Read Secret Relations: Women in Hollywood, Book 1 Online

Authors: Sheila M. Goss

Tags: #Singer;Hollywood;Love;Romance

Secret Relations: Women in Hollywood, Book 1 (8 page)

Chapter Nineteen

Sean made it difficult for Charlotte to keep her distance. She had to find a way to push her own selfish needs and desires to the side until the Dana situation blew over.

It was getting late and she had paperwork to finish. Everyone had left the office. She forgot to check the locks on the front door. She got up to check and almost stumbled when Sean walked in carrying a takeout bag.

“I figured you could use something to eat since you’re still here working.”

“I could, but I thought you were on your way home.”

Sean smiled. “I wanted to see you. Correction. I needed to see you.” He glanced back. “It’s not safe for you to be sitting in here with the doors unlocked.”

“I was on my way to lock them,” Charlotte said as they both stood there looking at each other.

Sean asked, “Is there somewhere else we can go to eat or do you want me to put the bag on your desk?”

“Let’s use a conference room.”

“After you.” Sean moved out of Charlotte’s way.

Charlotte could feel the intensity of Sean’s eyes on her back as she led them to one of the conference room. “We can eat in here.”

Sean removed the plastic containers from the bag. “I brought us some Chinese food. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Does it look like I turn down a meal?” Charlotte sat down across from Sean.

“All of your weight is in all the right places. Men like me love to have something to hold on to.”

Charlotte responded, “I rarely see a woman my size in any of your videos.”

“Then we will have to change that. Maybe you can star in my next one.”

“I don’t think so. I’m not a video vixen.”

Charlotte began to feel a little self conscious about her size. She was slightly overweight, but fit. She was toned and most of her fat was in her breasts and butt. She decided to change the subject. “How’s rehearsal?”

Sean shared with her how rehearsal went over dinner. “It took a minute for me to get into the groove of things but once I pushed the situation with Dana to the back of my mind, I was able to do what needed to be done.”

“Good. That’s what you need to do. Concentrate on your music. Eventually, things will die down and the media will be talking about something else.”

Charlotte loved how passionate Sean was about his work. From their conversation and from the videos she’d watched prior to taking him on as a client, she knew he put a lot into his performance. “I’m proud of you,” Charlotte said. “Glad to be on this journey with you. Your first tour where you’re the headliner.”

“I can’t wait for the tour stop in Houston. I’ve got some special things planned for that trip.”

“Do tell,” Charlotte said, as she took her last bite.

“You’ll have to come to find out.”

“I might just do that.”

“I also want you there next week when the tour opens up here.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“You have a VIP all access pass and if anyone gives you any problems, you get in contact with me,” Sean said.

“Oh. I won’t have any problems. You forget. I’m Charlotte Richards. Manager to the stars. I will get in. One way...or another.”

“Glad you’re on my side.” Sean laughed.

“I’m glad you feel that way, Sean. It’s important to me that you know I’m on your team. I support you but I have to keep my distance when we’re in public.”

Sean leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “Why?”

“Sean, you know why. If you’re not going to think about your career, at least one of us has to.”

Sean pulled out his cell phone and then handed it to her. “Look at this.”

Charlotte stared at a picture of them standing side by side outside his gates at the press conference. “Why are you showing me this?”

“We look damn good together. When I’m going through a crisis, you’re the woman I want by my side. I wouldn’t be able to get through this mess with Dana if it hadn’t been for you.”

“Jason helped too.”

“Yes, sure he did, but you’re the woman who spearheaded it. You took a bad situation and turned it around for me and possibly brought awareness to mental disorders in the process.”

“You make it sound like I’m a saint.”

Sean reached across the table and held the tips of her fingers. “To me, you are. You are that and so much more.”

“You always know what to say.” Charlotte blushed. “I have a few more things I need to do so I need to get back to work.”

“Go. I’ve got this.” Sean said, as he looked at the empty containers on the table.

