Read Seducing His Heart Online

Authors: Jean C. Joachim

Tags: #romance, #love story, #contemporary romance, #steamy romance, #contemporary love story

Seducing His Heart (24 page)

BOOK: Seducing His Heart
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You’re on.” The phone
clicked off. Whit sat back and rested his feet on a chair.
Perfect. I get Bess situated then I start on my
new life. She can use the house while I’m away. No rush to sell it
if I’m gone. Perfect timing.
He called to
tell her he’d be late and sauntered toward makeup.

Sam grabbed his arm. “Contract will be on
your desk at nine o’clock tomorrow morning.”

Good. You can have the
info when it’s signed.”

It’ll be signed by

Fine. When Miss Cooper
signs it, you’ll get the information.”


Takes one to know

Whit breezed through the
newscast. His confidence had never been higher.
Nothing like tying up all the loose ends of one’s life. Dr.
Sumner was a stroke of genius. I’m cool with keeping the house and
moving to Asia.

He arrived at the Shelton Arms early,
ordered a scotch on the rocks, and dialed his brother.

Hey, Jeff. Wanted you to
know I’m going to Asia for about six months. Maybe

Asia? How

Taking a job there
New York News

A promotion?”

More of a lateral

You’re running

Nope, clearing the field
for a new start.”

I’m sorry.”

By the way, thanks for
referring me to Dr. Sumner.”

You’re seeing

Yeah. He’s been very

Has he? And you’re still
running away?”

Whit sighed. “I told you. I’m not running
away. I’m starting something new.”

So you say. I’ll miss
you. Are you coming to see Dad before you go?”

I will if I have

Translation—no. Hey, it’s
your life.”

Even with this shit
you’re dumping on me, you’re a great brother, Jeff. You’ve always
looked out for me. I never said ‘thank you.’ Want you to know I
appreciate it.”

Silence. Then, “You’re my kid brother.
Someone’s gotta keep an eye on you.”

You have. You’re one of
the good guys.”

Thanks. Stay out of
trouble. Get married. You won’t regret it.”

Hey, you found the only
good one in the bunch, Jeff. What can I do?” The minute he said it,
a wave of guilt washed over him.
God, Bess didn’t hear that.

I thought you had
someone.” A hint of suspicion broke through Jeff’s

She’s sort of a
You never used to be a
Sweat broke out on his

Friend with

More or less.”

Can’t pin you down.
Always slippery. That hasn’t changed. Hell, your personal life is
your own business.”


I was hoping this might
be the one.”

What happened to my
personal life is my own business?”

I still can’t talk to
you, can I? Good luck in Asia, Whit.”


Whit didn’t breathe a sigh
of relief when the conversation was over. He wanted to keep
talking, but didn’t know what to say.
always misunderstands. He’s sort of like talking to Dr. Sumner. Why
can’t I make him see I’m okay? He worries too much.

Hey, Bass, what’s eating

Whit looked up into the chubby face of
Pickford Williams. “Hey, Pick, sit down, sit down.”

Look like you’ve got the
weight of the world on your shoulders.”

Nah. Talking to my

Let’s talk about

Okay, shoot.”

The waitress returned, and Pick ordered a
scotch for himself and one for Whit. “You’re not my boss’s first
choice. Sorry to tell you that.”

Whit cocked an eyebrow. “Oh?”

Yeah. He wanted Jamison

Business News Today

Yeah. But Keller’s got
some book commitment or other. At least for the next few

So, I’m on trial? Is that

The server put down their drinks and a bowl
of pretzels.

If you love it there and
want to stay, fine. But if you want to return, Keller could fill

Why are you doing

Because I know

What the hell does that
mean?” Whit finished his second drink and signaled for

I don’t think you’re
serious about Asia.”

I’ve never been more
serious. As soon as I sign that contract, I’m giving

Come on, Whit. I know
you. Known you for years.”


A fresh scotch arrived. Pick ordered nachos.
“Something’s up with you.”

Why do you say

Only a feeling. You’re a
stick-with-it kind of guy.”

Yeah? So? I’ve been with
the station for three years.”

Three years is nothing.
You’ve got a good thing going there. Making a ton of

So? I want something

We’ll see.” Pick raised
his glass. “Here’s to…uh…happiness.”

Okay. Happiness.” They
clinked glasses and drank. “How’s Annie?”



We’ve only got one,


You should try

Marriage? Kids? Me?” He
laughed. “Got the wrong guy.”

Two drinks became four. Whit and Pick
rehashed college days. Whit signed the contract and stumbled into a
taxi at midnight.

Bess must be asleep by
Whit fumbled with the lock on his
front door. The pugs began to bark.
They’ll wake her up. Shit. Open up, you fucking door.
Tempted to kick it, he got it open before he lost
even more of his temper.
She’s up by now.
And I’m drunk. Shit. Not good.

When he entered, she raised a rolling pin to
strike, but he hollered, “Bess! It’s me!”

She blinked, rubbed her eyes, and put the
wooden weapon on the counter. The dogs jumped on him, trying to
lick his face. Whit slid down to the floor and giggled like a
schoolboy when the dogs attacked him with affection.

