Red Hot Revenge (Erotic Romance) (Dominated by the Billionaire) (5 page)

She hadn’t miscalculated. Seconds
later, he all but drilled himself right up into her waiting pussy. First with
shallow, sampling thrusts, feeling his way in with his cap and not much more.
Bella moaned against his lips hungrily. She wanted more. She wanted it all. And
he obliged soon enough as he ground into her without warning, ripping his way
right up to the mouth of her cervix. Now he had his impressive length buried
inside to the hilt, and Bella couldn’t help it, she began to bounce up and down
on him. She had to grip his hair tightly for balance as she fed her pussy with
his blistering baton, hearing him groan out her name. She smiled against his
lips, loving the way his fingertips dug into the softness of her ass as she
pumped herself wantonly on his cock in perfect synchronization with his own
upward thrusts.

Bella couldn’t remember coming so
fast or so hard. It was tsunami-like in its intensity and unexpectedness. She
definitely hadn’t seen it coming. One moment they were fucking each other like
savages, and the next, he lodged his cock right inside that spot that rang all
her bells. She hadn’t even known she had that spot – but damn him, he hit
it good. Her pussy flooded on his cock like a tide, and Bella’s head fell back
as that strange, animalistic sound only he could make her utter burst from her
lips. He held her tightly in place, building his own tempo till he too, pulsed
and roared his release deep inside her like a storm.

Slumping against him, Bella told
herself they were spent – for the moment. Knowing him, he’d pick right up
from where they left off in a few minutes. And already, her greedy pussy was
twitching with the delicious prospect…

* * *

It was the third night.

Strange how they fucked far more
than they talked. No, words were never needed between them. She showed up when
and when he wanted, and then they went at it like wildcats. When it was over,
she never lingered; couldn’t bear to see him gloat that he’d shown her, one
more time, how he could turn her into jelly in his hands. Bella kept telling
herself it was a matter of time and she’ll have him where she wanted him. And
then he would be made to pay back in full for all he’d made her endure….

This time, he’d asked her to meet
him at his office. “I’ll send the staff away a bit early,” he said on the phone
when he called her close to mid-day. Bella was in her own office, trying not to
squirm in her chair as his voice rolled over her like crushed gravel. Hearing
his voice brought to mind every moment of lustful abandon she’d had to share
with him. Was she a fool to be looking forward to more? Silly woman, she chided
herself –
you should be wishing it were over and done with

“Your office?” she repeated, not
really sure she heard right.

“Correct,” he drawled, voice growing
husky with every word. “I guess it’s just one more fantasy I’d like to bring to
life. That’s if you don’t mind.” Now, he had that mocking tone she so hated.
“It’s the last time, after all. Would be a shame to not try out that
horrendously expensive desk of mine. Was wondering when I’d finally get the
chance to put it to proper use.”

Bella gritted her teeth against the
angry retort that hovered on her tongue. Damn him to hell! Nothing mattered to
him but having her at his mercy, taking and taking her till she began to wonder
if he wasn’t getting too much of a bargain out of all this. It had been two
nights already, and yet he’d had her more times than she could count. But then
a voice counseled her into confessing at least to herself that he hadn’t been
the taking.

She made herself say calmly at last
in reply to his last statement, “You know, maybe it is fitting after all, using
your office. I mean, that’s where it started – so I guess it will be only
right that that’s where it should end.”

“And I promise you – you’ll
enjoy it,” he said softly, and hung up before she could say anything more.

Bella’s lips tilted in a humorless
smile as she replaced the receiver.
That’s what you think Jason
, she
mused vengefully…

* * *

“Say it, Bella. For once, I want to
hear you say it.”

Bella shut her eyes against Jason’s
harshly spoken words in her ear. What more could he want, she cried out
inwardly. Here she was, in his office like he’d said. And now, he had her bent
over his desk, her skirt in folds up around her waist, Her bare bottom,
stinging from the last several hard spanks from his palm, was pressed against
his equally naked groin. She could feel his cock, hot and ready, pulsing
between her parted thighs. He had his left hand cupping her breast beneath her
shirt, while his other hand soothed her throbbing ass cheeks. The pain from his
recent smacks still lingered deliciously, and she could hardly wait for him to
claim her as powerfully and surely as he always did.

“Tell me!” he growled, his right
hand leaving her ass to grasp a handful of her long blonde hair, which he
tugged back, making her roots twinge. Bella cried out. “Tell me how much you
want this cock,” he added commandingly.

Bella only shook her head, biting
her lip against the pain in her scalp. It felt so good though, even as it ached
like a thousand pin-pricks.

“No…” she managed, arching her back
as he pulled even harder on her hair, drawing her back till his lips could
trail over her delicate earlobe.

“Your pussy is wetter than it’s ever
been,” he informed her huskily, and she could feel his free hand tapping that
spot down between her ass cheeks where her pussy did all the talking her mouth
wouldn’t do.

“Now tell me these past forty-eight
hours haven’t been the best ever. Tell me my cock doesn’t make you feel better
than you have in years – maybe ever.”

“Just do it, Jason,” she gritted
out, the feel of his fingers stroking along her slick lips almost more than she
could bear. She didn’t want teasing, not now. She wanted that wicked shaft slamming
into her doggy-style, and she wanted it

“Not on your life, Bella,” he said,
his tongue sliding wetly around her dainty ear, making her shiver in arousal.
“My cock’s hard and hungry, but this once I’ll be willing to deprive myself if
you refuse to let go of that damnable feminine pride of yours. You want my cock
in you or what?”