Charlotte smiled before placing a soft, slow sensuous kiss on his lips. She squeezed Sean’s hand then got up and left the room.

Chapter Twenty

Sean cleaned the conference room. He dumped the empty containers and bag in the trash can and walked to Charlotte’s office. Her door was shut. He placed his hand on the doorknob to turn it but at the last second, he didn’t. He sat down on the leather love seat in the waiting area. It was late and he didn’t want her leaving the office by herself. He played around on his cell phone until he heard the clicking of her heels coming down the hallway.

She jumped a little when she rounded the corner and saw him sitting there. “When you didn’t come to my office, I assumed you were gone.”

“I would never leave without saying bye,” Sean said. He stood and placed the cell phone in his pocket.

Charlotte dangled her keys out in front of her. “Let me lock the doors,” “I’ll wait for you by the elevator,” Sean responded.

They rode the elevator down to the parking garage in silence. There were only a few cars left.

Their cars were parked by each other. Sean walked to Charlotte’s door. She deactivated her alarm. He held her door open while she got inside. “I’m speaking at the Fight for Cancer dinner. Would you like to go as my date?” Sean asked.

“Us, being seen in public as a couple is not a good idea, right now. I thought you understood that,” Charlotte responded.

Sean looked her directly in the eye. “Remember, you were my first choice. Since you’re turning me down, I guess I’ll have to ask Monet.”

“Monet, the model?” Charlotte asked.

“One in the same. Besides, she’s been having her people reach out to me for a while. If she’s available, might as well. The woman I want to go with doesn’t want to be seen with me.”

Charlotte gritted her teeth. “Sean, you’re not being fair. While you’re out having fun, I’ll be doing my thing. In fact, since it’s a charity dinner, I might see about buying a ticket myself. Yes. That’s what I’ll do.”

“Suit yourself. I guess I’ll see you Saturday night,” Sean responded. He saw the flash of jealousy in her eyes. He knew he was playing with fire, but if it took him being with another woman to get Charlotte to stop worrying about what others thought, then so be it.

Charlotte ran her hand across the bottom of her brand new dress.

“You better be glad I’m a married man because, sister, you are wearing the hell out of that dress,” Allen said, as he held open his car door for her to exit.

“This old thing,” Charlotte joked. “I’m glad you like it. I normally don’t wear red.”

“I don’t see why not. Your friend is definitely going to notice you tonight.”

“I didn’t wear this dress for him,” Charlotte responded.

“Sure, you didn’t,” Allen smiled, as he held out his arm.

Charlotte placed her hand on top of his arm as he led her up the stairs to the doors of the five star hotel.

They were escorted inside and Charlotte saw several people in the entertainment field as she and Allen made their way to the banquet hall.

“Don’t look now, but there’s Sean Maxwell,” Allen leaned down and whispered.

When Charlotte saw Sean standing there in his black tuxedo next to Monet, the green-eyed jealousy monster reared its ugly head. Charlotte hated she wasn’t the one on Sean’s arm. If she hadn’t been concerned about keeping their relationship a secret, it would be her and not Monet.

It didn’t help that Monet was wearing a sheer black dress that seemed to draw attention to every one of her curves. Charlotte started feeling self-conscious about choosing to wear the low cut, yet elegant red dress she wore.

“Come on. Let’s go find our seats,” Charlotte said, grabbing Allen’s hand.

Sean wanted to know who the man was sitting with Charlotte. He would soon find out because he made sure he and Charlotte would be seated at the same table.

“Hi, Charlotte,” Sean said, when he and Monet reached the table.

Charlotte mumbled, “Hi, Sean.”

Sean looked so good in his suit that she found it hard to keep her composure.

Sean held out the chair for Monet. “This is Monet. I don’t know if you two have had the pleasure of meeting.”

Monet turned her nose up in the air. “No, we haven’t,” Monet said.

“Nice meeting you, Monet.” Charlotte plastered on a fake smile. On the inside, she secretly wished Monet would disappear.

“Likewise,” Monet responded.

