.

“Hey,” I said. “Thought you could use

“Thanks,” he said as he took the tea from
my hand and took a long sip. “What are you doing here?”

“We haven’t spoken in days,” I said.
“It’s weird. I don’t like it.”

He stared at me and said nothing, as if
he didn’t owe me any kind of explanation.

“Is everything okay with us?” I asked.

Luke shrugged his shoulders and stared
down at the ground, kicking the earth beneath his boots. That wasn’t a good

“Look,” I said. “The real reason I came
out here was to tell you something.”

He rolled his eyes and leaned back.
“What’d you do now?”

“I slept with Hudson Smith last night,” I
said. I closed my eyes and waited for him to say something.

“You already slept with him I thought,”
Luke said.

“No,” I said. “I was telling the truth
when I told you nothing happened last Friday night.
You didn’t believe me. You stopped
talking to me. Hudson came out to the diner last night, we hung out, things
just happened. None of it was planned, Luke. But it happened. I can’t change
it. I can only be honest about it.”

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