“Yes, I want it in me!” she cried
out at last, half in anger and frustration. Bastard! She fumed: he’d
blackmailed her, and now he wanted to make her beg?
Damn him
, but she’ll
do it if she had to… “Please, Jason; give me your cock,” she added softly, yet

“With pleasure,” he replied on a
growl, satisfaction tingeing his voice. And then he let go of her hair as he
finally took hold of her hips in readiness to enter her waiting cunt.

His hunger for her hadn’t lessened
in the passing days, and hers had only increased. Now, with him taking her from
behind with such strong, almost celebratory thrusts; it felt like he was
setting her pussy ablaze with that cock. Time after time he slammed into her
ass, filling the office with those squelching, slapping sounds that always
spelled out hot, rough sex so well.

Oh. Oh.

She felt each thick-rimmed jab right
against that exquisite spot again. But this time she had more control. Well,
barely. Instead of gushing all over his dick, she held on, dragging on each
thrust of his shaft till her pussy, her whole body, screamed for release. She
felt him reach round from beneath to twirl his thumb over her clit, making it
harder for her to keep her moans at bay. He was bringing her closer to the edge,
and she only hoped she was ready. She hoped to goodness they both were…

It ended up being a long, hard ride
and she loved every second of it. He stoked her up good, enflaming her into the
most explosive climax she’d ever experienced. He was pumping against her ass
and she was pushing right back on his cock as she came with a scream. It was
over – she was done.

Time and space took a while to
jumble back into rightness again. They both seemed to find it harder to ease
back into their calm, collected personas. The words lay unspoken between them
as they straightened their clothes. Bella tried to bring some order back to her
hair, her attire, and her emotions. At last, she faced him, and saw that he
didn’t look so hard and impenetrable as usual.

“Well, Jason,” she said, bracingly.

His lips tilted. “Hardly. I don’t
think a man could ever get enough of you, Bella. I’m sure I can’t. Your ex must
have been a fool.”

She shrugged carelessly. “Doesn’t
matter right now. All I care about is focusing on my business and returning it
to being profitable. But only if I’m sure I’ve finally got you off my back, for

He lifted his hands as if in
surrender. “Hey, a deal’s a deal. I’ve got my three nights. Unless, of
course…you decide that it’s not over and you still want more.” There was a
devilish grin on his handsomely tanned face.

Bella tipped her head, not replying
for a moment. And then she reached for her bag, retrieving her phone. “You know
what, maybe you’re right. It certainly isn’t over. And maybe I do want more.
But not in the way you think.”

He looked quizzical for a moment.
And then she pressed a button on her phone. Suddenly, his voice, and hers
filled the room in the mechanical, recorded tone.

As his words played out in the
otherwise silent office, Jason’s expression changed from surprised to furious.
She merely smiled, looking not in the least perturbed as the conversation
they’d had the following day, when she’d returned to give him her answer,
droned out from the phone.

“If you do what I say, then I’ll
call off the debts. Postpone them till you’ve got ample time to work things
out. How’s that for a fair deal?”

 “Oh, I think you can do better
than that, Jason. For three nights of sex, I want the debts cancelled. All of

 “Making demands now, are we? I
knew you’d want more. Okay, Bella. I’ll give you exactly what you want if you
do the same.  Consider it a deal.”

Bella pressed the “stop” button,
folding her arms as she met his dark gaze squarely. “I’ve got the whole conversation
on tape, Jason. How you coerced me into agreeing to give you three nights of
sex in exchange for help with my debts. How do you think that’s going to look
to your colleagues…your board of directors?”

He chuckled. “You recorded it on
your phone?” he huffed. So what are you going to do now, Bella? Because if
you’ve had that all this while, why didn’t you confront me sooner? Why go along
with everything? Why give yourself to me?”

She shrugged nonchalantly, hiding
her inner turmoil. Well, she had meant to face him with the leverage she’d
managed to gain when she’d come in to see him that second day with her phone on
record. She’d thought up the trap the night before, lying sleepless and
wondering how she could outsmart him. She knew then and there that she could
have taunted him with the truth. But no, she’d decided to play along, wanting
to see where it would lead, and to disgrace him at the most opportune time.
Especially when he’d handed her that black sexy lingerie and ordered her to
wear it and almost nothing else for their meeting later that night. The curious,
sex-starved woman in her had indeed wanted to see what lay in store.

And it was true that at one point,
on that first night, she’d been afraid, and had wanted out. But his masterful
lovemaking had made her finally succumb. And then she couldn’t get enough.

At last, she answered him with cool
disinterest, “It suited me to play along, Jason. Now, however, you’re in my
power. I could bury you with this, make sure your name is dragged through the
mud for using your position to prey on “helpless women like me. Isn’t that what
you said?”

Bella saw him fuming, his ire
growing as his words were thrown back at him. But she was through being intimidated.

“You’re lose your job, your prestige
– and everything that comes with it,” she told him decisively. “And
nothing would please me more than seeing you brought down to the gutter where
you belong.”

He chuckled, but she wondered if the
sound wasn’t a bit too hollow in her ears. “Bella, you amuse me, you know that?
A good lawyer will make it all disappear. In fact, you may just end up charged
with entrapment. None of this is ever going to stick.”

“But it’ll be worth a try, don’t you
think?” she mused, striding up to him with slow, steady steps. Her smile was
somewhat catty. “There’s bound to be
fallback from this. Not to
mention the damage it will do to the reputation of your company, and when
people hear about it, it doesn’t really matter if it ever makes it to court.
People never forget…”

“So what do you want, Bella?” he
asked with a gruff voice, his brows drawn together in a long, black line.

“Revenge? Now it’s your turn,

“Yes,” she said simply, the a
naughty grin spreading over her face as she stood in front of him, hands on her
hips. “And you can only imagine what I have in mind. Starting with you,
tonight, in my bed…”



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