The man seated next to Charlotte cleared his throat. “I’m Allen. A good friend of Charlotte’s.”

“How good of a friend?” Sean asked, as he sat down next to Monet and directly across from Charlotte.

“Very good,” Charlotte responded, while looking at Allen.

Sean frowned. “Well, any friend of Charlotte’s is a friend of mine.”

Allen said, “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”

“I hope they were all good things.”

Before Allen could respond, Charlotte intervened. “Allen, I think I left my phone in your car. Do you mind checking for me?”

Allen didn’t hesitate to do so.

Monet pulled out her compact mirror to look at her reflection. “Sean, I hate to do this to you, but I see someone I really must talk to. I want to be in this movie and he’s just the man who can get me the role. I’ll be right back.”

Monet leaned down and kissed Sean on the cheek. Sean smiled. He looked and Charlotte wasn’t smiling at all.

“Jealous, are we?” Sean stated, glad he was making Charlotte uncomfortable.

“I have nothing to be jealous of,” Charlotte responded.

“You got that right, because, baby, if we were by ourselves, I would rip that dress right off your body.”

Sean could see Charlotte blushing. “Shh. Someone might hear you.”

“Like I care. And why did you bring your boy toy with you tonight?”

“Allen is not my boy toy. He’s a good friend of mine.”

Sean leaned down on the table. “And I ask again. How good of a friend?”

“Now who’s the one jealous?” Charlotte stared back at Sean with a huge grin on her face.

Sean smiled. “Maybe, I should just find him and ask him.”

Sean left Charlotte seated at the table by herself.

Chapter Twenty-One

He wouldn’t. Charlotte kept saying to herself repeatedly. She sat at the table waiting for Allen or Sean to return. Monet slipped back into her seat.

“I see our men have disappeared on us,” Monet commented.

“It appears that way,” Charlotte responded.

Monet said, “Look. I can tell something’s going on between you and Sean, so we might as well cut to the chase.”

Charlotte’s heart dropped. She hoped she could convince Monet otherwise. “With me and Sean, it’s strictly business.”

Monet laughed. “Please. The sexual tension between you two is so thick, not even I could stand in between it. I’m only here with Mr. Naughty because I knew there were going to be some Hollywood executives here. He’s yours.”

“Who said I want him?” Charlotte asked.

“Honey, your eyes, your mouth and your body are crying out for him.”

Charlotte felt exposed. She couldn’t believe her feelings were so transparent. She had to get a grip of herself. “You’re reading more into it. Nothing’s between us.”

“Honey, you can deny it all you want to, but I know the truth.”

Before Charlotte could say anything else, Allen and Sean approached their table.

“Did you miss me?” Sean asked, looking directly at Charlotte.

Monet responded, “We sure did. Didn’t we, Charlotte?”

Charlotte cleared her throat. “It was quiet with the two of you gone.”

Allen chuckled. “Charlotte, no need to have an attitude.”

Charlotte looked at Allen. “I thought you were my friend.”

“I am. That’s why I did what I did.”

Charlotte’s eyes widened. “What did you do?”

“Nothing. We’ll talk about it later,” Allen responded, as the waiters came to place food and drinks on their table.

Charlotte couldn’t enjoy the meal. She found herself looking across the table at Sean. Sean kept his eyes glued on Charlotte as Monet seemed to dominate the conversation.

“Sean, I hate to leave you, but I just got a text from my agent. I’m needed in Paris tomorrow and if I don’t leave now, I’ll miss my flight,” Monet said.

“I’m scheduled to speak next, so I can’t leave, but I will call a cab for you,” Sean responded.

Allen said, “No need to do so. Monet, I’ll take you home if Sean can make sure Charlotte gets home.”

Charlotte listened to the exchange.

“Problem solved.” Monet slid her chair from behind the table. “Charlotte, nice meeting you. I’m sure we’ll meet again.” Monet looked down at Sean. “Don’t be a stranger.”

Without another word, Monet and Allen left the two of them alone at the table.