Drunk?” Bess asked, hand
on her hip.

Had a few with an old

I see. It’s after
midnight. Pardon me if I go back to bed.”

Don’t go without me.” He
pushed up and teetered after her. Her diaphanous robe barely
concealed her form. He eyed her with lust.
Drunk and horny.

What’s funny?”

Men are supposed to be
impotent when they’re drunk. Not me. I could do you all

That so?”

Yeah. Come here.” He
reached for her.

You reek.” She moved

Whit went into the bathroom. He splashed
cold water on his face, brushed his teeth, and used mouthwash. More
sober, he entered the bedroom, yanking his tie loose. “Let me try
again.” He draped the silk length over a chair and unbuttoned his
shirt. “You are the most beautiful woman on Earth.” He unbuckled
his pants and folded them up. Within a minute, he was naked,
crawling up the bed toward Bess.

She sat up and giggled. “You look like a

I am a lion, coming for
his mate.” When he reached her, he cupped the back of her head and
drew her to him. “I need you,” he whispered.

I’m here.”

He eased her back and covered her mouth with
his, gently seducing her. “Beautiful Bess,” he muttered into her
mouth. His hands pushed the sheet back, putting them skin to skin.
He kissed his way to her neck then down. Bess ran her hands over
his back then up his chest.

Ummm, love your body,”
she whispered.

Love you, honey,” he
said, running his hands up to her breasts. He closed his fingers
over the warm flesh. “Perfect,” he said.

He raised his head to gaze into her eyes,
where love shone through. Love and desire. It set him off. Lust
flew through his veins. “Oh, baby, baby, baby,” he said, sliding
his hands up and down her body then between her legs. She was wet.
He couldn’t remember when he’d been as hard. Whit couldn’t wait. He
parted her legs, mounted her, and thrust. She gasped and

A sober thought penetrated
his brain.
Did I hurt her?
He stared into her eyes. “Are you all

God, yes. Don’t

He let go, withdrew, and
plunged in again and again. He slammed into her, harder and harder,
wanting to own her, to possess her, body and soul.
She belongs to me.
“Mine,” he repeated, over and over, in rhythm with the
movement of his hips. He kissed her roughly, tore at her lips. His
hands gripped her arms and squeezed tight.

Ow, let go,” she said,
squirming under his grasp.

Sorry, sorry.”
Take her, make love to her, but don’t hurt her,
you moron.
He uncurled his fingers and
rubbed her arms.

I’m okay.” Her mouth was
dark pink, inviting him. He kissed her, his tongue seeking hers.
She raised it to meet him. As he increased the pace, Bess began to
move with him, her hips undulating with each thrust.

She cried out his name, making her heat
surrounding him hotter and wetter. Whit lost all control as an
orgasm claimed him, sending pleasure shooting through his veins. He
buried his face in her neck as the hard tips of her breasts pushed
into his chest.

Oh, God,” he said, spent
and exhausted.

Holy crap. You were…an

Whit lifted his head. “Are you okay? Was it
too much?”

It was incredible. It’s
like you were unconscious or something. On automatic

A lion…”

Yeah. Except for the
roaring and biting me on the back of the neck, yeah. You

Whit gave a poor imitation of a lion’s roar.
Startled, the pugs began to bark. Homer had been in the living
room. He ran in and jumped up on the bed.

Bess was warm and soft beneath Whit, and he
didn’t want to move. “Homer, get down!” But the pug forged ahead,
licking Whit’s face and shoulder. Bess laughed when Dumpling put
her cold, wet nose between their bellies. Whit jumped.

No privacy,” he muttered,
moving back on his haunches. His hot stare covered her body. “I
could look at you all night.”

After a quick wash-up, they cuddled together
under the covers. Bess backed into his embrace. Whit folded his
arms around her.

I love you, too,” she

His eyelids drooped. “Hmm?”


What?” He jerked to

You told me you loved me,
so I thought I’d respond.”

I didn’t say
Never tell them you love them.
Whit’s rule number one.

But you did. Are you
denying it?” She moved away and rolled over to face him.

I couldn’t have. I
never…never say the ‘L’ word.”

You did tonight. To me. I
heard it perfectly.”

Silence followed.
Could I? Do I? Bess is so different. But the “L”

It’s okay if you want to
deny it. I get it.” She curled up alone at the far end of the bed.
He heard the hurt in her voice.

Her separation affected
him physically and emotionally. The cool air chilling his skin in
her absence doubled the effect.
Do I love
Bess? Maybe I do. Shit. How did that happen? But it feels good.
Feels damn good.

He inched nearer to her. “I didn’t mean

Yes, you did. You meant
to take it back or call me a liar.” She kept her back to

He got closer. “I’d never call you a liar.
It’s just…” He hesitated.

Bess faced him. “Just what? You said it only
to manipulate me? Only to make me think you cared?”

You’re twisting my words.
If I said it to you, I meant it. I haven’t said that to anyone in a
long time. Since I bought the house.”

So, you
love me?” She rested
her hand on his cheek.

He kissed her palm. “I did. I do.”

You love me?”

BOOK: Seducing His Heart
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