“Well, I’m up next. Can I count on you to cheer me on?” Sean asked, while a wicked grin spread across his face.

Charlotte’s eyes twinkled.

Suddenly, she heard the announcer’s voice. “We would like to thank Sean Maxwell for the outpouring support he’s had for our charity over the years. Without further ado, let’s give a hearty welcome to R & B legend, Sean Maxwell.”

Everyone clapped. Sean looked at Charlotte before pulling away from the table. She gave him a reassuring smile.

Sean was used to performing in front of sold out arenas but standing in front of people in a setting like this always made him nervous. The fifteen minutes he was talking seemed more like fifteen hours to him. He received a standing ovation at the end of his speech. He stopped and talked to several people as he made his way back to his table. To his dismay, Charlotte wasn’t there.

“I bet you thought I left, didn’t you?” Charlotte said, as she snuck up on him.

Sean sighed. “I sure did. So how did I do?”

“You were great, but you didn’t need me to tell you that,” Charlotte responded, as they stood there.

“Charlotte, hearing it come from you, means a lot.”

“Well, I can call a cab so you don’t have to worry about seeing me home.”

“No. I’m a man of my word. I will be dropping you off as soon as this event is over.”

The announcer came on the loud speaker. “The dance floor is now open.” The music blasted throughout the room.

“Would you do me the honor?” Sean extended his hand out.

“Might as well put this red dress to use,” Charlotte said, as she followed Sean to the dance floor.

They spent the next twenty minutes dancing and enjoying each other’s company.

Sean pulled out Charlotte’s seat. “Glad to see you’re enjoying yourself.”

“I’m glad I stayed,” she responded, as she motioned for the waiter’s attention.

“May I help you?” the waiter asked.

“Yes. Can I have a glass of Chardonnay?” Charlotte asked.

“Anything for you, sir?” the waiter asked, looking in Sean’s direction.

“I’ll have the same,” Sean responded.

Soon, they were so caught up in conversation, they weren’t paying much attention to everyone else in the room. Sean had so many things he wanted to say but didn’t want to spoil the mood.

“It’s been a long week. I hate to be a party pooper, but I’m a little tired,” Charlotte said.

“We can leave. Let me have my driver meet us out front.” Sean removed his cell phone from his pocket and sent a text message to his driver.

“Sean, there you are,” one of the female organizers said. “Can I get you to take a quick picture?”

“You caught me just in time. I was just about to leave.”

“Great. It’ll only take a minute.”

Sean looked at Charlotte. “I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll meet you out front,” Charlotte responded.

Twenty minutes later, Sean and Charlotte were seated in the back of the limousine.

Sean wondered what was going through Charlotte’s mind. She remained quiet during the trip to her house. He wanted to hold her, but refrained from doing so. The driver pulled up in front of her house.

Sean got out, went to the other side, and held her door open.

Charlotte took his hand and exited the back of the limousine.

“Thank you for the ride home.”

“It’s my pleasure.”

Charlotte began walking, Sean behind her.

“You don’t have to walk me to the door,” Charlotte said.

“I want to make sure you get in safe and secure,” Sean replied.

“Suit yourself.” Charlotte continued to walk up the driveway.

When she reached the front door she fumbled in her purse for her keys.

“I hope you find your keys. We don’t want a repeat of the last time. I don’t have my tools on me.” Sean laughed.

Charlotte dangled the keys out in front of her. “I’m prepared tonight.” She opened the front door and turned around to face him but blocked him from entering. “You have a interview at five on the morning show so you need to go home so you can get some rest.”

“Not without doing this first,” Sean said.

Sean pulled Charlotte into a loving embrace and kissed her passionately.

Charlotte was the first to pull away. “Good night, Sean.”

Sean waited for her to walk inside. Once he heard her lock the door, he walked back to the limousine. Although he wanted to stay, Charlotte was right. If he didn’t go home and get some rest, he would wake up with bags under his eyes and he had to be rested for his interview.

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